The U.S. DXP Population is 76% Female......

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by fundamental on Friday, February 13, 2009 and has 26 replies.
no wonder i find myself so attracted to this place and keep coming back even after i have been forcibly removed!

and bravo for you ladies since most of you seem to be EDUCATED!

how good it is to be an american male dxp user!

i will take these numbers any day!

i mean, as a man, to me at least its obvious that dxp is just swarming with chicks!
the aqua board is totally amazonian and males better know their place when posting over in the aqua land of the amazons!
miami it may be, but like MIA is ruled by cubans, the aqua board is ruled by dominant amazonians who usually take no prisoners....
there is a tendency of those aqua amazonians over there
*clears throat*
super powers activate

*clears throat*
to purge the board every now and then when they either get bored of looking at the same old tired topics floating around over there OR they don't like a thread and it hasnt been flagged yet so they just PURGE THE BOARD and remove the unwanted thread(s) to the top of the 2np thread page where NO ONE WILL SEE THEM and they become out of sight, and out of mind...

(i don't sound too dramatic, do i?)

but yeah, there are sooo many women on this site, not just from the US, but from all over...

and the people posting on the aqua board who AREN'T aquarius are still WOMEN albeit of different signs who frequent that board to complain about how "distant" and "aloof" their aqua man is being!

there are only like 3 dudes who post over there..i am one of em and the other two are aquas if i am not mistaken!

maybe 4 dudes if you count mr.cap or whatever his new name is...(i forgot)...
fundamental: who were you before? i have trouble keeping up.
arianmilwife: it could be referring to the mental age!!
My age is down as 108 and I've noticed a few others so not everyone wants to add their correct birth year. Statistics can only go off the information on hand. In fact I recall someone here has up male on their profile but has stated that they are in fact female...
and bravo for you ladies since most of you seem to be EDUCATED!

Not really. Most of them are typical "liberals". With their "Like OMG" attitudes. Snobby whores.
They probably walk around half naked with big sunglasses on giving crooked peace signs when someone takes their picture. Stupid liberal cunts.
@ arianmilwife:
what sweethearts said!

@ roxanne:
i was previously known by a FEW names i.e. waters of life, stillwaters part deaux and

still waters....

but you can call me Fundamental for FUN!

@ deemnsout4ever:

oh, i am sure!

@ ofa:


dxp does seem to have a pretty broke user base...

@ spa:

i am afraid that you are the one that has "inferred correctly" and made the incorrect inference that i was speaking about your latest egregious outburst over on the aqua board!

in my last incarnation as still waters, there was a point in time where i was getting my posts flagged
Aquarius-Libra-Pisces Love Trapezoid thread

and was given the outright aquarius COLD SHOULDER over there..
(and i thought aquas were supposed to be some of the most OPEN MINDED people?!!!?)

mmm hmmm..
sure you all are!

it was about that time that you PURGED the board in a similar fashion as you did recently with the EXCEPTION that the LAST TIME YOU DID IT (which is the time i was talking about in the first place) EVERY SINGLE THREAD on the first thread page on the aqua board was authored by none other than

oh boy DID YOU EVER activate those oh so super powers of your that day!

and if your conscience and or memory serves you as CORRECTLY as my own, then you will be aware of exactly WHOM has "inferred incorrectly"...

come on spa, gimme a challenge that would make an aqua girl proud!

@ angryscorpio:
ENOUGH with accusing everyone of being a goddamn liberal already!
it doesn't matter whether you are liberal, conservative, libertarian, independent, whatever..
in the U.S., on the puppet-filled stage of politics, regardless of one's political affiliation on the surface, they are ALL playing in order to achieve the SAME objective...

at the very top of this hierarchical pyramid structure known as the U.S.A., there is one directive that is passes from the TOP - down...

if you are so simple minded and intellectually immature as to label yourself with some stupid political label that you had NO PART in creating OR developing, but rather, one that was ready-made for you, then you deserve whatever government you vote into office...
whenever i look at a political rally i can't help but get the feeling that those idiots cheering in the crowd for x,y,z candidate are MINDLESS SHEEP who are so DUMB and HELPLESS
that they need to depend on someone else to HOPE that others (i.e. those patsy politicians) to put a shirt on their backs and a roof over their heads..
no wonder the U.S. is in foreclosure crisis!

as long as people i.e. politically inclined souls are dependent on people i.e. politicians in order to better their own lives, the world will be in continual turmoil and crisis..

