Scorpio coldness (what else!)

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Aries on Thursday, May 15, 2008 and has 25 replies.
Scropio guys says to me for a whole week "I love you I miss you I want you can't wait to make love to you" bullshit bullshit!! Well, the whole day he flirts with me and then later in the evening, I open up and say that I have been having a hardtime since mother's day as i was feeling alone (nothing to do with him) I just turned to him for comfort and had little tears in my eyes as I was really hurting.. He coldly told me that there was no reason to cry taht I should cheer up.
I asked him to spend that evening with me as I just needed a friend and comfort, encouraging words - He flatly refused saying he has to get a haircut that evening because it's hard to get appt with that particular hair stylist. Bastard lets me drive home drunk !! (BTW - he only talks to me about sex never about how smart am or how happy I am now after my divorce, or anything else. Alwasys demands sex when we are together. Never just get together and talk, always sex)
Next day he wants to wish me luck on some appointment i had, I ignore him. He eamils me I ignore tha and his Ims. He is actually feeling bad that I hve the nerve to not talk to him .. I told him that he has lost me, and that I would have better luck getting blood from a stone than some comfort from him. He gets very angry and withdraws.
He actually texts me tht he will not call me until he calms down. I don't care if he never calls.
Question -I am about to quit my job and get a new one. I dont plan on telling him where (he knows that I had a job interview, and wants to know details) Do you think that once he finds out aht I quit, he will come looking for me to see where I am and If I am dating someone else, or how coudl I just leave HIM and walk away and be so strong??
Yet another doomed Aries-Scorp relationship built on sex.
Too funny. smile
Scropion_rising, I tell you one thing, sex with him was fun !! He actually could not keep up with me, which I took as a compliment smile I do miss the sex part, but honetly, after he gave me the cold shoulder when I needed comfort the most (even just a hug) I don't find him attractive anymore.
Seems like you and him are on a different wavelength.
"(BTW - he only talks to me about sex never about how smart am or how happy I am now after my divorce, or anything else. Alwasys demands sex when we are together. Never just get together and talk, always sex)"
Guy seems to view this as a sexual relationship, and you don't.
I saw it as a sexual relationshipe only, also, but then he went on and on about his "love" for me and feelings. I kept telling myself that he is only interested in sex. but I was having a very hard day (mother's day was hard becasue my ex husband broke up our marriage to make his mother happy) loong story. i was feeling angry and sad that she had that power to break up my marriage and now she's enjoyign mother's day with my ex.
So anyway, I was sad about that and just needed comforting. I am not a needy clingy person, I just needed a friend's comfort. Just a human touch, that's all
because he kept saying things about love and missing me... I just leaned on him that one evening..

You need to find yourself a nice Leo or Sag boy.
could you tell me what the hell was that behavior on his part?
Aside from that, scorpio or not, who does this to another person!

I'd be happy to, but you need to be more specific with your question.
Aries: "could you tell me what the hell was that behavior on his part?"
Does it really matter? You said yourself you do not find him attractive anymore after his treatment of you.
I would move on and find somebody else who would give me more attention and affection.
By the say, let's substitute the 'nice' in leo and sag to 'exciting' or 'warm'!
"By the Way".
Aries, i think somewhere along the way you jumped over a phase and you missed off an important discussion/conversation about your relationship and the level that you are at, also you cannot have a relationship if the 2 partners want different things in life at that particular stage, someone always gets hurt. i know it is hard but you need to move on, you'll find someone that knows how to comfort you i am sure!!!good luck
"he will come looking for me to see where I am and If I am dating someone else"
LOL...Aries...this happened EONS ago but anyway I was like 14 or 15 and had just given my now hubby my cherry...the most precious moment of my life and you know what he did? He friggin DISAPPEARED. For like 2 weeks. No explanation. Nothing. Nada. He was gone. Poof.
The first week I cried my heart out. What had I done wrong? Did he think I was cheap now? Was there another girl? Was he announcing this conquest to his friends?
The second week I was livid. At the start of the third week he NOTHING had happened. I mean, how does a guy just suddenly show up after all that and go ?Hey Lena, what's up? with a friggin grin on his face? Like the last 2 weeks were non-existent? I whacked him across the face and told him to go where the sun don't shine...and while he was at it, never to contact me again.
First he got hurt, then he got angry and wanted to get even. He started ?dating? some girl. I ignored him...he ignored I even cared at that point. I had been and done with my crying?and I was on a roll ! So when his attempts to pretend I didn't exist failed and I started to sorta date another guy...I'd only dated him for like a day before the scorp that was supposedly dating the other girl proceeded to crash the date I was on and announce TO MY DATE that I already had a boyfriend.
OMG thinking about it now, it was hilarious...but at the time I was like WTF? And then he pulled me aside and went into a psycho jealous rage demanding whether I had ?done the deed? with this guy. Sheeesh...I swear sometimes he acts like he's on meds or something.
It's only a few years ago that he told me why he'd disappeared back then. Apparently he couldn't deal with the ?emotional intensity? of being that close to me (aka having sex for the first time) and he had to go and ?deep think? or whatever. He was friggin 15 years old. What was there to ?deep think? about?
Pfeh?I bet when his mom gave him his pacifier for the first time, he toddled off to ?deep think? about it before re-emerging with the damn thing stuck in his mouth.

