Scorpio Man has Broken up with Me 117 Times in A Year

I am a Gem female b. June 10 in a volatile year long relationship with a Scorpio male, b. Nov 1. He has said "I'm done" to me over 117 times in the one year we have been seeing each other. This last time, I think it might be for good but I'm not sure. The...

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by crawlbaby on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 and has 107 replies.
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Posted by iCloud9
117 times?

even though my math is not horrible, i'd have a mental block to count after the 1st one lol
Check into some meth club or something

Posted by Hare
There's that cat walking across the keyboard again.
And farting...can you smell it?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Hare
Maybe him breaking up with you 117 times is just his way of trying to get you to understand what it's like to deal with a Gemini trying to make a decision.

What the fuck would it be like if she was a Libra?


He is just old impotent. Don't mind him. Ever! Lol


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Hare! Who?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Hare
Maybe him breaking up with you 117 times is just his way of trying to get you to understand what it's like to deal with a Gemini trying to make a decision.

What the fuck would it be like if she was a Libra?


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I actually think you're right there. My Gemini inability to stick to a decision or give straight answers is what caused the initial problems between us. He calls the way I answer questions "circle bulls***ting". I have the worst of the Gemini roller coaster traits. Doesn't agree with his fixed, black and white Scorpio sensibility. He says I drove him out of his mind, no one has ever frustrated him so much in his life. He made me write a list of what I do that makes him mad #1 Don't Lie #2 Be acountable #3 Do what I say Im going to do. I'm bad at all these things.
And ok, to clarify, to him changing an appointent from Monday to Tuesday is a "lie". Idk. He twists everything around so I'm telling lies. He doesn't believe I tell him the truth ever. I need photographic proof to prove it.
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
You say you're aware but yet there's been 117 break ups?

You're setting back subs everywhere man.

Good luck OP. Serious, no condescension. You're too far in it to see it.
No I know. He's just being a d***k and using out dom'-sub life as an excuse to be a controlling asshole. I do not want that.
I didn't say marker..can I say jerk? Controlling jerk?
Will you just get the f***k off my post?? You are getting on my last nerve with your b***tchy comments, little girl.
Will you just get the f***k off my post?? You are getting on my last nerve with your b***tchy comments, little girl.
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
In my experience it's less about intelligence and more about personal history and how someone sees or values themselves.

But this situation is very believable to me. Mostly cause I've witnessed similar first and secondhand.
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Yea, but I literally can not logically understand this.

If this OP is a real person. She is admitting to a series of abusive relationships in her 48 years of life. And now is in just another abusive relationship in the form of emotional abuse, and she doesn't care cause her vagina is being filled up. I literally can not understand how anyone can give their self respect up all in the name of sex.
Will you just get the f***k off my post LittleNikki?? You sheltered little girls are getting on my last nerve with your b***tchy comments.
Will you just get the f***k off my post LittleNikki?? You sheltered little girls are getting on my last nerve with your b***tchy comments.
Oh look, the "little girl" comments. LOL

You're a horny woman whom comes on a board of strangers asking for advice about an emotionally abusive man that wants to isolate you and belittle you, and instead of respecting yourself enough to say you deserve more, you want to keep him for his penis. But I am the one that needs to grow up?

Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
In my experience it's less about intelligence and more about personal history and how someone sees or values themselves.

But this situation is very believable to me. Mostly cause I've witnessed similar first and secondhand.
Yea, but I literally can not logically understand this.

If this OP is a real person. She is admitting to a series of abusive relationships in her 48 years of life. And now is in just another abusive relationship in the form of emotional abuse, and she doesn't care cause her vagina is being filled up. I literally can not understand how anyone can give their self respect up all in the name of sex.
I mean, it's actually makes sense if you look at it subjectively from the OP's perspective.

If you're in a series of abusive relationships for most of your life and it's all you've known, why would any of the warning signals set off alarms?