@ bohemianfish:

yes, to be a man and have such an incredibly large ratio of women to men can be quite and incentive to return and stay a while! actually making the fact that there are a lot of women on dxp PAY DIVIDENDS for you if you are a man is a DIFFERENT story!

If you honestly believe 19% of Americans here make 100K+ a year I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in.
Also, 29% of Americans here are in grad school? Those stats are utter crap.
...Though I can see the ethnicity/sex percents being true.
@ yum:
although i will not vouch for the validity of these statistics, i did find them a bit amusing to say the least...
it IS possible that 19% of the U.S. dxp users make 100K per year since that is about on par with the national average...
i would venture to say that there are at least "67" people on here making this amount of money...

and judging from the reasoning qualities of the majority of dxp's users, at times, i get the impression that many users are educated, although other times, i feel like i am back in high school all over again!

i for one have 1 year of law school under my belt so far, so i would definitely be part of that "29% " of american dxp users in grad school..
or at the very least, i take that stat to mean the percentage of users with some form of graduate degree, even if they are not currently in grad school...

but EMPIRICALLY, these stats seem to be remotely accurate because it is obvious that there are more women than men posting on dxp, and the majority of users who frequent this site also frequent,, etc., as the site indicated......

and with spiders and all forms of other information gathering e-tools, you would be SURPRISED at what kind of information about you is on file somewhere in some government bureaucrat's office, if not stored on the BEAST located in brussels...

people tend to forget that the internet makes it EASIER to collect personal data on people, not HARDER...

why do you think the internet was developed in the first place? by WHOM do you think it was developed?

and ps:
on the quantcast page link in the top left-hand corner, there is a "HAZARD" symbol next to the following disclaimer:
"Site Not Quantified
Data is based on Rough Estimate"

According to wiki something like 5% of Americans made 100k+ in 2005, and by all accounts the situation has only gotten worse since.
I bet Branh is one of those people that makes $ 100k a year.
Second guess is SB.
"i don't think u could live in la for under 300k annually *shrugs*"
In what, Zimbabwean dollars? The per capita income in LA is about $ 20,000.
@ yum:

buddy, in those stats you posted it says that the top 20% of earners in the U.S. earn $ 92,000 and up..

so how is 19% of dxp users earning 100K+ not on par with the national average like i said?

@ nihilist:
well i guess like everything else, whether 100K is considered a lot depends A lot on the person you talk to..
of course, you talk to the person making 100k and he will tell you he needs MORE money since people tend to spend more as they earn more..
its very easy to earn 100K/year and still be in debt!
the more you make, the more you can be liable to incur in debt!
with that being said, if you talk to someone making 40K/year, 100k is the jackpot!

lets face it, 100k/year is not the megamillions jackpot BUT, if you are young, single and make shrewd investments, you can live VERY CONFORTABLY...
and EVEN support a FAMILY comfortably on top of that!

