Posted by ScopioConfusedhow you realised you were blocked? the message didnt go thru or how? is this happened today?
I met this Scropio in March at a house party. Later we left and went to a club, he stuck by me the whole time. We went back to the house party, hung out for a while and then he dropped me home and we exchanged numbers. He kept in touch with me for months. Trying to meet and we met a few times, but I was dealing with another man and didn't want to pull him into my messy emotions, so I held back. Finally, I had to decline his offer to meet once as the other guy was confusing me. Weeks past and we finally met. We spent a night together. No sex. I told him I don't sleep with anyone unless I know they're going to be in my life, and he always respected my boundary. We watched movies and YouTube videos and liked head massages. It'd been a few months since I saw him, my life now clear of the other guy, so last night, I messaged him saying we should meet before the year ends. He replied me immediately and came over. Again we hung out, no kissing, but we finally were able to sleep next to each other and he asked me to rest my head on his shoulder. we talked for hours even though he said he was only dropping in for a short while (this was around 11 pm) as he had work at 5 am. He showed up and only left at 5.30. We didn't even kiss. But he hugged me. I moved away from him a few times, so he could get some sleep whilst at my place before work, but he instantly noticed each time and would pull me back towards him. We locked palms and went back to sleep He told me that we should do this more often and that he's missed me. I kept asking him to go, as I was worried about him driving to work without sleep. He said he was; ok and that he liked being with me. He wanted to know so much about me, my thoughts, my past and even took time in his rush to leave to see pictures of my friends and their kids (kids I've talked to him about, telling him how much I love them like my own). He asked if I was free to meet in the night when he got back, I said I was and would love to. He kissed me on the cheek, and left. I called him to see if he got home alright. We spoke for 15 minutes more whilst he was on the way and until he got home and went in to the shower. He told me to take care and even in this conversation, we spoke about our dreams, what we like, about work and our star signs and how we're s much alike.
Again, he reiterated that we would meet when he gets back and that he enjoys my company. I messaged him in the evening to ask him how his day was going and confirming if we were meeting; that's when I realized I was blocked. How could this happen? What did I do wrong? He said, that he finds it hard to open up and that he feels really comfortable around me, like he doesn't feel with anyone else. Said he wanted to spend more time with me and wished he didn't have to go to work. How could he shut me out immediately after that?
Posted by ScopioConfusedyou know, I was thinking about your morning ..... you said "he and even took time in his rush to leave to see pictures of my friends and their kids (kids I've talked to him about, telling him how much I love them like my own). He asked if I was free to meet in the night when he got back, I said I was and would love to. He kissed me on the cheek, and left. I called him to see if he got home alright. We spoke for 15 minutes more whilst he was on the way and until he got home and went in to the shower. He told me to take care and even in this conversation, we spoke about our dreams, what we like, about work and our star signs and how we're s much alike. "
I sent him a WhatsApp message and it didn't get delivered and then noticed his time stamp was gone too. He never had a picture, but his status was missing as well. The message I sent him was in the evening saying " Hey, I hope you're managing without much sleep, and hope you're safe? Let me know if you still want to meet, although I can imagine you being very tired.'' That's the message that never got delivered.
It's always been him that messages me for the first few months, I rarely ever messaged him except two days ago, asking him how he was and that's when he said we should meet meet immediately and we did.
Posted by ScopioConfusedHas he unblocked you in the meantime or have you heard from him?
I sent him a WhatsApp message and it didn't get delivered and then noticed his time stamp was gone too. He never had a picture, but his status was missing as well. The message I sent him was in the evening saying " Hey, I hope you're managing without much sleep, and hope you're safe? Let me know if you still want to meet, although I can imagine you being very tired.'' That's the message that never got delivered.
It's always been him that messages me for the first few months, I rarely ever messaged him except two days ago, asking him how he was and that's when he said we should meet meet immediately and we did.
Posted by ScopioConfusedProbably just deleted the app, have you tried calling? or texting thru a different social media?
I sent him a WhatsApp message and it didn't get delivered and then noticed his time stamp was gone too. He never had a picture, but his status was missing as well. The message I sent him was in the evening saying " Hey, I hope you're managing without much sleep, and hope you're safe? Let me know if you still want to meet, although I can imagine you being very tired.'' That's the message that never got delivered.
