Marriage - the female view

Marriage freaks me out. I'm a guy, so no surprise. The ladies here have a different view, at least some of them. Si...

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by scorpion_rising on Sunday, April 27, 2008 and has 67 replies.
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i'm pretty sure i'll never hear from him again in this life time. he is a great person though it just hurt too much that i cannot bear to even hear his name.
Oh I bet! Plus, if he can't talk to you directly, then there's no use in seeing what he wants.
"there is a reason for that to, this generation is not as dedicated as the previous generation was and are driven by different things to."
I think S-I-L pointed out a very plausible reason for this, J.D. Most of this generation come from broken homes themselves. They've had no example to follow.
Oddly enough, my own parents have been married 35 years, and it still hasn't made me want to run out and get hitched...maybe ever. I don't know, I'll never say never, that could change. Basically, I would have to feel that my life was lacking in some way because I wasn't married to a certain person. I just find it difficult to envision that scenario.
Don't worry, I would shock like all hell if that imfamous "Cancer Guy" contacts me again. Hahaha, he was before your time and he almost destroyed my spirit, much like your virgo ex, so trust me, I understand smile
Glad I could (kinda) help Big Grin
""Previous generations had help and support from family examples (elders and matriarchs), religious institutions, the media, and even concerned friends who would help them through the rough patches.""

This is SO true. You rarely see this anymore.

I just went back and read sagi's posts. So articulate! She described much of what I believe to a T. Way to go, sagi!!

::high five::
yes, you.
I was never obssessed with getting married. I actually told my ex husband we weren't ready the first time he proposed. I guess I never had the chance to desire to be married as I was engaged once before him. Now, marriage these days isn't nearly taken as serious as it has in the past. Having a life partner is a good way to go without the mumbo jumbo paper work. LOL!!!
mmmm i'm a female and am not interested in marriage. i don't do contracts. the idea feels stifling. maybe i'm idealistic but i think the right person for me would be one that wouldn't need a document to remind him we belong to each other.
however, i am young so give it time maybe when i'm older i will feel that i need the security... hope not.
I agree, Isabel is a very pretty name.
I also love Anabel, Ariel, and Farrah.
"I think only feminine dudes are scared of marriage personally"
I think dudes who strike out with scorpio chicks would be happy to nab one with a ring. But that's my personal viewpoint.
Actually, what I really meant to say is guys who struggle attracting girls are happy to nab one, especially if she's hot and bitchy at the same time.
I like really old-fashioned names too.

Like Mary or Gladys. Very plain. There is beauty in simplicity.
lol @ notso

why you laffin' at me?
because you're so blissfully unaware of the machismo and continue listing your favorite names. the timing of it all was very funny to me.
wanna keep track of my batting average SON?!
...i like really old fashioned names too. like mary or gladys.
silly billy
reading back, that is funny lol
haha i found that funny as well. smile
i agree about "beauty in simplicity," and going along those lines (not specifically with names but as far as concepts of beauty...)i prefer natural to contrived.