Not into sex???

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by heliumfiasco on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 and has 36 replies.
HEAVY Scorp man, talking marriage, had me move across country, with me 24/7 but not heavily passionate sexually? WTH??? I'm usually not crazy sexual myself but ive had to sit him down to conversations about foreplay, not being selfish in bed and generally where the passion is??? Apparently he had similiar situations in another relationship ( I know secretly).... should I be VERY worried? Cause I am. Its almost about to end the relationship. He finishes, doesnt care if I do....wants me to initiate every things.... im very confused. When I confront him, super defensive...
LOL @ HEAVY scorpio man. Is he fat? Just kidding, I get what you mean. Speaking as a 'heavy' scorpio person myself, I think too much scorpio energy does weird things to the sex drive. It's not always there, on tap. It takes a special kind of connection/right kind of mood to bring the passionate side out in the bedroom. I'm not a scorpio sun but I can relate to your man's attitude to sex. Does he have at least 'passionate' days? I know sometimes I'm all into the activity like a SUPERSTAR...leaving the BEDazzled Winking & other times I just lie there like I'm tanning lol...can't be bothered with being the best for the night.
They need to trust... maybe there is a deep emotional issue or something that is stopping this... You see they express their passion though sex most of the time... I would be worried too...
Best of luck but try and fix it if you can... wait till nov. 10 or more like 15 as Mercury retro grade will be over by then...
Posted by piscesmoon2
They need to trust... maybe there is a deep emotional issue or something that is stopping this... You see they express their passion though sex most of the time... I would be worried too...
Best of luck but try and fix it if you can... wait till nov. 10 or more like 15 as Mercury retro grade will be over by then...

this spoke to me
Posted by heliumfiasco
HEAVY Scorp man, talking marriage, had me move across country, with me 24/7 but not heavily passionate sexually? WTH??? I'm usually not crazy sexual myself but ive had to sit him down to conversations about foreplay, not being selfish in bed and generally where the passion is??? Apparently he had similiar situations in another relationship ( I know secretly).... should I be VERY worried? Cause I am. Its almost about to end the relationship. He finishes, doesnt care if I do....wants me to initiate every things.... im very confused. When I confront him, super defensive...

After reading your history with this dude from June-July, no sympathy at all coming in your direction. You had a clue, you made your bed....
Posted by DMV
Posted by piscesmoon2
They need to trust... maybe there is a deep emotional issue or something that is stopping this... You see they express their passion though sex most of the time... I would be worried too...
Best of luck but try and fix it if you can... wait till nov. 10 or more like 15 as Mercury retro grade will be over by then...

this spoke to me
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and he's a scorp moon...yes this speaks to me greatly.
A lot of these posts made me laugh! I think it's all good advice. I should probably not mention it as much. It may very well be a trust things as he repeatedly tells me he thinks I might leave.
I also wasn't looking for sympathy from whoever said that, I was looking for advice/experience. Thanks to all, I'm going to use it and see how it goes.
Truth be told, I don't like to be the initiator and am so use to dating men that were aggressive and wanted sex on an almost obnoxious level... maybe this is just a change of pace and I need to boost up my approach??? I just read all this stuff about scorpio moon/venus, intensity/ passion and am bummed to not see it.
Posted by heliumfiasco
A lot of these posts made me laugh! I think it's all good advice. I should probably not mention it as much. It may very well be a trust things as he repeatedly tells me he thinks I might leave.

Why is that?
Posted by heliumfiasco

Truth be told, I don't like to be the initiator and am so use to dating men that were aggressive and wanted sex on an almost obnoxious level... maybe this is just a change of pace and I need to boost up my approach??? I just read all this stuff about scorpio moon/venus, intensity/ passion and am bummed to not see it.
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Hmmmm. Address the question above and explore your expectations of him based on the astrological hype you've read and you will be fine.
Real trust is needed to see the level of passion and desire all the site/books talk about. Many people seem to neglect that part. I would thoroughly explore my question above.

A lot of things can tie to a persons sex drive, emotion, sleep, diet, life style .

I've noticed alot of guys no matter how much they say it's "not important " won't sleep with you if they think you will hurt them, can't trustable or could be or crazy. Not that you are any of those things. ( My leo moon scares everyone )

No matter how pretty you are. Some people really need to feel safe. The funny thing is I notice woman tend to be more risky with that than men. Idk just my Experience.
Been scaring off scorpio men off since 2009'
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Sag89
A lot of things can tie to a persons sex drive, emotion, sleep, diet, life style .