If the baseline of your life is that abuse is normalized, then it makes complete sense that when you find partial fulfillment(like in a sexual relationship that's really good) that seems genuinely good compared to enduring abuse with no fulfillment.
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That's why I cant comprehend it. I have an ex from years ago, that was physically and mentally abusive. The horrors I faced with him, showed me the red flags I look out for today.

That is why I can't understand how she can't see it. I know people react differently, but this is nuts to me.
@crawlbaby, if you are in fact not a troll (which you could very well be).

Then read through this thread -

Once you have your head screwed on straight, do not merely get up and walk ... RUN.
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
In my experience it's less about intelligence and more about personal history and how someone sees or values themselves.

But this situation is very believable to me. Mostly cause I've witnessed similar first and secondhand.
Yea, but I literally can not logically understand this.

If this OP is a real person. She is admitting to a series of abusive relationships in her 48 years of life. And now is in just another abusive relationship in the form of emotional abuse, and she doesn't care cause her vagina is being filled up. I literally can not understand how anyone can give their self respect up all in the name of sex.
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Sl*t shaming, seriously? Must be nice to have a normal uprinting

Obviously you have no issues. Must be nice. I'm done with you people and this board. Have fun with your little PG 13 board where it's apparently not acceptable to post real problems without being judged and insulted. I'm out.Y'all can go f***k yourselves except the 5 of you who didn't respond to my question like arrogant teenagers.

Posted by nikkistar
Oh look, the "little girl" comments. LOL

You're a horny woman whom comes on a board of strangers asking for advice about an emotionally abusive man that wants to isolate you and belittle you, and instead of respecting yourself enough to say you deserve more, you want to keep him for his penis. But I am the one that needs to grow up?

Besides, there are always better penises to be found, attached to a better man. In case, the OP needs a reminder of that.Laughing

If she is not a troll, then perhaps she is a masochist (not within a BDSM context but an actual masochist). Straight Face
Posted by crawlbaby

Sl*t shaming, seriously? Must be nice to have a normal uprinting

Obviously you have no issues. Must be nice. I'm done with you people and this board. Have fun with your little PG 13 board where it's apparently not acceptable to post real problems without being judged and insulted. I'm out.Y'all can go f***k yourselves except the 5 of you who didn't respond to my question like arrogant teenagers.

Do you even know the definition of slut shaming, idiot? I don't care if you want to screw furries while being tied up. I don't give a shit.

You have admittedly just said you want to stay with an abusive man that wants to isolate you from everyone and everything, but the sex is AMAZING and you can't get off any other way with any other person. YOU are giving up your own worth for his dick. YOU are. That doesn't mean I called you a slut, that means you prize a piece of anatomy on a man more than yourself.

And then you ASSUME everyone lives in suburbia with a silver spoon. Get off of it. Everyone has issues and past shit they don't like. Just some of us don't use it as a crutch like you do.

He's an asshole, that gets his rocks off by controlling you. You just want to have people sit there and baby you and feel sorry for you and tell you its okay to be with him. It's not.
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
In my experience it's less about intelligence and more about personal history and how someone sees or values themselves.

But this situation is very believable to me. Mostly cause I've witnessed similar first and secondhand.
Yea, but I literally can not logically understand this.

If this OP is a real person. She is admitting to a series of abusive relationships in her 48 years of life. And now is in just another abusive relationship in the form of emotional abuse, and she doesn't care cause her vagina is being filled up. I literally can not understand how anyone can give their self respect up all in the name of sex.
I mean, it's actually makes sense if you look at it subjectively from the OP's perspective.

If you're in a series of abusive relationships for most of your life and it's all you've known, why would any of the warning signals set off alarms?

If the baseline of your life is that abuse is normalized, then it makes complete sense that when you find partial fulfillment(like in a sexual relationship that's really good) that seems genuinely good compared to enduring abuse with no fulfillment.
That's why I cant comprehend it. I have an ex from years ago, that was physically and mentally abusive. The horrors I faced with him, showed me the red flags I look out for today.

