Scorpio man flakes on date

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by 8thHousee on Sunday, August 19, 2018 and has 50 replies.
I’m so pissed off. Ugh! I’ll try to make it short but I have this friend who’s a Scorpio/cap moon man, and last week at a party he kissed me. I never had a clue that he liked me at all and we’ve been friends for 4 years. We made out for a while, and he admitted that he’s always liked me even though I was with my ex (his friend also), and that he was jealous of my ex because he got to date me, and that he’s always wanted to tell me but was nervous. We had dinner a couple months back, and he said he was actually planning on making a move back then.

Anyway, that was that. Since then, we’ve talked everyday. I told him that my friend said I should date or hook up with him, and he said he wouldn’t mind that idea. And I asked him if he meant hook up or date. He said that we’ll most likely end up together after the hook up, and that he’s scared to completely lose me. I think he meant as a friend because he said if we ever stopped being friends after it would bother him a lot.

I asked him (on wednesday) if he wanted to have dinner today, and he said yes and asked if it was a “date”. I just told him he could call if whatever he wanted. He said yeah and I said we should meet at 7 and he agreed.

Yesterday we were texting and he was opening up telling me how he can’t get enough of me, and that he’s glad he made a move, and he thought I was going to reject him.

So, we were supposed to have our date today. I texted him, no answer. Messaged on IG, no answer, even tho I see he’s active. Wtf is up with that??? I’m super confused as to what happened. Seemed like everything was cool yesterday. Is he playing games? Is he just bored? What do you think? He’s a Scorp sun and merc, cap moon, Sag Venus, Libra mars.
Anyone? 😩
Posted by Ellygant

He’s not serious. Not a good investment.

All that hemming and hawing wouldn’t be there if he was serious about wanting something with you. And he definitely wouldn’t flake.

Maybe he’s not ready to define things. Maybe he is kicking around the idea of seeing others. Maybe he is worried how it will affect his friendship with your ex. Maybe he is just insecure.

Point is, he did not make time for you and couldn’t spend a few seconds to hammer out an apology or make a point to reschedule.
You’re right. I’m really bummed about it because I thought he’d at least respect me enough to apologize or cancel since we’re friends... just sucks. He hurt my feelings. I’ve just been quiet. I’m not planning on hitting him up. I just don’t like when people fuck with my emotions
Was there alcohol involved at this party? I tell my lyft driver I love them if I've had enough to drink. Js.
He's very rude to ignore you

Ignore him......he's not worth it 👎🏻
he's the loser - so strange and that sucks - keep us posted - any updates ?
Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol
Posted by tctaap

he's the loser - so strange and that sucks - keep us posted - any updates ?
No updates really. He hasn’t read the message I sent on sat on IG, but he looks at my IG stories and snaps 🙄 I feel like he’s just trying to get some kind of reaction out of me.
Posted by Ellygant

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by Ellygant

He’s not serious. Not a good investment.

All that hemming and hawing wouldn’t be there if he was serious about wanting something with you. And he definitely wouldn’t flake.

Maybe he’s not ready to define things. Maybe he is kicking around the idea of seeing others. Maybe he is worried how it will affect his friendship with your ex. Maybe he is just insecure.

Point is, he did not make time for you and couldn’t spend a few seconds to hammer out an apology or make a point to reschedule.
You’re right. I’m really bummed about it because I thought he’d at least respect me enough to apologize or cancel since we’re friends... just sucks. He hurt my feelings. I’ve just been quiet. I’m not planning on hitting him up. I just don’t like when people fuck with my emotions
Yeah i mean he has kinda already messed up the friendship now. A responsible friend would have at least backed out saying ‘I still wanna be friends but I can’t explore dating with you.’

