Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
A likely story
Posted by KimboSliceOh I don't think he's lying. Of course I don't know if it's all true or not and really don't care. I just think the story is interesting. And a very long one. I just don't know how these users write so long like this. I just can't figure it out.Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
A likely story
You know it’s bad when even the beautiful Gemini thinks OP is lyingclick to expand
Posted by Stardustmoppedthere women out there who do not care about that or don't like it. Not every single girls is the same. the answer is find someone who your are sexually compatible with
You don’t eat pussy? I would not call you back either
Hyper sexual and doesn’t eat cat 💅🏽
Posted by KimboSliceI am not lying i swear. I am trying to figure out a way to get her backPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
A likely story
You know it’s bad when even the beautiful Gemini thinks OP is lyingclick to expand
Posted by Stardustmoppedthan why would we be cuddle in the back of the uber after it was all done.Posted by crabjunePosted by Stardustmopped
You don’t eat pussy? I would not call you back either
Hyper sexual and doesn’t eat cat 💅🏽
there women out there who do not care about that or don't like it. Not every single girls is the same. the answer is find someone who your are sexually compatible with
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The bottom line is if she was left unsatisfied she’s not calling to expand
Posted by Stardustmoppedtell em lick my clit and hit the bricksPosted by crabjunePosted by StardustmoppedPosted by crabjunePosted by Stardustmopped
You don’t eat pussy? I would not call you back either
Hyper sexual and doesn’t eat cat 💅🏽
there women out there who do not care about that or don't like it. Not every single girls is the same. the answer is find someone who your are sexually compatible with
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The bottom line is if she was left unsatisfied she’s not calling back.
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than why would we be cuddle in the back of the uber after it was all done.
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She was giving you aftercare because she understands the basic fundamentals of sex? What was she supposed to do?click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineTBH they said tinder so on those apps it's pretty frequent that women/bots/whatever else try to sell stuff to you. So I get the reason for asking but I also understand a woman not liking that question lol
She’s not interested
I’ve 5 planets in Scorpio and if I’m turned off I’ll freeze you out
Asking if she takes money for sex is very insulting
Actually with the way you talk about women, you’d probably be better “served” with paying for a prostitute
Posted by DewiK1991You can't speak for all women. you can only speak for yourself. There is a woman out there for every man. The thing is you got to find someone who is compatible with you. That is all. Get off that idiotic western concept like "if you don't have control you don't deserve a woman" bullshit. They brainwash you with this western ideology that has no functioning with reality. How about a woman with lack of self control, does she deserve a man? p
I guess your can't handle wholesome women we Virgo's don't play, and you've disrespected the Scorpio woman by asking her if she sells sex, I would have blocked you the moment you'd ask.
On top of that the only man who gets pictures of me is my man I guess you have your own issues looking for these mentally unstable women.
Because apparently a woman with morals isn't what you want you rather have a doormat.
Maybe the way you write things also don't come off as very respectful towards women. If you don't know what you want you should not date in the first place.
A man with no self control nor morals or patience isn't worth any woman's time.
You're better off with your right hand
Posted by Stardustmoppedonce again they brainwash you people into believing relationship suppose to be just one way. The truth is there are women out there who want to please a man and don't care about the return favor and vice versa man who please woman and don't care about favor. This bullshit feministic belief got to freaking stop. Not everyone is the same. People have different needs and difference wants. Just find someone you are compatible with.Posted by SoloPosted by StardustmoppedPosted by crabjunePosted by StardustmoppedPosted by crabjunePosted by Stardustmopped
You don’t eat pussy? I would not call you back either
Hyper sexual and doesn’t eat cat 💅🏽
there women out there who do not care about that or don't like it. Not every single girls is the same. the answer is find someone who your are sexually compatible with
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The bottom line is if she was left unsatisfied she’s not calling back.
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than why would we be cuddle in the back of the uber after it was all done.
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She was giving you aftercare because she understands the basic fundamentals of sex? What was she supposed to do?
