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Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
This is for those of you who do not fully understand the Taurus-Scorpio bond ? and there are quite a few, judging from some posts claiming that these two signs should not be together.
Scorpio-Pisces, Scorpio-Cancer better? You only wish. Scorpio-Taurus is a relationship so intense it will be like no other you've ever experience before, but only if both individuals are mature enough to understand and fully realise the potential of this complex and powerful bond. It is a yin-yang connection.
Taurus-Scorpio is arguably the most energetic of the oppositions. I call it the opposition of intensity.
In my opinion, Scorpio is kind of the black sheep of the zodiac - they are positively ablaze with thoughts, feelings and ideas that other signs will ignore, avoid or put a positive spin on and file away. They crackle with a palpable intensity as they mine the greatest depths of human possibility.
Scorpios will often create conflict, not for amusement (well...) the way that an Aries or Gemini might, but because they view everything in relation to protecting themselves emotionally and physically. Scorpions (like their Crab cousins) are essentially exoskeletal - once you crack the shell (and manage to avoid getting stung half a dozen times) there's nothing but a wet gooey mess on the inside. Certainly understandable then why one might sting first and ask questions later. I think it's a spot on assessment that they are secretly more sensitive than anyone else you're likely to meet, and that that is the cause of their acidic manner of dealing with people.
Now Taurus on the other hand - very calm and placid; people often will call them (or us, more accurately) boring. Taurus natives generally prefer to be unassuming and non threatening, downright cuddly, even. Taurus is both Bull and bullfighter, nimbly sidestepping conflict for the sake of the day to day. In evasiveness, a well aspected Taurus can drive even a Gemini up the wall in the lengths they will go to have peace. Underneath though, there is a definitely a slow burning intensity. Ever see a Taurus in love? Nothing will stop them - not the time, the tides or the coming of The End.
Signed Up:
Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
For this reason, Scorpios are sometimes drawn to Taureans the way that others are drawn to them. Scorpio, being sensitive to the point of clairvoyance, knows that there is much more to the Bull than even the Bull itself is aware. Scorpio can very often feel threatened by this part of Taurus, even though it is so deep that it may never see the light of day. In this quiet part of the bull the Scorpio sees something which frightens it more than anything else: genuine competition. Then the trouble starts-
A low, Scorpion type Scorpio (and even some of the more common Eagle types) will view the placidity as an exploitable weakness and will, well, bully the Bull. It will make sure from the get-go that Taurus knows who's boss. It will do everything in its (considerable) power to make sure that the Taurus in question knows that it is not as smart, attractive or witty and that people like it less. It will prod and poke and nudge and use every bit of information it learns about the Bull as another piece of ammunition in its arsenal.
Usually, Taurus will just shrug and go about its day, slightly confused and/or miffed at the negative attention. Then one day the Bulls eyes change. It stares Scorpio right in the face and says, "keep waving that red flag of yours and someone's going to get hurt." From that point on, either the Stinger will back off, or the Bull will paw the ground, lower its head and charge. If this happens, Scorpio will learn a hard lesson.
Signed Up:
Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
The truth is, there is no sign more powerful than the Bull when it is pushed hard enough. Taureans have tenacity, grit and perseverance in bundles, in fact, the oft maligned stubbornness of Taurus is a frequently just a misuse of their tremendous reserves of pure strength. The funny thing is, for how agreeable we are and how good as subordinates we can be, the Bull is secretly indomitable. Deep down, it really only cares about its own opinion. That and maybe its mother's.
In the end these two are capable of helping each other evolve fully into amazing human beings. Scorpio will teach Taurus that every now and again one has to show their power and energy for it to be respected. With Scorpio's watery insistence, Taurus can reach unimagined goals that few others could. Taurus will teach Scorpio about sharing and surrender, and about respecting boundaries. It will also teach Scorpio that sometimes the underside of something is on the underside for a reason, and that some things are, in fact, simple.
When the hard carapace and tender center of Scorpio is met with the calf-leather thin skin and rocklike inner core of Taurus, if they can manage (and it isn't easy), together they are unstoppable.