I’ve never gone from friends to hooking up with a Scorp dude. But I have done the reverse once. The guy was chill and understood. Didn’t brood or ignore me. When they respect you they make a point to be clear in communication, as friends or anything else.
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Exactly. I’m just so confused ugh. I don’t understand the point of even making a move. Being in the moment at a party is one thing, but continuing it after is when I’m like wtf
Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by tctaap

he's the loser - so strange and that sucks - keep us posted - any updates ?
No updates really. He hasn’t read the message I sent on sat on IG, but he looks at my IG stories and snaps 🙄 I feel like he’s just trying to get some kind of reaction out of me.
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whatever game he think he playing - it's twisted
Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.

Dating a scorp sun/sag venus now. He loves being flirted with but has never flaked on me, not even once. But I did chase him in the beginning...dat damn mars of mine.
Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol
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No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

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See, at least he cancelled with you. This dude didn’t even reply to my text but watches all my snaps and IG stories, yet he’s supposed to be my “friend” 🙄
Posted by Ellygant

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.

I haven’t had that experience with Scorp dudes. Even with sag venus. They were always on it with communication. Even being casual. And they never made plans that they flaked on later. Even the ones I dated with strictly casual intent.

Now one of the sag venus would occasionally try to get a reaction outta me. Mention other girls hitting on him, wanting him etc. Scorp men in my experience like reciprocation more than being chased. They’re assholes about girls that chase them. Another Scorp sun/sag venus Guy friend routinely knocks girls that chase him and says he prefers a woman that is more detached, makes him have to work. He has an earth moon tho. And earth moons do so love to earn affection.
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I’m usually very detached, but I figure I’d open up more and chase a little since I’m comfortable with him. Now I totally regret it. I usually don’t chase and I don’t show emotion so early on. I think that’s why I’m even more pissed. I opened up a side of me that not many see, and you just respond by not responding 🤬
Ugh I'm sorry. It seems these men are better judged by action. Make sure his actions line up with what he says and if they don't, bye. He's not serious if he doesn't walk the walk.
Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
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Yes because he already had me with the sex lol. I really didn’t care if he canceled. I would just ignore him for a while until he came back around and gave in to me.

He was more consistent and agreeable the more we had sex though.
Posted by Impulsv

Mmm how did the break up with your ex go.

He might not want want to entertain you
Horrible. He cheated on me with his ex right after I helped him out with his bro’s funeral. He knew how much my ex hurt me, so i assumed he would at least be nice to me or treat me well because he knows about everything that happened and even said he thinks my ex is dumb for treating me like shit.
Posted by tctaap

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by tctaap

he's the loser - so strange and that sucks - keep us posted - any updates ?
No updates really. He hasn’t read the message I sent on sat on IG, but he looks at my IG stories and snaps 🙄 I feel like he’s just trying to get some kind of reaction out of me.
whatever game he think he playing - it's twisted
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Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
Yes because he already had me with the sex lol. I really didn’t care if he canceled. I would just ignore him for a while until he came back around and gave in to me.

He was more consistent and agreeable the more we had sex though.
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Wow you are patient

He wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes with me
Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

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What a dick....
Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
Yes because he already had me with the sex lol. I really didn’t care if he canceled. I would just ignore him for a while until he came back around and gave in to me.

He was more consistent and agreeable the more we had sex though.
You are so accepting. I'm way too prideful and sensitive for such. The one time I realized someone actually enjoyed seeing me upset I bailed and never looked back.

Edit: That's a lie. I always look back. lol
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It's called self respect

I cannot understand why people seem to enjoy being treated like shit

So he messaged me back last night. The last thing I sent was “did you get my text?”. He replied, “yeah, I got it... sorry don’t be mad at me. Long story, but I’ll make it up to you ❤️“ 🙄 I don’t know if I’m gonna reply. Maybe I will but not today.
Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

See, at least he cancelled with you. This dude didn’t even reply to my text but watches all my snaps and IG stories, yet he’s supposed to be my “friend” 🙄
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After 4 years you should be able to call him and give shit. Dont know but i would lol
Posted by Ellygant

Posted by 8thHousee

So he messaged me back last night. The last thing I sent was “did you get my text?”. He replied, “yeah, I got it... sorry don’t be mad at me. Long story, but I’ll make it up to you ❤️“ 🙄 I don’t know if I’m gonna reply. Maybe I will but not today.
Nah. That so disrespectful.