That is why I can't understand how she can't see it. I know people react differently, but this is nuts to me.
Different backgrounds, upbringings, communities all vary. Circumstances matter a lot. A singular harrowing experience with abuse is traumatic enough, and I'm so sorry you went through that, without even knowing the details.

There definitely are places and people in this world that are born into lives which abuse is reguarly ignored, normalized or even encouraged though.
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Who says what I experienced is singular though? I'm just not going to sit there and be like "OH THIS AND THIS AND THIS happened to me". It's no one's business, and I think people use their pasts too much as an excuse. Though I understand what you are saying, I lack apathy for people who are like the OP.

It's like this perpetual victim complex they want to live with. It's aggravating to me.
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
In my experience it's less about intelligence and more about personal history and how someone sees or values themselves.

But this situation is very believable to me. Mostly cause I've witnessed similar first and secondhand.
Yea, but I literally can not logically understand this.

If this OP is a real person. She is admitting to a series of abusive relationships in her 48 years of life. And now is in just another abusive relationship in the form of emotional abuse, and she doesn't care cause her vagina is being filled up. I literally can not understand how anyone can give their self respect up all in the name of sex.
I mean, it's actually makes sense if you look at it subjectively from the OP's perspective.

If you're in a series of abusive relationships for most of your life and it's all you've known, why would any of the warning signals set off alarms?

If the baseline of your life is that abuse is normalized, then it makes complete sense that when you find partial fulfillment(like in a sexual relationship that's really good) that seems genuinely good compared to enduring abuse with no fulfillment.
That's why I cant comprehend it. I have an ex from years ago, that was physically and mentally abusive. The horrors I faced with him, showed me the red flags I look out for today.

That is why I can't understand how she can't see it. I know people react differently, but this is nuts to me.
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You are relating to it from a perspective of one who is sane and probably had a healthy history prior to the abusive relationships.

As what Elly said, for some, especially for those who have only lived in abusive environments. They cannot see the forest for the tree, they have no cognitive capabilities. It was stripped from them, it would take therapy before they could ever work through that fog, to be able to differentiate from what is wrong and what is right.

Posted by TheLadyScorpio

You are relating to it from a perspective of one who is sane and probably had a healthy history prior to the abusive relationships.

As what Elly said, for some, especially for those who have only lived in abusive environments. They cannot see the forest for the tree, they have no cognitive capabilities. It was stripped from them, it would take therapy before they could ever work through that fog, to be able to differentiate from what is wrong and what is right.

Without divulging my history, abusive relationships come in all forms. Not only romantically, but familiar as well.

You're talking to a chick that witnessed her grandmother's leg shot off with a shotgun because she dared to leave an abuser. And that is just one of many scenarios I have witnessed, or was directly involved in.

And I still can't relate to this OP.
I didn't even bother reading. The title alone says enough.

...What the fuck is wrong with you?
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
In my experience it's less about intelligence and more about personal history and how someone sees or values themselves.

But this situation is very believable to me. Mostly cause I've witnessed similar first and secondhand.
Yea, but I literally can not logically understand this.

If this OP is a real person. She is admitting to a series of abusive relationships in her 48 years of life. And now is in just another abusive relationship in the form of emotional abuse, and she doesn't care cause her vagina is being filled up. I literally can not understand how anyone can give their self respect up all in the name of sex.
I mean, it's actually makes sense if you look at it subjectively from the OP's perspective.

If you're in a series of abusive relationships for most of your life and it's all you've known, why would any of the warning signals set off alarms?

If the baseline of your life is that abuse is normalized, then it makes complete sense that when you find partial fulfillment(like in a sexual relationship that's really good) that seems genuinely good compared to enduring abuse with no fulfillment.
That's why I cant comprehend it. I have an ex from years ago, that was physically and mentally abusive. The horrors I faced with him, showed me the red flags I look out for today.