It's always been him that messages me for the first few months, I rarely ever messaged him except two days ago, asking him how he was and that's when he said we should meet meet immediately and we did.
Posted by ScopioConfusedSo your communication was only through the app? If so I’d imagine his gf or wifee found the app and your messages and had him delete it.
I sent him a WhatsApp message and it didn't get delivered and then noticed his time stamp was gone too. He never had a picture, but his status was missing as well. The message I sent him was in the evening saying " Hey, I hope you're managing without much sleep, and hope you're safe? Let me know if you still want to meet, although I can imagine you being very tired.'' That's the message that never got delivered.
It's always been him that messages me for the first few months, I rarely ever messaged him except two days ago, asking him how he was and that's when he said we should meet meet immediately and we did.
Posted by PlutonianHe nor I, are phone people. I also give out the vibes that I treasure my quiet time. I have over 1200 WA messages, 40 unread text messages, missed calls and about 100 Facebook notifications unopened, which he noticed when he glanced at my phone when I asked him to check who it was that was calling me. He told me at that time, that he thought he was bad when it came to not being disturbed but that I take it the next level. He is also a lot like me. I saw his phone buzzing away when we were hanging out with friends on a holiday. He didn't care to respond or answer calls. He just read the notifications and forgot about it the whole day. 11 of us ended on this trip together and 3 friends shared a single room, and he wanted to be one of 2 that shared it with. I know he never bothered with his phone and neither did I. He and I both called each other,whilst texting each other if we knew for certain that we were free, alone and texting was becoming too much of a nuisance. I really don't know anymore. I have sort of made my peace with it. You can't win in this world. When you call and text you can scare someone off, but when you respect their space and time, you still find people leaving.
I don't think you did anything wrong. I mean it is a little odd that you've guys met and are still messaging each other through whatsapp. He's probably hung up on someone and that person probably popped back in so he cuts you off.
Either way...find someone that is better at communicating.
Posted by HWDI have issues getting physical with anybody. It's been the case for a long time. He never knew, but he didn't hint that he knew what may be holding me back and that I should only do what I'm comfortable with and nothing else. I mean if stuck around in my life, by now I would've given in, as it'd been 9 months since we met, and that night I was finally able to actually cuddle with him without feeling my nerves rattle.
Dude likes you and you don't want to fuck or kiss him and you tell him to go > translation in his mind: she doesn't like me and is using me for convenience. Bye felicia.
Posted by Plutonianagreed. i’d never communicate through whatsapp if i was genuinely interested in someone. it’s very wishy washy.
I don't think you did anything wrong. I mean it is a little odd that you've guys met and are still messaging each other through whatsapp. He's probably hung up on someone and that person probably popped back in so he cuts you off.
Either way...find someone that is better at communicating.
Posted by IkyflI never put him on the back burner and he has no knowledge of it anyways. I was very interested in dating him, I just wanted to make sure the Libra would leave him alone when I did. I only kept a distance because I didn't want him to have deal with another man in my life. The libra saw us out one day and followed us home. I noticed this and sent the Scorpio guy home telling him that I'd gotten a bad migraine and needed to knock out on highly sedative drugs, so he wouldn't have to deal with it. Libra guy is not dangerous, but he gets emotional and upset; very possessive of me. I sat the libra down and told him that he isn't in the right place to date me, so he should let me move on with someone I know I';m safe with. I promised him that I will make sure he's a nice guy before I move forward that he has to let me go now, so I can find happiness with someone. he agreed, I deleted him off Facebook and blocked his calls and WA so I can start getting to know the Scorpio without a problem.
Seems like revenge. You put him on the back burner until your plan a fell through. Now he’s doing the same to you?
Posted by ScopioConfusedMy darling! How long had it been without communication?Posted by IkyflI never put him on the back burner and he has no knowledge of it anyways. I was very interested in dating him, I just wanted to make sure the Libra would leave him alone when I did. I only kept a distance because I didn't want him to have deal with another man in my life. The libra saw us out one day and followed us home. I noticed this and sent the Scorpio guy home telling him that I'd gotten a bad migraine and needed to knock out on highly sedative drugs, so he wouldn't have to deal with it. Libra guy is not dangerous, but he gets emotional and upset; very possessive of me. I sat the libra down and told him that he isn't in the right place to date me, so he should let me move on with someone I know I';m safe with. I promised him that I will make sure he's a nice guy before I move forward that he has to let me go now, so I can find happiness with someone. he agreed, I deleted him off Facebook and blocked his calls and WA so I can start getting to know the Scorpio without a problem.