What is you’re sign OP?

Not saying he can’t come back or make it up to you. But he will use your back as a welcome mat if you let him off easy.

He needs to make it right ASAP. And you need to do absolutely nothing in order for him to do so. ‘Don’t be mad’ is language people use to avoid responsibility. Subversive way to deflect your feelings. If he was sorry he should say ‘I know you’re mad and I deserve it. But I have a plan to make it up to you if you’re willing.’

Even then he needs to be on ice for a week or so before you decide to continue or not.
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I completely agree with everything you said. He has to work for it if he really wants to make it up to me. I let people off so easy, but I’ve told myself that I’m gonna change this habit because I’m sick of people taking advantage. I still haven’t replied. I’ll reply when I feel like it and decide what I’m gonna do. Idk how long that’ll be but he can wait lol.

I’m a Taurus sun, Virgo rising, cancer moon/mars, Venus Gemini. I just realized Our suns, moons, and Venus are all in opposite signs lol 😩
Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by Ellygant

Posted by 8thHousee

So he messaged me back last night. The last thing I sent was “did you get my text?”. He replied, “yeah, I got it... sorry don’t be mad at me. Long story, but I’ll make it up to you ❤️“ 🙄 I don’t know if I’m gonna reply. Maybe I will but not today.
Nah. That so disrespectful.

What is you’re sign OP?

Not saying he can’t come back or make it up to you. But he will use your back as a welcome mat if you let him off easy.

He needs to make it right ASAP. And you need to do absolutely nothing in order for him to do so. ‘Don’t be mad’ is language people use to avoid responsibility. Subversive way to deflect your feelings. If he was sorry he should say ‘I know you’re mad and I deserve it. But I have a plan to make it up to you if you’re willing.’

Even then he needs to be on ice for a week or so before you decide to continue or not.
I completely agree with everything you said. He has to work for it if he really wants to make it up to me. I let people off so easy, but I’ve told myself that I’m gonna change this habit because I’m sick of people taking advantage. I still haven’t replied. I’ll reply when I feel like it and decide what I’m gonna do. Idk how long that’ll be but he can wait lol.

I’m a Taurus sun, Virgo rising, cancer moon/mars, Venus Gemini. I just realized Our suns, moons, and Venus are all in opposite signs lol 😩
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what was so difficult that he couldn't send a quick text but he could be on other social media sites - ha, I'd wait until he called because that is what he should have done, not text, he should be calling you to speak in person - what a fucboi coward

Posted by 8thHousee

I’m so pissed off. Ugh! I’ll try to make it short but I have this friend who’s a Scorpio/cap moon man, and last week at a party he kissed me. I never had a clue that he liked me at all and we’ve been friends for 4 years. We made out for a while, and he admitted that he’s always liked me even though I was with my ex (his friend also), and that he was jealous of my ex because he got to date me, and that he’s always wanted to tell me but was nervous. We had dinner a couple months back, and he said he was actually planning on making a move back then.

Anyway, that was that. Since then, we’ve talked everyday. I told him that my friend said I should date or hook up with him, and he said he wouldn’t mind that idea. And I asked him if he meant hook up or date. He said that we’ll most likely end up together after the hook up, and that he’s scared to completely lose me. I think he meant as a friend because he said if we ever stopped being friends after it would bother him a lot.

I asked him (on wednesday) if he wanted to have dinner today, and he said yes and asked if it was a “date”. I just told him he could call if whatever he wanted. He said yeah and I said we should meet at 7 and he agreed.

Yesterday we were texting and he was opening up telling me how he can’t get enough of me, and that he’s glad he made a move, and he thought I was going to reject him.