Signed Up:
Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
I disagree.
I think Cancer and Scorpio relationships are the most formidable and I have never felt such love and compatibilty as I have for a Cancer male.
Taurus signs do not fully UNDERSTAND our emotional nature. Cancer does. There is pure EMPATHY and DEEP bonding with Cancerians. I do not find this with Taurus. Youre trying to justify the 'opposities attract' motto.
Signed Up:
Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
I have never experienced any form of an intense bond with a Taurus.
I find them strong but no emotional bond there.
Signed Up:
Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
''Now Taurus on the other hand - very calm and placid; people often will call them (or us, more accurately) boring.''
Yes .. BORING is the word for them. I would be BORED in their company. I crave excitement.
Signed Up:
Jan 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 10
''either the Stinger will back off, or the Bull will paw the ground, lower its head and charge. If this happens, Scorpio will learn a hard lesson.''
Oh gosh - thanks for the laugh. How VERY LITTLE you know about Scorpios. We will sting you so hard, you wont know whats hit you.
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Cancers no....
Taurus guys can become and addiction... Yummm.... One of the most peaceful relationships I have had was with a Bull Boy.
i agree that the taurus relationship i had was very mature. we balanced each other out and had a lot of passion for one another. there was a very strong need to possess one another as well as a strong bond that made us feel we belonged to each other. however, i did not, as i mentioned elsewhere, feel that i could be my true emotional and dark self.
however, i do think this combination can work, and especially as business partners or part of a team. the thing i always loved about my taurus relationship was how we were both so determined and passionate. if we had a goal, we made it happen, and worked together with energy and force. very powerful and productive partnership. although, can be destructive if you don't have the same vision in mind since both are controlling and stubborn.
Signed Up:
Jul 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 544 · Topics: 13
LOL and ouch all at the same time...this evokes many memories...taurus left his hoofprint on me, that's for sure. changed my outlook on life. we had some very genuine, intense, connected and passionate moments, and am still searching for something to come close to it.
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 335 · Topics: 19
hmmm, i'd have the say im in huge favor os polar opposites... or more importantly the dominant signs of the zodiac. leo, AQ, Taurus, Scorp!
So far i'd have to say the only reason i'd agree with scoprion sting on cancers is cuz they are EXTREMELY emotional. obvious as to why u gained a connection... all they have is emotion... oy it'd make me wanna vomit! no offense love 'em.. but sometimes tooo much.
I personally enjoy the scorp taurus mix, i've dated a couple scorps each one different, yet same habits. they're addictive in one sense, but vicious in another... depending on the relationship, i'd still say the one that challenged me the most would be a scorp and another taurus. both very passionate and almost intoxicating, its like we became obsessed with each others interests.
I get along well with taurus or is that tauri? for the most part and have dated a few taurus men. Scorp/Taurus = not bad, stable, the stubborness can be off the charts. I must say I have a far better repoire with cancer and pisces though.
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
who cares, really?
when i'm ready to be bored to tears, i'll be sure to find myself a taurus.
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 10
I thought this was an actual dance and I came in to see how to do it so I can showoff, now I am kind of sad about it all.
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
In my personal experience my most peaceful relationship was with a Taurus man who I am still very close to. As well as his family (wife and kids) the only thing separated us was that I moved to another country. He comes to the states regularly as he tours with a popular international band. He also stops through Chicago because his daughters now live here. I see him everytime. Wonderful man. Especially wonderful family man.
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
HOWEVER!!!!! There is this one Bull who I hung out with a time with a group of friends. Mad chemistry we went on one date and since have been trying to go on another over the past two years and we keep having to cancel on eachother (He is very busy) although most times I had to cancel on him. We are remaining friends phone buddies at best. We only live 2 hours away, but can't seem to get on the same page to meet in person for nothing. Invevitably something always happens. It just isn't meant to be I guess. He WOULD be an ideal future candidate from what I know about him for me but damn if we can't ever meet then what is the use? I don't need a phone love.