Seems like revenge. You put him on the back burner until your plan a fell through. Now he’s doing the same to you?click to expand
Posted by PandalaHey pandora I think you might be on to something. We have hung out during the evening and even the afternoons. I was the one that pushed him to the late nights. He'd ask if he could join me out when I was having drinks with my friends and I would ignore his suggestions. Thing is I haven't dated anybody for 9 years. Hence I haven't even been seen with a guy in public in that long. Only because I am always worried that I may not know them too well and many men just chase after a woman for one thing. I have a ton of male friends who just play around and fuck anything that moves. usually when I'm seen with them, people assume I'm up for one-night stands which I am not. This leaves me a in position of other men thinking they can have sex with me too. So before I introduce anybody to my friends I need to get to know them and do a background search to figure out what they're after. I have never done a one night stand, but I am the one that my girl friends call telling me about this amazing guy they met, only to call me sobbing days/weeks later to tell me that the guys had sex with them and left. And that they look like idiots. learning from their mistakes, I won't allow any man to come in to my circle without knowing what he's about. So this scorpio resorted to messaging me just in the early night and asking if I wanted to grab some food, go for a drive etc.. that day he happened to be in my area and asked if what I was up to thats when I suggested he come over ( his first time at my place) and he did. He actually asked if I was serious or joking lol I said you're in the area and the only friend that hadn't been to my place. I told him I know him well enough now so it was ok. When he got to my place, he said it was well kept and wishes his was the same. But the thing about the emotional support you said might be true, because he just wanted to cuddle me the whole night. like I couldn't move away from him. It felt good on my end... i do know he does feel lonely sometimes, he has mentioned it to me indirectly.. doesn't have tme to make connections.
OP may never come back to see this, but I'd like to give my two cents.
I was a little worried to see that (it looks like) most of your meet-ups are during the night, after 11pm when folks with busy schedules are usually asleep or on their way to bed. In my experience this type of guy (Scorpio or not) isn't looking for much other than comfort. The fact that he readily slept with you (like, actual sleeping) means that he's lonely and was using you as an emotional security blanket. He is probably freshly out of a long-term committed relationship and is craving emotional intimacy.
As long as everything was on his terms, he would could come by after a hard day of work to be fed and pampered by you. He saw you more as a place to "recharge" than a potential dating partner. Scorpio enjoy to dream. Dreams are calming and fun because you can change them at your own whim! He was living a dream with you, and you reaching out during the day (non-dreaming hours) suddenly shook him and he realized that you were't also caught up in the fantasy and you wanted to make things *real* (just like @Pandora101 mentioned).
This ins't a bad thing, by any means, it just showed you cared... But care and affection are different. Scorpio men don't want to be cared for or babied, but they loooove attention and admiration. Sadly, this guy seemed like his reality was else where and you were his respite. Maybe he isn't appreciated at work? Or maybe he's still stuck on an ex of his that he's desperately trying to get back (most likely scenario)? You were a blank slate. Someone he could easily confide in (emotionally) because he saw you as safe- he had no plans to make anything concrete with you... And once you started moving towards wanting more, or showing interest in making this dream a reality, he ran like a little emotionally underdeveloped shit head fuck boy.
Take it how you like, but he probably isn't coming back and if he does, it won't be for long. He'll just disappear again. Him cutting you off like this just shows how immature he is and how much he DOES NOT DESERVE YOU. Know that you are no less interesting, kind, smart, or beautiful based on his actions. He actually did you a favor by showing his true colors early on.
Posted by ScopioConfused
I don't think so. Damaged phone has no effect on your information. His number is what is on his company website and therefore he can't afford to have it deleted. He has only one phone as he hates having to carry two phones a personal and an official one.
He has no other social media except for WhatsApp. I have just WhatsApp and Facebook and nothing else. Neither one of us have snap chat, insta, viber, skype or any other form of communication. We both hate being always connected. I could barely get myself to message him once a month on WA, i am incapable of chasing behind someone who doesn't want me in their life.