So, we were supposed to have our date today. I texted him, no answer. Messaged on IG, no answer, even tho I see he’s active. Wtf is up with that??? I’m super confused as to what happened. Seemed like everything was cool yesterday. Is he playing games? Is he just bored? What do you think? He’s a Scorp sun and merc, cap moon, Sag Venus, Libra mars.
Read this.

Posted by 8thHousee

I’m so pissed off. Ugh! I’ll try to make it short but I have this friend who’s a Scorpio/cap moon man, and last week at a party he kissed me. I never had a clue that he liked me at all and we’ve been friends for 4 years. We made out for a while, and he admitted that he’s always liked me even though I was with my ex (his friend also), and that he was jealous of my ex because he got to date me, and that he’s always wanted to tell me but was nervous. We had dinner a couple months back, and he said he was actually planning on making a move back then.

Anyway, that was that. Since then, we’ve talked everyday. I told him that my friend said I should date or hook up with him, and he said he wouldn’t mind that idea. And I asked him if he meant hook up or date. He said that we’ll most likely end up together after the hook up, and that he’s scared to completely lose me. I think he meant as a friend because he said if we ever stopped being friends after it would bother him a lot.

I asked him (on wednesday) if he wanted to have dinner today, and he said yes and asked if it was a “date”. I just told him he could call if whatever he wanted. He said yeah and I said we should meet at 7 and he agreed.

Yesterday we were texting and he was opening up telling me how he can’t get enough of me, and that he’s glad he made a move, and he thought I was going to reject him.

So, we were supposed to have our date today. I texted him, no answer. Messaged on IG, no answer, even tho I see he’s active. Wtf is up with that??? I’m super confused as to what happened. Seemed like everything was cool yesterday. Is he playing games? Is he just bored? What do you think? He’s a Scorp sun and merc, cap moon, Sag Venus, Libra mars.
Read this.

Posted by 8thHousee

I’m so pissed off. Ugh! I’ll try to make it short but I have this friend who’s a Scorpio/cap moon man, and last week at a party he kissed me. I never had a clue that he liked me at all and we’ve been friends for 4 years. We made out for a while, and he admitted that he’s always liked me even though I was with my ex (his friend also), and that he was jealous of my ex because he got to date me, and that he’s always wanted to tell me but was nervous. We had dinner a couple months back, and he said he was actually planning on making a move back then.

Anyway, that was that. Since then, we’ve talked everyday. I told him that my friend said I should date or hook up with him, and he said he wouldn’t mind that idea. And I asked him if he meant hook up or date. He said that we’ll most likely end up together after the hook up, and that he’s scared to completely lose me. I think he meant as a friend because he said if we ever stopped being friends after it would bother him a lot.

I asked him (on wednesday) if he wanted to have dinner today, and he said yes and asked if it was a “date”. I just told him he could call if whatever he wanted. He said yeah and I said we should meet at 7 and he agreed.

Yesterday we were texting and he was opening up telling me how he can’t get enough of me, and that he’s glad he made a move, and he thought I was going to reject him.

So, we were supposed to have our date today. I texted him, no answer. Messaged on IG, no answer, even tho I see he’s active. Wtf is up with that??? I’m super confused as to what happened. Seemed like everything was cool yesterday. Is he playing games? Is he just bored? What do you think? He’s a Scorp sun and merc, cap moon, Sag Venus, Libra mars.
Read this.

Posted by 8thHousee

I’m so pissed off. Ugh! I’ll try to make it short but I have this friend who’s a Scorpio/cap moon man, and last week at a party he kissed me. I never had a clue that he liked me at all and we’ve been friends for 4 years. We made out for a while, and he admitted that he’s always liked me even though I was with my ex (his friend also), and that he was jealous of my ex because he got to date me, and that he’s always wanted to tell me but was nervous. We had dinner a couple months back, and he said he was actually planning on making a move back then.

Anyway, that was that. Since then, we’ve talked everyday. I told him that my friend said I should date or hook up with him, and he said he wouldn’t mind that idea. And I asked him if he meant hook up or date. He said that we’ll most likely end up together after the hook up, and that he’s scared to completely lose me. I think he meant as a friend because he said if we ever stopped being friends after it would bother him a lot.

