Posted by Rabbit
Jealousy is rooted in your own insecurities, as is mistrust.
Someone making a comment about a celebrity they see in a movie or on television shouldn't trigger jealousy in you unless you're already insecure about yourself.
I mean really? So my wife drools over Timothy Olyphant while watching Justified. I don't blame her! Am I worried? Why? Is she going to run off with him?
Posted by CancerOnTheCuspPosted by Rabbit
Jealousy is rooted in your own insecurities, as is mistrust.
Someone making a comment about a celebrity they see in a movie or on television shouldn't trigger jealousy in you unless you're already insecure about yourself.
I mean really? So my wife drools over Timothy Olyphant while watching Justified. I don't blame her! Am I worried? Why? Is she going to run off with him?
Oh, I see you haven't seen today's tabloid article on Timothy Olyphant and his new mystery to expand
Posted by IrresistableScorpPosted by beggarsblanket
If 2 people are passionate about each other, they won't flirt with other people when they are out together. It just kills it all for me when I start thinking I'm just a girl he is dating. It goes from 100 to 0 just like that.
Talking is not flirting. Trust me, I'm a Scorp. I know what can happen when my guy is talking to another woman--OH the active imagination! However, talking is not flirting. Just keep saying that to expand
Posted by TheProphetProdigy
A little jealousy won't hurt anybody. I peronally think its cute if a females gets jealous from time to time, its going to the extreme with the jealousy that would make me do the virgo disappearing act.
Posted by IrresistableScorpPosted by beggarsblanketPosted by IrresistableScorpPosted by beggarsblanket
If 2 people are passionate about each other, they won't flirt with other people when they are out together. It just kills it all for me when I start thinking I'm just a girl he is dating. It goes from 100 to 0 just like that.
Talking is not flirting. Trust me, I'm a Scorp. I know what can happen when my guy is talking to another woman--OH the active imagination! However, talking is not flirting. Just keep saying that mantra.
Ok, so when is that line crossed then ?In my case, this girl came up to talk to him and I was standing right there beside him and he was like ' Omg are your eyes greeeen ? ' somewhere along the conversation, so I was like 'okiee' and stormed off into the club and he came back after me and sat me down after I refused to dance with him. He said it was ridiculous and he should be free to flirt with other girls but he was the one who got jealous when he saw there was some chemistry between me and one of his close buddies the previous week. I was just talking and laughing with this guy and he was all ' are you hitting on him ?'
Milking chemistry with another person is not just talking. So that sounds like actual flirting to me and to make your boyfriend jealous just because he noticed a woman had green eyes? Oh sister...sigh.
Green eyes to expand
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Beggars--are you talking about a Cancer there? Because if you are--you are both engaging in The Escalation of Mirroring Bad Behavior. Its not pretty. Someone has to stop it or the damn thing will spiral out of control.
Posted by TheProphetProdigy
I have a scorpio moon hope that counts.
Posted by TheProphetProdigyPosted by DMV
i think a bit of jealousy, mindfucking, possessiveness is healthy and shows you care.
i get very territorial. very. even over my friends and im not sleeping with them.
i dont like to share because im afraid something ive said in trust will come out. i dont trust people to leave them to the own devices.
lol territorial? like a wolf marking its property?click to expand
Posted by tiziani
I don't even know if I have flirted with others in front of my ex girlfriends. Sometimes I am completely focused on having a good time with her so I can see your point.
Frankly though, I like the evenings where she can be independent, go around and mingle with everyone. Then at the end of the night you get to know each other like it was the first time all over again. You have to have that freedom imo. Being someone's possession can really kill passion dead for me.
Posted by TheProphetProdigyPosted by DMVPosted by TheProphetProdigyPosted by DMV
i think a bit of jealousy, mindfucking, possessiveness is healthy and shows you care.
i get very territorial. very. even over my friends and im not sleeping with them.
i dont like to share because im afraid something ive said in trust will come out. i dont trust people to leave them to the own devices.
lol territorial? like a wolf marking its property?