Signed Up:
Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
"cancerian men are nothing but mummy's boys and bullies. cancerian women are TOPS and i would want one if i were a scorp man"
I disagree,Cancerian men are brave and loyal to their friends but yeah they need assurance ALWAYS.But i do agree with the Cancerian women .
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
You guys...haha...
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***Maybe he turns out to be bland or something. I think you need to go on a date and then figure it all out after that.***
Yeah that would be nice if we could just meet in the same city for once. I think this last time he didn't put much effort after insisting to come see me.
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
2 hours is much closer than 10- 12 hours driving (for him) because I always flew, in my last relationship. LOL!!!
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
I don't know about that TORO. Although most times issues arose for us not to meet because of me. I offered to make up for them by coming to see him. He said he promised to come see me first and he was going to do that before I come see him. This last time was sort of a blow off. He kept saying up until the day that he was coming. I was like Okay, but continued with my weekend plans. Thank goodness, because he never showed up. Not even an excuse this time like the last times. So I called and left a message. To the effect, "Look if something came up it would have been respectful to call and let me know. Or not attempt to come see me at all if you had reservations about it initially. Just don't play games. I don't have time for these games. That was disrespectful." That was it. Haven't heard form him since. Do I care? Nah.
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***anyway, it's not that I truly care, do as you like.***
MIA, if it was you sweety I would try again... 
Signed Up:
Mar 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 38
so...what happened 'that night' ??
Well that night I was drag to the party by my friends. When I sat on the couch I was so bored because I did not even wanted to go. The funny thing he later told he also did not want to go to that party he was dragged by his older brother? it was destiny? But when I saw him ,it was love/lust on my part?.then to find out the reason he went to talk to me was because his shy brother sent him . So of course I did not mind?. I had a purpose? the party was getting crowded. So I went one of the rooms of the house to chill. I did not feeling like dancing so I grabbed a chair and sat very close to the dance floor so I could listen to the music. There he came, kneeling right in front of me to talk about his brother so I suggested that he sat close to me. Somehow he wends up on my lap. I was feeling the music so I had my teeth/bite him on his back (to this day I don?_t know why I did that? )strange feeling. We went on the dance floor. We danced like it was just the two of us on the room. I got really hot from the dance floor, so i grap a cup of wine with ice and went outside on the patio to get fresh air. He followed me. He wanted to some ice, I told him to go back inside and get some himself. He said he?_ll show me how. We did not kiss; but he took the ice from the tip of my mouth? hoooooooooo good memories.
? We could not even talk for the rest of night. Because he probably thought I was some easy random girl he met at some party and got his freak on; he refuse to look at me. Totally ignored for the rest of the night .he went to talk to other girls at the party. Signed Up:
Mar 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 38
and the 4 year relationship? What happened?
Ok then at the end of the night before I left even thought I was not feeling the brother I walked to him, started to have conversation. The only reason me and the brother exchange #, it??s because he told me they live together ? (I had a plan). I would called the house when I know very well the brother was in school and would talk to my man .To make a long story short a week after me and the brother went the movies I suggest that he bring (James my Boo ?) along because I have a special blind date for him. (Which I never did) when I got there I made up something about the girl stood me up. So it was me, him and his brother. The brother wants to watch some action movie, and me fussing wanted some alone time with him did not want watch that movie. So me and him we end up at some kid?_s movie. We did not even watch the movie. we make out up that whole time ? right by those little kids. Oh now I remember it (Stuart little) that little mouse movie.
Well the family did not like our relationship because the brothers end up fighting over me when the other one find out we were an item. He told his brother I did not want him to tell the brother b/c to hurt his feelings, it just happens. His mother thought I was playing with both sons feeling. I never dated the older brother.
But he was a stubborn bull, the more they wanted us apart, the closer we got?