I asked him (on wednesday) if he wanted to have dinner today, and he said yes and asked if it was a “date”. I just told him he could call if whatever he wanted. He said yeah and I said we should meet at 7 and he agreed.

Yesterday we were texting and he was opening up telling me how he can’t get enough of me, and that he’s glad he made a move, and he thought I was going to reject him.

So, we were supposed to have our date today. I texted him, no answer. Messaged on IG, no answer, even tho I see he’s active. Wtf is up with that??? I’m super confused as to what happened. Seemed like everything was cool yesterday. Is he playing games? Is he just bored? What do you think? He’s a Scorp sun and merc, cap moon, Sag Venus, Libra mars.
Read this.

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
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Have you ever LOVED a Scorpio ever? Whatever they do is fine. As long as they talk to you after...

Impossible to explain. I am not even’s just what it IS!
Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
Yes because he already had me with the sex lol. I really didn’t care if he canceled. I would just ignore him for a while until he came back around and gave in to me.

He was more consistent and agreeable the more we had sex though.
You are so accepting. I'm way too prideful and sensitive for such. The one time I realized someone actually enjoyed seeing me upset I bailed and never looked back.

Edit: That's a lie. I always look back. lol
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Sorry. I just saw this. I like the games Scorpio play. I don’t mind them. They are fun for me. They seem to be more dominant related, like a power struggle and I like winning. Lol.

I toyed with him a lot too. I play the same type of games when it comes to sex. Most of his cancellations were about getting me horny, promising me sex, then telling me no.

I loved it.

I can’t remember if he canceled on other stuff likes dates, I usually am a homebody and just want sex and food lol.

Posted by Lala1393

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
Yes because he already had me with the sex lol. I really didn’t care if he canceled. I would just ignore him for a while until he came back around and gave in to me.

He was more consistent and agreeable the more we had sex though.
You are so accepting. I'm way too prideful and sensitive for such. The one time I realized someone actually enjoyed seeing me upset I bailed and never looked back.

Edit: That's a lie. I always look back. lol
It's called self respect

I cannot understand why people seem to enjoy being treated like shit


We don't enjoy it.

Obviously it hurts.

We're just repeating what we either think we deserve AND/OR have been taught from a young age is normal.
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That's very sad Lala 😥

Maybe get some help to heal that and start to believe you are worth much more

Imo if he was interested he would pursue you (Sag Venus), contacting regularly and wanting to meet up... Unless you told him he's too much or want to be friends first - anything like that could discourage him.

Posted by 8thHousee

I’m so pissed off. Ugh! I’ll try to make it short but I have this friend who’s a Scorpio/cap moon man, and last week at a party he kissed me. I never had a clue that he liked me at all and we’ve been friends for 4 years. We made out for a while, and he admitted that he’s always liked me even though I was with my ex (his friend also), and that he was jealous of my ex because he got to date me, and that he’s always wanted to tell me but was nervous. We had dinner a couple months back, and he said he was actually planning on making a move back then.

Anyway, that was that. Since then, we’ve talked everyday. I told him that my friend said I should date or hook up with him, and he said he wouldn’t mind that idea. And I asked him if he meant hook up or date. He said that we’ll most likely end up together after the hook up, and that he’s scared to completely lose me. I think he meant as a friend because he said if we ever stopped being friends after it would bother him a lot.

I asked him (on wednesday) if he wanted to have dinner today, and he said yes and asked if it was a “date”. I just told him he could call if whatever he wanted. He said yeah and I said we should meet at 7 and he agreed.

Yesterday we were texting and he was opening up telling me how he can’t get enough of me, and that he’s glad he made a move, and he thought I was going to reject him.