YES! shit gets real sometimes where i seriously have to take a walk. OP, says 0 to 100. i can relate.
ive seen red, green, purple, polka dots. ive gone deaf witnessing some shit. outer body experience.
lol to me sags are naturally hot headed IMO. my oldest sister is a sag and so is my cousin and they're about 2 weeks apart. quick tempered, loud and the combination of words they use when they're angry is to expand
Posted by TheProphetProdigy
@beggarsblanket thats a little extreme lol. IMO i think only 2 things can stop a man from watching porn.
Posted by TheProphetProdigy
A mans daughter would make him stop watching porn. Second is time, once it stops working there is no need to keep teasing yourself lmao thats just me joking around.
Posted by IrresistableScorpPosted by beggarsblanket
If 2 people are passionate about each other, they won't flirt with other people when they are out together. It just kills it all for me when I start thinking I'm just a girl he is dating. It goes from 100 to 0 just like that.
Talking is not flirting. Trust me, I'm a Scorp. I know what can happen when my guy is talking to another woman--OH the active imagination! However, talking is not flirting. Just keep saying that to expand
Posted by Piscesdream89
I don't think Pisces have jealously traits. I think they just get hurt all the time, even when they don't know why.
Posted by atearthPosted by IrresistableScorpPosted by beggarsblanket
If 2 people are passionate about each other, they won't flirt with other people when they are out together. It just kills it all for me when I start thinking I'm just a girl he is dating. It goes from 100 to 0 just like that.
Talking is not flirting. Trust me, I'm a Scorp. I know what can happen when my guy is talking to another woman--OH the active imagination! However, talking is not flirting. Just keep saying that mantra.
Reminds me that saying "Your soul is mine" and "I have you now" can be both evil and romantic depending on the tone.
click to expand
Posted by TheProphetProdigyPosted by DMVPosted by TheProphetProdigy
I have a scorpio moon hope that counts.
can u elaborate?
Not really lol I honestly don't know jack shit about astrology. I only put it there because it's a scorpio to expand
Posted by Rabbit
Jealousy is rooted in your own insecurities, as is mistrust.
Someone making a comment about a celebrity they see in a movie or on television shouldn't trigger jealousy in you unless you're already insecure about yourself.
Posted by beggarsblanket
You guys are right. But in my case, these guys were jealous first over nothing. There is the problem.
Posted by IrresistableScorpPosted by beggarsblanket
If 2 people are passionate about each other, they won't flirt with other people when they are out together. It just kills it all for me when I start thinking I'm just a girl he is dating. It goes from 100 to 0 just like that.
However, talking is not to expand
Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by beggarsblanket
You guys are right. But in my case, these guys were jealous first over nothing. There is the problem.
So, you're saying you caught it? Like a cold?
What's your point exactly? You are in control of your emotions. Anything after "but" is a lot of excused and to expand
Posted by TheProphetProdigy
A little jealousy won't hurt anybody. I peronally think its cute if a females gets jealous from time to time, its going to the extreme with the jealousy that would make me do the virgo disappearing act.
Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by IrresistableScorpPosted by beggarsblanket
If 2 people are passionate about each other, they won't flirt with other people when they are out together. It just kills it all for me when I start thinking I'm just a girl he is dating. It goes from 100 to 0 just like that.
However, talking is not flirting.
Then you're doing it wrong.
I kid! I kid!....well sort to expand
Posted by TheProphetProdigy
@DMV not sure to be honest, usually when one of my ex's was getting hit on by another guy another female would do it to me and most like my ex would be the one pissed. I never got into any fights because of jealousy or breakups because I'm the one that makes jokes to ease the tension.
Posted by beggarsblanketPosted by PhoenixRisingPosted by beggarsblanket
You guys are right. But in my case, these guys were jealous first over nothing. There is the problem.
