Posted by IceStormWhy would he do that?Posted by nanochip
I was friends with a scorpio woman for years and she tried to sleep with my boyfriend at the time 💀 so in my own experience…. Not so much 🤣
I had the exact same situation with a Gemini woman in my 20s except the roles were reversed.. Lol she slept with my boyfriend I cringe just thinking about it.. she was ugly as hell and carried herself like trash so I shouldn’t have been surprised. 🥴click to expand
Posted by Rainbow87It’s about this and nothing more, nothing less.
The problem is that obviously things got awkward between us after I told him how I felt
Posted by IceStormSame with my Gemini cousin until she had her karma n her husband disclosed having feeling with a relative who never even gave him a reason too like she did to all her friends. I told her I’d never trust her with any of my bfsPosted by nanochip
I was friends with a scorpio woman for years and she tried to sleep with my boyfriend at the time 💀 so in my own experience…. Not so much 🤣
I had the exact same situation with a Gemini woman in my 20s except the roles were reversed.. Lol she slept with my boyfriend I cringe just thinking about it.. she was ugly as hell and carried herself like trash so I shouldn’t have been surprised. 🥴click to expand
Posted by IceStormI had a friend like that in high school, she was a sag. She would purposefully go out of her way to seduce boys with girlfriends. The worst one was a boy who had a pregnant gf in high school, and she knew that and it was her greatest conquest 💀 I think there are a lot of women who feel powerful, like as if they are so sexy and irresistible if they can get a man to cheat. But it’s not hard to get a man to cheat, when the opportunity is right there and so easy.Posted by nanochipPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochip
I was friends with a scorpio woman for years and she tried to sleep with my boyfriend at the time 💀 so in my own experience…. Not so much 🤣
I had the exact same situation with a Gemini woman in my 20s except the roles were reversed.. Lol she slept with my boyfriend I cringe just thinking about it.. she was ugly as hell and carried herself like trash so I shouldn’t have been surprised. 🥴
Why would he do that?
The scorpio woman told me she lost track of her body count in the mid 300s and had been treated for multiple venereal diseases. A self reported “sex addict”, that is to say an understatement…
Yeah that is disgusting 🤮 The 3 of us worked together and she was friendly to my face so she knew I was fighting with him and I found out they slept together when he and I weren’t talking. I went to junior high and high school with her too though and she was always loose and lacked self esteem and used her body (flaunted her ass) to get attention from men.
We were all in our 20s when it happened so he was still kinda young but I’m assuming he just wanted to get his dick wet and he wasn’t getting it from me 😂🤷♀️click to expand
Posted by nanochipAs a sag, I do have a conquest nature to myself in all that I do.Posted by IceStormPosted by nanochipPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochip
I was friends with a scorpio woman for years and she tried to sleep with my boyfriend at the time 💀 so in my own experience…. Not so much 🤣
I had the exact same situation with a Gemini woman in my 20s except the roles were reversed.. Lol she slept with my boyfriend I cringe just thinking about it.. she was ugly as hell and carried herself like trash so I shouldn’t have been surprised. 🥴
Why would he do that?
The scorpio woman told me she lost track of her body count in the mid 300s and had been treated for multiple venereal diseases. A self reported “sex addict”, that is to say an understatement…
Yeah that is disgusting 🤮 The 3 of us worked together and she was friendly to my face so she knew I was fighting with him and I found out they slept together when he and I weren’t talking. I went to junior high and high school with her too though and she was always loose and lacked self esteem and used her body (flaunted her ass) to get attention from men.
