Love Is NOT An Emotion, People.....Get It Right!

@ udgscorp:
love is only a "bundle of emotions" until we learn how to manage and properly deal with our emotions in a way that is real and honest with ourselves...
trying to experience love with an improperly managed emotional state is like trying to see through glasses that are dirty and have specks on just won't get a clear picture..

@ depressedangel:
you are right..i didn't get you because regardless of the infinite number interpretations of love, it does not change the fact that regardless of the quality or quantity of interpretations on love, those interpretations DON'T change what love IS...
love is independent of interpretation..either your interpretation is spot on, or its not...just because you have an interpretation/opinion, it doesn't mean that interpretation/opinion is valid..
ever hear that expression,
"opinions are like assholes, everyone has one"?
......mark and invoke that expression here..

@ xonsie:

you are so right...

people think they are in love, but a lot of times they are in LUST or just infatuated with another person...and when they get rejected, they say that their "heart was broken"...
yeah right..
and most people ARE afraid to risk pain and that is why they are so averse to love, because loving is PAINFUL as much as it is blissful...

but those people were never worthy of love in the first place so they get what they deserve..
love is only for the courageous at heart and bold in spirit...its a HUGE responsibility if not The Greatest responsibility there is...
so simple, yet so fundamental...

@ bellabeautiful:

i did read your post all the way through, dear, but obviously the lines got criss-crossed along the way...

@ scorpionsting:

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