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Sep 08, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 756 · Topics: 22
Keep in mind, people accuse others of what they are guilty of themselves. Food for thought.
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Feb 04, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 3039 · Topics: 111
absolutely!!! ^^^^^^^ for YEARS my aries ex more or less persecuted me cos he thought i was cheating on him. he accused me of going with absolutely everyone. anyhow, i caught him cheating at the end of the day and cos he didn't admit it, i stayed with him (we have kids)....then after there was an incident where someone in our village told him i was having an affair with some man in the village. my ex immediately stormed off to the bar in the village square and was more or less taking guys out as he accused them of sleeping with me.
meanwhile, i'm comforting our kids cos this had all unravelled in a restaurant on christmas day.
anyhow...the day after the person who'd told him that shit about me confessed they'd 'got the wrong person'.
that was the pivotal moment for me cos it was when i KNEW he'd had the affair i'd suspected he was lying about and cos he showed me such MASSIVE disrespect in how he'd reacted to rumour, i lost it and told him to leave.
and he went straight to her, lol!
soooooooo....irrational jealousy is a mahoooosive red flag. personally, i've found scorp men to be like this too. they listen and react to rumour without one reference to the subject of it.