Nympho scorpio :-(

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by ladyscorpio91 on Monday, February 9, 2015 and has 28 replies.
Boyfriend: Aqua sun, Taurus moon, with Capricorn in mars & venus.
Me: Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, with Scorpio in mars & Libra in venus.
We are having PROBLEMZZZZZ. Fuck man, since I met this man my mind is on OVERLOAD. I am so exhausted lol..
Our sex life is hopeless I swear! He has the horn-dog typical male hornyness to him, but the actual act happens maybe once a week. Yeah I have done my research and confirmations - their focus is elsewhere, I get that. But when we start inching closer to the actual ACT, bring on the awkwardness and misunderstandings.
Im an expert at sex, this one I CAN NOT crack Sad
On this topic only thing I was able to get out of him was that he really likes when we "play" which we wrestle and he loves being aggressive and really rough (which I fucking LOVE) but when we have sex its so boring and the same thing.
I am so confused and anytime I try to initiate he has an excuse or looks at me like I am totally crazy. He also said he doesn't get how I can just be turned on?
Sad I feel like dying lol, as a scorpio, sex is literally everything, my world is shutting off I HATE IT.
Of fucking course... Before I accepted this aqua as a boyfriend I was getting laid like 6 times a week, but by fucking assholes. His love is so nice I don't want to let him go, I need help. I am a complete nympho, this isn't working Sad
Posted by e11e
I'm a scorp....libra venus/mars scorpio
mars in capricorn did not work for me either.
I have zero advice.
I just eventually gave up. lol

Its nice to know I am not alone.. or to hear of an experience..
Anything that I type sound similar to what you went through at all??
Gemini is mental , sometimes think more about sex than they do.
Hot Talking with them works , which go thinking ... Haha.
Posted by sfsmoke
im a scorpio wit scorpio mars and library venus too

Dope! LOL! "Thousands of bitchs" hahah
Guys, when we com, we lose lots of stuff...and we have less every time, our bodies degrade with every ejac. Women, the more they orgasm, the more they'll have heavy periods, the more they lose stuff that way, and the more they age...
Posted by flowingwater
I love orgasms. Vaginal, clitoral, squirting, it's amazing!!!!!!!!
Winking *twirls around*

Yeah enjoy it before you run out (sarcasm...)
It's good you're realizing this now OP.
Ex was Aqua w/Cap Mars. His line was "let's save it till later" but later never happened. I thought there was something wrong with me and when I'd try new ways to get his interest he'd get critical and make me out to be a perv.
Actually told him I'm leaving cause I'm too young to be celibate.
Posted by Claro
Is sex really all that important though??
I know how much it can seem it but how would you feel if the man you love and marry
has an accident, ends up in a wheelchair and can't have sex?
What if you become bored of what is on offer, he cannot perform as well or he inevitably,
err, gets old, just as you definitely will.
What about when you get really old???
What is going to excite you then?

As star had pointed out, when you're with someone, sex has some importance, when single, not so much.
I'll add that for single, the tension is re-directed to more productive activities (Work, hobbies, art, music, literature, research, etc.) which do not involve sex.
As for your reply, above, you must, first, cease from being selfish-minded (reg. boredom). Sex in the height of it's glory, does NOT consider self, but the other. It's merely one type of expression of love, albeit an intimate act, of giving of one's self to his or her mate, and is best experienced between a man and a woman, husband and wife, who mutually understand each other as they are one soul.
It takes an very extra special mate to marry someone who cannot have sex and stand by him or her for life. Together, they can find a way towards a rich and rewarding life together, even though, physical sexual intimacy may be next to nil to non-existent.
The hormones of youth, for many, will fade with age. Sexual desire becomes less important, while quality companionship becomes the desired object. Maturity and wisdom will prepare the couple during
the time wherein the former raging sexual urges wane.
Posted by Claro
Posted by exoskeleton
Posted by Claro
I know how much it can seem it but how would you feel if the man you love and marry
has an accident, ends up in a wheelchair and can't have sex?

??? smile

I don't know how it would feel, but I am aware there may be some level of fight within myself at some point.
Idk, I guess it would depend on how much I love him.
But then is love and sex synonymous??
What do you think??