So, we were supposed to have our date today. I texted him, no answer. Messaged on IG, no answer, even tho I see he’s active. Wtf is up with that??? I’m super confused as to what happened. Seemed like everything was cool yesterday. Is he playing games? Is he just bored? What do you think? He’s a Scorp sun and merc, cap moon, Sag Venus, Libra mars. 20?id=11348606">Posted by Arielle83

Sounds like you’re just going along the ride cuz other ppl are telling you to.

What do you mean?
Update: Lol this guy is SO petty. I never responded or opened his message, and he posted an old pic on his IG story of himself, some girl, and my exes ex (the girl he cheated on me with) hahaha it’s hilarious. I know he’s just posting it to get a reaction out of me. Wtf is wrong with guys? 😂 now I’m really not gonna text back.
Posted by 8thHousee

Update: Lol this guy is SO petty. I never responded or opened his message, and he posted an old pic on his IG story of himself, some girl, and my exes ex (the girl he cheated on me with) hahaha it’s hilarious. I know he’s just posting it to get a reaction out of me. Wtf is wrong with guys? 😂 now I’m really not gonna text back.
some might like the games but I don't - I like it straight up - be real or go home
Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
Yes because he already had me with the sex lol. I really didn’t care if he canceled. I would just ignore him for a while until he came back around and gave in to me.

He was more consistent and agreeable the more we had sex though.
You are so accepting. I'm way too prideful and sensitive for such. The one time I realized someone actually enjoyed seeing me upset I bailed and never looked back.

Edit: That's a lie. I always look back. lol
Sorry. I just saw this. I like the games Scorpio play. I don’t mind them. They are fun for me. They seem to be more dominant related, like a power struggle and I like winning. Lol.

I toyed with him a lot too. I play the same type of games when it comes to sex. Most of his cancellations were about getting me horny, promising me sex, then telling me no.

I loved it.

I can’t remember if he canceled on other stuff likes dates, I usually am a homebody and just want sex and food lol.

At least you admit to liking mind games. I say I hate them because I hate them.

It doesn't piss off your Leo Mars to get played with? makes me furious...violent angry furious. lol
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Scorpio mind games are different. They are more fun and not really malicious (at least when they love you and you have a good relationship)

I have a Scorpio Venus so I don't mind them. I do get mad but I will also get even when it comes to this. I don't like mind games to a certain extent. My ex Scorpio only played them when he was insecure, then it was fun to do my typical push/ pull thing to keep him on his toes.

I would reassure him and then if he started testing more, I would pull back and ignore him. He hates being ignored. He learned to stop testing me. He just started asking.
Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
Have you ever LOVED a Scorpio ever? Whatever they do is fine. As long as they talk to you after...

Impossible to explain. I am not even’s just what it IS!
It is what it is to you, dear. For me, there is nothing about being born in October or November that gets you off the hook for basic respect.

click to expand
You are right but have you ever seen SO much attention given to any other sign? So many posts? Such a controversy around?

Watch YouTube. If everyone else gets 75 views - Scorpios get 600!

So there IS something magical about them. That’s why they can get away with shit that others can’t.

You can argue. But unless you’ve been under Scorpio spell - it’s just argument.
Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
Yes because he already had me with the sex lol. I really didn’t care if he canceled. I would just ignore him for a while until he came back around and gave in to me.

He was more consistent and agreeable the more we had sex though.
You are so accepting. I'm way too prideful and sensitive for such. The one time I realized someone actually enjoyed seeing me upset I bailed and never looked back.

Edit: That's a lie. I always look back. lol
Sorry. I just saw this. I like the games Scorpio play. I don’t mind them. They are fun for me. They seem to be more dominant related, like a power struggle and I like winning. Lol.

I toyed with him a lot too. I play the same type of games when it comes to sex. Most of his cancellations were about getting me horny, promising me sex, then telling me no.

I loved it.

I can’t remember if he canceled on other stuff likes dates, I usually am a homebody and just want sex and food lol.

At least you admit to liking mind games. I say I hate them because I hate them.

