Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Okay. I recently met this Fiiiinnnnnneee persistant Virgo guy. Interesting I must admit. Plan to hang out this weekend. Depending on my schedule, busy holiday schedule. Dyar, this one is for you.... Virgo man/Scorp Woman relationship. I haven't been involved with one since my first love many years ago. Any advice on this combo?
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***Yea. If you still like him then don't have sex. Virgos fall short. haha*** LOL!! Scorpius... Really, if it ever got to that point, that would definitely be a bummer. Damn!
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
QS I dated a virgo for 4 years, sorry I could not tell you about him other than when get got mad at me he withheld sex for like a week... So after about a week he was laying in the bed..I took a shower was smelling nice put on a sexy nittie and got in the bed. I just layed there and watch tv next thing I know he was like forget it and jumped on me...I was like Yess.....hahahahahahahah I hope that helps....
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Sooo, Scorpiolady, what were the grounds for break up? Was the sex with him good or is Scorpius correct? LOL!! Although it is way too soon to be bothered with that thought. Sex is important to us scorps... Although it isn't everything, but VERY important! What about personality? Any personality clashes? I have been told it could be a match made in heaven. Ofcourse I am not anywhere near a relationship stage with this guy. Just interest on both parts and might hang out this weekend. We shall see compatibility is key. I will know after hanging out if we can just be friends or maybe something more later... I am very curious though. Very. Him being Hoooootttttt helps as well.
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
** I just posted this for QS on the Virgo Board ** QS, Details, baby! Details! You know us Virgs need 'em! - Where'd you meet? - Will you meet again? - Is he available? - Did he show any interest in you? As for advice... You've been down this path before - sure you want to do it again? If so, you know you have to be PATIENT and PERSISTENT to get a Virgo. My biggest caution: Watch for miscommunication / misunderstanding and hurt feelings -- that's been the biggest hurdle for me and my beloved Scorp. We really had to work at it, and still I go over the line with her, and put her in Brood Mode. Also, if he's trustworthy, then trust him. We Virgs can get our feelings hurt if we're being upfront and honest with you Scorps, and yet you hold back those details from us... THIS is going to be an interesting season on DXP... Good Luck!! ~DyarStra?e
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
"I have been told it could be a match made in heaven." Yes, it is. VirGuy will understand you better than most other guys, and accept you for who you are, though he may try to "perfect" you in some way or other... Example: My Scorp will not debate me, even though I've told her over & over that the mental stimulation stimulates other parts of me... ahem! Anywho, I accept that this is part of who she is, and I don't try to debate her any more; instead, I debate you folks on DXP, or my coworkers, or those members of my family who aren't ready to strangle me yet...
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
"I will know after hanging out if we can just be friends or maybe something more later... " Yeah, Debra knew she wanted me before we ever really talked -- that's how HOT I am! (Uh, and I knew I was attracted to her the first time I walked by her -- that's how HOT she is!) I've written tons of stuff about the romance and love-making between Scorp & Virg. If you two click outside the bedroom, I don't think you'll be disappointed when the clothes come off...
Signed Up: Oct 02, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 39 · Topics: 5
so scorpius tell me your thought on virgo/scropio relationship. im virgo he is scropio. he recently moved out , and i not sure why, and i say him for the 2nd time this weekend things didn't go as planned, and i kiss him ,but the kiss he return seemed fake. we had some problems in our relationship he was a angel that dropped out of the sky for me things were moving fast, from him saying he loved me, to family excepting him it was good in the beginning then things changed. right now he seems distance, withdrawn from me, and we don't talk as much, but he still refers to me as his girl. i met his grandmother this weekend also. i texted him today to say im thinking of you, and he responded what, and i repeated the text, then he said 4 real i got to go back to work. what the hell is going on with him? give me some insite.
Signed Up: Oct 02, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 39 · Topics: 5
im hurting deeply, because i don't know what to do i don't understand him. i need some clarity. does he still love me? is there someone else? what the hell did i do so bad. why does he just tell me what he is thinking bad or good instead he is leaving me to wonder. i love him deeply, and i felt like we were a match made in heaven. what can i do?
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
There are a million topics about this already. You simply just have to give it time. It takes a REAL woman who has the patience and time to deal with one of us fuck ups.
