Im a taurus woman and My scorpio bf still loves his sagittarius ex!!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Taurus_mystique on Sunday, August 13, 2017 and has 30 replies.

I loved this guy so much... still do even if I hide it so freaking well. We lasted for a year and last week we broke up. Now he blocked me for 3-4 days on whatsapp and last seen in other social media is 1 day ago. His final message in whatsapp is "sorry for blocking you everytime".

He is out of the town studying in a far university.

Okay so 2 weeks ago he and I went out to hang out with our friends (his friends but they are also my friends as well) it was supposed to be an all boy meet up so he went to a friends house by his bike and later one girl joined so they called me over. I was bit late and when I was almost to the park my boyfriend's 5 years ago ex was also in the same place. She was his sweet sixteen, pure, true, cheesy love. He even has a tattoo for her name (he later retattooed it as a design but its still visible)

In short she cheated on him for a richer guy and now she has changed the boys again. However two weeks ago she simply ignored him and friends and went away. I was too late to the scene. When I got there Sagittarius girl was gone.

The whole day I felt like he was treating me like a friend. He kissed me but they were short. I felt the weirdness. Btw I was sick as well. Had cough and was on my period.

On way back home he and I (on his bike) were talking bout things and he told me bout this. And a bit of memories of her. I didnt feel jealous i listened to him cos I knew all he wanted was a good listener. But he were treating me like a friend didnt even kiss me or hug me when he dropped me at my place even if I asked him a kiss. After we got home I texted him bout this and he simply ignored me. I was hurt and I said why do you treat me like im something worthless and then he didnt reply again. That night i got very sick and ended up coughing blood and i was out of social media for 3 days (hospitalized as well). He never called or texted me to check me up.

Cut into short after 3 days i asked him for a break up and he said okay and without fighting for me simply let me go. Iwas hurt and i cried silently. Even if we lasted for a year the affair had so many arguments and break ups but we got back together. But even if It did hurt me I somehow accepted the fact that I cant own his love by force.

He did say lately that even if he loves her he wants me to be his bff and one day when he achieve his goals he would like to marry me ( i know its so jerk of himself) he thinks to get married love is not essential!!

I said no. And f**k off. But later i got pity and said I no longer loves you but i will help you to get that woman out of your mind cos she never loves you anyway ( no behind plans. Just my pure intentions to help him. I dont want to be his wife without his heart. I better die alone than living like that) still I do love him. but not gonna fight for his heart again.

My question is SERIOUSLY how can a sagittarius-scorpio bond be so freaking powerful than a taurus-scorpio magnetic bond?

Im taurus 3rd decan, he a scorpio 3rd decan and she is a sagittarius 1st decan
Posted by Scorpio123
No I agree with the OP, I don't see how a Scorpio would be obsessed with a Saggitarius. They're constantly bouncing off the walls for me.

He sounds so immature though...
Because he can't have the Sag
depends on their placements.

my sister is a sagittarius and she's with a virgo. he is libra dominant though.

so this scorpio man may have libra venus, leo mars or something like that.

and moon in aquarius. which i would totally get alot if the aquarius moon guy is ga-ga over the sagittarius sun girl.

and finds the taurus sun not so good.

although she would be /have some taurus energy somewhere in my opinion

because every scorpio i know loves that taurus energy, or scorpio influenced men.

she could just have a taurus lilith or something.
Posted by Scorpio123
No I agree with the OP, I don't see how a Scorpio would be obsessed with a Saggitarius. They're constantly bouncing off the walls for me.

He sounds so immature though...

Scorpio men love positive women though. (these women get him away from the internal struggle and deep emotions that are churning inside, so he is free and happy when he encounters a woman of love and nurturing and positivity, sunshine and life)

and the story of Persephone and Hades (that's scorpio -- hades) and Persephone is usually in the symbol of virgo.

but virgo sometimes is too critical. (like a virgo venus astrology video i saw)

So, i would say some virgo/pisces axis.
Posted by Taurus_mystique

I loved this guy so much... still do even if I hide it so freaking well. We lasted for a year and last week we broke up. Now he blocked me for 3-4 days on whatsapp and last seen in other social media is 1 day ago. His final message in whatsapp is "sorry for blocking you everytime".