. we never did the break up thing , I moved for school then it became like a long distance relationship his people and my people would say stuffs and we would argue b/c he would thinks I doing something and me vice visa. Then I end up dealing with someone on campus (he called it cheating, I don?_t called it that?_). Last conversation we have he said we got to move; we got to let each other go. I told him I will always love him. he moved to New York. I got so heartbroken. When I would call his house his people would hang up on me and being very rude. I even hired a private Investigator to look for him. I always thought he was going to be my husband/the father of my baby. The one. ?_ ? Sometimes I do think about him
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
sweet jesus!!
Signed Up:
Mar 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 38
now I only have the memories....If only... and
Like his mom was totally against it. She uses to say that I corrupted his golden boy since he was the one with the good grades.... and now he lived for me/breathed for me. Oh my god I remembered one time we skipped a whole semester very brave to be with each other. My dad totally freak out. Like he claimed that he is not going respect you when I am get dumb and that it not all about love blah blah
I think we were very deep. We adapted songs together. Till this day when ever I hear our songs I think about what we had. Our relationship?K. ?. we used to literally sleep on the phone like we would talked all night long and then like we would go to sleep but the phone was still on?
haaaa :sigh:
Like at one time I was obsessed in finding him. I would have my guy friend called his out
Or on holidays I thought he would come to visit his people and I would call/ try to be a telemarketer
One time I called and actually I talked to the mother , gave her the wrong name ,made a whole story up about how I was a long time friend and I was getting married and wanted to invite him and if she could gave me his address to send the invitation. I was unsucesssfull so
I gave up trying and move on. Because he probably did. He probably got married w/kids. So life goes on. My devotion /memories of him will last a lifetime and beyond that, past forever. :?
Signed Up:
Mar 09, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 207 · Topics: 38
I recently got reunited with my first love. Called it destiny I searched for this man for 4 years. And last week,I signed up on some online site and his pictures were there on my face. I was so happy, I cried the whole night. But anyways, like I said years later here we are ;me with a daughter and he is married and has a son. I spoke to him last night, he's more mess up that I am. I taught I was crazy for holding on to his memory for so long. I think he was probably drunk, he still remembered every little detail .He told me that I probably put some curse on him because he can't ever be happy. He told me he searched for me for 3 years, did a background check on me kept called my old jobs. I am so confusing. I don??t think we can??t be together, but I want us to help to move on. I am in great relationship right now, but from what he told me he resent me, and sound bitter. We talked about how we had loved each other so much. He told me how heartbroken he was when I went off to college.... I often think about him and the purity of our live. But the closeness I felt to him was more than I feel today for my husband.?? By the way he is a Taurus and I am a scorp.
Very good memories
. Last night it was like all the feelings came back. I was short of breath thru that phone call. We talked the whole night. I don't think i could let him go now that i found him. But I don't think we could be friend either? Any advise any one?
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Depth_Scorp - Because the both of you are married,if you don't think you can contain yourselves then don't meet unless it is in a public place if you are happy. Otherwise divorce your spouses and be together.
Posted by newbie
Scorpio-Pisces, Scorpio-Cancer better? You only wish. Scorpio-Taurus is a relationship so intense it will be like no other you've ever experience before, but only if both individuals are mature enough to understand and fully realise the potential of this complex and powerful bond. It is a yin-yang connection.
Taurus-Scorpio is arguably the most energetic of the oppositions. I call it the opposition of intensity.
Scorpios will often create conflict, not for amusement (well...) the way that an Aries or Gemini might, but because they view everything in relation to protecting themselves emotionally and physically...
Wow...I want to quote everything Newbie said, I agree wholeheartedly with Newbie. Every Scorpio male I have known, including the one I dated, have told me they never understood why Scorpios are claimed to pair well with Cancer or Pisces because they've never met one they ever got along with. Most said they thought Cancers were too weak and fickle and that Pisces were too fake, wishy washy and attention-hogging.
