Scorpio and Aqua Jealousy

This topic was created in the Scorpio and Aquarius Compatibility forum by BlueAqua on Saturday, January 5, 2008 and has 12 replies.
I will admit I am so jealous. There I said it. I dont seem to understand why I am more jealous than my Scorp man. Sometimes I feel out of control with it.I have a good Scorp guy he's somewhat jealous but he controls it very well.He controls everything well. I have to regain control. Do you scorps have this prob?
Geez, i thought this topic was about aquas being jealous about not being scorps.
But i guess your inflated egos prevent that sort of thought.
yes, as a whole, we are jealous and we are required to master self-control to keep our violent emotions in check. otherwise, we go to prison.
Prison is for Men.
Don`t you know the rules BA?
You must post a nude pic of you before asking any quistion..we are waiting.
hypnos,looks like the cold has really gotten to youTongue
What can i do man?
I really wonder sometimes how those stupid Eskimo fock each other!!
It got to my brain i was trying to remember my best friend`s name for a whole minute..i got scared really.
Hypnos has been bangin' one too many snow women.
But your point is well taken, we'd very much appreciate a nude pic.
"Geez, i thought this topic was about aquas being jealous about not being scorps"
Hey you guys got it going on I must say, but I feel just as jealous as a scorpio and I'm an aqua and I dont know what's up with that. I have to control my jealousy moreso than my scorp bf.
Don`t you know the rules BA?
You must post a nude pic of you before asking any quistion..we are waiting.

Hypnos and SR is this a setup? I didn't know it was like that over hereWinking
As you know from your bf, blueAq, we're pervs. smile
They have specialty flix for your condition AM...