He is out of the town studying in a far university.

Okay so 2 weeks ago he and I went out to hang out with our friends (his friends but they are also my friends as well) it was supposed to be an all boy meet up so he went to a friends house by his bike and later one girl joined so they called me over. I was bit late and when I was almost to the park my boyfriend's 5 years ago ex was also in the same place. She was his sweet sixteen, pure, true, cheesy love. He even has a tattoo for her name (he later retattooed it as a design but its still visible)

In short she cheated on him for a richer guy and now she has changed the boys again. However two weeks ago she simply ignored him and friends and went away. I was too late to the scene. When I got there Sagittarius girl was gone.

The whole day I felt like he was treating me like a friend. He kissed me but they were short. I felt the weirdness. Btw I was sick as well. Had cough and was on my period.

On way back home he and I (on his bike) were talking bout things and he told me bout this. And a bit of memories of her. I didnt feel jealous i listened to him cos I knew all he wanted was a good listener. But he were treating me like a friend didnt even kiss me or hug me when he dropped me at my place even if I asked him a kiss. After we got home I texted him bout this and he simply ignored me. I was hurt and I said why do you treat me like im something worthless and then he didnt reply again. That night i got very sick and ended up coughing blood and i was out of social media for 3 days (hospitalized as well). He never called or texted me to check me up.

Cut into short after 3 days i asked him for a break up and he said okay and without fighting for me simply let me go. Iwas hurt and i cried silently. Even if we lasted for a year the affair had so many arguments and break ups but we got back together. But even if It did hurt me I somehow accepted the fact that I cant own his love by force.

He did say lately that even if he loves her he wants me to be his bff and one day when he achieve his goals he would like to marry me ( i know its so jerk of himself) he thinks to get married love is not essential!!

I said no. And f**k off. But later i got pity and said I no longer loves you but i will help you to get that woman out of your mind cos she never loves you anyway ( no behind plans. Just my pure intentions to help him. I dont want to be his wife without his heart. I better die alone than living like that) still I do love him. but not gonna fight for his heart again.

My question is SERIOUSLY how can a sagittarius-scorpio bond be so freaking powerful than a taurus-scorpio magnetic bond?

Im taurus 3rd decan, he a scorpio 3rd decan and she is a sagittarius 1st decan

i would say, if there's another woman in the scene, i'd forget him.

it's not worth it. Because a man who has a very strong will power will choose who he wants.

Posted by Reincarnation
Posted by Scorpio123
No I agree with the OP, I don't see how a Scorpio would be obsessed with a Saggitarius. They're constantly bouncing off the walls for me.

He sounds so immature though...

I would go for a Taurus over a Sag 999 out of a 1000 times, especially if that Sag lied to me.

Sure he's a Scorp? Lol.
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but you have taurus moon, Scorpio mars, Capricorn venus. I dont see how you would be attracted to a fire sun sign.

I can see Taurus sun for you more, so you'd be more bias. Your energy is more negative.
Posted by Ssuperman
Posted by Scorpio123
No I agree with the OP, I don't see how a Scorpio would be obsessed with a Saggitarius. They're constantly bouncing off the walls for me.

He sounds so immature though...
Because he can't have the Sag
click to expand
You nailed it... he's immature and wants what he cant have.
Posted by TaurusinTexas
Posted by Ssuperman
Posted by Scorpio123
No I agree with the OP, I don't see how a Scorpio would be obsessed with a Saggitarius. They're constantly bouncing off the walls for me.

He sounds so immature though...
Because he can't have the Sag
You nailed it... he's immature and wants what he cant have.
click to expand
Yes ma'am
Here is another reason....

He wants to date her again....

Just so that he can get the satisfaction of kicking her to the side.

Scorps are fixed signs.

They're known for holding on to emotions for a long time.

But the feelings can also manifest to vengefulness....leading to grudges.

They don't forget ANYTHING!

My ex boyfriend was a Scorp. November 16. Third decan as well.

His ex-wife (Capricorn) left him. He fell out of love with her a long time ago.

But when she left him, he just refused to forgive her, even stalked her for a little while, begginig her to come back.

But he found love,and fell in love with someone else.

What can I say about Scorps. It's heaven or hell with them. Nothing in between.