I think the biggest mistake a Scorpio/Taurus pair make is not allowing themselves space to be themselves...the attraction is so intense, they want be around each other a lot but at the same time, it's not healthy for any relationship for people to be around each other 24/7. The attraction is definitely strong though. Way back in the 8th grade, I remember feeling strangely drawn to this guy I barely knew, and although I wouldn't say it was an attraction, it was just something about him that drew me to him. Years later, I found out that he was a scorpio. I think we can feel each other's presence because we are opposite signs. I also found out about 10 years later that one of my friends I went to school with and had a pretty good friendship with was a scorpio guy. When I first started working this one job, I met two guys on separate projects and instantly felt they must be scorpios. Lo and behold a few months later, I find out they're both scorpios. One of the scorpio guys kept flirting with me and the other guy flirted with another Taurus girl... funny! There are a lot of scorpio women where I work, too, but for some reason, none of the scorpio guys there never flirted with them.
I found that I had A LOT in common with the scorpio guy I dated, too. same foods, same humor, almost same thoughts most of the day and even on days we don't talk to each other, when we are able to catch up later on, it's odd, but we find that we were doing a lot of similar things the same day. One day I was experimenting with trying to figure out the soup recipe from this restaurant we both like. Well, the next day, he mentions on the phone that he went out grocery shopping the day before trying to buy ingredients to replicate the same soup. I think we are on the same wavelenth in many areas but I think we are opposites in our "approach." We both like to save and spend money wisely -only he does it by investing it in things he plans to keep forever and I make sure that whatever I spend is affordable enough to replace if necessary or if I change my mind. I like movies about spirituality/life-and-death and he likes life-and-death movies of vampires/angels/demons. we both like to stay organized using different systems of organization. I express affection moreso through touch and words and he does moreso through action.
It also depends on maturity of each person astrologically. The less evolved Taurus does not have much tact which may stir some emotions with a less evolved and sensitive Scorpio. A less evolved Scorpio also holds onto way too much baggage that eventually sabotages any future relationships. Taurus/Scorpio in general will have both heated passion and heated arguments, but what relationship doesn't have arguments? I think in the end, the Scorpio would prefer the intensity of this pairing because it allows them to tap into their real/raw emotions with someone who can match them. They will know they are dealing with someone who has real emotions and is not just shallow or fake. Tauruses are very open and honest and this will provide security to an inherently untrusting scorpio. I don't think scorpios are used to this kind of honesty so they do sometimes read too much into what a Taurus does or says. For a Taurus, everything is pretty simple and straightforward and no games are intended. Scorpios are used to dealing with those who aren't as honest and therefore, out of habit, don't trust that there is no ulterior motive. Once a scorpio understands that, it's smooth sailing with a Taurus.
Coincidentally, today I had a scorpio female flip out on me at work because she read way too much into a simple email where I merely stated that she gave me some paperwork - seriously, she literally walked over and gave me some paperwork, so as a procedure, we have to let everyone know when we receive something. "Sally just handed this to me and I have saved it to this folder" was all that was said in the email - yet I got a nasty email from the scorpio saying why did I IMPLY that she was passing her work onto other people and that she didn't want to do the work and because of what I implied, she didn't want to receive any more packages so would redirect them to me from now on.... ummmm okay. I never implied anything. I never made a face, cheerfully accepted the paperwork when she gave it to me... so WTF??? What I did was regular procedure and no different from any other email I sent on any other day. NOW, in her email, it does sound like she IS passing work onto me lol - the irony. Scorpios, stop reading way too much into things PLEASE!
I thought it was funny to find out these things about my scorpio man which tells me how much of scorpio he is:
-Favorite song right now "Pokerface" and "Rebirth"(how fitting for a scorpio to keep a pokerface on top of those brewing emotions and constant retransformations)
-Loves coffee, red wine
-Just bought a book about angels and demons
-Favorite movie - Underworld (about vampires of course)
-NEEDS sunglasses even in winter and at night and it's not even that bright out
-Loves being at home and in the dark with curtains closed for optimal darkness
-Loves strategy games
-Loves and has tattoos of wings (eagle scorpion)
-Likes any clothes I have that is dark red and black
-Stubborn about being on time
-Doesn't like to have too many friends, just a small circle of good friends.
-Loves Guinness (I've met quite a few scorpios who like Guinness, does anyone else notice that?)
