I'm a Scorpio, and I've recently met this Pisces boy. Man, I haven't been this attracted to someone since I met a guy with Cancer Sun/Scorpio Moon!
I managed to figure out that this boy is a Sun Pisces with an Aries Moon. He's very friendly and laid-back, and incredibly patient. It seems that his Aries moon is completely hidden!
I'm a Scorpio sun with a Cancer moon. Being as such, I was worried that I would drive him away by being too forward, not forward at all, being too emotional for him... nothing seems to bother this fish!
I guess I'm just looking for opinions on this possible relationship. Any help is greatly appreciated! (: I have more placements if you need know them - Venus, Mars... I dunno what would help, haha.
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
He will respect you if you remain calm. Acting needy or crazy will only drive him away.
Make subtle hints about the places you like to go and the hours that you go there.
If he is interested in you, then he too shall join you.
If you really do want him and don't want any subtlety, then say,
"Hey do you want to get together for a drink sometime? When are you free?"