hi,i have some question for ladies the sign is scorpio if you say i love you the one you love... its mean you love him forever??? im so confuse.... for this pls...scorpion ladies answer me...............
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
When I say those words, I mean them in every sense of the phrase...I wouldn't say it unless I meant it..
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Aug 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 863 · Topics: 23
Usually if we say we love you. You won't have a better love and that's the truth. Forever is a long time my friend. Unless you do something to burn this lady's love then you can count on it as long as it is reciprocated.
i never say this 3 words in my past boyfriend.. now i cant stop saying this word to my mate until he said that he knows that i love him and i miss him almost of the day.. sometimes he get annoyed from this word...
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL..I thought you were a man!...
Yeah don't overdo it on the words "I love you"..it gets annoying after a while and loses its meaning..and starts sounding desperate and needy and generally bloody awful
okey rockchick10110 im 29 yrs old
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
i could never used the phrase I LOVE YOU so loosely.
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Jul 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 544 · Topics: 13
yeah...takes a lot for me to say those 3 little words to anyone...
but i guess it can become routine to say 'love you' to your boyfriend/husband on the way out the door, or as you are saying goodnight. but to hear it all day long?? yikes. and when you say it all day long it becomes meaningless (for me, anyway)
archer that what i want to do being a mature but when its comes self insecurities i can't stop.... specially when im thinking he must to think of my feeling...
archer that what i want to do being a mature but when its comes self insecurities i can't stop.... specially when im thinking he must to think of my feeling...
just now i talk to my bf asking this question again and again the answer since i tell you this words.... he told me just feel it from his heart the way he care for me, just only this words you consider the person who love you? i said noh... he said i can say this word in any ladies but without any commetment or care for that person, he said his not young and im not 16 year old to say this word everytime after all this year you dont satisfy..
archer then later on if we're having discussion on this topic..he feel sad and upset so sometimes when i feel jealous i keep busy and silent
maybe your rigth... thing will possible if i hold it my feeling and believe what i'd feel inside that i can do better than others
On the " I love you" issue. If a scorp or any gender says it to you, believe it; whether you feel the same way or not. They have done a lot of soul searching and are ready to make them selves vulnerable. Just know they mean it. If u feel the same way let them know. If you dont, let them know; just be honest with them . The three most damaging words that can be said to anyone are "I love you" when you dont mean it.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
FL: "The three most damaging words that can be said to anyone are "I love you" when you dont mean it."
Well said!