Scorpio Supervisor

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by journey4time on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 and has 4 replies.
Hello Scorpios,
Sort of new to the forums, but feeling a bit confused in regard to a situation with a Scorpio supervisor of mine, and am really at a loss about what to do...?
It is actually the main reason i joined the forums.
My supervisor is a Scorpio woman, and was recently promoted to a higher position. In any case, we have been working together for about a year now, and the relationship between us has always been awkward for me.
Some days, she will be very negative, sharp,and critical. Other days, she will be much too "friendly", to the point that if she were a male supervisor, I could actually call her out for sexual harassment (we are both female), rubbing my back, touching my knees, and even leaning her entire body on top of mine when I was working at my desk.
My days with her swing between these two extremes, both of which leave me feeling somewhat uncomfortable. My internal feeling gives me the sense that she dislikes me strongly.
More recently, I was sick from work and she called me from work, and later sent me a text message direct to my cell phone immediately after. I have never given her my number, and she would have had to look up my records to find it. It isn't her position to call, and so I was quite shocked.
I am really flat out confused about how to deal with this situation. I have always had positive experiences with Scorpio in the past, and am really shocked that this is such a rocky situation.
Sorry for such a long post of woe, but working with her this past year has been quite distressing, and i really don't know what to do Sad
I have been keeping an active log, but reporting her at my job is not so easy.
She is very abusive of the power she has been granted. For a while i did get her to stop her going through my things and desk, and cutback some of her verbal abuse and unwanted touching etc.
Lately though she started up again, and calling my home and texting ("out of concern") me took it to an entirely new level.
i do wish i could simply report it and have it taken care of, however she has a lot or power at my workplace.
after texting me, the next day she just pretended it didn't happen, as since then has become more distant and a bit more professional. i don't understand the way she acts, and have given up trying, and have made a record of this as well.
Posted by journey4time
Sorry for such a long post of woe, but working with her this past year has been quite distressing, and i really don't know what to do Sad

First-- what evo said, and what you're already doing, regarding documentation.

Posted by journey4time
I have been keeping an active log, but reporting her at my job is not so easy.
She is very abusive of the power she has been granted. For a while i did get her to stop her going through my things and desk, and cutback some of her verbal abuse and unwanted touching etc.
Lately though she started up again, and calling my home and texting ("out of concern") me took it to an entirely new level.

How did you get her to stop?
Meaning, did you report her to her supervisor (in which case, it would be on record), or did you confront her, yourself.

Posted by everevolvingepithet
Nah, that's kinda stalking or possibly cyber-stalking, I dunno if it falls under that banner, but regardless of whether she is a boss or not, all that stuff is reason for her being reprimanded or cut loose.
click to expand

Yeah, she's overtly trying to dominate her-- and I agree "... regardless of whether she is a boss or not"-- that kind of behavior is a liability to the company, and is worthy of censure.
If you (journey4time) don't do something, chances are the next person will-- they don't want to get sued.
Typically, the head of human resources can be a great place to take an issue like this.
At least that has been my experience in 'corporate America'-- that's what they're supposed do.
And the law protects you from any kind of retribution from either of them, afaik. smile
Maybe your company has a policy on grievances?