That is why I can't understand how she can't see it. I know people react differently, but this is nuts to me.
Different backgrounds, upbringings, communities all vary. Circumstances matter a lot. A singular harrowing experience with abuse is traumatic enough, and I'm so sorry you went through that, without even knowing the details.

There definitely are places and people in this world that are born into lives which abuse is reguarly ignored, normalized or even encouraged though.
Who says what I experienced is singular though? I'm just not going to sit there and be like "OH THIS AND THIS AND THIS happened to me". It's no one's business, and I think people use their pasts too much as an excuse. Though I understand what you are saying, I lack apathy for people who are like the OP.

It's like this perpetual victim complex they want to live with. It's aggravating to me.
No you're fine. Everyone has the right to emote about their own experiences however they choose. It's certainly not your job to feel apathy for OP.

I'm just saying, it can make sense. Everyone copes, process and works differently. How and when someone gets out isn't always going to be the same as another. And some honestly don't. Which can be both sad and angering, especially if you've survived yourself.
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Yea, I think you're right. I think that's why I lack apathy for people like the OP, because I know I survived it and moved on with my life. I forget sometimes that people aren't as strong as I would like them to be.

I just sat there and read all this hot mess of vernacular coming from her, and could not for the life of me, understand how she put so much importance on sex, than herself. It really just baffled me, because I don't think anyone (outside of rapists and child molesters) deserve that shit.

Being honest though, I still think she's a troll.
Posted by crawlbaby
Will you just get the f***k off my post LittleNikki?? You sheltered little girls are getting on my last nerve with your b***tchy comments.
You moron DO understand you can say 'go away' 100! Times but it's a public forum and no one gives a damn about what you saying???
Posted by crawlbaby
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
In my experience it's less about intelligence and more about personal history and how someone sees or values themselves.

But this situation is very believable to me. Mostly cause I've witnessed similar first and secondhand.
Yea, but I literally can not logically understand this.

If this OP is a real person. She is admitting to a series of abusive relationships in her 48 years of life. And now is in just another abusive relationship in the form of emotional abuse, and she doesn't care cause her vagina is being filled up. I literally can not understand how anyone can give their self respect up all in the name of sex.

Sl*t shaming, seriously? Must be nice to have a normal uprinting

Obviously you have no issues. Must be nice. I'm done with you people and this board. Have fun with your little PG 13 board where it's apparently not acceptable to post real problems without being judged and insulted. I'm out.Y'all can go f***k yourselves except the 5 of you who didn't respond to my question like arrogant teenagers.

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She can count! To 5 at least...
She left!

Thread climaxed!

All can move to better places. Lol
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by nikkistar
I still think you're a troll. People can't be this dumb.
In my experience it's less about intelligence and more about personal history and how someone sees or values themselves.

But this situation is very believable to me. Mostly cause I've witnessed similar first and secondhand.
Yea, but I literally can not logically understand this.

If this OP is a real person. She is admitting to a series of abusive relationships in her 48 years of life. And now is in just another abusive relationship in the form of emotional abuse, and she doesn't care cause her vagina is being filled up. I literally can not understand how anyone can give their self respect up all in the name of sex.
I mean, it's actually makes sense if you look at it subjectively from the OP's perspective.

If you're in a series of abusive relationships for most of your life and it's all you've known, why would any of the warning signals set off alarms?

If the baseline of your life is that abuse is normalized, then it makes complete sense that when you find partial fulfillment(like in a sexual relationship that's really good) that seems genuinely good compared to enduring abuse with no fulfillment.
That's why I cant comprehend it. I have an ex from years ago, that was physically and mentally abusive. The horrors I faced with him, showed me the red flags I look out for today.

That is why I can't understand how she can't see it. I know people react differently, but this is nuts to me.
Different backgrounds, upbringings, communities all vary. Circumstances matter a lot. A singular harrowing experience with abuse is traumatic enough, and I'm so sorry you went through that, without even knowing the details.