@ spa:

to what do i owe the distinct honor of having you post a FULL PARAGRAPH?!?
i have never seen a thread where you are NOT posting some one dimensional one-liner that was obviously born of the tightly condensed air that composes the majority of mass in your aquarius air-head....

most people's brains consist primarily of water, but its obvious that there is enough tightly compressed air in that spaced out skull of yours to supply a scuba diving search mission from sydney, australia...
and if you were wondering exactly WHAT the object of th search mission is, its obviously for YOUR BRAIN!


its obvious that you have no CONSCIENCE you would rather lie for the sake of saving your face - if you even have a face left after this...
yeah, its an internetS message board and all but if you can't be real here, where in the hell can you be real at all?

and by now it should be obvious to anyone with WATER (not air) composing the majority of mass in their brains,

that once you purge the board as you have done it is only A MATTER OF TIME before there is little readily identifiable trace of your selfish and vain pushing-to-the-past of other people's posts..

and its not like you are even posting anything of SUBSTANCE!
you can never manage to muster the AIR in your head to enable you to think beyond posting non-sensical, meaningless single sentences as you continue to demonstrate..
you give aquarius girls a BAD name!

and PS
do you think i really care about my threads getting flagged?
i will just go and make a NEW ONE! (if you couldn't tell by now)..
do you think i care whether your dumb ass laughs at my jokes?

YOU are the joke right about now and i will prove it to you...

UNLESS you can post a LINK TO A THREAD as from december giving you an ALIBI as to the reason you purged the board as you and i both know you did at that time,
politely get out of my thread and STAY OUT!
and don't think that just because i generally love aqua ladies that i WON'T air hose dxp's e-floor with the pressurized air contents of your peanut-sized skull...

***super powers...ACTIVATE! 2/16/2009 11:30:48 PM | ip:

"btw, my soul IS for sale.
Anyone want to buy it?
Hmmm...I wonder, if I were to put it up for sale on Ebay..."****

*throws a quarter @ spa*

well i guess the bidding for SPA's sould will start at 25 cents..
does anyone have 30 cents?
if there are no bids for SPA's sould for 30 cents, i will assume ownership of SPA's soul...

25 cents going once...
30 cents going once......

do i hear 30 cents?

30 cents for SPA's soul going twice.....
@ spa:
what does that link prove other than the fact that you have a propensity to post stupid topics and inundate the aqua board with superficial fluff?
that second link you posted IS NOTHING NEAR as credible as the first link you posted as an alibi for your latest indiscretions over there...

i am waiting for you to post the link to the thread (if it exists) from december/jan where you stated that you were going to challenge yourself to post a zillion topics that no one cares about just for the aqua fuck of it...
i mean, I LIKE posting topics TOO! and A LOT of them! but AT LEAST i have the courtesy and the decency to litter a board with no more than 4 posts on the first topic page!
YOU on the other hand, display the typical tendencies of an aqua air-headed lack of tactfulness and even-temperament...

do you have a THIRD full paragraph in you?
come on..let me see you activate those super powers of yours one more time!

turn around and bend over.... spread those ass cheeks apart like you KNOW you love to do for me!

let me see if you have what it takes to make it back to my casting couch for the 4th time!

@ ms. pisces:
since you are so *ahem*
"educated" and all, why don't you post a link to some threads where you have exhibited this so called intellect on dxp in order to RAISE the intellect-ignorance ratio on here?

as far as i have seen, you are one of the reasons why this board is losing the intellect vs. ignorance battle on the intelligence side of things...

ignorance is bliss, so don't worry, BE HAPPY MON!

buddy, in those stats you posted it says that the top 20% of earners in the U.S. earn $ 92,000 and up.."
From the table under the Income Distribution header:
'less than $ 100k
94.37% '
you are talking apples and oranges now...
first you said:

***Yum 2/16/2009 11:56:50 AM | ip:
"If you honestly believe 19% of Americans here make 100K+ a year I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in.
Also, 29% of Americans here are in grad school? Those stats are utter crap."***

you then went on to post a link that basically confirmed this, only to go on and say,

"From the table under the Income Distribution header:
'less than $ 100k
94.37% '"

what does the latter have to do with the former if NOTHING AT ALL?

stay focused, man....

We need a commitee to sniff out all the people that makes more than 100K. There are at least 67 of these bastards.
But then I am sure some people who are wealthy would undereport their income and be part o the 30K pop....