Jealousy makes so much sense

Do you agree ? When do you get jealous of your gf/bf the most ? I'd like to rant about my sick scorpio thoughts on th...

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by beggarsblanket on Monday, January 27, 2014 and has 63 replies.
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Posted by TheProphetProdigy
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by beggarsblanket
Phoenix- what would make you jealous ? Big Grin You sound like you wouldn't care unless your bf is making out or having sex with another girl.

LOL, then you misread my post. Caring and reacting are two different things. I can be quite jealous and I do react sometimes, but perhaps my pride makes it difficult for me to act the fool---not saying that you are acting like a fool.
As Rabbit stated, jealousy is rooted in insecurity, so anything that plays on that creates an issue for me emotionally. If I feel puffy because I was PMSing and my SO was talking to a woman I could see that getting under my skin, even if she was only remotely attractive. Another day when I'm feeling like the hottest b*tch alive, I wouldn't bat an eyelash. Jealousy isn't static for me. It changes as I do, so it's hard to give you a definitive answer. There are a few things that get an emotional response out of me that is perceived as jealousy and usually it is something else (e.g. feeling disrespected).

lmao a every mans weakness, a females mood swings. only joking please to kill me.
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*add Prophet to hit list*.....naw, we're good Winking
Posted by LilliLou
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by beggarsblanket
Phoenix- what would make you jealous ? Big Grin You sound like you wouldn't care unless your bf is making out or having sex with another girl.

LOL, then you misread my post. Caring and reacting are two different things. I can be quite jealous and I do react sometimes, but perhaps my pride makes it difficult for me to act the fool---not saying that you are acting like a fool.
As Rabbit stated, jealousy is rooted in insecurity, so anything that plays on that creates an issue for me emotionally. If I feel puffy because I was PMSing and my SO was talking to a woman I could see that getting under my skin, even if she was only remotely attractive. Another day when I'm feeling like the hottest b*tch alive, I wouldn't bat an eyelash. Jealousy isn't static for me. It changes as I do, so it's hard to give you a definitive answer. There are a few things that get an emotional response out of me that is perceived as jealousy and usually it is something else (e.g. feeling disrespected).

Don't stomp off- be fabulous! As I get older I dread the competition between women to be the centre of a mans attention! Be funny, sweet and charm the girl yourself... Your bf will quickly realize you are a very cool cat.
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That's what I'm saying! I've never left a man's side in a huff because he is complimenting or flirting with another woman. She would never get the satisfaction. Oh, but you can believe we would be having a long conversation about it behind closed doors after we??ve danced and had a good time.
Posted by PhoenixRising
There are a few things that get an emotional response out of me that is perceived as jealousy and usually it is something else (e.g. feeling disrespected).

This ^
And no, of course it isn't disrespectful for one's SO to talk or engage with a member of the opposite sex-- but IS disrespectful to openly flirt.
We know when we are being disrespected, and it's embarrassing (to me, anyway)-- calling that jealousy only adds insult to injury.

Posted by LilliLou
Don't stomp off- be fabulous! As I get older I dread the competition between women to be the centre of a mans attention! Be funny, sweet and charm the girl yourself... Your bf will quickly realize you are a very cool cat.
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Absolutely. smile
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by PhoenixRising
There are a few things that get an emotional response out of me that is perceived as jealousy and usually it is something else (e.g. feeling disrespected).

This ^
And no, of course it isn't disrespectful for one's SO to talk or engage with a member of the opposite sex-- but IS disrespectful to openly flirt.
We know when we are being disrespected, and it's embarrassing (to me, anyway)-- calling that jealousy only adds insult to injury.
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Posted by tiziani
It's a sickness.

It's like saying 'passion' is a sickness!
Pfft, Leebs!
Honestly, jealous and possessive partners distress me. I'm very loyal to loved ones. I'm not perfect, but I'm far from faithless.
Jealousy is natural and human.
But it can be either controlled or you can evolve to the point where jealousy is not an issue for you.
I can be a bit possessive and as such, I do well with partners that are the same way.
Once you fuck with me you are stuck with me, so you'd better be "boning to own".. or at least leasing with the option to buy. None of this "weighing of the options" stuff.. Figure that shit out before we get involved, or get involved with someone else.
That is all.
I find this to be an effective way of being, no nonesense way of getting at people and whether or not they are real or not. You either like me or not, if you do you be with me if you dont then dont be with me. Sorts out the indecision of many and from self. It funny how this works on some people and not on others.
Posted by beggarsblanket
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Posted by beggarsblanket
If 2 people are passionate about each other, they won't flirt with other people when they are out together. It just kills it all for me when I start thinking I'm just a girl he is dating. It goes from 100 to 0 just like that.

