Scorpios: Do you have insecurity/jealousy issues?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by ScorpioFemale79 on Thursday, March 21, 2013 and has 25 replies.
I noticed that because I tend to have high standards of people and when things are not balanced/equal I tend to get jealous and insecure around them alot. It gets so bad sometimes I don't think straight and I act erratically sometimes because I'm so blinded by it.
Do you scorpios have the same issues?
What do you mean by "when things are not balanced/equal"???
Posted by CreepyPants
What do you mean by "when things are not balanced/equal"???

Life needs to be fair for me to be "happy".
If something is unfair, or a situation is unfair...I get aggravated and I blame everyone involved whether its their fault or not LOL.
Then the insecurities set in, jealousy, resentment, bitterness etc.
Posted by ellessque
libra moon?

Maybe I dont remember. Let me relook.
Sun Scorpio 24.10 Ascendant Sagittarius 7.18
Moon Leo 16.20 II Capricorn 9.44
Mercury Scorpio 11.22 R III Aquarius 16.40
Venus Capricorn 11.14 IV Pisces 22.43
Mars Aries 25.54 R V Aries 22.44
Jupiter Aquarius 6.01 VI Taurus 16.49
Saturn Cancer 3.54 R VII Gemini 7.18
Uranus Libra 25.18 VIII Cancer 9.44
Neptune Sagittarius 6.41 IX Leo 16.40
Pluto Libra 6.03 Midheaven Virgo 22.43
Lilith Capricorn 10.22 XI Libra 22.44
Asc node Sagittarius 28.54 XII Scorpio 16.49
Posted by ScorpioFemale79
Posted by CreepyPants
What do you mean by "when things are not balanced/equal"???

Life needs to be fair for me to be "happy".
If something is unfair, or a situation is unfair...I get aggravated and I blame everyone involved whether its their fault or not LOL.
Then the insecurities set in, jealousy, resentment, bitterness etc.
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hmmmm...a need for "balance"?..serious libra placements somewhere like Ellessque said..
Posted by ellessque
Posted by ScorpioFemale79
Sun Scorpio 24.10 Ascendant Sagittarius 7.18
Moon Leo 16.20 II Capricorn 9.44
Mercury Scorpio 11.22 R III Aquarius 16.40
Venus Capricorn 11.14 IV Pisces 22.43
Mars Aries 25.54 R V Aries 22.44
Jupiter Aquarius 6.01 VI Taurus 16.49
Saturn Cancer 3.54 R VII Gemini 7.18
Uranus Libra 25.18 VIII Cancer 9.44
Neptune Sagittarius 6.41 IX Leo 16.40
Pluto Libra 6.03 Midheaven Virgo 22.43
Lilith Capricorn 10.22 XI Libra 22.44
Asc node Sagittarius 28.54 XII Scorpio 16.49

I thought you had the same birthday as PP?
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I do November 16, 1979...born at 8am...born in oakland.
That's what came out lol.
Posted by ellessque
I have the whole need to balance junk going on in my trunk too....but being in usually revolves around close relationships. Any other scenario and I don't go out of my way to care too much about it.

it shows libra in uranus what "area" is that.
Posted by ellessque
Uranus and Pluto are generational. You would have to find out how they are aspected and where they sit in your houses.

this is what I get in cafeastrology with that date, time and location...
Oakland, CA 6 United States 11/16/1979 08:00 - Julian day 2444194.17
Adjust 8.00 ST 11.31 Lat 37.48 Long 122.16
Sun Scorpio 23.42 Ascendant Sagittarius 6.56
Moon Libra 17.57 II Capricorn 9.19
Mercury Sagittarius 1.46 R III Aquarius 16.10
Venus Sagittarius 15.10 IV Pisces 22.14
Mars Leo 28.32 V Aries 22.18
Jupiter Virgo 7.49 VI Taurus 16.26
Saturn Virgo 24.45 VII Gemini 6.56
Uranus Scorpio 21.27 VIII Cancer 9.19
Neptune Sagittarius 19.16 IX Leo 16.10
Pluto Libra 20.29 Midheaven Virgo 22.14
Lilith Virgo 14.27 XI Libra 22.18
Asc node Virgo 4.47 XII Scorpio 16.26

hmm i must have put something wrong. I knew i didn't see leo before.
So you are right about my MOON! so what does the moon mean.
Im reading the moon area of on my chart and it says
"Moon in Libra natives simply can't help but see flaws in their environment and their relationships. In fact, anything out of whack will bother them until it's fixed. "
That is soooooooooooo true.
Under Moon in X it says:
"This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for recognition, popularity, acknowledgement, and achievement. You can be quite charismatic. You are at your emotional best when you lead a structured and responsible life, but it can take time to get there. You may change your goals and ambitions, and/or your profession frequently in an attempt to find the perfect fit. You may worry about living up to your image, or the expectations of your family. Decisions may be too emotionally biased, or you might act on emotional whims far too often. Learning to set your own heartfelt goals is the challenge here, as it is unlikely you will find true happiness if you follow or adopt the expectations of others, which you are especially sensitive to."
Which is so true also.
Posted by ellessque

here is some general information ^^^^^^^^^^
google - scorpio sun libra moon and you'll get all kinds of articles.
Biggest thing is indecisiveness, wanting things fair and balanced, please others to avoid conflict, possible anxiety, you can be seen as "wishy washy" sometimes because you don't want to commit to an answer, resentment can breed in your head because you go out of your way for others and feel they seldom do the same in return.