It doesn't piss off your Leo Mars to get played with? makes me furious...violent angry furious. lol
Scorpio mind games are different. They are more fun and not really malicious (at least when they love you and you have a good relationship)

I have a Scorpio Venus so I don't mind them. I do get mad but I will also get even when it comes to this. I don't like mind games to a certain extent. My ex Scorpio only played them when he was insecure, then it was fun to do my typical push/ pull thing to keep him on his toes.

I would reassure him and then if he started testing more, I would pull back and ignore him. He hates being ignored. He learned to stop testing me. He just started asking.
Well, every Scorpio who posted in this thread said that the male Scorpio was showing disrespect to the OP and wasn't serious about her. I think they're right.
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Probably. The Scorpio I was with had a Cancer moon like me, so he couldn't hide much. I knew what he was up to cause I do the same type of things. But who knows. There are also posts on Scorpio self sabotage and fuccing themselves over smile
Posted by tctaap

Posted by 8thHousee

Update: Lol this guy is SO petty. I never responded or opened his message, and he posted an old pic on his IG story of himself, some girl, and my exes ex (the girl he cheated on me with) hahaha it’s hilarious. I know he’s just posting it to get a reaction out of me. Wtf is wrong with guys? 😂 now I’m really not gonna text back.
some might like the games but I don't - I like it straight up - be real or go home
click to expand
Yeah this is straight bullshit. Now I don’t trust him. Good riddance
Posted by BlueMarshmallow

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by Gemitati

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
Have you ever LOVED a Scorpio ever? Whatever they do is fine. As long as they talk to you after...

Impossible to explain. I am not even’s just what it IS!
It is what it is to you, dear. For me, there is nothing about being born in October or November that gets you off the hook for basic respect.

You are right but have you ever seen SO much attention given to any other sign? So many posts? Such a controversy around?

Watch YouTube. If everyone else gets 75 views - Scorpios get 600!

So there IS something magical about them. That’s why they can get away with shit that others can’t.

You can argue. But unless you’ve been under Scorpio spell - it’s just argument.
That's because most Scorpios play mindgames. That doesnt mean they are special or anything. Their action confuses women or girls who allow it to confuse them and get trapped into a non existent situation.

Most water sign men are capable of giving just about enough to keep a woman around. They know women better than many other signs because let's face it, it is a feminine sign and the most sensitive sign among the lot.

If you look at other signs like Aries or Sags or leos or geminis, they are far more forward and open about what they want and what they don't want. You will know how they feel about you. That's why there are less confusion related to them. Doesn't mean men of those signs aren't desired by women.

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I don’t know about ALL water signs but I know that I can’t do Pisces...

Cancers maybe. Not really. Depends on other placements.

But 99% of Scorpio men AND women here I am totally ok with.

Not even ever seen them.

So being a water sign doesn’t mean to me personally that it’s mind players. Though I’ve never understood that term. Telling me what I want to hear? Noops! Never.

Disagree. False. Maybe because of an older age. I know he was really bad until

40-45. Then got reborn. As a Phoenix...

And you don’t have to agree but interest to a Scorpios are way larger than to any other sign. It’s a fact!
Posted by Ellygant

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by Ellygant

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.

I haven’t had that experience with Scorp dudes. Even with sag venus. They were always on it with communication. Even being casual. And they never made plans that they flaked on later. Even the ones I dated with strictly casual intent.

Now one of the sag venus would occasionally try to get a reaction outta me. Mention other girls hitting on him, wanting him etc. Scorp men in my experience like reciprocation more than being chased. They’re assholes about girls that chase them. Another Scorp sun/sag venus Guy friend routinely knocks girls that chase him and says he prefers a woman that is more detached, makes him have to work. He has an earth moon tho. And earth moons do so love to earn affection.
I’m usually very detached, but I figure I’d open up more and chase a little since I’m comfortable with him. Now I totally regret it. I usually don’t chase and I don’t show emotion so early on. I think that’s why I’m even more pissed. I opened up a side of me that not many see, and you just respond by not responding 🤬
I understand the feeling. I think that happens to all of us a time or two when dating.