The best advice I can give you, let him reunite with the Sag.

My guess, he will probably be the one to end it.
I agree with everyone. Sounds a bit immature, like he has some plan in the works and that he might even be dragging you along for the ride until he's ready to claim, maybe bury the hatch with the ex or keep you as backup. The part that stuck out to me was that you texted him some of your questions instead of asking outright...I know that's a constant source of annoyance for me with others because I prefer directness and hate how everyone texts instead of calls esp when we were just literally talking a second ago face to face, but moot point aside don't wait for him.

If you're sick, hurting and needing him and he's not there move on. No one is worth that pain. It's not fair for you to go through this. It is never worth it and you can not only do better you can be better. Scorpios are no good until they've learned certain lessons. It's not just about evolving its learning and becoming better as a whole. Take care of yourself and stay out of this mess.
Posted by TaurusBull1977
Here is another reason....

He wants to date her again....

Just so that he can get the satisfaction of kicking her to the side.

Scorps are fixed signs.

They're known for holding on to emotions for a long time.

But the feelings can also manifest to vengefulness....leading to grudges.

They don't forget ANYTHING!

My ex boyfriend was a Scorp. November 16. Third decan as well.

His ex-wife (Capricorn) left him. He fell out of love with her a long time ago.

But when she left him, he just refused to forgive her, even stalked her for a little while, begginig her to come back.

But he found love,and fell in love with someone else.

What can I say about Scorps. It's heaven or hell with them. Nothing in between.

The best advice I can give you, let him reunite with the Sag.

My guess, he will probably be the one to end it.

i like this post but the only thing i didnt like was that why does he (the man in question) has to be demonized??

why can't he just honestly genuinely love someone else??


some men just aren't meant to be.

if he is in love with another woman, let it go.

if he wanted to be with you, he would.

it's terrible, yes, but torturing yourself like this is not good for your health. He isn't the one for you, if there is another woman.

Posted by Ssuperman
Posted by Scorpio123
No I agree with the OP, I don't see how a Scorpio would be obsessed with a Saggitarius. They're constantly bouncing off the walls for me.

He sounds so immature though...
Because he can't have the Sag
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just why not?

everyone else

has had them
Posted by Taurus_mystique
He did say lately that even if he loves her he wants me to be his bff and one day when he achieve his goals he would like to marry me
Is this guy 15 lmao
Posted by neighbor
Posted by Taurus_mystique
He did say lately that even if he loves her he wants me to be his bff and one day when he achieve his goals he would like to marry me
click to expand

OP is a taurus. she didnt sniff out his bullshit.
I am a Sag with Cancer moon and Scorp Venus, He was a Scorp with Cancer moon and Sag Venus.

We had a very good connection, but I got tired of him with all the drama.

He always tried to get back with me too but I would tell him that I was scared of his stinger. I wouldn't fall for it. He also would tell me that when he was with his new Girlfriend (Libra) he would wake up horny and picture me on top of him instead of her.

We used to have amazing sex, and honestly that's all most guys remember about a relationship if the woman was pretty chill and the sex was good.

That Sag girl has moved on, he needs to do the same.
Posted by Taurus_mystique

I loved this guy so much... still do even if I hide it so freaking well. We lasted for a year and last week we broke up. Now he blocked me for 3-4 days on whatsapp and last seen in other social media is 1 day ago. His final message in whatsapp is "sorry for blocking you everytime".

He is out of the town studying in a far university.

Okay so 2 weeks ago he and I went out to hang out with our friends (his friends but they are also my friends as well) it was supposed to be an all boy meet up so he went to a friends house by his bike and later one girl joined so they called me over. I was bit late and when I was almost to the park my boyfriend's 5 years ago ex was also in the same place. She was his sweet sixteen, pure, true, cheesy love. He even has a tattoo for her name (he later retattooed it as a design but its still visible)

In short she cheated on him for a richer guy and now she has changed the boys again. However two weeks ago she simply ignored him and friends and went away. I was too late to the scene. When I got there Sagittarius girl was gone.

The whole day I felt like he was treating me like a friend. He kissed me but they were short. I felt the weirdness. Btw I was sick as well. Had cough and was on my period.