It's so interesting noticing these patterns in people. Inquiring minds want to know... what else does a scorpio like? lol
Pokerface may be a dance/pop song & all, but it is so right on when it comes to that.
I won't tell you
that I love you,
kiss or hug you
cause i'm bluffin'.
Taurus/Scorp pairings? Very strong.
Might take a while for the Taurus to trust the scorp and the scorp --against the stubborness/willpower of the bull -- will learn the value of patience. Plus Bulls are usually loyal & can be trusted with secrets, something scorps appreciate.
I'm really starting to think that Cancer men are to weak for a Scorpion's nature. Don't get me wrong I like the emotional bond that we have. That comfortable feeling when we around one another or alone. The feeling of love is beautiful. But they cannot handle a Scorp's intensity of our emotion. That's sade because if they could have a little tougher skin. We would make wonderful partner.
Taurus I find to be rather boring. The men I seem to have come across don't seem to have much of any depth. The one's I met who have been single for a while see to talk about nothing else but sex. Ugghh. Which to me is a big turn off when I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and to know your mind. Then there's the narrow mindedness of a Taurus. They are politically correct about everything and their opinion is right and yours is wrong. At least, a Scorpio will hear your opinion out, may not agree but will look at things at every angle.
I'm not always attracted to them unless they are super good looking. But I am tired of the weakness that Cancers have shown me and the constant it's me, me, me, baby me attitude. I can't be your momma and a slave at the same time. Have a little independence instead of being so darn co-dependent. Because of that I am willing to try a Taurus. Even if it leads to a tag of war in personalities.
Need to vent. OOOSAAAA!!!
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
I think the pair is better fit when it is a male Taurus and female scorp rather than vise versa. So I have heard and seen.
I don't think Newbie is discounting that Scorpios CAN battle openly... but for the most part, I think the TRUE battles are recessed in the background... For example, you think that just because a Scorpio chewed you out in front of everyone that that IS the battle? Far from it! The Scorpio has many facets to his revenge and manipulation. He may spread rumors about you... he may sabotage you so that you lose your job/friends/family etc.. he may pretend to make amends with you only to find your weakness and the BEST way to hurt you (not JUST hurt you but he wants to torture you). Passive aggressive in every sense because that gives them the best strategy to hit you when you're not expecting it.
I don't believe that Scorpios are the only ones that are intuitive though... I think Taureans and Capricorns are intuitive as well. Taureans, because we deal tend to interact in an honest manner and therefore, can sense when someone is not being honest. For me, when I meet someone, I feel an aura about them that I can best describe as either light or dark. I met this one scorpio female before and I just felt like she wreaked of darkness...and she turned out to be the most manipulative witch Ive ever met! Dont get me wrong, she said and did the right things when I met her... seemed like a nice person ON THE SURFACE but her true character was the complete opposite. Capricorns I find wise beyond their years in a more positive light than Scorpios are. I often find them being teachers to other signs. Scorpios tend to be wise beyond their years in manipulation of people's needs, strengths and weaknesses and tend to use their wisdom for selfish reasons - usually to gain more power. Scorpios are the most selfish people Ive ever met besides Cancers, although Cancers seem to be more selfish emotionally. My sister is a cancer and she learned at a young age that if she made a big deal over everything (by crying) that she could get anything and get people to do almost anything. She's in her late 20s today and still hasnt stopped with the emotional manipulation. I don't see how people fall for it but I never did - could see right through the bs although other family members still fall for it. Cancers have an uncanny way of turning everything into being about them. I dated a cancer guy once and omg! he made me feel like i was responsible for repairing his wounded childhood, it was always about his feelings alll the time.
Posted by machiavelli bull
BaO we are not boring.we are just nice and polite and diplomatic,because thats our mask.If you dont know us you will find us boring,cold and distanced.But if we want you in our world then you can see our real face,passionate with raw passion,obsessive,agressive and emotional.But for others we will just be distanced and cold people.