Signed Up: Oct 02, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 39 · Topics: 5
thats the hard part not having him with me or being able to hold him or kiss his lips. i am willing to wait for how ever long it takes. he is so worth it. i am learning so much from him patience, love, honesty, trust. thanks scropius
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
pookie, My younger Scorpio brother can be a real jerk sometimes. He can be very sweet & charming, and then turn on a woman and treat her like sh1t. I've called him on it, and shamed him from time to time, but he is who he is -- and he's been married 5 times so far... Virgo to Virgo: Pull WAY BACK from this guy, and see what he does. IMHO, Scorpio Men are moodier than Scorpio Women, and they have an even harder time explaining why they're in a mood. He could have feelings for you, but he's going through some sh1tty mood. Or, he could see you as too nice & too gullible, and is simply enjoying The Game... Either way, it's best to protect yourself until you know where he's coming from!! My bro's ladies are always head over heels about him at first, and then they find out what he's capable of -- almost the exact opposite to my relationship patterns... I can appear standoffish at first, and then the women realize my sarcastic bark is about all there is -- not much bite in this Ol' Dawg... You sound like a sweety -- don't let him sour you...
Signed Up: Oct 02, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 39 · Topics: 5
thanks that is my paln to back off as much as i can. its hard i have to admit, because he is such a wonderful person. i trust what we have, and i belive that it will get better with time. so yes i am backing off from calls, textes. i think that you have to chill out as a virgo sometimes, and stop analazing things, and go with the flow. peace.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
QS, Details, baby! Details! You know us Virgs need 'em! - Where'd you meet? - At his condo, he was throwing a birthday party for a female friend (also a scorp). I went there to pick up a friend of mine (Gemini) to go to another party one of my male friends were sponsoring (new friend of my cap girlfriend and he is also a Virgo) A friend of his said she wasn't a girlfriend because they would know about her. He asked for my number and asked where we were going. I told him to another party and he should join us when this was over. He texted me later to say he couldn't make it people didn't want to leave his house.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Will you meet again? - Hopefully he texted me yesterday asking how I was and what my week looked like. I explained my week I had Friday and Sunday available. He is going to see family Wed - Friday and dind't have plans for the weekend yet. - Is he available - I don't know. I hope so. He asked for my number and the other scorp was in the same room. They really didn't interact as a couple but seemed to be chemistry there in a way.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Did he show any interest in you - yes he asked my friend's cousin who I was and she introduced us. He smiled and we shook hands. He is fine as hell. I was giving my number to my friends cousin and he pulled out his blackberry and walked over to us and I looked and asked "Would you like my number as well?" He replied, "May I?" I looked him up and down and said "Absolutely" gave it to him and walked out the party. He texted me to ask where I worked today. We work 2 blocks away from eachother and live in the same neighborhood. I texted we should do lunch sometime, he said Sure. Then I asked his b-day August 27th.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
He said he would keep me posted about his weekend plans and I told him I would do the same and if any plans changed I would also let him know. We shall see.
Signed Up: Mar 16, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 449 · Topics: 10
Is it just me or are there more Virgo Fem/Scorp male problems than anything else?! Lately all the posts been from Virgo females confused about withdrawn Scorpio males. Half of them had no sex life. So What is the real isssue? Whats wrong with Virgo women?
Signed Up: Oct 03, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
"In one word...boring. No sense of sexual adventure. They seem to find it improper to get their kit off and face up to the olympic challenges. Too prude for a Scorp." Virgo women and women with Virgo risings are an incredible match for a Scorpio. And for you to know how well another woman's "sexual adventure" might be, well, it just makes me wonder. They are at the level with eachother and have a mental understanding. In that kind of situation, sex becomes unimportant and this Virgo/Scorpio match will be a successful one.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Hmmm.... We will see, this is exciting for me. I love new adventures. BTW, the Taurus is coming to see me Sat. for the day.... Any comments on that combo??? TB???
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
QS "Sooo, Scorpiolady, what were the grounds for break up?" He was the one I spend 4 years with and had to make a choice between my son or staying in kentucky with him. You remember? "Was the sex with him good or is Scorpius correct? LOL!!" Sex was AWESOME, over emotional sometiimes..
"What about personality?" He has his own business, very perfessional and wore a lot of suites, did a lot of cooking. "Any personality clashes?" No not really apprently he new about scrorpio women he loved dating them he knew the karma was good he told me I was his soulmate. I believe I was my soulmate but not in this life. "I have been told it could be a match made in heaven". I could say that that could be right...but remember there are about 4 different types of virgos I think I dated all four of them.
