This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by happykitsune on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 and has 13 replies.

This scorpio is just awesome! Every time I'm with him I find out something else that makes him even more amazing! No red flags, complete gentleman, and respectful sweetheart.
Well that is all. I'm gonna go dream sweet dreams now smile
Careful of that stinger... but good for you kid...
What they said ^
Normally it's when I'm on my best behavior that I'm up to the most mischief. LOL
Posted by sunglasslove
What they said ^
Normally it's when I'm on my best behavior that I'm up to the most mischief. LOL

Oh he is mischievous alright.
He's been very reliable and communicative so far tho. Waiting for that 1-3 month mark to see if anything pops up
Your moon squares his moon ,lotsa attraction .His sun squares his moon ,so even tho he might be all goody goody outside , inside he's a ball of contradiction .Take it slow and just dont give your heart ,give atleast 4 months to progress w/o commitment cuz he has an aqua moon ... smile
Posted by piroglesic
Your moon squares his moon ,lotsa attraction .His sun squares his moon ,so even tho he might be all goody goody outside , inside he's a ball of contradiction .Take it slow and just dont give your heart ,give atleast 4 months to progress w/o commitment cuz he has an aqua moon ... smile

Interesting reading. The contradiction inside sounds like it could be possible as he has shown he doesn't know his exact life path. He at least goes through with everything he's said he was going to do so far. We'll see if it continues cus I know some people aren't always consistent.
What if he decides he wants to commit before 4 months?

If he wants a commitment within 4 months or so , thats your perogative to make a choice on what you wish to do smile .
Either way you can help each other out .You both will enjoy/look foward to each others company,no boring moment thats for sure .
Posted by piroglesic

If he wants a commitment within 4 months or so , thats your perogative to make a choice on what you wish to do smile .
Either way you can help each other out .You both will enjoy/look foward to each others company,no boring moment thats for sure .

Thank you. I'll give the link a look.
His venus is also the same as my mars. Heard there's some kinda attraction there as well
idk i have a got a hunch you'r still dealing with his rising sign at the moment .Has he opened up to you ?
He's an aquahaha mooner ,ive heard when they'r happy they cry ,when sad they display a funny side ,not that they are unemotional but they are very good at detaching themselves when need arises . smile
Posted by piroglesic
idk i have a got a hunch you'r still dealing with his rising sign at the moment .Has he opened up to you ?
He's an aquahaha mooner ,ive heard when they'r happy they cry ,when sad they display a funny side ,not that they are unemotional but they are very good at detaching themselves when need arises . smile

I think in the beginning I was dealing with his rising sign, but he's opened up a lot recently. We actually had a more open talk last night and he told me he saw this going somewhere and he wasn't dating me just to date me, which really made me happy.
Yeah I've heard that too. Kinda scares me. He hasn't had anything to really get upset over lately, but I told him I'm waiting to see him at his worst so I know how he acts. He told me I'd have a better chance of seeing him have an emotional break down then get overtly angry, which is a good sign for obvious reasons. He's very optimistic tho, as am I, so he probably won't have an emotional breakdown for a while...if he's anything like me.
His :
Sun Scorpio 6.17
Moon Aquarius 13.19
Mercury Scorpio 1.58 R
Venus Scorpio 24.09
Mars Libra 13.49
Jupiter Aries 23.08 R
Saturn Sagittarius 18.23
Uranus Sagittarius 24.08
Neptune Capricorn 5.45
Pluto Scorpio 9.46
Lilith Leo 8.02
Asc node Aries 1.57

Yours :
Sun Sagittarius 4.28 Ascendant Aquarius 15.37
Moon Scorpio 16.15 II Pisces 28.27
Mercury Sagittarius 13.25 III Taurus 3.51
Venus Capricorn 20.07 IV Gemini 0.59
Mars Scorpio 15.14 V Gemini 24.04
Jupiter Cancer 9.31 R VI Cancer 17.17
Saturn Capricorn 11.39 VII Leo 15.37
Uranus Capricorn 3.42 VIII Virgo 28.27
Neptune Capricorn 10.46 IX Scorpio 3.51
Pluto Scorpio 15.54 Midheaven Sagittarius 0.59
Lilith Scorpio 2.31 XI Sagittarius 24.04
Asc node Aquarius 19.33 XII Capricorn 17.17

Funny ,me too share 8 of his 12 placements.Well anyway ,Heres lil details from my side .
Synastry seems good,compatible ,there are many favorable aspects .My earlier posts about javing squares in synastry is not necessarily bad as opposed to having opposition in synastry .Squares can be worked out/sorted out .If theres no healthy dose of friction then eventually a relationship dies a slow death ,boring.
Theres one trine of major importance ie his mars trines your ascendant which i reckon got both of you close in the first place and quite a few sextiles which seems pretty good imo for a sag/scorp union .
My god,helluva attraction ,lemme give you a brief summary .
His venus same as your mars ,thats not all, your ascendant same as his moon sign .
His mercurt sextile your venus - his emotions are tuned in to your artistic expression ,you both have common interest in social conversations,feel delighted in each others company .This is like you'r unconsciously aware hes someone you can count upon not to let you down .
His mars sextile your midheaven - he has the potential to awaken your latent abilities/talents in some field ,but am not very sure how this works out ,in the sense whether to look at it from a positive/negative angle considering some people relate midheaven to work/social status(saturn) but you have saturn as the ruler of capricorn in 12th house(very challenging placement for you),interesting cuz he has the knack of teaching you to fight back and stand up for yourself w/o feeling woefully bad about yourself ie w/o hurting your ego .Having said that ,i see this in positive light as both of you compliment and inspire each other in odd ways
wait!reached word limit..
His mercury conjucts your mars and moon but they dont form tight conjuction taking into account the orb value . watch out he may piss you off without meaning to ,but it is compensated by his aquahaha moon sextile your sun ,so at the end of the day no major hindrance towards smooth transition to good times .
Moreover mercury sextile venus ,hence majority of the time there will be smooth or free flowing conversation and theres a spirit of compromise cuz two of you foresee and value honesty in each other!
Over all take it as a learning experience .I'd give a thumbs up for compatibility .
( If i erred smeplace others may point out ,but am accurate enough imo )
Posted by piroglesic
His mercury conjucts your mars and moon but they dont form tight conjuction taking into account the orb value . watch out he may piss you off without meaning to ,but it is compensated by his aquahaha moon sextile your sun ,so at the end of the day no major hindrance towards smooth transition to good times .
Moreover mercury sextile venus ,hence majority of the time there will be smooth or free flowing conversation and theres a spirit of compromise cuz two of you foresee and value honesty in each other!
Over all take it as a learning experience .I'd give a thumbs up for compatibility .
( If i erred smeplace others may point out ,but am accurate enough imo )

Wow, a lot of that was spot on. Especially the part about us valuing honesty in each other.
Thank so much for that reading. This makes me very excited about things to come in the future smile