On way back home he and I (on his bike) were talking bout things and he told me bout this. And a bit of memories of her. I didnt feel jealous i listened to him cos I knew all he wanted was a good listener. But he were treating me like a friend didnt even kiss me or hug me when he dropped me at my place even if I asked him a kiss. After we got home I texted him bout this and he simply ignored me. I was hurt and I said why do you treat me like im something worthless and then he didnt reply again. That night i got very sick and ended up coughing blood and i was out of social media for 3 days (hospitalized as well). He never called or texted me to check me up.

Cut into short after 3 days i asked him for a break up and he said okay and without fighting for me simply let me go. Iwas hurt and i cried silently. Even if we lasted for a year the affair had so many arguments and break ups but we got back together. But even if It did hurt me I somehow accepted the fact that I cant own his love by force.

He did say lately that even if he loves her he wants me to be his bff and one day when he achieve his goals he would like to marry me ( i know its so jerk of himself) he thinks to get married love is not essential!!

I said no. And f**k off. But later i got pity and said I no longer loves you but i will help you to get that woman out of your mind cos she never loves you anyway ( no behind plans. Just my pure intentions to help him. I dont want to be his wife without his heart. I better die alone than living like that) still I do love him. but not gonna fight for his heart again.

My question is SERIOUSLY how can a sagittarius-scorpio bond be so freaking powerful than a taurus-scorpio magnetic bond?

Im taurus 3rd decan, he a scorpio 3rd decan and she is a sagittarius 1st decan
I dont think its about his 5 years ago ex Sag.. (it can be, but I dont think really, its an excuse)... its about the OP´s "drama" (sorry to say) - like:

- "was sick as well. Had cough and was on my period. " and

- "That night i got very sick and ended up coughing blood and i was out of social media for 3 days (hospitalized as well). He never called or texted me to check me up. Cut into short after 3 days i asked him for a break up and he said okay "

- "I dont want to be his wife without his heart." - good thing, because he is not going to marry you

He blocked you for a reason... you have to stop beeing so dramatic... just reading your post full of illness tired me

Its not about the Sag, its about you...... he at best pities you... I am so sorry, you are hurting, but you have to stop this whining and negativity.... hug and kiss

scorpio sun/venus/mercury , leo moon, gemini mars here

That magnetic attraction we're supposed to have with Taurus I have with Virgo especially if that Virgo has sag placements.

Honestly, Taurean women are very attractive but there's never a spark there for me.

You should find someone else to entertain you because you're showing him he has the upper hand. Not saying that's healthy behavior from us but I can't lie, it's unattractive to me when I can get away with that shit.
Posted by Pandora101
Posted by Taurus_mystique

I loved this guy so much... still do even if I hide it so freaking well. We lasted for a year and last week we broke up. Now he blocked me for 3-4 days on whatsapp and last seen in other social media is 1 day ago. His final message in whatsapp is "sorry for blocking you everytime".

He is out of the town studying in a far university.

Okay so 2 weeks ago he and I went out to hang out with our friends (his friends but they are also my friends as well) it was supposed to be an all boy meet up so he went to a friends house by his bike and later one girl joined so they called me over. I was bit late and when I was almost to the park my boyfriend's 5 years ago ex was also in the same place. She was his sweet sixteen, pure, true, cheesy love. He even has a tattoo for her name (he later retattooed it as a design but its still visible)

In short she cheated on him for a richer guy and now she has changed the boys again. However two weeks ago she simply ignored him and friends and went away. I was too late to the scene. When I got there Sagittarius girl was gone.

The whole day I felt like he was treating me like a friend. He kissed me but they were short. I felt the weirdness. Btw I was sick as well. Had cough and was on my period.

On way back home he and I (on his bike) were talking bout things and he told me bout this. And a bit of memories of her. I didnt feel jealous i listened to him cos I knew all he wanted was a good listener. But he were treating me like a friend didnt even kiss me or hug me when he dropped me at my place even if I asked him a kiss. After we got home I texted him bout this and he simply ignored me. I was hurt and I said why do you treat me like im something worthless and then he didnt reply again. That night i got very sick and ended up coughing blood and i was out of social media for 3 days (hospitalized as well). He never called or texted me to check me up.