We were all in our 20s when it happened so he was still kinda young but I’m assuming he just wanted to get his dick wet and he wasn’t getting it from me 😂🤷♀️
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I had a friend like that in high school, she was a sag. She would purposefully go out of her way to seduce boys with girlfriends. The worst one was a boy who had a pregnant gf in high school, and she knew that and it was her greatest conquest 💀 I think there are a lot of women who feel powerful, like as if they are so sexy and irresistible if they can get a man to cheat. But it’s not hard to get a man to cheat, when the opportunity is right there and so to expand
Posted by IceStormAnything with a pulse 🥴😂Posted by nanochipPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochipPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochip
I was friends with a scorpio woman for years and she tried to sleep with my boyfriend at the time 💀 so in my own experience…. Not so much 🤣
I had the exact same situation with a Gemini woman in my 20s except the roles were reversed.. Lol she slept with my boyfriend I cringe just thinking about it.. she was ugly as hell and carried herself like trash so I shouldn’t have been surprised. 🥴
Why would he do that?
The scorpio woman told me she lost track of her body count in the mid 300s and had been treated for multiple venereal diseases. A self reported “sex addict”, that is to say an understatement…
Yeah that is disgusting 🤮 The 3 of us worked together and she was friendly to my face so she knew I was fighting with him and I found out they slept together when he and I weren’t talking. I went to junior high and high school with her too though and she was always loose and lacked self esteem and used her body (flaunted her ass) to get attention from men.
We were all in our 20s when it happened so he was still kinda young but I’m assuming he just wanted to get his dick wet and he wasn’t getting it from me 😂🤷♀️
I had a friend like that in high school, she was a sag. She would purposefully go out of her way to seduce boys with girlfriends. The worst one was a boy who had a pregnant gf in high school, and she knew that and it was her greatest conquest 💀 I think there are a lot of women who feel powerful, like as if they are so sexy and irresistible if they can get a man to cheat. But it’s not hard to get a man to cheat, when the opportunity is right there and so easy.
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Yeah I heard a quote once that says “women sleep with who we want to, and men sleep with who they can”. Lol and that shit is so real 😂
there are some men who will get it however they can (especially younger, immature men who don’t know any better) and like you said, there are some women who try to use sex to win men over.. and that’s the perfect recipe for an affair or for 2 desperate people to meet halfway lolclick to expand
Posted by IceStormWhy?Posted by nanochipPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochip
I was friends with a scorpio woman for years and she tried to sleep with my boyfriend at the time 💀 so in my own experience…. Not so much 🤣
I had the exact same situation with a Gemini woman in my 20s except the roles were reversed.. Lol she slept with my boyfriend I cringe just thinking about it.. she was ugly as hell and carried herself like trash so I shouldn’t have been surprised. 🥴
Why would he do that?
The scorpio woman told me she lost track of her body count in the mid 300s and had been treated for multiple venereal diseases. A self reported “sex addict”, that is to say an understatement…
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We were all in our 20s when it happened so he was still kinda young but I’m assuming he just wanted to get his dick wet and he wasn’t getting it from me 😂🤷♀️click to expand
Posted by nanochipI notice too that they are not lookers tooPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochipPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochip
I was friends with a scorpio woman for years and she tried to sleep with my boyfriend at the time 💀 so in my own experience…. Not so much 🤣
I had the exact same situation with a Gemini woman in my 20s except the roles were reversed.. Lol she slept with my boyfriend I cringe just thinking about it.. she was ugly as hell and carried herself like trash so I shouldn’t have been surprised. 🥴
Why would he do that?
The scorpio woman told me she lost track of her body count in the mid 300s and had been treated for multiple venereal diseases. A self reported “sex addict”, that is to say an understatement…
Yeah that is disgusting 🤮 The 3 of us worked together and she was friendly to my face so she knew I was fighting with him and I found out they slept together when he and I weren’t talking. I went to junior high and high school with her too though and she was always loose and lacked self esteem and used her body (flaunted her ass) to get attention from men.