There definitely are places and people in this world that are born into lives which abuse is reguarly ignored, normalized or even encouraged though.
Who says what I experienced is singular though? I'm just not going to sit there and be like "OH THIS AND THIS AND THIS happened to me". It's no one's business, and I think people use their pasts too much as an excuse. Though I understand what you are saying, I lack apathy for people who are like the OP.

It's like this perpetual victim complex they want to live with. It's aggravating to me.
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Will you just GET OFF MY POST. I hate having to scroll through your pseudo empowered chick b***sh**t. This is MY post let people answer my question and go away.. Never asked your opinion about how I live my f***king life, you're annoying as f***k. Don't give a crap about your little one mean boyfriend. One bad relationship makes them an abuse survivor with the right to preach. I don't give a s**t about anything you're saying. Why are you even here??
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio

lol Scorpio curse I tell ya ?
*Puts on her little girl hat*

I don't know what you are talking about.

User Submitted Image
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

You are relating to it from a perspective of one who is sane and probably had a healthy history prior to the abusive relationships.

As what Elly said, for some, especially for those who have only lived in abusive environments. They cannot see the forest for the tree, they have no cognitive capabilities. It was stripped from them, it would take therapy before they could ever work through that fog, to be able to differentiate from what is wrong and what is right.

Without divulging my history, abusive relationships come in all forms. Not only romantically, but familiar as well.

You're talking to a chick that witnessed her grandmother's leg shot off with a shotgun because she dared to leave an abuser. And that is just one of many scenarios I have witnessed, or was directly involved in.

And I still can't relate to this OP.
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You do not have to relate, what Elly and I have shared thus far is that there are those who were stripped. We were merely sharing another possibility.

Every abusive case is unique in its own, no one abused 'victim' is in a worser place as compared to the other. In her case, there may have been many factors which have caused her to be in the situation in which she is in.

I am more than aware that abuse comes in all sorts of forms, many of us here have seen and / or been through abuse but it does not make one above the other because of their experiences.

You have your strength in dealing with the abuse, and to hear how she deals with her experiences may have trigger your anger because you managed to fight your way out of it. Know this, maybe she is on her own journey to recovery, maybe she is not. Until she gets professional help, in order to sort it out. We will not know what that issue truly is.

That is all, I am not saying either one is correct.
Posted by crawlbaby

Will you just GET OFF MY POST. I hate having to scroll through your pseudo empowered chick b***sh**t. This is MY post let people answer my question and go away.. Never asked your opinion about how I live my f***king life, you're annoying as f***k. Don't give a crap about your little one mean boyfriend. One bad relationship makes them an abuse survivor with the right to preach. I don't give a s**t about anything you're saying. Why are you even here??
User Submitted Image
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

You are relating to it from a perspective of one who is sane and probably had a healthy history prior to the abusive relationships.

As what Elly said, for some, especially for those who have only lived in abusive environments. They cannot see the forest for the tree, they have no cognitive capabilities. It was stripped from them, it would take therapy before they could ever work through that fog, to be able to differentiate from what is wrong and what is right.

Without divulging my history, abusive relationships come in all forms. Not only romantically, but familiar as well.

You're talking to a chick that witnessed her grandmother's leg shot off with a shotgun because she dared to leave an abuser. And that is just one of many scenarios I have witnessed, or was directly involved in.

And I still can't relate to this OP.
You do not have to relate, what Elly and I have shared thus far is that there are those who were stripped. We were merely sharing another possibility.

Every abusive case is unique in its own, no one abused 'victim' is in a worser place as compared to the other. In her case, there may have been many factors which have caused her to be in the situation in which she is in.

I am more than aware that abuse comes in all sorts of forms, many of us here have seen and / or been through abuse but it does not make one above the other because of their experiences.