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tell em lick my clit and hit the bricks
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Bring back embarrassment and shame. How do you brag about how efficient someone was at making you cum and then you don’t even return the to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineNo, I don't do prostitute. Just get a woman who is looking for the samething as i am. Not every woman is like you. The white woman has done a job trying to spread feminism bullshit to the rest of yal
She’s not interested
I’ve 5 planets in Scorpio and if I’m turned off I’ll freeze you out
Asking if she takes money for sex is very insulting
Actually with the way you talk about women, you’d probably be better “served” with paying for a prostitute
Posted by LuckyLibra7thank you finally someone who is making sense with the response. I just got tired of hearing feminism bullshit responses.😂
You busted before sex, blew her off on the reschedule and you're asking where she's at?
I find women to be a little forgiving in the sexual department. Most guys do not last 15+ mins and they'll give a second chance on top of not necessarily wanting to repeatedly find a new partner. You made other plans with Virgo for your second chance and she probably took that as a sign of disinterest.
Water signs want your full attention usually.
Posted by WarAngel79looks like I did. The Virgo we just say hi to each other when we saw each other and I don't really want her anymore as I think we are not compatible. Now her I hope she come back because now I want to make her my girlfriend. I really like her. I did not know at first but after she disappeared. I recognize that I like her. I hope she come back. She is a Scorpio sun Taurus moon lady. Taurus is a sign I love the most next to Leo. So that a good combination for me.
You need to practice better how to juggle the ladies. You fumbled this one. You're about to lose them both entirely, if not already.
Posted by crabjuneYou might get one more chance if you play it really, really smoothly. Don't get your hopes up though.Posted by WarAngel79
You need to practice better how to juggle the ladies. You fumbled this one. You're about to lose them both entirely, if not already.
looks like I did. The Virgo we just say hi to each other when we saw each other and I don't really want her anymore as I think we are not compatible. Now her I hope she come back because now I want to make her my girlfriend. I really like her. I did not know at first but after she disappeared. I recognize that I like her. I hope she come back. She is a Scorpio sun Taurus moon lady. Taurus is a sign I love the most next to Leo. So that a good combination for to expand
Posted by crabjuneWhat all of them??Posted by MyStarsShine
She’s not interested
I’ve 5 planets in Scorpio and if I’m turned off I’ll freeze you out
Asking if she takes money for sex is very insulting
Actually with the way you talk about women, you’d probably be better “served” with paying for a prostitute
No, I don't do prostitute. Just get a woman who is looking for the samething as i am. Not every woman is like you. The white woman has done a job trying to spread feminism bullshit to the rest of yalclick to expand
Posted by DewiK1991Actually you can't. You are pretty ignorant. Tell that the women who date thugs, gangsters and bikers etc. Most of those guys have no control, plus date women for their body etc. So you can't talk for all women because you are not all women. Some women will fight you if you come with that attitude toward them and their men. Let me ask you a question! are you a white American woman?Posted by crabjunePosted by DewiK1991
I guess your can't handle wholesome women we Virgo's don't play, and you've disrespected the Scorpio woman by asking her if she sells sex, I would have blocked you the moment you'd ask.
On top of that the only man who gets pictures of me is my man I guess you have your own issues looking for these mentally unstable women.
Because apparently a woman with morals isn't what you want you rather have a doormat.
Maybe the way you write things also don't come off as very respectful towards women. If you don't know what you want you should not date in the first place.
A man with no self control nor morals or patience isn't worth any woman's time.
You're better off with your right hand
You can't speak for all women. you can only speak for yourself. There is a woman out there for every man. The thing is you got to find someone who is compatible with you. That is all. Get off that idiotic western concept like "if you don't have control you don't deserve a woman" bullshit. They brainwash you with this western ideology that has no functioning with reality. How about a woman with lack of self control, does she deserve a man? p
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It has little to do with western ideology and more to do with being conscious as a man.
I do speak for all women no woman likes a man who has no self control.
And another thing we're talking about you now not about women, it's about the fact that you as a man don't know what you want and have no capacity to build deep intimacy with a woman besides talking about a woman's to expand
Posted by crabjuneWhat is this supposed to mean and who are you talking to?
oh dam the white has gotten you guys too. Oh dam I hope you live in the USA.
