What signs have been have been your best & worst lovers?
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Libras - best
Pisces - worst
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Oct 03, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1887 · Topics: 46
Scorpio - Best!
Virgo - Sucks!
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Hey Rox, us Virgs can't be great at everything -- you want that retirement nest egg or nights of white-hot passion?? Calm home life or lip-biting orgasms? If living means moments of carnal bliss punctuated by thermonuclear arguments and drama, don't go Virgo - pick another bus...
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
My Scorp's only been with 3 men - the Weasel EX, a guy she dated before I came along, and the Ol' Dawg. Even though I rock her world, I feel pretty certain that she'd rank me second - if I could get her to admit to it. Signs aside, WeaselEX was her first lover, and a fiery Latin dude who definitely made an impression - just as groovy Taurus chick did for me...
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
taurus was my worst.
They were all good in there own freaky sexy way......
Taurus.. hands down but i've never been with a Scorp so skys the limit.
I'm not even a scorp why am I answering the question..?
Even though I have been with a Scorp all the way, I will say that they're almost instantly most intense and physical than anyone else. I love taurus women because they're great for long term relationships so you will know what to expect from the start.. but with a scorp you don't have a clue what could happen next.. guess the mystery it's another thing what makes them so attractive.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 705 · Topics: 18
There is no best or worst for me.
I've had good sex with men of every sign. Amd bad sex with men of signs shared with men I've had REALLY good sex with. Mostly every man I've been with has been an extreme freak to me and so we've been freaky together. The worst partners were the ones who were not experienced or they were shy.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***Taurus.. hands down but i've never been with a Scorp so skys the limit.***
Ya just don't know what you are missing.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Roxi: "Dyarstrasse? you are a german streetname these days?"
No, but maybe a Streetcar Named Desire...
emeraldgem: "Yes, what's up with the name change, dyar?"
Blame it on Missy (aka, missmorals) - she made me feel guilty for posting all those lurid details about me and my Scorp and our, uh, private antics. By deleting the dyrstr8z profile, all those unsavory threads and posts disappear into cyberspace...