You have your strength in dealing with the abuse, and to hear how she deals with her experiences may have trigger your anger because you managed to fight your way out of it. Know this, maybe she is on her own journey to recovery, maybe she is not. Until she gets professional help, in order to sort it out. We will not know what that issue truly is.

That is all, I am not saying either one is correct.
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Yea, I addressed this in the other post. And I can admit that you are fairly accurate in your assessment that it was a trigger.

I really, cannot fathom her response because I lack the response she does. Because I cannot for the life of me, react in her fashion, I will never be able to fully relate to her actions.
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

You are relating to it from a perspective of one who is sane and probably had a healthy history prior to the abusive relationships.

As what Elly said, for some, especially for those who have only lived in abusive environments. They cannot see the forest for the tree, they have no cognitive capabilities. It was stripped from them, it would take therapy before they could ever work through that fog, to be able to differentiate from what is wrong and what is right.

Without divulging my history, abusive relationships come in all forms. Not only romantically, but familiar as well.

You're talking to a chick that witnessed her grandmother's leg shot off with a shotgun because she dared to leave an abuser. And that is just one of many scenarios I have witnessed, or was directly involved in.

And I still can't relate to this OP.
You do not have to relate, what Elly and I have shared thus far is that there are those who were stripped. We were merely sharing another possibility.

Every abusive case is unique in its own, no one abused 'victim' is in a worser place as compared to the other. In her case, there may have been many factors which have caused her to be in the situation in which she is in.

I am more than aware that abuse comes in all sorts of forms, many of us here have seen and / or been through abuse but it does not make one above the other because of their experiences.

You have your strength in dealing with the abuse, and to hear how she deals with her experiences may have trigger your anger because you managed to fight your way out of it. Know this, maybe she is on her own journey to recovery, maybe she is not. Until she gets professional help, in order to sort it out. We will not know what that issue truly is.

That is all, I am not saying either one is correct.
Yea, I addressed this in the other post. And I can admit that you are fairly accurate in your assessment that it was a trigger.

I really, cannot fathom her response because I lack the response she does. Because I cannot for the life of me, react in her fashion, I will never be able to fully relate to her actions.
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Would you like to be able to relate to her actions? Winking
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

You are relating to it from a perspective of one who is sane and probably had a healthy history prior to the abusive relationships.

As what Elly said, for some, especially for those who have only lived in abusive environments. They cannot see the forest for the tree, they have no cognitive capabilities. It was stripped from them, it would take therapy before they could ever work through that fog, to be able to differentiate from what is wrong and what is right.

Without divulging my history, abusive relationships come in all forms. Not only romantically, but familiar as well.

You're talking to a chick that witnessed her grandmother's leg shot off with a shotgun because she dared to leave an abuser. And that is just one of many scenarios I have witnessed, or was directly involved in.

And I still can't relate to this OP.
You do not have to relate, what Elly and I have shared thus far is that there are those who were stripped. We were merely sharing another possibility.

Every abusive case is unique in its own, no one abused 'victim' is in a worser place as compared to the other. In her case, there may have been many factors which have caused her to be in the situation in which she is in.

I am more than aware that abuse comes in all sorts of forms, many of us here have seen and / or been through abuse but it does not make one above the other because of their experiences.

You have your strength in dealing with the abuse, and to hear how she deals with her experiences may have trigger your anger because you managed to fight your way out of it. Know this, maybe she is on her own journey to recovery, maybe she is not. Until she gets professional help, in order to sort it out. We will not know what that issue truly is.

That is all, I am not saying either one is correct.
Yea, I addressed this in the other post. And I can admit that you are fairly accurate in your assessment that it was a trigger.

I really, cannot fathom her response because I lack the response she does. Because I cannot for the life of me, react in her fashion, I will never be able to fully relate to her actions.
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In my mind, in an ideal world, all the abused would work together, to support each other, so we could all survive to see and live another day, in a better life.

