Should I make him jealous to get his attention?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by lotus on Friday, January 4, 2008 and has 34 replies.
I've been after a much older Scorp man who told people he cares about me and has trouble controlling his arousal in front of me when we talk in public places. He's made moves on me a couple of times but I rejected him, feeling it was too early to sleep with him. I have, however, told him I cared about him and send him SMSs occassionaly, but he does not reply or call me back. Keep in mind that this is a very long distance relationship. Whenever we see each other, he is very nice to me and gets aroused physically (and has to go to the bathroom!)
How can I get him to call (I'm not clingy; I just want him to show some interest)?
Should I imply that I may be dating someone else? He DOES seem to show more interest when I show slight interest in other men in front of me.
where have I heard this post before...
You will most likely never hear from him again if you choose this course of action.
I don't know if you're asking us what to do or what we like so you can be that person. If you plan to be anyone but yourself then he will grow to expect this person you are trying to fake. You need to be yourself in order for him to accept you for who you really are. If you don't do that then you will live your love life a lie. You should ask yourself if you can be a whole different person for this one man. Ask yourself if he's worth that kind of trouble. But quite frankly, that is a lot of work.
No what, ya fuckin' emo?
It's always "no" with you, wheel. And damnit, I want a "yes".
yeah, i admit i am a bit of a bitch b/c I made him wait.....but that's only b/c he has not been very nice to me on certain occassions b/c I refused his advances and he is uncommunicative as well.
The erection thing is a real problem. He could barely walk and would loose his words last time i saw him (a month ago). is this what is causing the lack of communication? Maybe he shouldn't have invited me in a public place.
By the way, i am in my mid 20s and he is in his late 40s.
Hmmm... This sounds familiar HAHAHAAH!
yeah, the art professor and student saga goes on and on
I wish mine was a real teacher but she does have a teacher uniform. Either way I like it all better on the floor.
Why would you want to make someone jealous intentionally...that's pathetic...If you were secure within yourself, you wouldn't need to make any jealous to attain their affection/attention they would willingly hand it out.
LOL @ Serial stiffer...hahhahh
Can't say that I know any grown man in his forties who doesn't have dick control .... I guess if one of his female students was sitting with her legs open, teasing him, he might get hard.
And I guess, if that were the case .. he might try to hit on her, make moves ... but, really have no interest in calling or getting to know the girl.
The art professor and student?
So, you take art classes long distance?
How does that work?
Well, to me Roxi, it sounds like she's teasing him ...
Who knows, who cares?
It's hard to really care in here.
I just love the part about "exclusive bonivity"...
Long distance art student .... how does this work, exactly?

Webcams of naked bodies?

:: ponders why this would be exciting ::
:: ponders why in each others presence, he would get aroused ::

I don't know ... got nothing for the reason for his lack of dick-control.
hehehe .. turn him on, reject him ... turn him on, reject him ...

This is how women get raped
I just went back and read all the posts ... she's been toying with him for quite awhile, getting him aroused, telling him that she loves him, and waiting for him to put the moves on ...
He does .. and she rejects. Now wondering if she should attempt to make him jealous.
You really shouldn't fuck with mens heads like that .. this is the very reason why women who want a decent relationship with a guy have such a hard finding a man who respects women.
So, is this a female Libra thing? Or just person specific?
I don't really know about Libra women, and whether they are notorius for being cock-teases.
vl, from reading this whole situation from the beginning .. below on the 8th of June, she says she's a Libra .....

lotus 6/8/2007 10:53:33 AM | ip:
Hey, hey, dear folks, let's not get out of topic here. I'm in serious confusion. I will see the guy again in one month and don't know how to approach the topic. Oh, did I mention I am a Libra? For some reason, I've always gotten along really well with Scorps, both female and male. No Scorpio in my chart though (oops, my Jupiter is in Scorp).

lotus 12/29/2006 10:44:38 PM | ip:
I seriously need you help on how to proceed with a person I truly fancy.
I was with this Scorpio man last summer and he indicated his extreme attraction to me......he would moan and sigh loudly when I was next to him, avert his eyes, tremble when near me, and there were several occassions when he couldn't sit next to me because he'd get aroused. He wanted to get intimate but I chose to wait a while (don't ask; I regret it now). When summer ended, I left the city he lived in in order to return to Phoenix, where I live.

lotus 10/19/2007 2:16:56 PM | ip:
TaurusBabe, you're in the UK? So am I, in the city of scholars......./
Seriously though, this guy knows how much I fancy him. I haven't slept with him, but we have fooled around a bit. He's quite a gentleman really. It's not his fault his body does what it does when he's around me.
This apparantly has been going on for a while ... and it appears that the reason why he gets aroused is because she fools around with him to get him hot. No, it's not his fault that his body does what it does around you .. it's your fault for teasing him, then leaving him to turn blue. At one point you were concerned/confused why he isn't making eye contact with you .. maybe it's because you kept seducing him then turn him away. Maybe the reason why he isn't contacting you, or visiting you while in your town is because you keept touching him/fooling around with him ........... but, never getting up off the goods.
I think there is a Pheonix Green, or something like that just southwest of London, west of Guilford .. but, I thought the city of scholars was in Egypt.
No clue, really .. just relying on memory.
Thanks for your responses. As I said, I was a bit of a cookiemonster with him, but that is because I know how manipulative men can be if they know that you want them badly. They can use this to their adventage. There is a book called Why Men Love Bitches and it should be read by young women today; a good deal of the advice in it makes perfect sense.
I'd like to make a few points regarding my situation which were mentioned by different contributors in previous posts:
1) I do not dress provocatively. I show some leg in the summer (shorts), but that's it.
He surely has a leg fixation.
2) His students have told me he does not have a sex life. Besides, anyone who reacts the
way he does (erections in public)has obviously not gotten any recently.
3) Like most Scorps, he is very changeable
4) He is NOT married and never has been.
5) He is very nice to me in person but hates the phone
6) I've heard rumors that he might be gay, but they are just rumors. If he were gay, he
would not get aroused by me.
7) He has kissed me passionately on my neck and shoulders and I ran my fingers through
his hair but did not go further.
"It's always "no" with you, wheel. And damnit, I want a "yes"."
Lotus is a flower in the mud water but still survive , it is the most purest and virtuest flower . I hope the person who chose this name will deserve it .
That's alright, FuckinA. I've hit rock bottom now that she's said no for the last time. I can only go up from here.
Jelousy is never a good way for anything.
Jelousy is very bad especially in a relationship.
You wont get anything good out of making someone jelous.
Dumbass is one word ....
Looootuuuusss... I thought we no longer liked the older guy...
AM what is up with you? Is the pregnancy getting to you. You have been pretty rude lately... What is your sign again?

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