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No. Love and Sex are NOT synonymous. Sex is merely ONE of many expressions of Love.
Unfortunately, far to many people seem to think that sex is love or love requires sex.
For them, if they don't have sex, they are not loved. That misunderstanding needs to be
changed as it can foster negative thoughts that influences one's self-esteem. Degrading
it such that one may desire to kill themselves, or someone else, over a lover.
Posted by tiziani

Six times a week is excessive for me, I wouldn't even kniw where to find the time.

*point to the exit* You can't sit with us anymore.
Posted by grayid2
Guys, when we com, we lose lots of stuff...and we have less every time, our bodies degrade with every ejac. Women, the more they orgasm, the more they'll have heavy periods, the more they lose stuff that way, and the more they age...

Posted by Claro
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Claro
Posted by exoskeleton
Posted by Claro
I know how much it can seem it but how would you feel if the man you love and marry
has an accident, ends up in a wheelchair and can't have sex?

??? smile

I don't know how it would feel, but I am aware there may be some level of fight within myself at some point.
Idk, I guess it would depend on how much I love him.
But then is love and sex synonymous??
What do you think??

No. Love and Sex are NOT synonymous. Sex is merely ONE of many expressions of Love.
Unfortunately, far to many people seem to think that sex is love or love requires sex.
For them, if they don't have sex, they are not loved. That misunderstanding needs to be
changed as it can foster negative thoughts that influences one's self-esteem. Degrading
it such that one may desire to kill themselves, or someone else, over a lover.

i agree. your last sentence is a little worrying but unfortunately happens.
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Part of the problem is that sexual perversions begin in the heart and mind. This is but one
area where innocence is being lost. It's all downhill from there. Some have their limits while
others go off the deep end, such as being proud of their degraded state, flaunting it for all to
see. The impressionable pick up on this and seek to be likewise, desiring to "fit in".
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by grayid2
Guys, when we com, we lose lots of stuff...and we have less every time, our bodies degrade with every ejac. Women, the more they orgasm, the more they'll have heavy periods, the more they lose stuff that way, and the more they age...

click to expand

Always with the sarcasm...youre like a fvkin 5 year old. You have a question, ask! Fvkin moron! But its pretty explicit. He doesnt want her because regular ejaclation is physically draining and impossible to sustain. Get it, you fvkin idiot??.?.?.?.?.??.
For others, any manner crime is their passion. A thief is not a thief because he steals. He steals
because he is a thief. It's in his heart. Others lie, others gossip, others do other things and so on.
Nevertheless, it all boils down to the rapid decline of the heart and mind.
Usually, these things have something to do with compensating for something else or..., to cover up
an underlying pain, and those not realizing and respecting the nature of these activities, fall
prey to the vices that become their slave master, regardless whether or not they acknowledge their specific vice as being such.
It's a mess, really.
If everyone cleaned up their own mess, the world might be a nicer place.
But for all it's rottenness, that's not what the world wants, so it continues in decline.
There IS such a thing terminal velocity and state of existence.
Many of the discussions found here and the people's thoughts that are found, therein, in the
spirit, are no cleaner than the Ganges River in India.
Ganges River, India
More than 400 million people live along the Ganges River. An estimated 2,000,000 persons ritually bathe daily in the river, which is considered holy by Hindus. Being holy or not, but the river definitely not safe for people. It is filled with chemical wastes, sewage and even the remains of human and animal corpses which carry major health risks by either direct bathing in the dirty water or by drinking it.
Beware the fish you eat.
Posted by VivaciousScorpio
Is gray, Denver?

Adress me directly, dont talk behind my back, you rude cvnt.
Posted by VivaciousScorpio
Posted by grayid2
Posted by VivaciousScorpio
Is gray, Denver?

Adress me directly, dont talk behind my back, you rude cvnt.

Lol, I missed your insanity.
Though I agree with nothing you say, I will defend your right to say it.
Shits hilarious.
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Right, so you think a guy can just have sex over and over as much as he wants and he will keep being able to do it? He wont start to lose his desire?
And why do you disrespect me? You wouldnt like it, so why do it to others?
Oh wow could not deal with that either. Sex is something I would need to have a healthy, intimate relationship.
I am also a mars in scorpio
Posted by shellshocker
It's good you're realizing this now OP.
Ex was Aqua w/Cap Mars. His line was "let's save it till later" but later never happened. I thought there was something wrong with me and when I'd try new ways to get his interest he'd get critical and make me out to be a perv.
Actually told him I'm leaving cause I'm too young to be celibate.