Talking is not flirting. Trust me, I'm a Scorp. I know what can happen when my guy is talking to another woman--OH the active imagination! However, talking is not flirting. Just keep saying that mantra.

Ok, so when is that line crossed then ? smile In my case, this girl came up to talk to him and I was standing right there beside him and he was like ' Omg are your eyes greeeen ? ' somewhere along the conversation, so I was like 'okiee' and stormed off into the club and he came back after me and sat me down after I refused to dance with him. He said it was ridiculous and he should be free to flirt with other girls but he was the one who got jealous when he saw there was some chemistry between me and one of his close buddies the previous week. I was just talking and laughing with this guy and he was all ' are you hitting on him ?'
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Sounds like you both have equal amounts of immaturity and stupidity.
Learn to respect boundaries and your partner.
Two jealous, insecure water signs have no business pushing each others limits like this.
It's clear both of you can't handle watching your partner flirt with other people.
So why not just agree to not flirt in front of each other. Act like a couple.
You can't do that because again, no respect for each other nor boundaries.
Posted by Nemesis
having to deal with (uncaused) jealousy from a partner feels like your integrity has been assassinated. it is downright disrespectful that somebody would even assume i am capable of what is going on in their head/mind.
just today i flipped out: i wrote "you are full of shit. how you deal with your issues is beyond my control"

This is so true. But on the flip side of things, scorpio moons tend to have a very wild imagination, as well. I know I drive myself crazy with some of the scenarios I come up with. Example, if a partner is not answering my call fast enough, I tend to believe that he must be busy on top of another woman. Of course I don't say this when they finally answer phone, only wish I could see through the phone. Bad habit of always jumping to the wrong conclusion. Thankfully, I reason with myself very well. No acting a fool.
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by Nemesis
having to deal with (uncaused) jealousy from a partner feels like your integrity has been assassinated. it is downright disrespectful that somebody would even assume i am capable of what is going on in their head/mind.
just today i flipped out: i wrote "you are full of shit. how you deal with your issues is beyond my control"

This is so true. But on the flip side of things, scorpio moons tend to have a very wild imagination, as well. I know I drive myself crazy with some of the scenarios I come up with. Example, if a partner is not answering my call fast enough, I tend to believe that he must be busy on top of another woman. Of course I don't say this when they finally answer phone, only wish I could see through the phone. Bad habit of always jumping to the wrong conclusion. Thankfully, I reason with myself very well. No acting a fool.

LOL@your imagination girl Big Grin on top of another woman. next time, think he might be on the throne with his pants around his ankles lol.
do you actually ask "what took you so long?" - just curious - cause those words would never leave my mouth, i??d rather bite my tongue.
but on the other hand i am hardly ever jealous - maybe of the past sometimes. slights or wrongs from long ago always haunt me...and 10 years later i??ll lash out and mr. pisces has no clue wtf just hit him.
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Of course I never ask! I just get irritated to be talking to a cheater. An imagined cheater that is lol. I know what you mean on lashing out about mouldy things & pretending that you bumped your foot when you said that & that you didnt mean it to come up that way. Or some other lame excuse.
Nem, do you actually tell him that you're angry about things from the past or do you disguise it in order not to appear crazy/unforgiving? I disguise my crazy. The anger is fresh (usually from a fake or very tiny slight & gets blown to make the anger not look out of place Tongue) but the REAL reason is old as time. It sucks.
Posted by blisss

I'm a Scorpio with a moon in Aries and I also rarely feel jealous in relationships. The thing I have a huge issue with is dishonesty and disloyalty. Porn is a HUGE problem (I'm not even going to get into everything about the sex slave industry, the women in it refer to it as this themselves) and it is emotional infidelity. (This is also my opinion anyone who disagrees that's fine) You should not offer to watch this kind of thing with a boyfriend and I honestly don't think the current guy you're with sounds like a very good person. The man you're meant to be with WILL make you feel special. He will not be emotionally manipulating or abusive and use other women to hurt you or make you jealous.

Sex slavery? lol Come on, undoubtedly there are women in porn from all walks of life just like in any other industry, but just because they take their clothes off they should be considered as incapable of making their own decisions in life? What a progressive view, so women are basically like children. Sorry, but their paycheck doesn't precisely spell out slavery to me.

I could say I'm in the slave industry as well, if I really wanted to bitch about doing work I get paid for. I work around & with other people, my body is my tool. In my line of business I'm statistically destined for various kinds of long-term injuries, and in the end, no one's holding a gun against my head. Neither is the case with these women you choose to victimize.
You can still demand the type of respect you think you deserve from your partner without labelling legitime industries as slave-traders.

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