See it as a good thing that you did allow yourself to be comfortable and open up earlier though. Don’t regret your own personal growth just cause this dude wasn’t ready to be on the same vibe as you.

When people run game, men or women, intentional or accidental, they normally do it to maintain themselves rather than build a relationship. That’s a reflection of where their head is at, not a reflection of your self worth or dating value.
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Can you elaborate on "maintain themselves"?

Posted by Lala1393

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by Lala1393

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by FantamRooster

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by 8thHousee

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.
He would completely ignore you?? Wtf is up with that lol

No he wouldn’t ignore me. He would make plans and cancel cause he knew I was excited to see him. He liked seeing me upset. We worked together though so I saw him the next day after he canceled lol

And you entertained that selfishness? Why?
Yes because he already had me with the sex lol. I really didn’t care if he canceled. I would just ignore him for a while until he came back around and gave in to me.

He was more consistent and agreeable the more we had sex though.
You are so accepting. I'm way too prideful and sensitive for such. The one time I realized someone actually enjoyed seeing me upset I bailed and never looked back.

Edit: That's a lie. I always look back. lol
It's called self respect

I cannot understand why people seem to enjoy being treated like shit


We don't enjoy it.

Obviously it hurts.

We're just repeating what we either think we deserve AND/OR have been taught from a young age is normal.
That's very sad Lala 😥

Maybe get some help to heal that and start to believe you are worth much more


I'm good now. I have a therapist now and a brand new amazing bf 😍

But in general that's the issue with women who settle for "less"
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Great to hear😍💃🏼

So glad you got rid of that abusive Scorp one.....I always sensed he was a shithead the way he treated you 👎🏻
Sag venus is the best I'm jelly
The reason scorpio's are popular is because they are truly the only desirable water sign lol
Posted by Ellygant

Posted by saggurl88

Don't ignore him or move on, I was with a Scorpio Sun/ Sag Venus - He liked doing this type of shit for a reaction out of me. Act like nothing happened and then he will offer again. Tell him not to waste your time asking if he's not gonna show up. Mine cancelled a few times before I ended up going off on him, He always used to say he can't make it because of other stuff that was more important and that I shouldn't be mad. smh They like you chasing them a little.

I haven’t had that experience with Scorp dudes. Even with sag venus. They were always on it with communication. Even being casual. And they never made plans that they flaked on later. Even the ones I dated with strictly casual intent.

Now one of the sag venus would occasionally try to get a reaction outta me. Mention other girls hitting on him, wanting him etc. Scorp men in my experience like reciprocation more than being chased. They’re assholes about girls that chase them. Another Scorp sun/sag venus Guy friend routinely knocks girls that chase him and says he prefers a woman that is more detached, makes him have to work. He has an earth moon tho. And earth moons do so love to earn affection.
click to expand
I didn't see this- Sorry.

I don't chase, well not really. I mostly just show interest when he shows me interest. I never pretend like I'm not interested. We are super casual and friendly but I never call him. He is the one that texts or calls first. It's always been like this and he never complains about it.

I have a fun casual relationship usually when I get into one with anyone. I'm just naturally easy going and like smooth sailing.

My head turns only when I'm mad- I get like the exorcist lol
Posted by Sag898

The reason scorpio's are popular is because they are truly the only desirable water sign lol
I agree sexy mofos!!!
Posted by Sag898

The reason scorpio's are popular is because they are truly the only desirable water sign lol

Lmao 😂
Posted by Arielle83

Posted by 8thHousee 20?id=11348606">Posted by Arielle83

Sounds like you’re just going along the ride cuz other ppl are telling you to.

What do you mean?
Like you’re talking about him being interested in you. Or your friend telling you you should go for it.

If these things weren’t said, would you even be interested?

You gotta go after what you want. Not what ppl think you should have.
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Ahh I get you. I was interested. I’ve always had a crush on him, but never pursued him because I was hung up on my ex, plus I don’t like making the first move lol

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