That is true. (The last sentence). Im generous, humble, sympathetic and i always feel that ppl always take advantage of it and become wayyyyyyyyyy too dependent and expect it from then on. I feel like just cause i help once doesn't mean you need to keep asking me all the damn time.
Posted by ellessque
I have the whole need to balance junk going on in my trunk too....but being in usually revolves around close relationships. Any other scenario and I don't go out of my way to care too much about it.

I've got a handful of "Leebs" too..My Mars, Saturn & Pluto...I just want everyone to get along, and I try to stay in my "Happy Mellow" space..& indecision ain't the WORD!!! lol..

Posted by ellessque
you look beautiful today, Taurus!
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Thank you dear!!
Posted by ellessque
libra placements in personal placements.....are prone to being enablers.
in our little workshop of horrors....we produce co-dependent drones.....if we are not careful.
I found putting "me" first....and sometimes that is REALLY hard....helps curve that need.

That's the thing, I put me first too and that still starts shit apparently also.
It seems like when other ppl are "helpful" ppl dont become dependent
but somehow when i am helpful ppl bother me consistently after that.
Interesting, I am a Scorp Sun, Libra Moon as well. I am not insecure as an individual but I always doubt relationships for the simple fact that no one individual can secure a relationship. So I always keep an eye on the other half of that relationship. I can't imagine living a disordered life. Balance is important to me.
Insanely jealous and diabolically paranoid = Scorpio
Posted by incandescentcancer
Insanely jealous and diabolically paranoid = Scorpio

don't forget "UNFORGIVING"
hehe smile
no. used to, but I realized how dumb that was.
I can go both ways, there are certain triggers for me. My biggest mistake is to go in and trust blindly....Then I find out I can't trust the person, that's when resentment and insecurities rear their ugly head for me. I find it quite complex and honestly if I go into something not trusting someone it doesnt take me long to bail. I usually start off positive seeing peoples redeeming qualities....especially men...Makes me mad at myself and frustrated most of the time. I have tried lowering my expectations of people so that way I won't be AS disappointed but that doesn't always work either.
I used to be when I was younger but I'm not insecure anymore. I've been working on myself for along time and at almost 52 years old if I don't or can't have certain emotions under control then I have a problem.
Jealousy=at times,try to kill it asap though.
Posted by ScorpioFemale79
I noticed that because I tend to have high standards of people and when things are not balanced/equal I tend to get jealous and insecure around them alot. It gets so bad sometimes I don't think straight and I act erratically sometimes because I'm so blinded by it.
Do you scorpios have the same issues?

Hi I havn't been on here for quite some time. I was browsing on the tauras board! then hopped over here, I couldn't skip by without replying to you!
I personally have leaned to deal with expecting high expectations,of people I notice you say standards? from everyone, by telling myself, it doesn't matter if people don't do things the way that I would do them, the end results can be the same, they might not be as fast, at getting to the end goal, but the results can be similar, if not the same.The reason you act erratically is because you want them to match you, it use to drive me insane to, but have learnt, like I said the end results can be the same!
Posted by ScorpioFemale79
Posted by incandescentcancer
Insanely jealous and diabolically paranoid = Scorpio

don't forget "UNFORGIVING"
hehe smile
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True in my case, but I try very hard to overcome it
Posted by Stinger Baby
im not insecure, but i do get jealous if i feel someone is trying to close in on my possessions too much. you can admire what/who i have, but when you begin to plot like you're just going to take something from me, then jealousy/anger gets dangerously high. not because i feel that you will succeed in doing so, but because you are a disrespectful bastard that cant go find their own business.

I used to have a lot of jealously problems however I've grown from that. Envy is only self defeating- it destroys loving relationships and ruins your self esteem. What jealousy does is it convinces us that we can do something to control a person- when in reality there is nothing we can do to control anyone but ourselves. It's an obsessive emotion- and focuses all our energy on one thing so that we have no room for anything besides jealousy in our minds, and it eats us up until we become a pest to everyone around us. Hence creating for ourselves exactly what we fear most; the loss of our loved ones.
It's important how to focus negative energy into positive- it makes life so much easier and drama free.
Posted by ScorpioFemale79
I noticed that because I tend to have high standards of people and when things are not balanced/equal I tend to get jealous and insecure around them alot. It gets so bad sometimes I don't think straight and I act erratically sometimes because I'm so blinded by it.
Do you scorpios have the same issues?

Blame it on your Leo moon.