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Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
i am personally of the knowledge that love is beyond something as feeble and weak as human emotions...."weak" in the grand scale of things on a universal scale, that is...
love is not governed by human emotions as most people commonly think..
human emotions are merely the LENSE in which we use to perceive love through the filter of our senses so that it makes sense to us on a mental/emotional level as well as a physical level...
in other words, emotions are like the spectacles with which we view is NOT the spectacles/emotions themselves...
so people who use their rational brains instead of their emotional intelligence to perceive love will find themselves love-less because rational intelligence is more like a pair of darkers/sunglasses, which tend to darken a particular perspective as far as love is concerned, to the point that the love itself is not perceived at all.... merely because the one with the darkers on is using the wrong pair of spectacles to perceive it...
the person with the darkers will draw nil in the love department as long as he/she persists in trying to use the wrong lenses to perceive love...
open your heart/emotions and love will enter through that door...
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
The blind guiding the blind.
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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 649 · Topics: 30
::bangs head on desk::
oooh fuck! the old 'what is love' debate??!!??
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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 649 · Topics: 30
"so people who use their rational brains instead of their emotional intelligence to perceive love will find themselves love-less because rational intelligence is more like a pair of darkers/sunglasses......."
did you have your shades on when you were rationalising on love just then fundamental??
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
best thing you've said since you got here. agreed.
i always say that love is an action, not a feeling. feelings are fickle. love endures all.
it doesn't really matter WHAT it happens. let it happen. we really don't have to question, analyze and find an answer to everything. just sayin'!
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Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
@ combatingmygeminisister:
you will finally impress me when you demonstrate at least a LITTLE more cleverness than those totally insignificant one-liners you can't seem to refrain from posting...
well, i imagine that one's one-liners can be no more significant (or insignificant) than the one who posts them.
case in point:
i AM in fact blind, ESPECIALLY where love is concerned...
love IS blind..
Is one not blind when he lives in love?
If one knows not blindness, how can one know love?
it is not with the naked eye that we see love, but through the THIRD EYE...
many people look with their eyes, yet still do not SEE....
it is not with the rational mind that we experience and feel love, but with the HEART...
@ someonespecial:
i love you too, Babe...
@ roxanne:
my dear, if i was "rationalising" on love i would have been consequently unable to expound on the matter as i am...
it is obvious that i perceive love through the spectacle of my emotions due to the fact that i have described it as i have...
the only people who disagree are either BLIND to love due to their utter stupidity - this INCLUDES people who vainly attempt to rationalize love which is The Preeminent Universal is boundlessly BEYOND human capabilities, whether rational, physical or even EMOTIONAL...
let me render an even SIMPLER analogy for the rational minds that fail to grasp this rather elementary concept...
the Universe is a radio emitting a broadcast at a certain frequency...
all things comprising this Universe INCLUDING us are in tune to certain frequencies due to vibrational similarities and compatibilities...
when two people get along, a slang for this is "vibing" and that is no accident because if you ask these two who get along to describe their friendship, they would most likely say that they are on the same WAVELENGTH...
now if you are an an analog wavelength and are trying to receive a digitally encoded broadcast, you will get nothing but pure STATIC...
just like two people who don't mesh..they are vibrating on different frequencies and cannot manage to adjust their dials sufficiently in order to reach a point of CLARITY and effect, signal that is CRYSTAL CLEAR and static free...
the more people can ADJUST THEIR DIALS, the more LEVELS OF COMMUNICATION they are able to transcend and traverse...
if that is not CLEAR then i suggest that you TUNE YOUR DIAL...
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
@ dcvirgs:
love is dignified in itself...
the simple fact that you view this discussion as placing love under a "microscope" is eveidence of the fact that you have been foolishly attempting to view love through the spectacle of your naked eye, however microscopically enhanced it might be...
@ depressedangel:
i was with you until the point about love being about a means or an end to human reproduction...
love is infinitely BEYOND something even as complex as human reproduction, although love has been known to ENCOMPASS the area of human reproduction...
@ scorpsuperior:
thank you for your comments...
as far as love being an action, i would like to add that love is also that which MOVES one to the action itself, thus being a primary CAUSES things to take action or INACTION for that matter, so love is not even the action or the inaction itself, but rather the CAUSE of either one...
love doesn't ACT from my experiences..
love just IS...
love is a state of being, or a state autonomous one at that..
