I am a Gem female b. June 10 in a volatile year long relationship with a Scorpio male, b. Nov 1. He has said "I'm done" to me over 117 times in the one year we have been seeing each other. This last time, I think it might be for good but I'm not sure. The first 3 months were amazing but then he sreadily became more and more controlling and mean. The last straw was he told me I had to delete all my social media, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, even Pinterest and I said no. Facebook especially was a huge problem for him as if he literally did not want me to speak to any people on this earth besides hom, male or female. I had already let him delete 200 people from my account, all males. Even very good friends of mine. He gets super mean when he's angry and rages and punches walls and breaks things. He always breaks up via text, real mean "F***k off, go away, we're done" etc but I know he must has feelings for me or I wouldn't affect him so dramatically and he wouldn't have gotten back together 117 tines.. The last text between us was from me and I said: "It's like I can't win with you. You just want everything your way. You refuse to accept it any other way. I tried really just so hard to accommodate your demands because I'm super flexible but I always gave in to your demands and you don't give back or even acknowledge. You just keep punishing and punishing. You just like punishing me. It's very sad it ended up this way. I will always remember how it was in the beginning. That was the sweetest times of my life. Like up there with becoming a mom. I'm not fishing for anything from you. Just telling you you were the sweetest lover I have ever had by far. And that I loved being wit you." 4 days and he hasn't responded. Should I reach out to him yet? I'm sorry but to me asking to delete me social media, especially when he is ALWAYS on Facebook was just cruel. I don't even have on-gay guy friends to talk to on there anymore. Why would my social media be so abhorrent to him?
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Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
You list all these red flags about this dude, and your question is why social media is such an issue?
Social media is the least of your issues with this nutcase.
Okay uhm..
He's abusive. So maybe you should like uhm..
I don't know. Get away while you can?
Because uhm..
He's trying to isolate you which is a trait amongst abusive men?
But what do I know?
He is abusive when he's mad, I know that. He says I drove him insane but I suspect he has Narcissistic Petsonality Disorder. But the sex is just unbelievable. Even though we fight all the time we still have crazy chemistry and I miss that. I kinda just wanna have sex with him. The longest we have gone without speaking is 10 days. Should I wait longer then that and try to text him?
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Aug 25, 2016Comments: 18 · Posts: 629 · Topics: 16
are you absolutely sure it was 117?
Wow!!! I know my scorp has trust issues. But he didnt isolate me like that. Isolation means you have no one left to rely on but him.
Like others said, that's just one step away from beatings.
If you believe he is a narcississt...RUN AND NEVER LOOK BACK!!! block him completly and never ever get back with him. Narcississts are dangerous and vile. They will destroy you and then destroy you more.
He's never been physically violent. I am 100% sure that scenario won't happen, seriously. He hits objects instead. And PeanutButterandElly, yup. Soo good in bed. Best lover I've ever had and I've had..well a lot of lovers. Ironic ain't it? BUT the sex I need to get off is on the freaky side. We do a lot of shit most guys just aren't comfortable with but we also have lovey dovey sex sometimes. For 6 hours at a time. Like no one Ive ever had before. I'm a Gemini Decan 2, ruled by Mars and Venus. I like freaky sex.
I thought Scorps were so known to be controlling and mean when pissed off or hurt and I'm saying that's how he is. I'm really not worried about getting shanked here guys. I've dated physically abusive men and women and it would have happened by now. I have issues. I'm this way, I need him. it ain't changing anytime soon.
Just my question is, if he's said "I'm done" over 117 tines it doesn't seem like he's ever really been done. I just wanna give him time to simmer down. I know he misses the sex too
Wow, no, not trolling, hand to God. This is my real situation. Don't judge. I'm aware he's got problems, don't really care. Don't wanna marry the guy.
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Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
That shit made me spit out my coffee, damnit. lol
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Jun 15, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 118 · Topics: 16
As a scorpio i am telling you, NO.
Don't reach out to him. He wont learn anything if you do. He took things too far because you didnt try to leave him sooner. But if he comes back to you on his own, then you can state your demands...like that he needs to calm the F down and trust you instead of deleting everyone from your life. And he will listen, because if you let him come to you, he understands he was wrong and will feel guilty. If he doesnt come back then you will know he didnt love you enougb anyway. Win-win.
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Jun 25, 2012Comments: 19 · Posts: 19733 · Topics: 48
117 times...Assuming the number isn't exaggerated, you accepted him back after the first issue. So the fact that you've been played like a yo-yo is all on you.
Can none of you people just answer my question please? Because he told me to delete my Facebook and punches walls I should run away like I'm scared? I ain't scared. Dont live with the guy. It's not as dramatic as you're all making it out to be. All I wanted was a FWB situation at first but it just morphed into this control thing with him. Don't you understand my life style here? I AM INTO that sorta thing I'm a submissive. I like being doninated. It's my thing. You people are so judgey. I am aware of his problems, just want my Dom back.
117. I tried posting a screenshot of my SMS log showing the number but it didn't load. The point is, I have long since stopped taking his breakups seriously because the issues are all in his mind so whatever. But I an usually the sub and I've always done what he's asked. Until now. Seriously, not one of you guys knows about BDSM?
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
He seems like a man of great follow through. A real dependable type.
scorpio24356 THANK YOU. Finally someone who gets it. That is what I believe, that I had to put my foot down on this one. He's abusing his dom role. This is his first BDSM relationship so..yeah PootyButt if you are so sheltered and lily white that my post about MY life, MY relationship ofiends you tgen stop trolling IT. Seriously say something helpful or be on your way.
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Nov 27, 2015Comments: 379 · Posts: 2442 · Topics: 172
"Scorpio Man has Broken up with Me 117 Times in A Year"
Tell him to fuck off then. Unless you're an emotional masochist or sex is too lit (in which case just fwb him)
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36249 · Posts: 40744 · Topics: 321
This has to be the thread of the year .... Winning title...lol
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36249 · Posts: 40744 · Topics: 321
I am beginning to dread looking at the Scorpio board lol
It's becoming worse than a horror movie
PeanutButterandElly Yes I'm aware of that. I introduced him to the whole thing and he now likes it but he's got no experience other then our relationship. I'm his first.
Its onvious he was alrady controlling and jealous to begin with so the life appealed to him, he's just abusing his role now. I want him to realize he's out of lime or we can't do this anyore.
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Jun 07, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1931 · Topics: 2
117 times?
even though my math is not horrible, i'd have a mental block to count after the 1st one lol