Cut into short after 3 days i asked him for a break up and he said okay and without fighting for me simply let me go. Iwas hurt and i cried silently. Even if we lasted for a year the affair had so many arguments and break ups but we got back together. But even if It did hurt me I somehow accepted the fact that I cant own his love by force.

He did say lately that even if he loves her he wants me to be his bff and one day when he achieve his goals he would like to marry me ( i know its so jerk of himself) he thinks to get married love is not essential!!

I said no. And f**k off. But later i got pity and said I no longer loves you but i will help you to get that woman out of your mind cos she never loves you anyway ( no behind plans. Just my pure intentions to help him. I dont want to be his wife without his heart. I better die alone than living like that) still I do love him. but not gonna fight for his heart again.

My question is SERIOUSLY how can a sagittarius-scorpio bond be so freaking powerful than a taurus-scorpio magnetic bond?

Im taurus 3rd decan, he a scorpio 3rd decan and she is a sagittarius 1st decan
I dont think its about his 5 years ago ex Sag.. (it can be, but I dont think really, its an excuse)... its about the OP´s "drama" (sorry to say) - like:

- "was sick as well. Had cough and was on my period. " and

- "That night i got very sick and ended up coughing blood and i was out of social media for 3 days (hospitalized as well). He never called or texted me to check me up. Cut into short after 3 days i asked him for a break up and he said okay "

- "I dont want to be his wife without his heart." - good thing, because he is not going to marry you

He blocked you for a reason... you have to stop beeing so dramatic... just reading your post full of illness tired me

Its not about the Sag, its about you...... he at best pities you... I am so sorry, you are hurting, but you have to stop this whining and negativity.... hug and kiss

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Im soooo sorry if i made you soooo tiring but sadly I had to say almost everything in detail so I can get some real idea from people here. I had to mention about my illness because it was the ultimate situation that I realized he didnt give a f**k about me but himself.

Maybe I can be dramatic but I can say he is more! Again very sorry for making you tired and thanks for your opinion friend ?

Thanks all of you for your opinions. And yeah as some of you mentioned he told me something like taking a revenge thing. I asked him what do you exactly want from her and he said " I want make her regret,i want to be very successful and take her to my side and dump her"

But the thing is even if he say so he acted so immature posting emotional stuff on his whatsapp status. Like missing her, missing true love and sh*ts lol

Thats when I started to doubt about his true plans. As I assumed he wants a revenge but still deeeeeeeep inside he loves her and find hard letting her go. Thats when the real question of this thread "how a scorpio can be so attracted to a sagittarius" came.

Thanks again for everyone of you. ?
Sounds like to me he is just done.... I don't think it has anything to do with another woman ... That's your insecurity to be honest... He may just be tired of you... And wants something different in life.... You saying how could he be into a Sagittarius says it all... Very insecure ... That could be why he bounced ...
There is something new I have to tell you guys btw. Today I went to hangout with one of my guy best friends. To have a drink and talk about each others problems. (Aquarius sun guy) He and I spent the day morning to evening. in the afternoon my scorpio guy texted me saying " hi friend"

I didnt reply right away just didnt want to ruin the nice talk with all the mess. After like five mins he called me and I didnt answer. Then I replied "ahh friend"

He replied right away " just called you checking whether you are doing good or not"

I said "im doing f**king awesome. Thanks!"

He said " you are welcome"

I didnt reply i simply went to check social media and saw that he unblocked me on whatsapp (after taking 3-4 days)

Has liked all my recent posts on facebook in a row. And even has shared "tag your queen" post on my wall. ?

so with my bestie I took some selfies and put an instagram story. Scorpio bf replied to it right away saying "awsh too close right" I said "friend" (He knows that guy by name)

I posted an instagram picture with my friend and scorpio bf was the first or second one to like and right away commented "beautiful"

(I was honestly looking good there ?. I had my scorpio guy's favorite hair style : a bump with a french braid.)

Thats it then.. he disappeared again (probably busy schedule at university)

I know. He is very confusing ?
Posted by Bottabing
Sounds like to me he is just done.... I don't think it has anything to do with another woman ... That's your insecurity to be honest... He may just be tired of you... And wants something different in life.... You saying how could he be into a Sagittarius says it all... Very insecure ... That could be why he bounced ...
Maybe yeah. He was behaving all weird since a long time mentioning his this ex sagittarius girl. Months ago he honestly FORCED me to be kinda like her too. When I said I cant (sag girl and I are very different) he simply changed and actually broke up with me. I thought we were done. And few days later he was again on his knees begging to be with him even when I seriously said I just cant give you another chance! But in the end I did lol.