Dyarstrabe "Yes, it is. VirGuy will understand you better than most other guys, and accept you for who you are, though he may try to "perfect" you in some way or other..." So true ex virgo used to do that to me all the...he would say you should do this, you should do that and I would just look at him.... I would say just be yourself.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***I could say that that could be right...but remember there are about 4 different types of virgos I think I dated all four of them.*** What are the four types? The one I dated was two years older than me, but we were teenagers 15 and 17, so I don't think it counts. During this time. I wasn't having sex, so he sexed an Aqua two years older than him, which I found out later. He was sexualy active already I wasn't. However years later, we had a sexual encounter and from what I remember, it was very passionate. No other experiences with Virgos though. Thanks guys. I am excited to see what happens.
Queen, although I'm not a Scorp, I do have a Scorpio rising and north node. The best relationship I ever had was with a Virgo. They lack the emotional intensity you may want, but they always have your back. My Virgo really helped me realize my potential in so many areas. I think they're very "real" people and I like that about them. I think it's worth a try. Oh, and the sex was amazing!!! I was just too immature to appreciate what I had.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Thanks ladylion... I plan to see how this plays out. I only have fond memories of my first love (virgo) we remained so close years later. I miss him... hmmm.
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
"What are the four types?" 1. The Player - charming dude who appears monogamous, but has a harem of gal-pals / FWBs. 2. The Stayer - maintains control by never changing anything in his universe. 3. The Pleaser - the Virg you marry. A balanced blend of the Best & Worst typical traits. 4. The Teaser - the sweet guy you want who keeps you at arms length FOREVER.
"In one word...boring. No sense of sexual adventure. They seem to find it improper to get their kit off and face up to the olympic challenges. Too prude for a Scorp." ok, I had to jump in and defend us Virgo''s not a fair statement. We are very sensual and sexual beings. The key thing is that it has to happen under the right circumstances. Gotta get us mentally before you can have us sexually. And when that happens, then we let loose and our partner is in for a major suprise!
"I thought sex with a Virgo was great! In my experience, you have to take the lead and gently nudge them into a sensuous place. Being an earth sign, the whole touching aspect is VERY important." 100% RIGHT!
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
I did have lunch with the Virgo guy yesterday and had a blast!!! He is funny, charming and such a gentleman. He definitely had me laughing most of the time. He is a very giving person (he is always helping others). Not to mention Hooootttt!!! Green light for now. Didn't see the Taurus this weeekend, he caught the flu. I was going to go see him since he was sick. He didn't want me to really see him sick or for me to catch the flu from him, but said I could come if I wanted. I took a raincheck. We talked all weekend though. Yet to do the repostponed date with the Taurus...
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Any suggestions on how to proceed? This is what I found out about the Virgo: Originally from the south - oooooh love those southern boyz... He has a 12 yr old daughter who lives in the south, but he visits and she comes here frequently Hard worker, minimal time to play/hence haven't been in a serious relationship for over a year. Yes, he is single. The girl he threw the party for was just a friend. He said he hoped that we could spend more time to get to know eachother soon.
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
QS, Glad to hear the lunch date went well -- reminds me of my first lunch with my Scorp, where we seemed to click without trying. - Southern Virgo. Great! I think you'll find we're not nearly as uptight and fussy as the astrologers write about. There's gonna be a thing or two that we get anal about, and will want done "our way" (the Right Way!), but as long as you can give a little, you'll get a lot in return! - Sounds like he loves his daughter, and is trying to stay active in her life despite the distance. Pretty damn mature if you ask me, and displaying typical Virg responsibility. - Virgs love to work at something - usually our jobs - but it's good that he can take time away from the job now to date you. Some Virgs get too obsessive about the job, and remain single when they shouldn't. - He wants to see you again. No surprise there! Scorp & Virg share a powerful mutual attraction - physical, mental, and emotional in that order (for a Virg; swap the last two for a Scorp). I kinda knew I was falling for her by the time we got back to work - and thus the chaos began!
