Leo Needs Help With New Scorpio Lady....

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by AslanMane on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 and has 12 replies.
Hey guys, I don't post hardly at all but I read a lot on here and there's a treasure trove of advice on DXP. I've been into the zodiac for the last 6 years or so....
DoB: August 21st, 1985 (2 days from Virgo, with Scorpio moon)
Anywho, I've met a wonderful Scorpio woman who is MY AGE for once (I always seem to find a woman who is 3 years older/younger). She is very mature, has a spine (unlike my Pisces ex), shares my love of music, and we always make good conversation. We met online through eHarmony late December and talked for weeks; calling each other every 2 days to check up on the other's life and being that ear to listen. EVERY phone call lasted more than an hour, neither person wanting to hang up.
We grew closer and finally decided to meet January 17th, going out for some sushi. I was nervous at first, but she was just as beautiful as in her profile and made me feel very comfortable. The chemistry was there, we hit it off, and I felt like I had known her for years. We went back to her place and watched a movie. I gave her a massage and we cuddled up nice and tight. In the past I have made mistakes in relationships getting too physical too quickly. I wanted her to make some sort of a move and she finally said, "If you want to kiss me, kiss me!". Haha, well we made out for over 2 hours (nothing further) and it was getting late, so we said our goodbyes and promised to arrange to hangout again.
Well, as the weeks went by, she seems to have cooled off. She NEVER calls me anymore and only if I call her first. Now I do obsessively call my women multiple times a day. Seriously, only every 2 days at the MOST. She used to call back not even 5 MINUTES after missing one of my calls. Now she's hardly calling back at all.
If it would help, some background info about her:
1) She's 23
2) She IS a virgin
3) She's had only one long-term relationship before
4) She just started going back to college and works a lot now (however I work full-time and still manage to set aside time for her)
5) Her only relationship ended in cheating
My gut instinct tells me that she *might* have had 2nd thoughts about our physicality on the first date, though I don't know for sure. I DO know that Scorpios need alone time but come on! It's been over 3 weeks since we last hung out and I don't want to spend another Valentine's Day super-depressed....
Please help this loving Leo, I really want to keep her and make this work!
Correction: Meant to type I *DON'T* obsessively call
1) Why would you invite someone back to your place if you're not into them?
2) Why would you make out with someone for 2 hours if you're not into them?
I *know* when a girl doesn't like me and they 99.9999% of the time shut your ass down WITHOUT inviting you back to THEIR place...
Maybe she needed that reference to make a decision.
Are you a bad maker outer?
she's either scared and testing u or she lost interest. Call her once more then leave her alone, she'll come back if she wants u

MA: My gut instinct tells me that she *might* have had 2nd thoughts
Your gut instinct is right. She felt an initial attraction, spent some time with you, and decided against it.
If a Scorp really wants you, you will know it...
Amen Dyar smile For sure

What I mean is, a Scorpio Woman will make her mind up pretty fast - you're either In or you're Out! No in between...
Whereas, us Virgs will mull the same set of facts over & over & over before we make that final decision...
A loveable leo. Asianmane, sorry you're feeling confused.
I agree with Ray's Haert.
She likes you, but maybe not as a boyfriend.
I think a Scorpio woman will ALWAYS be intrigued/attracted to a Leo male in my opinion so I am not so sure what she's up to..I am crap at initiating a phonecall..I am actually really rubbish at that..but her not calling you back is a bit strange if she did this before..Maybe it is as you said, getting physical too soon..probably scared the life out of her that you might disrespect her or think less of her..but the leo charm offensive is hard to resist. And yes as someone said, have you asked her or a second date?
But Dy is right, we waste no time..if we want you, we'll have you..no questions about it. You will defo know about it too.
And pathfinder, I think that says Aslanmane..as in the lion in Lion, Witch and the wardrobe (think that's what it is called)
aslanmane: the signs are there i'm afraid. read them and move on. don't analyse any further and don't torture yourself over it. scorpios are rarely true to themselves with people for a good few months, possibly years into a relationship. bullshit queens. this is what makes us so hard to read so it's really not worth putting yourself through it.
as dyr says, if she wants you, you will have absolutely no doubt of that.
sorry Sad