Btw not again. Just tired of this bullsh*t already. Gonna keep him as a friend.
Posted by Taurus_mystique

I loved this guy so much... still do even if I hide it so freaking well. We lasted for a year and last week we broke up. Now he blocked me for 3-4 days on whatsapp and last seen in other social media is 1 day ago. His final message in whatsapp is "sorry for blocking you everytime".

He is out of the town studying in a far university.

Okay so 2 weeks ago he and I went out to hang out with our friends (his friends but they are also my friends as well) it was supposed to be an all boy meet up so he went to a friends house by his bike and later one girl joined so they called me over. I was bit late and when I was almost to the park my boyfriend's 5 years ago ex was also in the same place. She was his sweet sixteen, pure, true, cheesy love. He even has a tattoo for her name (he later retattooed it as a design but its still visible)

In short she cheated on him for a richer guy and now she has changed the boys again. However two weeks ago she simply ignored him and friends and went away. I was too late to the scene. When I got there Sagittarius girl was gone.

The whole day I felt like he was treating me like a friend. He kissed me but they were short. I felt the weirdness. Btw I was sick as well. Had cough and was on my period.

On way back home he and I (on his bike) were talking bout things and he told me bout this. And a bit of memories of her. I didnt feel jealous i listened to him cos I knew all he wanted was a good listener. But he were treating me like a friend didnt even kiss me or hug me when he dropped me at my place even if I asked him a kiss. After we got home I texted him bout this and he simply ignored me. I was hurt and I said why do you treat me like im something worthless and then he didnt reply again. That night i got very sick and ended up coughing blood and i was out of social media for 3 days (hospitalized as well). He never called or texted me to check me up.

Cut into short after 3 days i asked him for a break up and he said okay and without fighting for me simply let me go. Iwas hurt and i cried silently. Even if we lasted for a year the affair had so many arguments and break ups but we got back together. But even if It did hurt me I somehow accepted the fact that I cant own his love by force.

He did say lately that even if he loves her he wants me to be his bff and one day when he achieve his goals he would like to marry me ( i know its so jerk of himself) he thinks to get married love is not essential!!

I said no. And f**k off. But later i got pity and said I no longer loves you but i will help you to get that woman out of your mind cos she never loves you anyway ( no behind plans. Just my pure intentions to help him. I dont want to be his wife without his heart. I better die alone than living like that) still I do love him. but not gonna fight for his heart again.

My question is SERIOUSLY how can a sagittarius-scorpio bond be so freaking powerful than a taurus-scorpio magnetic bond?

Im taurus 3rd decan, he a scorpio 3rd decan and she is a sagittarius 1st decan
Lol. Only a Taurus!
Posted by Taurus_mystique
There is something new I have to tell you guys btw. Today I went to hangout with one of my guy best friends. To have a drink and talk about each others problems. (Aquarius sun guy) He and I spent the day morning to evening. in the afternoon my scorpio guy texted me saying " hi friend"

I didnt reply right away just didnt want to ruin the nice talk with all the mess. After like five mins he called me and I didnt answer. Then I replied "ahh friend"

He replied right away " just called you checking whether you are doing good or not"

I said "im doing f**king awesome. Thanks!"

He said " you are welcome"

I didnt reply i simply went to check social media and saw that he unblocked me on whatsapp (after taking 3-4 days)

Has liked all my recent posts on facebook in a row. And even has shared "tag your queen" post on my wall. ?

so with my bestie I took some selfies and put an instagram story. Scorpio bf replied to it right away saying "awsh too close right" I said "friend" (He knows that guy by name)

I posted an instagram picture with my friend and scorpio bf was the first or second one to like and right away commented "beautiful"

(I was honestly looking good there ?. I had my scorpio guy's favorite hair style : a bump with a french braid.)

Thats it then.. he disappeared again (probably busy schedule at university)

I know. He is very confusing ?

Stop with this mess.

My head is hurting from reading all of this.

