does/has anyone suffered from the scorpio vice of jealousy? if you have and no longer do, what has helped you in sustaining your jealously? i find myself in conflict with this and its such a struggle to tame-just lookin' for some advice...thanks!
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
For some reason I am not the jealous scorpio kind per se. I don't seem to have this problem at all but it might be because of all the fire and air in my zodiac chart. However, scorp men are extremely jealous. I am jealous with reason. If my mate spends most his time with friends rather than split it with me, as normally most would spend more with the object of affection. I understand everyone is different and actions, speak louder than words. I can just feel when someone really loves me. I am normally correct.
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Oct 03, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
mon amour! vous etes beaux dans ces vetements. Envoyez moi votre photo?
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Oct 03, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
I hope I said that right. Had to call my sister to figure out how to ask that properly.
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Oct 03, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
"if you have and no longer do, what has helped you in sustaining your jealously?"
A woman changes the man, Bebe. I have been jealous and posessive of everyone I've been with due to suspicion. There was a time when I placed a GPS on the bottom of one of my ex's car. I am a firm believer in two things when it comes to relationships.
1. Suspicion is not proof. If you suspect cheating but have no proof then there is no room for getting angry. There is only room for investigation.
2. Don't be a doormat. You can't let anyone do that to you and action needs to be taken.
I am bringing up cheating because that is what most people question when they are posessive. When they are jealous it can be either insecurity in yourself or disbelief and mistrust in your partner. (Much like being posessive).
I didn't actually get mad at this girl at all. I followed her to where the GPS told me to go and it wasn't where she said she was going which was the number one clue and was at a home. That was not enough evidence for me. I waited there and waited and waited... I didn't stop waiting until the next morning when I saw her getting out. Another man walked her to her car.
I knew if I questioned the girl she would probably lie so I stopped him and asked him. I wont go into details but I found out he was her new fuck buddy. I was more hurt than anything. Women that age (18 at the time) are more into "exploring" and "fun" and less into loyalty which is another reason why I favour older women.
To put it simply, Bebe, jealousy comes from past experiances more than anything. A lot of people will tell you it is an insecurity though. I don't believe that.
But I've overcome it. I grew up and this is still new to me, trust. I know everyone's tired of me building her up but Roxi helped me with this. I don't worry about it because if you can be non-suffocating and let her be free and do what she wants then she will keep coming back to you and you will always be number one to her.
I think that road is more peaceful and more important. Strive yourself to be a better person. I'm not one for cop-outs but the truth is you just need not to think about it.
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Oct 03, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
It's the truth though! Wouldn't you think that was necessary? Probably not lol...
sorry for such a late reply, but i do appreciate what all of you have contributed...i'd like to think that i wasnt a jealous person, which i think i wasnt exactly, i agree with what QS and Roxi has said, if there was just reason for jealously, yeah, id get hit with the greeneye, yet felt able to control it beyond the on to scorpius' comments- very thorough and much appreciated, i love hearing a mans point of view, b/c as women are hard to decipher, so are men and any male input is helpful.."jealousy comes from past experiences more than anything. A lot of people will tell you it is an insecurity though. I don't believe that." tis true, tis true-i have definitely obtained this issue of jealously purely b/c of past experiences that have gone unsettled, not my doing, HIS doing-stupid shit and doesnt want to talk about it, so now am i insecure? i'd say that yes i am, but oddly enough i only feel this insecurity when around HIM and no body else, why? b/c ive given my all, and scorpios are giving and passionate to whom they are giving to, anyway, i take pride in my sexuality, what scorpio wouldnt, we're the best at what we do, so i give all in sex, in relationship, im a provider, and in his return, behind my back, he fell victim to internet filth and made it a constant in his routine, i understand a mans need of release, but when it comes to replacing me with that, its insulting and hurtful, so my insecurity comes from not "living up" to such standards? should i feel better about myself if i were to present myself as online trash? eff no! i'd say that i would be taking steps backward if that were the case...i dont know, just trying to figure it all out.."I think that road is more peaceful and more important. Strive yourself to be a better person. I'm not one for cop-outs but the truth is you just need not to think about it." this is true as well, im working on it, i feel as though im a good person with good heart, but this computer has bad stigma, and it works its way back into my thoughts...
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
I don't believe in following or investigating adults. If they want to cheat they will, and believe me it will come out soon enough. If I have a reason (only that gutt feeling) then I will will be inclined to find out. Otherwise. No harm, no foul. I hate for others to be possessive and jealous with me. I am a people person and have more male friends than female actually. I have been this way all my life. Less drama with male friends. LOL!