Couldnt agree more. It's so true, we put on a front because we don't want to be bothered with rejecting/offending anyone unless we meet someone we're interested in or can trust. My close friends often confuse me with a sociable Aries but to those who don't know me, I keep the details of my social life a secret and purposefully make my life sound boring. I do this especially at work because I don't like nosey people picking at my personal affairs and want to keep a professional image. The more boring I make my life seem, the less anyone would try to pry into it or have anything to use against me. I have this hard shell on the outside because I don't want anyone even thinking about messing with me - more efficient in that way... you don't have to deal with BS if you don't invite it in in the first place. The best way to "extrapolate" my true personality is to take a look at my friends. Most of my friends are social busybees and well-known party guys...sooo why would a seemingly boring girl have those kinds of friends unless she really was fun and exciting herself? I also believe in reserving my true self for people who actually matter. And those who actually matter usually take the time to get to know me. Anyone who stereotypes me as boring...doesn't deserve my time. My scorpio lover says our love life is the best he's ever had and he's never met anyone who could match him like I did. I believe Taurean's only big fault is jealousy. We get jealous though because we feel we've bared our hearts and souls and have been extremely loyal and if anyone even hints at breaking our trust, we won't put up with it. It's not at all insecurity, we just dont like people who play games. I think Scorpios understand us best regarding how we trust. I think Taureans tend to get misunderstood as boring because we do tend to prefer to stay home more - but it doesnt mean that the party isn't at our house (wink wink)one more thing... people shouldnt say they want honesty unless they can handle it.
For the most part, I think most Taureans are generally polite and charming BUT we come off as less tactfull in our manner of speaking... For example, I often give short, to-the-point answers in person at work without all the fluff/disclaiming/chitchat because I am focused on managing my time and being practical. My favorite answer is a simple OK. To some people, I could see how that might come off as standoffish/cold/whatever but I also think people read way too much into things. HOWEVER, I am also known to have the charm to turn the most disgruntled person into a willing friend and team member. There was once this lady whom everyone cringed at the sound of her name because she was just known to be a very bitter and difficult employee. My boss at the time who was a high and mighty director even avoided this lady. Well, she wasn't at all that way with me. Even though I don't work there anymore, whenever I visit, this lady still remembers me and I've been the only person she's ever been nice to (so I am told lol). I think we have ability to be tactful but it just depends on when, where and on who we want to use the tact (and what we're doing at the moment). If I am at work, I am very focused and not wanting to chitchat really and but if I am out with friends, that's completely different.
just read this and thought it was interesting...THE TAURUS WOMAN:
If she promises something, she'll endure all kinds of hardships to keep her promise, and her sense of responsibility is very highly developed. She doesn't like letting people down, in personal life or at work. If you promise something to a Taurean woman, mean it. Otherwise, learn to think before you speak, or choose another sign.
There is an innate simplicity in the Taurus woman, even in those whose practical abilities and business acumen have led them to build a solid career in the world. "Simple" doesn't mean "stupid", so don't make the mistake of thinking, because she didn't win any prizes on the school debating team, that she isn't grasping exactly what you're trying to say, even when you thought you meant something else. Although some Taurean women are gifted at verbal gymnastics, most prefer clear, plain, no-nonsense communication where nothing is concealed or ambiguous - and because they're usually straight and direct, they know when you aren't.
Despite her strangely childlike quality, the Taurus woman can be terrifyingly shrewd when it comes to seeing through shams and pretences. She isn't innately suspicious or mistrustful, but she can spot a fake from a long way away. That applies to fake antiques, fake flowers and fake people. Taurus' eye for the realistic, the stable, the reliable, is unerringly accurate. Her common sense is a wonderful elixir for the jaded visionary, and her capacity to get to the basic core of a problem allows her to find simple solutions while you're still pacing up and down tearing your hair and wondering how you'll ever even begin to sort out the mess. The Taurus woman brings everything - including her partner - down to earth. And because it's a gentle sign, it's likely to be a soft landing.
Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
LOL @ Bella.
