has any scorpio worked out with aquarius...please share cos most of the scorpio-aqua relationship i have seen got really bad...
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Jul 13, 2012Comments: 45 · Posts: 456 · Topics: 2
I have two scorp exs. They have an inate ablity to destroy aquas emotional shield. Deep conversations, wild sex, and passion such passion is very good combination. Alas the two most powerful signs are very different in my opinion. My scorps always thought i was lying and never there for her. I couldnt give them the emotional reponses they deserved. I felt caged and never could deal with all that passion. Both can disappear scorps deep inside themselves aqua in thier heads. Hey did i mention we can be flighty lost in clouds scorps hate that.
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Jan 19, 2012Comments: 6 · Posts: 702 · Topics: 39
I currently work and adore a make aqua. He instantly clicked and it shocked me but I went with it. We had a strong friendship for a couple of years before it went downhill. I felt he was neglecting me when in his mind he was giving me space to do my own thing. The arguments and tension went on for a long time and got so bad there where there was yelling from both sides or I was in years from the frustration. It took a long time but things got better and we are even closer than we've ever been
It didnt get better until I realized he'd ways be clueless because aquas are not gray at understanding emotions and he was sooooo bad at it. So I figured it wouldn't get better unless I fixed things. So I read up on aqua traits, thought about all the memories we had and i looked at how he acted in past situations, and I consulted a coworker as to what she thought.
It took my acceptance of his traits, reminding myself that his actions mean when he does something, controlling my emotions. And one day I started talking to him like old times and right away it clean slated everything. We are closer than we've ever been and the aqua male started to seem happier hes ever been and now hes starting to be flirty with me like he used to.
My advice to any Scorpio ESP the females. Let him socialize and don't always be around him. If he talks to you always respond happily. Also keep in mind hes going to be social with everyone including his enemies and your enemies. Realize his actions may not mean what you think they mean. There are times when I talk to him and he isn't talkative i used to think ugh he must be mad at me and that was never the case. Now I know he was just busy deep in thought and whenever he solved or finished what he was doing he was back to his old self
Finally never take things personally. Aquas are caring individuals. They just are clueless sometimes
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Jan 19, 2012Comments: 6 · Posts: 702 · Topics: 39
Well with my aqua male friend whenever I'm upset and argue with him he never considered it as arguing. If I yell that's when he sees it as arguing. He said the toughest parts for him was when I cried. He said he never knew what to do ( which is true he just sat there lol)
Him socializing alot with others I took as neglect. He considered it as giving me the space he thought i wanted. If two of his friends fight he will just stand there watching it all happen. He has admitted hes not the sympathetic type but said that it doesn't mean he doesn't care. He
As a Scorpio the hardest part got me to accept is his knack for wanting to socialize with everyone. I used to hate his lack of empathy but I preferred his protectiveness more
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Its good at 1st, but turns bad due scorp's need for more and the aqua being out of stock. With scorps its always more feelings, more this & that...MORE! Leaves me out of breath thinking about it. I have a lot of scorp in me, i should be able to take it, but in the end i just couldnt. It left me drained emotionally. Scorps arent bad as friends, but all that changes the moment their emotions are involved and they become this overbearing nuisance. Friends, YES...Lovers, NO.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
And one last thing. Another spoiler in the scorp/aqua relationship is scorp's tendency to take everything said and done to heart. There is NO motive behind every vowel and action...they cant seem to get that thou. Aquas needs freedom in everything including speaking. I need to be able to speak my mind without you sulking just because something i said/say hurt/might hurt your feelings. That sensitivity is a pea under my matress. Yeah, often times others feelings are a blur to an aqua mainly because we dont easily get offended and we automatically think that other people are the same. To a scorp EVERYTHING regarding feelings is VERY visible. They can even see yours and know how to get them working, lol. This brings back bad memories.
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Nov 17, 2012Comments: 22 · Posts: 6178 · Topics: 30
I still think the most satisfying relationship is one you can learn from and grow as a person... I think both these signs have so much to offer each other it's just tough when you don't try to look at things from the other person's shoes. I think deep down all Aquas would like to be able to express their feelings more openly... I know I can't always make everything make complete logical sense... I gotta learn to trust my gut and my intuition.... Scorps I'm sure deep down wish they weren't always overly emotional about everything... It is good at times to use your head, not your heart.
??Both signs have to offer each other that which the other wants.... Deep satisfying loyal love. We may both go about it differently but the goal is ultimately the same.
??Both signs are loyal to the core.
??To the contrary of what most have posted.... I have read and heard of many everyday people in Aquarius/Scorpio relationships that work and are happy
??There is a reason we both enjoy each others company....
??I THINK saying that being great friends for life BUT not lovers is absolutely absurd!? Are we not all searching for our best friend in a soulmate?
I dunno, maybe I'm biased about the freind thing since I am Aquarius after all...
I just think this relationship is frightening for most because it really will be true love! And how many of us are truly full on believers in true love(the kind thats selfless, long suffering, never boastful, slow to anger,etc.). It can be sacry... can you be that selfless? Can you be that understanding?
Someone said Aquarians can take the sting out of being a Scorpio and Scorpios can take the loneliness out of being an Aquarian....
hi i have an uncomditional path thru aquarius karma. im a scorpio with libra moon and leo rising all these signs attract aqu. that makes aqu the ruler of my 7th house and the ruler of my natal 4th. then my uranus( ruler of aquarius) is in scorpio in my 4th conjunting my scorpio sun by 1 degree. no matter how many times i tell myself i wont ever fall for another one i do. in the end i will probably end up with one or one that has strong aquarius influence. i know i have a lesson to learn from them, but they hurt me everytime.
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Jan 08, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 689 · Topics: 53
What about a scorpion female and Aqua Female? how is that friendship?