Posted by MyStarsShineWho the hell are you, "who are you talking to" like you are some threat. Better show some respectPosted by crabjune
oh dam the white has gotten you guys too. Oh dam I hope you live in the USA.
What is this supposed to mean and who are you talking to?click to expand
Posted by crabjuneRespect?Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by crabjune
oh dam the white has gotten you guys too. Oh dam I hope you live in the USA.
What is this supposed to mean and who are you talking to?
click to expand
Who the hell are you, "who are you talking to" like you are some threat. Better show some respectclick to expand
Posted by SoulLook like I touched the nerves you judgmental jackass. Anyway There will always be a woman to take care of my needs. Hate it or love it you can't do nothing about it
I want to be in on this so bad, but I'm too lazy to read your post. I read the first few sentences, and can't afford my IQ being lowered anymore. At this rate I'm going to start eating my own shit, then questioning why it taste like shit. Because of that I'm going to simply say fuck you, you degenerate human with an overly functioning hormone system. Jerk off more, and speak less you dumb fuck.
Posted by LuminHow about if they want to same thing as me
It sounds like you’re using these women for your own pleasure. If they aren’t aware of this and or they are looking for someone serious, I suggest you leave them both alone.
Posted by serenidadI appreciate you for responding with maturity . Yes it true but sometime Hook up can develop into something serious. That kind of hurt me considering she dump me quick. i guess I will have to forget her which hurt plus the fact that I did not have sex with her hurt even more. I started to like her. I do believe you can find love through sex.
i know this may sound kinda dry but i don’t understand when people come on here and say things like “my hook up partner suddenly vanished” or “my hookup partner is being cold/distant towards me”
of course she/he is. you’re a hook up. y’all were just using each other.
i’m assuming in hookup culture, people come and go like revolving doors.
and this is coming from a dude who has never taken part in hookup culture.
i’m not into all that being a taurus venus. the streets ain’t for me cuz i like to cuddle and shit 😂
but even i can see the hypocrisy in expecting “emotions” and “consistency “ from a hookup partner/situation.
someone being distant? someone disappears? ok. just move on.
you’re in the hookup culture. you’re not supposed to wonder where someone went or if they’re even coming back. 🤷♂️
Posted by crabjuneSometimes my own posts make me genuinely laugh out loud. Like I would have completely forgotten writing this, but reading it the next day I'm like "Who the fuck is this guy?" LMAO!Posted by Soul
I want to be in on this so bad, but I'm too lazy to read your post. I read the first few sentences, and can't afford my IQ being lowered anymore. At this rate I'm going to start eating my own shit, then questioning why it taste like shit. Because of that I'm going to simply say fuck you, you degenerate human with an overly functioning hormone system. Jerk off more, and speak less you dumb fuck.
Look like I touched the nerves you judgmental jackass. Anyway There will always be a woman to take care of my needs. Hate it or love it you can't do nothing about itclick to expand
Posted by crabjunethe only way to not get hurt too badly is to just acknowledge this culture for what it is.Posted by serenidad
i know this may sound kinda dry but i don’t understand when people come on here and say things like “my hook up partner suddenly vanished” or “my hookup partner is being cold/distant towards me”
of course she/he is. you’re a hook up. y’all were just using each other.
i’m assuming in hookup culture, people come and go like revolving doors.
and this is coming from a dude who has never taken part in hookup culture.
i’m not into all that being a taurus venus. the streets ain’t for me cuz i like to cuddle and shit 😂
but even i can see the hypocrisy in expecting “emotions” and “consistency “ from a hookup partner/situation.
someone being distant? someone disappears? ok. just move on.
you’re in the hookup culture. you’re not supposed to wonder where someone went or if they’re even coming back. 🤷♂️
I appreciate you for responding with maturity . Yes it true but sometime Hook up can develop into something serious. That kind of hurt me considering she dump me quick. i guess I will have to forget her which hurt plus the fact that I did not have sex with her hurt even more. I started to like her. I do believe you can find love through to expand
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