Sup, I am a Scorpion, 11/1/85, need some advice on my girl.
So I been dating this girl for about a year, she's real cool, she's a Scorpio, too, a little quiet and set in her ways, but I like her. My last couple girlfriends were crazy as shit and that was aight for a little while but it got boring to always be guessing what was up all the time. So me and this girl are cool and I really like her. She's met most my friends, my family, and I took her to my job the other day. That's when the problem came in.
Before I go any further, I should mention I am white and she is black. All my past girlfriends have been black except one. It's just a preference, I guess. Anyway, I work in the city at an agency so a lot of my coworkers are also black and that includes some black females my age. I did talk to a couple, it didn't go anywhere with either of them and we're just cool, we say hi and bye, and that's it. So when I took my girl to work, word got around and there were a lot of females just coming up and saying hi to me and my girl got angry about all that, saying they was only doing that because they see I like "chocolate." I actually heard that before from my last ex girlfriend because some of her friends would flirt with me a little and she said black girls are always curious when they see a white guy with a black girl cause they think maybe if she ain't that cute, they can get with him.
I'm not looking to cheat and the girls at my job I was talking to are just my friends now, nothing more. I feel like my girl is getting upset over nothing. I was just like "If I had something to hide, would I be taking you around to meet these people?" I just don't know what to do. In some ways she's not exatly my type because she's so quiet and serious, but I feel like I can be myself around her and don't have to play games or act a certain type of way, and I only felt that before one time with my first girlfriend (who funny enough, is white). So I want her to be happy but I'm not doing anything wrong and it gets on my nerves when I get a text or something and she's all like "Oh, who's that, one of your girlfriends from work?" And she is always looking to see who posts on my space or my facebook. I don't really like all this jealousy, it's really making a mess of what can be a real nice relationship.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Tell her just don't like her being jealous and that you feel she is pushing you away by being so. Assure her she has no reason to be jealous and if at all, don't give her reasons to be jealous..
What would you do if the tables were turned?
I dunno, I know guys try to get with her. On her facebook, there's guys talking about how pretty she is and everything. I trust her, though, that's the difference. I feel like she doesn't trust me too much.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Well I am not really well versed on the black/white dynamics in a relationship but I guess at the back of her mind she might be thinking you'll leave her for a white girl eventually? anything is a threat to the relationship..hmmm mixed race relationships can be difficult..
She just needs reassurance..but I agree there are limits to how much you can assure someone. Being a scorpio, you'll probably tire of it eventually and move on..our tolerance level isn't that great to start with!
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Aug 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 20
Haha, funny that this Ad...
...was at the bottom of the page in this topic
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1471 · Topics: 25
About the topic..
I never cheated my ex Scorp but it's not fun when someone is showing too much jealousy. It's really difficult to deal with. You should try to discuss this with her. If that doesn't work then.. I already see where it's going.. Been there done that.. Unfortunately..
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 408 · Topics: 20
Honestly, if she's that jealous without reason there's not much YOU can do to change it. It's her issue=insecurity.
I would definitely suggest telling her how much it bothers you though. Be very straight with her. It's so damn annoying.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
It is, especially if you aren't doing anything wrong..
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Mar 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 967 · Topics: 41
I know how you feel Primetime. When two intense people are always going at it. It gets draining.
You need a break and you are entitled to one.
Me and my Ex Scorp were like that. The love died after a while because we were just tired and drained.
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Dec 01, 2005Comments: 11 · Posts: 1565 · Topics: 18
I never understood scorpio's being jealous. It's such a contradiction to me. Scorpio is such a "intuitive, perceptive" sign, right? They really get know a person, right? Ok, speaking to scorpios: you get to know the person and become involved. You become involved with the other person because you trust what you know. Well, if you trust your S/O because you know them, then how can you be jealous?
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Dec 01, 2005Comments: 11 · Posts: 1565 · Topics: 18
"In some ways she's not exatly my type because she's so quiet and serious,..."
She's probably picking up on this vibe from you and it's harrassing her confidence in the stability of the relationship. Don't call her insecure just yet, find out what's really bothering her.