The fact that so many of the abused, will be oh so quick to tear others down, who may need that vital support to bring them to the surface. That saddens me. There is always so much going against the abused, especially for what they have or still continue to go through. Yet the same pool of individuals, would continue to fight amongst themselves to inflict even more pain than already is.

Now, this was not in reference to anything in which you have written but a passing thought, in general.
Posted by PeanutButterandElly

Eh no worries. I'm inclined to disagree. But you know, the Internet so who knows.

Abuse is such a highly subjective experience though, making it incredibly hard to address it objectively across the board as a result.
Most definitely. Like LadyScorpio stated, if the OP is indeed a person and not a troll, then her problems need to be addressed on a professional level, not on a forum with random strangers.

I mean, she created an account today, and her first post was this. It is hard for me to take anyone seriously that divulges this level of their personal lives for the public to read. That's why I am inclined more to believe she is a troll, than looking at her as an actual person. At this point, I see her as a "thing". Wrong or not.
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by crawlbaby
Will you just get the f***k off my post LittleNikki?? You sheltered little girls are getting on my last nerve with your b***tchy comments.
You moron DO understand you can say 'go away' 100! Times but it's a public forum and no one gives a damn about what you saying???
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You ate such a little b**tch, this is MY post, MY question. 10 pages so far, clearly people do have answers. Why are you are still here after offering nothing but straight up b**tchy, snarky comments? What is mine the only post on this entire public site? Go follow another post. You are not gonna insult me into being a different person. Oh wait you're a Scorpio. No wonder.

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by crawlbaby
Will you just get the f***k off my post LittleNikki?? You sheltered little girls are getting on my last nerve with your b***tchy comments.
You moron DO understand you can say 'go away' 100! Times but it's a public forum and no one gives a damn about what you saying???
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You ate such a little b**tch, this is MY post, MY question. 10 pages so far, clearly people do have answers. Why are you are still here after offering nothing but straight up b**tchy, snarky comments? What is mine the only post on this entire public site? Go follow another post. You are not gonna insult me into being a different person. Oh wait you're a Scorpio. No wonder.

Posted by crawlbaby
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by crawlbaby
Will you just get the f***k off my post LittleNikki?? You sheltered little girls are getting on my last nerve with your b***tchy comments.
You moron DO understand you can say 'go away' 100! Times but it's a public forum and no one gives a damn about what you saying???

You ate such a little b**tch, this is MY post, MY question. 10 pages so far, clearly people do have answers. Why are you are still here after offering nothing but straight up b**tchy, snarky comments? What is mine the only post on this entire public site? Go follow another post. You are not gonna insult me into being a different person. Oh wait you're a Scorpio. No wonder.

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Here she is!

No I am not a Scorpio but I fuck one!

Anymore questions?
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

In my mind, in an ideal world, all the abused would work together, to support each other, so we could all survive to see and live another day, in a better life.

The fact that so many of the abused, will be oh so quick to tear others down, who may need that vital support to bring them to the surface. That saddens me. There is always so much going against the abused, especially for what they have or still continue to go through. Yet the same pool of individuals, would continue to fight amongst themselves to inflict even more pain than already is.

Now, this was not in reference to anything in which you have written but a passing thought, in general.
That would be an ideal world.

I can say I am guilty of tearing someone else down that has experienced the things I have. Because again, I lack apathy for those that have zero strength. That all but condone that behavior and choose to continue to live in it. I know, logicially, that some circumstances are hard for people to get out of, and sometimes those circumstances result in horrendous events. I get it. I do.

But people who still have a way of getting out that don't, I just get pissed off at. My past, and how I dealt with it jades my outlook towards those that can not pull themselves out.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio

lol Scorpio curse I tell ya ?
*Puts on her little girl hat*

I don't know what you are talking about.

User Submitted Image
Lol I don't feel sorry for the op she has 117x chances to dump his ass so they deserve each other.