So, you're saying you caught it? Like a cold?
What's your point exactly? You are in control of your emotions. Anything after "but" is a lot of excused and denial.
Especially with my cancer ex what I did was I started projecting the way he thinks. I can tolerate many things. If there is something he can't tolerate, he shouldn't be expecting tolerance from me either. He had double standards. He could drool over anyone he sees on tv, but when it came to me wearing a sexy dress and getting a little attention he would freak out.
click to expand
(I was going to wait to see if this was addressed, but....)
Posted by beggarsblanketPosted by IrresistableScorpPosted by beggarsblanket
If 2 people are passionate about each other, they won't flirt with other people when they are out together. It just kills it all for me when I start thinking I'm just a girl he is dating. It goes from 100 to 0 just like that.
Talking is not flirting. Trust me, I'm a Scorp. I know what can happen when my guy is talking to another woman--OH the active imagination! However, talking is not flirting. Just keep saying that mantra.
Ok, so when is that line crossed then ?In my case, this girl came up to talk to him and I was standing right there beside him and he was like ' Omg are your eyes greeeen ? ' somewhere along the conversation, so I was like 'okiee' and stormed off into the club and he came back after me and sat me down after I refused to dance with him. He said it was ridiculous and he should be free to flirt with other girls but he was the one who got jealous when he saw there was some chemistry between me and one of his close buddies the previous week. I was just talking and laughing with this guy and he was all ' are you hitting on him ?'
click to expand
How exactly is this^^^ flirting? And your reaction?!....Hmmmm well, I think you are being easily triggered/set off and your reactions don't allow for any real growth. You're having a tantrum (sorry you are) and he's coddling you. Had that been me, I would have let you stomp off until you cooled down and were ready to talk to me about the issue. If not, *shrug* stay mad. I would re-read Rabbit's post again. You're the common denominator here.
Posted by tiziani
Frankly though, I like the evenings where she can be independent, go around and mingle with everyone. Then at the end of the night you get to know each other like it was the first time all over again. You have to have that freedom imo. Being someone's possession can really kill passion dead for me.
Posted by Andalusia
I can be a bit possessive and as such, I do well with partners that are the same way.
Once you fuck with me you are stuck with me, so you'd better be "boning to own"...
Posted by DMV
what worries me is when my mate likes someone who looks nothing like me.
Posted by beggarsblanket
Like I said, he would also check out women on the street and comment on them too.
Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by Andalusia
I can be a bit possessive and as such, I do well with partners that are the same way.
Once you fuck with me you are stuck with me, so you'd better be "boning to own"...
LOL! Quote worthy.
....who knew M&Ms was so.....intense........?click to expand
Posted by beggarsblanket
Phoenix- what would make you jealous ?You sound like you wouldn't care unless your bf is making out or having sex with another girl.
Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by beggarsblanket
Phoenix- what would make you jealous ?You sound like you wouldn't care unless your bf is making out or having sex with another girl.
LOL, then you misread my post. Caring and reacting are two different things. I can be quite jealous and I do react sometimes, but perhaps my pride makes it difficult for me to act the fool---not saying that you are acting like a fool.
As Rabbit stated, jealousy is rooted in insecurity, so anything that plays on that creates an issue for me emotionally. If I feel puffy because I was PMSing and my SO was talking to a woman I could see that getting under my skin, even if she was only remotely attractive. Another day when I'm feeling like the hottest b*tch alive, I wouldn't bat an eyelash. Jealousy isn't static for me. It changes as I do, so it's hard to give you a definitive answer. There are a few things that get an emotional response out of me that is perceived as jealousy and usually it is something else (e.g. feeling disrespected).click to expand
Posted by beggarsblanket
You know what ?
I think they both totally deserved it. Am I supposed to teach them how to treat their girlfriend ?
Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by DMV
what worries me is when my mate likes someone who looks nothing like me.
Why? Are you only attracted to one type of man?click to expand
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