@ RisingPhoenix - you sound a lot like me! Spoookay
seriously with Taurus folk - say what you mean, and mean what you say!LOLOLOL I got my foot broken in scorpio-taurus dance too
wow, machiavelli you tell pseudostories too? spooky hehehe my pseudo story is that i clean every weekend because my place is such a mess due to my pets. some weekends thats true, but for the most part, its not. my place really is a mess right now...but only cause ive been going out the past few weekends and not been home much... hehe half true, right?
btw is it just me, or do Taureans have no problem standing up to an aggressor? i have no problem shoving/pushing a guy right back, even if he is twice my size. im secretly a wrestler too
random note, but i also despise people who make up stories making them seem like a victim, only to hide behind their friends and family... as a Taurus, I take the battle on myself and dont hide behind people. We're true soldiers...yeeeeah!
omg machiavelli you are too funny with your bull rage... but i totally understand you. I am the same way. Now people pay attention here... if you piss off a Taurus, you really mustve f*ked up because it DOES take A LOT to make a Taurus angry. and don't think that because a Taurus doesnt react angry the first time that it doesnt mean they don't notice. We are simply chalking up the scoreboard (and in a sense giving you some leeway for human imperfection) until you cross the line. Never underestimate the Taurus. For me personally, I get mad that someone MAKES me mad. I don't like to be angry. Scorpios subconsciously creates drama whereas Taurus tries to avoid it. Scorpio sensitivity is not normal though... there is a clear difference between Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces sensitivity. Scorpio's sensitivity just dont make sense most of the time. One theory (which I believe) is that Scorpios hide behind a mask of stoicism and all that emotional energy is redirected (projected) onto others, especially of their insecurities. Try to say something nice to a scorpio and they won't take it as a compliment. They'll read into it thinking there is an ulterior motive because that's how THEY are. They don't seem to do anything WITHOUT an ulterior motive or some personal gain. I had a Pisces friend point that out to me of one of his scorpio coworkers and thinking about it, it has been so true of every scorpio Ive known. It's not to say that they're not doing good deeds, but there tends to be some personal gain out of everything they do - like doing some volunteer work only because it would help them get a promotion, helping a coworker move only so the coworker won't snitch on the scorpio skipping out of work early, dating someone they dont really like because its cheaper, safer than a hooker and more convenient so they dont have to be alone. People do pick up on these things eventually and a scorpio wonders why he doesnt have that many friends lol. I truly think scorpios can harness their potential by just taking a chill pill and not jumping to conclusions all the time.
scorpio/pisces is the best in my opinion. these two watery souls melt and merge together beautifully. not that scorpio has to be the boss of the relationship, but if we did, pisces is a wonderful match. they dont try to go against their lover. they submit - as long as they are truly loved. its nothing they wont do for their partner and scorpio is the same way. both are very passionate and smouldering. i loved my crazy little pisces.
Posted by Scorpion sting
I disagree.
I think Cancer and Scorpio relationships are the most formidable and I have never felt such love and compatibilty as I have for a Cancer male.
Taurus signs do not fully UNDERSTAND our emotional nature. Cancer does. There is pure EMPATHY and DEEP bonding with Cancerians. I do not find this with Taurus. Youre trying to justify the 'opposities attract' motto.
and opposites can "repel" also.Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I want a taurus....
I would NEVER choose Cancer or Pisces for a long term relationship..can't stand both.
If it's not leo then it has to be a taurus...I just had an encounter with one for the first time and I like...A LOT!!!..Oh I understand what they mean about oozing chemistry...Jeez..HOT STUFF...
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Yep...defo only those two for relationship purposes...the only two that I seem to have geniune chemistry with..i.e. heartstopping moments...Ooooer..
Water + water = disaster
Water + Earth = Mud (fertility)
Water + fire = steam (hotness!!!)
Water + Air = no thanks
Signed Up:
Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Missy: I want a taurus....
You'd be disappointed.
An Earth Boy would try to tie you down, and I don't think you're ready for the hamstrings...
But, once you reach your 40's, you'll probably want a Man to help define your boundaries.
Timing is everything.