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Why do you think I keep posting memes? LOL
I think no one explained to OP that when all circuits are busy dxpnet has one dedicated member who keeps OP entertained until someone else becomes available.

This time it fell on Nikki...bless her ass!

So this is why she is now the guilty party but I think dxpnet pays bonus for taking on a difficult clients with tendencies to abuse?

Is it time x 2? Or regular rate? Idk...
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

In my mind, in an ideal world, all the abused would work together, to support each other, so we could all survive to see and live another day, in a better life.

The fact that so many of the abused, will be oh so quick to tear others down, who may need that vital support to bring them to the surface. That saddens me. There is always so much going against the abused, especially for what they have or still continue to go through. Yet the same pool of individuals, would continue to fight amongst themselves to inflict even more pain than already is.

Now, this was not in reference to anything in which you have written but a passing thought, in general.
That would be an ideal world.

I can say I am guilty of tearing someone else down that has experienced the things I have. Because again, I lack apathy for those that have zero strength. That all but condone that behavior and choose to continue to live in it. I know, logicially, that some circumstances are hard for people to get out of, and sometimes those circumstances result in horrendous events. I get it. I do.

But people who still have a way of getting out that don't, I just get pissed off at. My past, and how I dealt with it jades my outlook towards those that can not pull themselves out.
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It is the anger, it is the triggers, I understand. A victim's anger, a survivor's anger, the anger of prior injustice, etc.

From what I see, I doubt it is apathy or a jaded outlook, merely a lot of anger still within you. Most who have been through abused, or witnessed abuse, still carry that anger. It is hard to manage and a scar we all live with, but we are made stronger because of it.

Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Did you forget to take your meds again @gemitati ?
Not today. Why? Have I forgot something I promises you?
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio

lol Scorpio curse I tell ya ?
*Puts on her little girl hat*

I don't know what you are talking about.

User Submitted Image
Lol I don't feel sorry for the op she has 117x chances to dump his ass so they deserve each other.

Why do you think I keep posting memes? LOL
lol ???
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I still think this is TaurusGal reinvented. Cause I mean, who cares about pinterest?

Can you imagine that conversation? I need you delete that because I don't want you posting inspirational quotes!

Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Did you forget to take your meds again @gemitati ?
Oh! I didn't mean I do You! Is that what threw you off??? Winking
Posted by Alpha
I think you should walk away. The sooner, the better.

On a side note, ignore those who judge you here. It has become a hobby on dxp.
It's not s hobby!

It's a style !

Like in every other respectable forum!

Can't swim-don't get into the ocean!
Posted by PeanutButterandElly

Is it that you think by tearing down the victim complex you think you'd be able to get through to the person?

Do you think feeling too much apathy towards them would take you too close to reliving your own abuse?

You totally don't have to answer. I'm just genuinely curious.
No, not at all. I don't relive it, but I do still carry the scars like LadyScorpio states.

I can feel apathy towards someone whom is in an situation like the OPs, and say "I know its wrong to be with them, but I don't know how to get myself out".

I genuinely do not understand how people can live a life like that. The asinine excuses they make to be a victim enrages me. For instance, this OP, if a real person, uses sex to continue to be in the relationship. That is the stupidest reason to me to stay. She states she doesn't love him, nor does she want to marry him, but wants to remain in an abusive relationship for sex. That makes no sense to me.

That is why I believe its a troll.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Did you forget to take your meds again @gemitati ?
Oh! I didn't mean I do You! Is that what threw you off??? Winking
Just joking ?
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I was totally serious...

Just in case you get any ideas - don't!!'


Posted by Vageenka

Lol I was TaurusGal and I guarantee this time it's not me ?
Fuck, that means this OP is real.

God damnit. lol
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by nikkistar
Posted by Vageenka

Lol I was TaurusGal and I guarantee this time it's not me ?
Fuck, that means this OP is real.

God damnit. lol

Still could be another member on here trolling
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True lol