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
How to proceed? Lord! I really wish my Scorp would participate -- she could give you a boatload of advice on how to get it going with a Virg. From my perspective, I felt like she was rushing me at first, and we don't like that - makes us unstable, and wonder, What's she up to? To be fair, she had a lot going on at the time besides little ol' me, and she'd already waited a couple of months for me to respond to her the way she thought I should. From her point of view, we were at the right pace. EVERYBODY says you have to be Patient with us Virgs. Yes, BUT - if you're honest, open, and upfront from the start, we can make our minds up pretty fast about whether we want to take the plunge. I knew after a couple of months that I wanted to marry my Scorp. Plus, a lot of it is Chemistry and Timing. Debra knew it / accepted it much sooner, but we both realized fairly early on that we had the "right stuff" to make it as a couple. As for timing, I've written before that I would not have dated a woman like her in my 20's, but I was up for the challenge in my 40's. And honestly, she wasn't emotionally mature enough for a guy like me until her 30's.
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
What attracted me to her? Physically - even though I prefer brunettes, there was something in her blondness that suited her bright / cheerful manner - perfect match to her smile! But what struck me most were her eyes - brown with flecks of gold. Intriguing, and sucked me right in. Her petiteness brings out my father / protector personality - makes me want to shield her from the rough cruel world. As for lovemaking... dayum!! Fantastic! Mentally - she's honest, and smart. She's a passionate woman, but she can be reasoned with. She's goal-oriented, and practical. We read vastly different things, but we both like to read. She's a terrific problem-solver -- though her methods are way different from mine! She can be impulsive, or disciplined, and has no trouble shifting gears. Emotionally - she's GENUINE. She cares passionately about many things, and does so without needless drama! Her love is almost too much for a Virg, but she also understands this, and gives me my "alone time" when I need it. If y'all could see the way she looks at me, I wouldn't have to type a single word...
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
. . . reminds of the song by Tonic . . . If you could only see the way she loves me Then maybe you would understand Why I feel this way about our love And what I must do If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says When she says she loves me Except, of course, her eyes are brown not blue. Otherwise, perfect lyrics!
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***Virgs love to work at something - usually our jobs - but it's good that he can take time away from the job now to date you. Some Virgs get too obsessive about the job, and remain single when they shouldn't.*** OMG!!! Dyar, this is the exact reason he gave me when I asked why he wasn't dating anyone. He works a lot and in his free time does a lot for others. Yes, I know we scorps can be intense so I never try to be that way. I am enjoy giving space and giving the other person a chance to contact me. I love my own space as well. He is sweet.
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
We were very comfortable we laughed and talked about all kinds of things. Question: He would stop in the middle of our conversation and just stare at me for a few seconds. I would act like I didn't notice, but I noticed him doing this a couple times. What is that about?
Signed Up: Oct 08, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Why does he stop & stare? 1. He's soaking your beauty & charm. 2. He's having a mild seizure. 3. You said / did something immediately prior that he's committing to memory. My vote goes to #1 or #3. We're Detail People. For example, I can still recall what Debra was wearing on our lunch date, even down to the earrings. At first she found my nit-noid memorizing strange, but now she sees it as an expression of my love for her -- who else would go to so much trouble to recall the teeny-tiny details except a VirGuy who loves you? "We were very comfortable we laughed and talked about all kinds of things." Great! Sounds very promising. Ah! Brings back pleasant memories...
Signed Up: Aug 11, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Thanks Dyar, It will probably be another week or so before we hang out again. He will be out of town next weekend, and I will have my daughter. Mommy and me time However, we could have lunch this week posibly - we work two blocks away from eachother. Hmmmmmm... The following weekend my daughter will be with her father, and maybe we can hang out again.
Signed Up: Nov 21, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
What are the four types?" 1. The Player - charming dude who appears monogamous, but has a harem of gal-pals / FWBs. 2. The Stayer - maintains control by never changing anything in his universe. 3. The Pleaser - the Virg you marry. A balanced blend of the Best & Worst typical traits. 4. The Teaser - the sweet guy you want who keeps you at arms length FOREVER
Well the 4 that I encountered were: 1. Arrogant, controlling wanted me to submit to him off the back. (Wanted me to give him an answer about moving in with him I old him I had to think about it. He gave me 15min to give him an answer I never did and have not seen or heard from him since) 2. Married, wished he meet me instead of his wife...was honest enough to tell me that he can't take care of me and his wife so we became just friend, I still see him every couple of months (know he is dying of in incurable disease) 3. Miserable hated his own people, bitter and full of hate and anger and hurt, (stop talking to me because I would not buy him cig and bottle of E&J when he was broke cusses my ass out) 4. Buisnessman, materalistic, sexy, full of sex appeal, loves cooking. (The one I walked away from because I had to make a choice)
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