Point being Aries...scorp men are weird and they do weird things. They are driven by emotion so they NEVER think logically before doing stuff.
They hurt you when they love you and they hurt you when they hate you. Your guy sounds like he's just into the toss him aside.
And be grateful that you won't have to deal with a scorp for the rest of your life...hopefully Tongue
"Point being Aries...scorp men are weird and they do weird things. They are driven by emotion so they NEVER think logically before doing stuff."
Guilty as charged.
"Newbie, you're awesome!"
Thanks...give you something to look forward to once your scorp gets his act together...or maybe after that story you'll realise they're not worth it after all Tongue
"ugh newbie that story twinged my heart strings so bad."
"i think i'm off men for good."
Yeah...relationships suck. And when you're dealing with scorp men, expect them to extra suck...LOL
If you're not made of steel, you rapidly toughen up...either that or you crumble...BIG time.
But relationships in general aren't easy so you just gotta do the best you can.
"Scorpios don't seem to trust emotion or listen to their intuition. They could really save themselves hours of time."
The funny thing is that he recently said he knew he wanted to marry me after that first night. Yeah...based on his actions afterward THAT was pretty obvious. I could soooooo hear the wedding bells chiming after he actively attempted to hurt me and hooked up with the other girl...LOL
The Taurus woman/ Scorp man combo is so friggin hilarious. NEVER a dull moment.
"Geez, aren't you glad you found THAT out after all the crap you had to deal with first?"
Aren't I just? If there's two routes to get from A to damn sure your scorp will take the
A >>>>> MAJOR DRAMA >>>>> B
route as opposed to the simpler
A >>>>> B
Newbie! You are wonderful at making me laugh ! smile
He is at childish behavior now, walking with a strange woman in front of my view and makes some noise to get my attention.. I was laughing. I kept walking back and forth making every attempt to make a point that he was not looking in my direction. Whatever !
haha I stayed away from him, but he also did say to me today that he's not happy that I best stay clear of him today... I am soo over him after he did that crap
Newbie! You are wonderful at making me laugh ! smile
He is at childish behavior now, walking with a strange woman in front of my view and makes some noise to get my attention.. I was laughing. I kept walking back and forth making every attempt to make a point that he was not looking in my direction. Whatever !
haha I stayed away from him, but he also did say to me today that he's not happy that I best stay clear of him today... I am soo over him after he did that crap
HE kept walking back and forth - not me.
oh Toro, i am sorry you feel this way.....have you considered a cancer, capricorns are really good with taurus, i heard the same goes with virgos...?i think it is to do with what you both want out of life from day one of your encounter!!!don't loose hope, be strong, he will come when you least expect!best of luck
anytime Ferdy....
Aries: "I just turned to him for comfort and had little tears in my eyes as I was really hurting.. He coldly told me that there was no reason to cry taht I should cheer up."
I have had this same situation happen many times where I was upset and had someone tell me that I should not be upset and/or to get over it. On each occassion the someone who said it was an aries.
Virgogotime - thanks for your response. I see that my paragraph is confusing..
Here's some clarity.. I was over my ex before the divorce. Bt it hasn't been a year yet, so it's first' mother's day after divorce, or frist this or that after divorce... it just reminds me of what happend... I honestly dont miss or want my ex. And he knows that.
The thing is that whenever, i am feeling tired or down about ANYTHING, he is not there for me. Even if it is work related, or anything not related to divorce at all.. He expects me to be there for him when he needs sex. We both are sexually obsessed with eachother, and we both love it. Ususally when I need comfort, I'll turn ot my GFs or go out by myself and be around people. Thsi time he just happened to be there and so I leaned on him and said I don't want to be alone, I just need comfort. That it would be nice to actually have someone there rather than talk to somene over the phone..
whenever he has free time he will do what HE wants, and never make time for me. But if there is a window of opportunity, he expects me to drop everything for him.
This has nothig to do with my Ex, but this guy's need to be self serving... But anyway, when someone is crying for ANY REASON, the least you can do is hug them or hold their hands... he did nothing...