scorpios pleaseee help

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by tauri89scorp on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 and has 9 replies.
hi scorpssmile....i am a taurus dating a scorp for almost 5 years nw n i still cant figure him out.... v fight alot n its too violent.... hes very secretive n aggressive ..recently v broke up fpr over 3 months n da reason was bcuz he emotionally abusses me... i was always a confident and happy girl b4 but after datin him i feel insecure all da time ... n nw vr back but do u think he truly loves me ??? n another thing:::m always the one doin evrything to work our relationship ....he neva makes me fel special ever n i want to change this... i love him alot
tysmile ya ive learnt nt to bother too much n give him too much
h attention... its emotionally drainin...
do you talk like that for real???
you have described a really horrible man and a toxic relationship and yet you are back with him? do you LIKE feeling insecure? do you LIKE being emotionally abused?
cos if you're back with him you can expect more of the same and's not love.
you need to develop some backbone and a sense of self worth URGENTLY.
Can I interest you in buying a vowel?
I know he isnt right for me but u know it isnt difficult to come out of it when u hav already fallen too deep n sacrificed alot for the relationship..
LOL @ BGP!!!
tauri sweetie. listen to an old lady who has been in controlling, toxic relationships herself. you MUST get out of it. you sound like your confidence is on the floor and without even knowing you, i KNOW you don't deserve that.
when you have this kind of 'connection' with a man, it DOESN'T GET BETTER. they DO NOT CHANGE. and you can love them until you're blue in the face but they will never return that with the same degree of feeling.
ffs....i thought i was so 'in love' with my aries and that if i stuck around for long enough, things would get better. how ridiculous that sounds as a sentence in itself didn't occur to me. i was only 21 when i met him and had zero confidence back then. anyway...20 YEARS later, NOTHING had changed apart from the fact i felt even more bound to him cos we had two kids together.
the day we broke up was the first day of my life as far as i'm concerned. i started living life as ME and thinking about only ME and it's STILL all about meeeeeeeeeeee, lol.
it will be hard and you will feel tempted to give into his pleas but you MUST end things with him and absolutely mean it. what you are feeling is not love, it's dependency and that's not healthy. you have a chance here to save yourself from a whole heap of shit you don't deserve. if you stay, you deserve whatever you get. sounds harsh but it's true. staying with him will do nothing more than perpetuate your unhappiness.
do it gf!!! dump his ass!!
ty so much ... I feel much bettrr after hearing ur advice ... !!! dis my first tym handling dis type of guy... n da reason y m dis way is because he doesnt care... everythin came easy for me n I never tried or fell dis hard for anyone... I feel like a doormat ... I dont want to generalise but I xpected alot from scorpio guyss because I heard they make the best boyfriends... I know he loves me but tats not enuf..
babe...could you please try posting in english?? not everyone here has english as a first language and even though i do, i can barely understand what you write cos i'm so busy trying to get that strange american gangsta accent going on in my head while i'm reading, lol.
he doesn't love you. the only reason you think you love him is because you don't know if he wants you or not. you are dependent on him just as someone can be dependent on drugs or alcohol.
and yet, i have a feeling you will stay with him and we'll hear from you again on dxp and nothing will have changed. the reason you will cite.....'i love him'.
i tell you gf. after a while that becomes very annoying. you are at the point NOW where you can help yourself but if you don't, i wouldn't come back to DXP to whine about it cos they'll be nooooooo sympathy.
lol... sorry >>> anyway, thanks alot for your help smile