Posted by DwellingOnMoveGift giving thing?
why do the "he"s disappear before the new year ev and/or valentine's day?
Posted by ScopioConfusedWow! Congrats and good luck!
UPDATE! He called me. His phone crashed and he lost all his information. He was using an old phone and didn't have my number.. He got it and messaged me but since I had blocked him, the messages didn't go through.. So he called me today and explained himself. We are meeting tomorrow for dinnerWill keep you posted.
Posted by GemitatiShe's NOT listening Doll....her head is on cloud 9...tsk tsk tsk! Now SHE'S happy. Until she posts again. Sigh!Posted by ScopioConfusedWow! Congrats and good luck!
UPDATE! He called me. His phone crashed and he lost all his information. He was using an old phone and didn't have my number.. He got it and messaged me but since I had blocked him, the messages didn't go through.. So he called me today and explained himself. We are meeting tomorrow for dinnerWill keep you posted.
So he couldn’t find you for 2 months?
Just think about to expand
Posted by EvatheDivaWhen he will forget his cc to pay for dinner?Posted by GemitatiShe's NOT listening Doll....her head is on cloud 9...tsk tsk tsk! Now SHE'S happy. Until she posts again. Sigh!Posted by ScopioConfusedWow! Congrats and good luck!
UPDATE! He called me. His phone crashed and he lost all his information. He was using an old phone and didn't have my number.. He got it and messaged me but since I had blocked him, the messages didn't go through.. So he called me today and explained himself. We are meeting tomorrow for dinnerWill keep you posted.
So he couldn’t find you for 2 months?
Just think about it...cyber hugs!
Evaclick to expand
Posted by GemitatiOr "His dog ate his homework; it was raining outside, there was allot of traffic, I fell asleep, etc, etc, etc!"Posted by EvatheDivaWhen he will forget his cc to pay for dinner?Posted by GemitatiShe's NOT listening Doll....her head is on cloud 9...tsk tsk tsk! Now SHE'S happy. Until she posts again. Sigh!Posted by ScopioConfusedWow! Congrats and good luck!
UPDATE! He called me. His phone crashed and he lost all his information. He was using an old phone and didn't have my number.. He got it and messaged me but since I had blocked him, the messages didn't go through.. So he called me today and explained himself. We are meeting tomorrow for dinnerWill keep you posted.
So he couldn’t find you for 2 months?
Just think about it...cyber hugs!
click to expand
Posted by EvatheDivaHis phone crashed...youncold hearted bitch! Lmao ❤️Posted by GemitatiOr "His dog ate his homework; or it was raining outside, or there was allot of traffic, etc, etc, etc!Posted by EvatheDivaWhen he will forget his cc to pay for dinner?Posted by GemitatiShe's NOT listening Doll....her head is on cloud 9...tsk tsk tsk! Now SHE'S happy. Until she posts again. Sigh!Posted by ScopioConfusedWow! Congrats and good luck!
UPDATE! He called me. His phone crashed and he lost all his information. He was using an old phone and didn't have my number.. He got it and messaged me but since I had blocked him, the messages didn't go through.. So he called me today and explained himself. We are meeting tomorrow for dinnerWill keep you posted.
So he couldn’t find you for 2 months?
Just think about it...cyber hugs!
cyber hugs!
PS: A woman only ALLOWS this're looking at her
click to expand
Posted by GemitatiI know "Witchy Bitch!"Posted by EvatheDivaHis phone crashed...youncold hearted bitch! Lmao ❤️Posted by GemitatiOr "His dog ate his homework; or it was raining outside, or there was allot of traffic, etc, etc, etc!Posted by EvatheDivaWhen he will forget his cc to pay for dinner?Posted by GemitatiShe's NOT listening Doll....her head is on cloud 9...tsk tsk tsk! Now SHE'S happy. Until she posts again. Sigh!Posted by ScopioConfusedWow! Congrats and good luck!
UPDATE! He called me. His phone crashed and he lost all his information. He was using an old phone and didn't have my number.. He got it and messaged me but since I had blocked him, the messages didn't go through.. So he called me today and explained himself. We are meeting tomorrow for dinnerWill keep you posted.
So he couldn’t find you for 2 months?
Just think about it...cyber hugs!
cyber hugs!
PS: A woman only ALLOWS this're looking at her
click to expand