We were all in our 20s when it happened so he was still kinda young but I’m assuming he just wanted to get his dick wet and he wasn’t getting it from me 😂🤷♀️
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I had a friend like that in high school, she was a sag. She would purposefully go out of her way to seduce boys with girlfriends. The worst one was a boy who had a pregnant gf in high school, and she knew that and it was her greatest conquest 💀 I think there are a lot of women who feel powerful, like as if they are so sexy and irresistible if they can get a man to cheat. But it’s not hard to get a man to cheat, when the opportunity is right there and so to expand
Posted by IceStormTrue. I like how this turned into a ho threadPosted by Walk_on_byPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochipPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochip
I was friends with a scorpio woman for years and she tried to sleep with my boyfriend at the time 💀 so in my own experience…. Not so much 🤣
I had the exact same situation with a Gemini woman in my 20s except the roles were reversed.. Lol she slept with my boyfriend I cringe just thinking about it.. she was ugly as hell and carried herself like trash so I shouldn’t have been surprised. 🥴
Why would he do that?
The scorpio woman told me she lost track of her body count in the mid 300s and had been treated for multiple venereal diseases. A self reported “sex addict”, that is to say an understatement…
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We were all in our 20s when it happened so he was still kinda young but I’m assuming he just wanted to get his dick wet and he wasn’t getting it from me 😂🤷♀️
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We were fighting about only God knows what? Lol it was 20 years ago.. but I do remember he was a libra so he was probably more compatible with her anyway since they were both air signs 😂😂🤷♀️
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Posted by Walk_on_byPosted by IceStormPosted by Walk_on_byPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochipPosted by IceStormPosted by nanochip
I was friends with a scorpio woman for years and she tried to sleep with my boyfriend at the time 💀 so in my own experience…. Not so much 🤣
I had the exact same situation with a Gemini woman in my 20s except the roles were reversed.. Lol she slept with my boyfriend I cringe just thinking about it.. she was ugly as hell and carried herself like trash so I shouldn’t have been surprised. 🥴
Why would he do that?
The scorpio woman told me she lost track of her body count in the mid 300s and had been treated for multiple venereal diseases. A self reported “sex addict”, that is to say an understatement…
click to expand
We were all in our 20s when it happened so he was still kinda young but I’m assuming he just wanted to get his dick wet and he wasn’t getting it from me 😂🤷♀️
click to expand
We were fighting about only God knows what? Lol it was 20 years ago.. but I do remember he was a libra so he was probably more compatible with her anyway since they were both air signs 😂😂🤷♀️
True. I like how this turned into a ho thread, I attract a lot of women who are in relationships already and idk what they want because I never pursued it but it's probably the same girls lmaoclick to expand
Posted by TXCowboyAgreed.
You expressed feelings he could not reciprocate. He's left and I'm going to bet not coming back.
There's more to this I feel. Heal and move on ASAP.
Posted by alexscariesYeap, this! It's hard to be friends with someone if you know they have feelings for you that aren't felt in return. I'm Scorp Moon, Rising & 8th House Sun, Sorp dominant.. I couldn't stay friends with someone that I knew had feelings for me if I didn't have any in return. I'd feel like I was misleading them or that they were always going to hold on to some hope that the feelings would be requited.
Not a question of loyalty. The dynamic has changed.
Posted by Rainbow87You don’t miss him.
Will I be missed at least??? Ok, granted we won’t be friends or talk anymore. Will he at least miss me as a friend just like I will miss his friendship?
Posted by Rainbow87
Earlier this year I finally confessed my feelings to a Scorpio man. We were really good friends before I told him how I felt.
He would be the one who initiated contact most of the time and even the one who started the friendship. He added me on social media, sent me texts, etc…
The problem is that obviously things got awkward between us after I told him how I felt and he told me he had never been in a similar situation of someone confessing so it took him by surprise and he didn’t know how to react.He rejected me gently because he doesn’t feel the same. I’m sad because he hasn’t reached out ever since and it’s pretty sure because he doesn’t want to lead me on or hurt my feelings.
I’ve heard about Scorpios being the most loyal sign but I don’t know if I lost him as a friend. Are they loyal as friends too besides as partners?Will he stick by my side in the good and the bad even though I messed up and put him in an awkward situation? I’m not talking about now but will he eventually come around at some point and be my friend again? He spoke positive things about me. He said he had a good impression about me right when he met me.
He’s one of the only good friends I have. I’m shy and not a very social person. I miss him and scared I lost him.