Second Dates

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by crabjune on Sunday, November 10, 2024 and has 6 replies.
So I was able to reach both Scorpios back, The Meagan the Stallion Scorpio and the Racially ambiguous Scorpio. To get new people acquainted check this post about the Meagan the Stallion Scorpio

and the Racially ambiguous Scorpio

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The Meagan the stallion Scorpio I texted her a couple of times until she responded. She told me that she was no longer interested in me. I had to press her to tell me why. She told me that she does not like stingy men, and I ask her "what was stingy about me", I paid for her Uber and offer her a dinner at KFC. Plus I asked her what does she want to kill off the stinginess. She did not go into further details. Long story short I set up another date with her. She agreed. we were suppose to meet up at 3:30 pm but than she said since she had to work in the morning we should do it earlier. I set it up at 2pm instead of 3:30 pm. Than I said she can spend the night with me and go to work early so she does not have to come chill with me while I am still on the clock(I work online from home). She did not respond. The following day I texted her telling her I am about to go order Uber for her. She said she can't meet up. I asked her why and she did not go into details. She gave a vague answer which I did not understand about her job. Contacted her and texted her multiples times. No avail. So it looks like I won't be getting her anymore naked in my bedroom.

The racially Ambiguous Scorpio today I text her and asked her if she wanted to hang out at the mall. She said yes so we meet up. While there she was acting somewhat rude and I had to check her not to act like that. I notice that the more I was becoming rude the more she started smiling. She will than tell me that I am crazy and that she just wanted to get out of the house. sometime I will touch her legs and breasts sexually and she will do nothing. She will just let me touch her bur when it get a little intimate she pull back or pull me away. I asked her to come to my spot and she still call me crazy and she does not want to be in the house. Now I am thinking forget her, tired of these tests. Not sure if she still want me or not. I get too many mixed signals with her. I am a guy who don't like to work hard for affection so I ended the date and we both drove on Uber and I got dropped off first. I think I will try her again but take it lightly.

what is going on with these two Scorpios. what would you do. Should I still pursuit them despise these bullshit tests or should do one. Maybe leave them.
"I am a guy who don't like to work hard for affection" 😆

Everything in your post says the opposite. You sound like a love-sick puppy who can't read the room. You are practically bytching and nagging women into seeing you. What do you get out of setting up a date that the woman clearly isn't interested or excited in going to? I don't get it
One thing I notice about Scorpio women is they'll show you some kind of interests as long as you don't come off as a try hard. Somehow I feel like you pressuring them into dating them. See, what I do (and it's not that I'm interesting in them in any way) is sit calmly and chill and they will always show some kind of interests in me and I'm not into that anymore than wanting to be alone to myself. I'm talking Scorpio women here. Try that and I bet you they'll be interesting in you. Also I didn't read the whole post of yours because it's way too long I just kind of skimmed thru so if my post is off the mark just know it's because I didn't read your entire post.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
One thing I notice about Scorpio women is they'll show you some kind of interests as long as you don't come off as a try hard. Somehow I feel like you pressuring them into dating them. See, what I do (and it's not that I'm interesting in them in any way) is sit calmly and chill and they will always show some kind of interests in me and I'm not into that anymore than wanting to be alone to myself. I'm talking Scorpio women here. Try that and I bet you they'll be interesting in you. Also I didn't read the whole post of yours because it's way too long I just kind of skimmed thru so if my post is off the mark just know it's because I didn't read your entire post.
too late now though because I decided to delete their numbers. I guess I should just apply the mutable energy in me and look elsewhere. Now I am talking to a Virgo but she is no where near as attractive as the Virgo I went on date with. I'll see how it goes with her because this Virgo is studying to be a doctor
i think both women sensed that you clearly wanted something from them so they were hesitant. 😅

also….KFC, mall etc

these aren’t really places that induce romantic feelings. i think they think you lack romance maybe?

stingy also means lack of effort, lack of thought, lack of planning etc.

i dunno but maybe take her to some typa fancy lounge/bar/restaurant (doesn’t have to be rooftop) just somewhere with a beautiful night view of the city or something. it’s getting cold out so make sure the place has good heating too. ask her what her favorite kinda food is beforehand (for example, if she doesn’t like seafood, there’s no point taking her to a seafood place).

make a reservation so you don’t have to wait around. also if she’s wearing heels, don’t make her walk that much during the whole date.

do all the gentlemanly shit like open doors, pull out her chair, call the waiter over when you’ve both decided on what you want.

during the date, don’t be touching your phone too much. it’s gonna make her think your mind is somewhere else.

if her glass is empty, ask her what she wants to drink next. don’t talk about yourself endlessly. don’t brag endlessly. ask her engaging questions about her. listen. react with interest. match your pace to hers (her walking pace, her eating pace etc)

when you’re done eating, ask her if she wants dessert.

pick up the tab while she’s in the bathroom or something so when she comes back to the table, everything’s taken care of and you’re both ready to leave together.

it’s good that you gave her money for the Uber at least 😅. if you’re not driving her home, text her afterwards to make sure she made it home safe or something. tell her you had an amazing time and all that and don’t continue pestering her.

also avoid touching her so much in public like you’re thirsty 😅 lol you’re coming across desperate, i think.