This sounds like a man who can't grow the fuck up.

Oh, you break up and suddenly he's interested again? Commenting and tagging and shit?

Getting jealous over what he may perceive as a new man in your life?

Sounds like he gets irked about what he can't have.

And that sweetie, is really fucking childish.

Get you a real man who will love, respect, cherish, and adore you. And will put you first.

And this is coming from a Scorpio Venus in the 12th and rising, who is currently dating a Scorpio sun, rising, and Mars in the 1st.

I've seen REAL Scorpios.

You won't ever doubt their feelings for you, because even if it's not said, it's shown.

Leave this clown alone.

He has some growing up to do.

That's my 2 cents. Take it or leave it.
Posted by shaymaci
Posted by Taurus_mystique
There is something new I have to tell you guys btw. Today I went to hangout with one of my guy best friends. To have a drink and talk about each others problems. (Aquarius sun guy) He and I spent the day morning to evening. in the afternoon my scorpio guy texted me saying " hi friend"

I didnt reply right away just didnt want to ruin the nice talk with all the mess. After like five mins he called me and I didnt answer. Then I replied "ahh friend"

He replied right away " just called you checking whether you are doing good or not"

I said "im doing f**king awesome. Thanks!"

He said " you are welcome"

I didnt reply i simply went to check social media and saw that he unblocked me on whatsapp (after taking 3-4 days)

Has liked all my recent posts on facebook in a row. And even has shared "tag your queen" post on my wall. ?

so with my bestie I took some selfies and put an instagram story. Scorpio bf replied to it right away saying "awsh too close right" I said "friend" (He knows that guy by name)

I posted an instagram picture with my friend and scorpio bf was the first or second one to like and right away commented "beautiful"

(I was honestly looking good there ?. I had my scorpio guy's favorite hair style : a bump with a french braid.)

Thats it then.. he disappeared again (probably busy schedule at university)

I know. He is very confusing ?

Stop with this mess.

My head is hurting from reading all of this.

This sounds like a man who can't grow the fuck up.

Oh, you break up and suddenly he's interested again? Commenting and tagging and shit?

Getting jealous over what he may perceive as a new man in your life?

Sounds like he gets irked about what he can't have.

And that sweetie, is really fucking childish.

Get you a real man who will love, respect, cherish, and adore you. And will put you first.

And this is coming from a Scorpio Venus in the 12th and rising, who is currently dating a Scorpio sun, rising, and Mars in the 1st.

I've seen REAL Scorpios.

You won't ever doubt their feelings for you, because even if it's not said, it's shown.

Leave this clown alone.

He has some growing up to do.

That's my 2 cents. Take it or leave it.
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Thank you darling... and yeah not gonna get into this mess again. ❤️

Posted by shaymaci
Posted by Taurus_mystique
There is something new I have to tell you guys btw. Today I went to hangout with one of my guy best friends. To have a drink and talk about each others problems. (Aquarius sun guy) He and I spent the day morning to evening. in the afternoon my scorpio guy texted me saying " hi friend"

I didnt reply right away just didnt want to ruin the nice talk with all the mess. After like five mins he called me and I didnt answer. Then I replied "ahh friend"

He replied right away " just called you checking whether you are doing good or not"

I said "im doing f**king awesome. Thanks!"

He said " you are welcome"

I didnt reply i simply went to check social media and saw that he unblocked me on whatsapp (after taking 3-4 days)

Has liked all my recent posts on facebook in a row. And even has shared "tag your queen" post on my wall. ?

so with my bestie I took some selfies and put an instagram story. Scorpio bf replied to it right away saying "awsh too close right" I said "friend" (He knows that guy by name)

I posted an instagram picture with my friend and scorpio bf was the first or second one to like and right away commented "beautiful"

(I was honestly looking good there ?. I had my scorpio guy's favorite hair style : a bump with a french braid.)

Thats it then.. he disappeared again (probably busy schedule at university)

I know. He is very confusing ?

Stop with this mess.

My head is hurting from reading all of this.

This sounds like a man who can't grow the fuck up.

Oh, you break up and suddenly he's interested again? Commenting and tagging and shit?

Getting jealous over what he may perceive as a new man in your life?

Sounds like he gets irked about what he can't have.

