Posted by Gooober
You have to give them something they haven't had before. You have to make them curious about you. Btw, I wouldn't suggest you go searching for anything.
Edit: Thats just from my experience with a few so I might be wrong.
Posted by AriesLove
Don't chase..I think they prefer friends as a potential mate. Befriend one first. Don't make it obvious you want them.
Pisces are easier to date BTW you will also see more of them on dating sites. Maybe try that route. They aren't mysterious more like an open book.
Posted by HouseCleaning
Posted by Reincarnation
Just be sweet and a little mysterious.
Posted by Reincarnation
Just be sweet and a little mysterious.
Posted by CantGetEnough
Maybe you should change your approach?
They aren't that open.
They probably could sense that you aren't what they're looking for because they're intuitive and trust their instincts.
Maybe you came on too strong or asked too many questions?
Not sure.
Posted by CantGetEnough
As a double water sign you should attract them? How strange.
Posted by Fox
punch them in dey face.
Posted by champrangerPosted by Listenlearnteach
So I went on an online dating site. Started to converse with a few Scorpios they disappeared. A Scorpio then messaged me, we exchanged a few messages, and today he tells me bye. I said dang ok toodles.
What gives
I am surely Scorpio repellant. Ugh
I'm sure that's their loss, not to expand
Posted by Reincarnation
Post a picture of yourself and I'll tell you what they think.
Posted by Wynter
Do you have any Aries placements? Fire those up. Some scorps are hot for an Aries.
Posted by FrostedElly
More traditional scorps like softness, a little mystery and someone that draws them in rather than pursues them. They like the siren song type gals.
Then the other more adventurous type like smart mouths, sassy attitude and sarcasm.
The crazy ones like both.
Take that advice for what you will lol.
Either way they sense sincerity. If you're just looking for a Scorpio in general because the sign interests you than they probably sense you're not as into them specifically. And Scorpio is always ego driven. If we feel you don't want us specifically we'll turn tail or at worst keep you around till something more intriguing comes along.
Posted by ListenlearnteachPosted by Wynter
Do you have any Aries placements? Fire those up. Some scorps are hot for an Aries.
No Aries placements
Jupiter in Scorpio whatever that meansclick to expand
Posted by ListenlearnteachPosted by Gooober
You have to give them something they haven't had before. You have to make them curious about you. Btw, I wouldn't suggest you go searching for anything.
Edit: Thats just from my experience with a few so I might be wrong.
Don't know how to feel about this.
On one hand I am someone they have never had before on the other hand makes me feel like when they figure me out they'll be gone.
Hmmm ponderingclick to expand
Posted by Vixen2
There is a certain something scorpio men tend to like. I've already posted it somewhere on here. But you either have it or you dont. You can't fake it or they will smell it a mile away. They are looking for the real deal. I read somewhere that they "are miners for a heart of gold"...
just like Neil Young said...
Posted by FrostedElly
More traditional scorps like softness, a little mystery and someone that draws them in rather than pursues them. They like the siren song type gals.
Then the other more adventurous type like smart mouths, sassy attitude and sarcasm.
The crazy ones like both.
Take that advice for what you will lol.
Either way they sense sincerity. If you're just looking for a Scorpio in general because the sign interests you than they probably sense you're not as into them specifically. And Scorpio is always ego driven. If we feel you don't want us specifically we'll turn tail or at worst keep you around till something more intriguing comes along.
Posted by ListenlearnteachPosted by Vixen2
There is a certain something scorpio men tend to like. I've already posted it somewhere on here. But you either have it or you dont. You can't fake it or they will smell it a mile away. They are looking for the real deal. I read somewhere that they "are miners for a heart of gold"...
just like Neil Young said...
Yep heart of gold here. That's why I feel as though Scorpio might be the way for me.
After heart breaks and healing I stay open and heart lead so I want some one who will see, accept, and respect that.
Never dated a Scorpio before maybe that's theissing link. Just gotta seeclick to expand
Posted by Sands4312Posted by Lilianni
Maybe they feel you're being too forward or too flimsy?
Like everyone else said: try to be friends first and get to know them. Strike up something interesting!
I did the exact OPPOSITE of this and lost my Scorpio. I wish I had read something like this before... 😑click to expand
Posted by Arielle83
What is a "heart of gold"?
I don't believe anyone's a true saint.
Posted by gengbenghiskhan
what did you say in the messages? did you literally tell them that you're on the prowl for Scorpios?
Posted by Lillaloraine
As a Scorpio I hate dating sites, I do use dating apps but often I just don't respond, or I start responding but lose intrest after a while. Mostly I do this because I find it hard to become interested in someone without meeting them, I'm usually attracted to the energi of a person rather than their looks. If you do start to chat with a scorpio I would recommend you to try to date them as soon as possible because scorpios often get bored by random chatting. Hope this is helpful.
Posted by AquaStorm
you don't want one of these. You are welcome.