I've noticed alot of guys no matter how much they say it's "not important " won't sleep with you if they think you will hurt them, can't trustable or could be or crazy. Not that you are any of those things. ( My leo moon scares everyone )

No matter how pretty you are. Some people really need to feel safe. The funny thing is I notice woman tend to be more risky with that than men. Idk just my Experience.

Your nonchalance provokes fear within me. Internet and real life being two totally different places of relating, though.
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It will def scare a scorpio that is forsure.
Posted by heliumfiasco
A lot of these posts made me laugh! I think it's all good advice. I should probably not mention it as much. It may very well be a trust things as he repeatedly tells me he thinks I might leave.
I also wasn't looking for sympathy from whoever said that, I was looking for advice/experience. Thanks to all, I'm going to use it and see how it goes.
Truth be told, I don't like to be the initiator and am so use to dating men that were aggressive and wanted sex on an almost obnoxious level... maybe this is just a change of pace and I need to boost up my approach??? I just read all this stuff about scorpio moon/venus, intensity/ passion and am bummed to not see it.

something is creating a block in his mind thats preventing him from being the sex machine.
tbh, its something that either your doing or something in his life (stress).
i can completely understand how your mars in virgo does not like being the initiator.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by heliumfiasco
A lot of these posts made me laugh! I think it's all good advice. I should probably not mention it as much. It may very well be a trust things as he repeatedly tells me he thinks I might leave.

Why is that?
Posted by heliumfiasco

Truth be told, I don't like to be the initiator and am so use to dating men that were aggressive and wanted sex on an almost obnoxious level... maybe this is just a change of pace and I need to boost up my approach??? I just read all this stuff about scorpio moon/venus, intensity/ passion and am bummed to not see it.

Hmmmm. Address the question above and explore your expectations of him based on the astrological hype you've read and you will be fine.
Real trust is needed to see the level of passion and desire all the site/books talk about. Many people seem to neglect that part. I would thoroughly explore my question above.

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scorp moon/merc
i was seeing a guy and i was all gungho about him, especially the sex part. then he started to say and do things that made me think twice. i started to lose faith in what he said and the trust started dwindling.
the last thing i wanted to do was have sex with him. absolute last. and i didnt.
he would ask me why i didnt want to have sex and why i became so distant. merc in scorp asks the questions, we dont answer them. that was his first mistake. in our mind, you should just know.
the scorp moon mind can be a wasteland of "what ifs" and scenarios and if we're not careful we bury ourselves in our thoughts.
Posted by Sag89
A lot of things can tie to a persons sex drive, emotion, sleep, diet, life style .

I've noticed alot of guys no matter how much they say it's "not important " won't sleep with you if they think you will hurt them, can't trustable or could be or crazy. Not that you are any of those things. ( My leo moon scares everyone )

No matter how pretty you are. Some people really need to feel safe. The funny thing is I notice woman tend to be more risky with that than men. Idk just my Experience.

Posted by DMV
scorp moon/merc
i was seeing a guy and i was all gungho about him, especially the sex part. then he started to say and do things that made me think twice. i started to lose faith in what he said and the trust started dwindling.
the last thing i wanted to do was have sex with him. absolute last.
and i didnt.

Exactly. I don't want to assume she is the reason for that. It could be stress as suggested although I have yet to meet a Scorp that doesn't use sex to release stress, but hey...
Anyway, when you write he constantly fears that you'll leave I have to question what is being communicated and how he perceives you. He could be incorrectly hearing/reading/seeing things and running with it in that very wild Scorp mind he has. Your expectations may be unrealistic as well. Are you expecting to be thrown up against the wall and licked from head to toe as soon as he lays eyes on you or will a gentle kiss and some nice foreplay be enough? These are both rhetorical questions.

Posted by DMV
merc in scorp asks the questions, we dont answer our mind, you should just know.
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Lol. *nods*
Posted by ellessque
Posted by MellyMel909
Isn't he a Libra?

yes, he I a libra.
...but she'd rather pretend he's a scorpio.
that might be part of the problem.

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What?.....*sigh, eye roll*
Posted by ellessque
*he is
Wtf was that?