@ virgogotme:
sure...i am "inhumane" for stating rightly that "love is not governed by human emotions.."
if you think something as unreliable, unstable, and weak as your human emotional makeup can fathom love in the least bit you are wrong once again....
love itself is so INTENSE that just being in that state can make your fragile little human body EXPLODE!
the ecstasy is too great...the powerful feeling to intense and the human body is just incapable of managaing the sheer and utter, unbridled intensity of being in the TRUE state of love..
@ shyaries:
@ greatbull:
webster never knew love so i DOUBT his "definition" of the word is accurate in the sense that i know it..
love is BEYOND simple human definition and comprehension..
that is why people are going around always complaining of their love "problems" THEM who are the problem, not love...
love stands alone...
you are either standing in love and with love, or you stand opposed to it...
you won't find that in the dictionary, yet that is the truth of the matter...
and at some point, every man and woman has to stand on his or own two feet and consult his/her own conscience at the end of the day in order to meditate upon matter of love, not some dictionary that worldly men created...
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Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
@ bellabeautiful:
although it was not my intention to come across from a biblical standpoint since i am not religious, its good to know i have the bible to back me up (i guess?)...
with that being said, i don't think that the bible spoke of love as merely an action..
the whole "love thy neighbor as you love you love yourself" is taken from the new testament which was essentially about the life of jesus...
the bibile was speaking of loving thy neighbor in the context of jesus in order to show that one must BE order to BE love, one must LIVE in love...
ACTING out of love, is merely a PART of the who thing...
jesus IS love as the bible says, right?
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Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
only one who has been there and experienced can truly understand...
then we REALLY realize how weak the flesh really is...
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Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
what do you want from me, woman?
do you just like following me around that much and subjecting me to your obscene and grotesque plasticity and ignorance?
i SAID you are right!
what more do you want from me? my arm and my leg?
you sadist!
Yup genuine love is volitional not emotional (scott peck). infatuation is easy cuz people fall in and out of a love that is emotional and fickle almost everyday, but it is a rare discipline to really love in a constant and enduring manner...few have the courage to master.
most people are determined not to risk pain...they can go through life giving up such things as having children, getting married, the hope of ambition, friendship that makes life meaningful and significant
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Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
I think fundamental is referring to Unconditional Love not 'love' as people see it just on a superficial level. Eg, Love isn't dependant or needy.
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Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
@ udgscorp:
love is only a "bundle of emotions" until we learn how to manage and properly deal with our emotions in a way that is real and honest with ourselves...
trying to experience love with an improperly managed emotional state is like trying to see through glasses that are dirty and have specks on just won't get a clear picture..
@ depressedangel:
you are right..i didn't get you because regardless of the infinite number interpretations of love, it does not change the fact that regardless of the quality or quantity of interpretations on love, those interpretations DON'T change what love IS...
love is independent of interpretation..either your interpretation is spot on, or its not...just because you have an interpretation/opinion, it doesn't mean that interpretation/opinion is valid..
ever hear that expression,
"opinions are like assholes, everyone has one"?
......mark and invoke that expression here..
@ xonsie:
you are so right...
people think they are in love, but a lot of times they are in LUST or just infatuated with another person...and when they get rejected, they say that their "heart was broken"...
yeah right..
and most people ARE afraid to risk pain and that is why they are so averse to love, because loving is PAINFUL as much as it is blissful...
but those people were never worthy of love in the first place so they get what they deserve..
love is only for the courageous at heart and bold in spirit...its a HUGE responsibility if not The Greatest responsibility there is...
so simple, yet so fundamental...
@ bellabeautiful:
i did read your post all the way through, dear, but obviously the lines got criss-crossed along the way...
@ scorpionsting:
People who debate and constantly speak about love obviously have not found it or felt it, because if you did you would know that words will never do it justice.
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 12
@ depressed angel:
@ kloverfish:
why must you debase the fundamental importance of WORDS and debate?
the pen is MIGHTIER than the sword and this is with good reason...
without words we could not make sense out of our world..without words, we could not form the thoughts to undertake the requisite and necessary actions...
words DO give justice unto love if even in only a small way...
words cannot ascribe more meaning to a thing such as love than we as simple human beings are capable of wrapping our weak minds around...
which is to say that only our SPIRIT can know true love, the human part of us just allows us to see colouring and shades of love, but NEVER love in its entirety and fully-fledged state...
the SPIRIT does not use words to communicate, but the human in us does, so while the human being cannot truly know love, he is capable of describing colourings and aspects of love with WORDS in order that his mechanical machine of a body can make sense of this undeniable Universal Force called Love....
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Where art thou, fundamental?