He never came to a compromise or anything? Did you guys talk about it? I am curious to know how it played out.
Posted by Claro
Is sex really all that important though??
I know how much it can seem it but how would you feel if the man you love and marry
has an accident, ends up in a wheelchair and can't have sex?
What if you become bored of what is on offer, he cannot perform as well or he inevitably,
err, gets old, just as you definitely will.
What about when you get really old???
What is going to excite you then?

As a scorpio, when put in this very delicate way, so intrigued by this response @claro. Thank you deeply! Very touched by this :-)
Posted by e11e
Posted by Claro
Is sex really all that important though??
I know how much it can seem it but how would you feel if the man you love and marry
has an accident, ends up in a wheelchair and can't have sex?
What if you become bored of what is on offer, he cannot perform as well or he inevitably,
err, gets old, just as you definitely will.
What about when you get really old???
What is going to excite you then?

gheez, extreme much?
I hate to be blunt but there is more to sex than just penis in vagina.
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Please continue, would like to hear more..
Posted by exoskeleton
surely we could experiment sexually?
i could never last in a romantic relationship without sex and intimacy. it's not just about getting off and feeling satisfied. when i love someone i want to express my desire and passion for them. i want to develop a bond on every level and connect in every way possible.

Thats us scorpios, that why we must find someone whom suits us, or whom truly loves us and will make it work no matter what it takes :-)
Posted by ScorpioStarGazer
What is up with all these mars in cap peeps not being sex maniacs? I have mars in cap and I'd have sex all the time if I could! Perhaps I'm abnormal...

Your scorpio silly! lol
Posted by Claro
Posted by e11e
I'm sure mars in cap works with other mars signs.
I just feel it doesn't work with mine.

I think I vaguely remember some women/ girls with Mars in Cap on here some years ago
saying they needed and wanted complete physical domination.
It was almost as if it was because of how restricted and limited they felt by their own Mars placement.
I wonder how many Mars in Caps would answer if the OP made a thread about it.
Obviously there is the Venus sign influence as well as other placements and aspects to think about too.
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Complete physical domination? How so or what do you mean?
Posted by deathnirvana
Posted by flowingwater
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by tiziani

Six times a week is excessive for me, I wouldn't even kniw where to find the time.

*point to the exit* You can't sit with us anymore.

Lol it sounds normal. I feel I'm the only Aqua with a sex drive. It has to be my Aries moon. My friends asked on avg how much I do it or want it in a week and I said 4-5, they said that's pretty healthy sex life.

If she has the energy, I wouldn't mind doing it 10 times everyday.
Sex is so intense and beautiful.
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Its crazy, I am scorpio who has never had a single relationship where sex wasn't pretty much priority (im still young, 23) lol now that I think about it I have always prob been the one to keep it a main priority. I have never met a male like my aquarius guy... TOTALLY DIFFERENT, as a scorpio (this intimidates my aqua guy) I am very susceptible to personalities and am very aware of how people operate by just simple observation. I knew he was special, thats why I began research.
Its funny that they are supposed to be known for aloof/detached but they have no clue how truly they stick out like a sore thumb in comparison, IN A GOOD WAY THO.
Ive just never met someone who doesn't give into a connection, he is super controlled as mars in cap would say. To get back on track @deathnirvana.. "sex is so intense and beautiful" you wouldn't believe how OPPOSITE some can feel about it... ITS SO MIND BOGGLING AND so.. interesting.. I feel like I am a subject in an experiment.... Getting turned on, fuck. LOL DAMN IT
Posted by happykitsune
Oh wow could not deal with that either. Sex is something I would need to have a healthy, intimate relationship.
I am also a mars in scorpio

Interesting about the Cap mars. My ex is Cap mars.
All I can say is that sex and love are super important to me, and I don't want a relationship that is basically celibate. For those that do, please find other nearly sexless types to hook up with.
Posted by tiziani
Nothing >>>>> bad/half assed sex

And by a mile, quite comfortably

True, and that's also why compatibility is so important in a sexual way (not to mention all the other areas for compatibility).
get a roll on umakhapheni . a side dish