And that sweetie, is really fucking childish.

Get you a real man who will love, respect, cherish, and adore you. And will put you first.

And this is coming from a Scorpio Venus in the 12th and rising, who is currently dating a Scorpio sun, rising, and Mars in the 1st.

I've seen REAL Scorpios.

You won't ever doubt their feelings for you, because even if it's not said, it's shown.

Leave this clown alone.

He has some growing up to do.

That's my 2 cents. Take it or leave it.
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She's so right.
Posted by TaurusBull1977
Here is another reason....

He wants to date her again....

Just so that he can get the satisfaction of kicking her to the side.

Scorps are fixed signs.

They're known for holding on to emotions for a long time.

But the feelings can also manifest to vengefulness....leading to grudges.

They don't forget ANYTHING!

My ex boyfriend was a Scorp. November 16. Third decan as well.

His ex-wife (Capricorn) left him. He fell out of love with her a long time ago.

But when she left him, he just refused to forgive her, even stalked her for a little while, begginig her to come back.

But he found love,and fell in love with someone else.

What can I say about Scorps. It's heaven or hell with them. Nothing in between.

The best advice I can give you, let him reunite with the Sag.

My guess, he will probably be the one to end it.

I'm Scorp, this was me in my younger days. Not after every break up but one or two significant ones where I perceived the loss of love far greater than it actually was. In reality, it was a shite relationship anyway. It took a while to get over it but I found someone else far better and never looked back.

Forget this guy. You're 22. You have another five to ten years or more to find a better partner, and learn to be a better partner.

We scorpios don't know how to break things up. We can stay in a relationship if the person is showing us that they are willing to work things out but if you suggest to break up with us then we will leave without hesitation. We're very black & white. I personally do not like it when people leave me in the grey area as I see you are just putting me as an option. That's probably why I don't go back to my ex's and block them immediately cause they beg and never respect my space. Tongue
Posted by itssaucy
I'll tell you why...

Its his sweet love. It will always be his sweet love. His idea of love is created around her.

Im a Scorpio and my first, sweet and only love was a Sag. I was in love with him most of my life and he was totally in love with me too but he's a hoe and cheated on me. Still my love and loyalty were too strong bc us Scorpios are all mush and romance inside. Fuck us over and its why our reaction is so strong and violent, bc we are mush. He then proceeds to beg for me for 10 years, but he cheated, I can't do it. I kept his gifts and love letters 10 years after we broke up. My heart and mind belong to him for that entire time even though we were apart.

I dated guys after him and no one was like him UNTIL I met a Taurus man. After 11-12 years I finally met someone who brought me back to my sweet sweet love and I was hooked. But the dynamic was different, and you, Taurus are stubborn and you don't budge. You don't open up and think outside the box, where Sag, their mind is beyond what you see. Very essential for connection. Last Taurus are the worst communicators, and that alone is enough to piss a Scorpio off. Taurus takes too long to show their inner mush, and that prevents vulnerability, intimacy, and connection which is key for a Scorpio to fall in love.

Moral of the story, Taurus connection is intense but the loyalty of the heart rules over everything for a Scorpio. You cannot compete with his sweet love and if he is "talking" to you about her, you are doomed. Once you are set as a friend, thats all you will be.

Im so glad that I met you, someone who has experienced the same but in a scorpion view.

yes you are correct. At first this scorpio was totally in love with me and hell I felt it. Even his friends said that i must be the one. But yeah... I was insecured when he tried to change me and probably my scorpio moon acted its secretive behavior. and slow opening up, giving him space and dont worst communication.. i agree with that.

Im telling you... right now he is again at me, trying to get back to me. He got another girl a Libra sun. actually that girl is his lab partner and she chased the scorpio man. He didnt love him (i saw her and she is not his type) but he kept her to do his study stuff. It lasted for few weeks (after i broke up with him) now she is eating his head and he is crying saying he cant do studies cos of this headache and he wants to meet me. He is begging saying he wants me. I have no love for him but he loves "my love for him" so he scared of losing me now. Idk what to do.. i have no lovefor him anymore. He doomed my self respect, but i feel sad as a human and i know he is suffering from emotional pain.

However thank you very much for your opinion. And it is really helpful ? i learned and realized my mistakes from your comment.