LOL! It's funny, I skim so much when I read that I fill in the blanks. I could have sworn I saw "he is" until I saw this post.
Posted by MellyMel909

Grade 6, sweaty palms, heart pounding...the best 4 minutes and 34 seconds of my life!
Posted by MellyMel909
Water sign communications? Tongue

Mugatu Scorp
Todd Crab
Zoolander Pisces
Posted by heliumfiasco
HEAVY Scorp man, talking marriage, had me move across country, with me 24/7 but not heavily passionate sexually? WTH??? I'm usually not crazy sexual myself but ive had to sit him down to conversations about foreplay, not being selfish in bed and generally where the passion is??? Apparently he had similiar situations in another relationship ( I know secretly).... should I be VERY worried? Cause I am. Its almost about to end the relationship. He finishes, doesnt care if I do....wants me to initiate every things.... im very confused. When I confront him, super defensive...

Sooo what's this about him being a Libra?

And yeah, you should be worried.
If for no other reason than the INDIFFERENCE.

@helium, you have moon in the 8th house, youve got to sense whats going on.
Posted by DMV
@helium, you have moon in the 8th house, youve got to sense whats going on.

I've always wondered about this. How does her (or anyone's) house override her moon sign? And if it doesn't, what does it do?
Thanks folks!
what they said
even though its in *cough* Gemini. the 8th house placement should bring some amount of seriousness to her moon.
gemini moons are a tough sell for my moon. if its frustrating for me, it must be increasingly frustrating for you.
Scorpios are deeply intuitive, especially regarding manipulation. Maybe he has the feeling that you hooked up with him just for sex? One other thing: Scorpios are sexual masters. It may take more than just some pretty panties to get him going. Be prepared to go where he lives. It probably won't be superficial and bubbly. Maybe he's looking for love?
Posted by Jynja
Posted by Rabbit
Maybe it's not the Scorp mooner? Maybe birthing a scorp mooner does something to the soul of the mother?

LOL But no.
The moon is weakest in Scorpio, so Scorp mooners are the opposite of Cancer mooners where the moon is at it's strongest.
Cancer mooners are close to their mothers, so it seems right that Scorp mooners will not be.
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eh I feel like this is all so relative. I mean how should my relationship be with my mom?
Posted by Rabbit
Moon in Scorpio = Feckin crazy

venus in scorpio is much more cray cray lol
Posted by Rabbit
I could blame her for all sorts of issues, but ultimately it's my life and my soul and I'm responsible for it.

Rabbit, your a winner in my book.
Posted by starlover
...three scorpio moon men i knew were toooo close to their moms! they felt responsible for them

OMG so was my ex scorp who had a scorp moon haha how funny
Posted by starlover
(((Rabbit))) ~~ that must have been tough when you were a young sensitive scorp. i had a cappy mom with moon in leo...that wasnt easy either, so emotionless!!

Leo moon cold??? Explain this please lol
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Rabbit
I could blame her for all sorts of issues, but ultimately it's my life and my soul and I'm responsible for it.

Good man. That's the only way to live free.
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True. I have to tell it myself it everyday.
just invite me over... I'll take care of you.
Posted by starlover
Posted by Sag89
Posted by starlover
(((Rabbit))) ~~ that must have been tough when you were a young sensitive scorp. i had a cappy mom with moon in leo...that wasnt easy either, so emotionless!!

Leo moon cold??? Explain this please lol

She was very slow at showing her feelings...i guess the saturn thing was very restrictive (Cappy). She hated us crying and was very *controlled* with the emotions
The Leo moon thing was very vain and judged people for the way they looked etc. She also used to look into the mirror a bit too much at times Big Grin
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Oh I see, yea maybe it was the cappy part with the hard to emotionally open up thing, cause with leo moon if anything I think it's too expressive at times haha and yes can be quite vain Tongue
Posted by heliumfiasco
HEAVY Scorp man, talking marriage, had me move across country, with me 24/7 but not heavily passionate sexually? WTH??? I'm usually not crazy sexual myself but ive had to sit him down to conversations about foreplay, not being selfish in bed and generally where the passion is??? Apparently he had similiar situations in another relationship ( I know secretly).... should I be VERY worried? Cause I am. Its almost about to end the relationship. He finishes, doesnt care if I do....wants me to initiate every things.... im very confused. When I confront him, super defensive...

Well if your avatar is really your picture, why don't we hook up and videotape 4 to 6 hours of your obvious visual reactions to my way of doing things. Then you can simple search any porn site for the video and it will be there whenever you need a sexual teaching aid for him. Or you can settle into the traditional role of the female which is not much different than being the life support system for a f***-hole, except that you'd be expected to wash the clothes and the dishes and such. Your choice.