Tired of My Scorpio's bout of solitude!!!

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by LibraMexiChick on Saturday, July 6, 2013 and has 66 replies.
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It's been two weeks with no contact. I stopped calling on Monday... I'm starting to think that this a break up. I understand that the retrograde is in full effect but my patience is running dangerously low. Ugh. Idk if I should try to reach out to him by txt.. I don't wanna seem clingy but I'm definitely doubting myself I kinda feel disrespected and so confused. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Advice?
Keep your cool. Go to the movies
Posted by LibraMexiChick
It's been two weeks with no contact. I stopped calling on Monday... I'm starting to think that this a break up. I understand that the retrograde is in full effect but my patience is running dangerously low. Ugh. Idk if I should try to reach out to him by txt.. I don't wanna seem clingy but I'm definitely doubting myself I kinda feel disrespected and so confused. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Advice?

Details on why & how this happened?
Posted by Neurotoxin
Something tells me he's not "your" scorpio any longer.

Exactly 100+
Two weeks!? Yes, move on... For your own pride and sanity. Walk away.
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I disagree. A scorp who truly loves someone doesn't ignore them for 2 weeks.
A scorp who likes how you spread your legs/gives head and wants to keep you around as an available option will, however.
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I got ignored for months from scorpio claiming be in love with me, I had a threesome wit his friend to get back at him. Thought he was done di done done. But little by little he came back. I thought he came back for friendship, but its turning out to be something deeper.
Now everytime I look at him or is in his presence the feeling of love can be overwhelming. Sometimes I have to leave the room, but alone time doesnt last long. He ends up right by my side. Never straying
We scorpio's are complicated creatures.
If you have common friends,ask them if they have heard from him/are able to contact him.
If that doesn't work,show up at his workplace maybe during lunch and demand an explanation.Hear him out first.If his reasons for silence and distance seem genuine to you,give him another chance but let him know you don't like disappearances.
If he wants to break up for whatever reason,ask him to say so in words.Tell him that since you became bf/gf you have been honoring the commitment you made to him and if he wants to end things he needs to be explicit about it.You do not like being kept in the dark, it is not fair and you shall not tolerate it.
This will show him that you value and honor commitment and even if he is going to break up with you,he will always see you in positive light as an assertive person with a strong spine who doesn't take any crap from anyone.
I suggest being firm and direct, yet not harsh and abusive.
Good luck.
I know its rude to ignore someone but sometimes even as a scorp moon I wont talk to someone for weeks on end. I will screen every one of my phone calls.
Turn myself off from the world. Need some me time.
Posted by Ellybean
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

True but you have to wonder if that Scorpio is worth all the ill you'll have to pay for surely in the months or even years to come. A scorp who still resorts these tactics has a really hardened heart to work through.
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That is verrrrrrry true
Posted by DMV
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I disagree. A scorp who truly loves someone doesn't ignore them for 2 weeks.
A scorp who likes how you spread your legs/gives head and wants to keep you around as an available option will, however.

I got ignored for months from scorpio claiming be in love with me, I had a threesome wit his friend to get back at him. Thought he was done di done done. But little by little he came back. I thought he came back for friendship, but its turning out to be something deeper.
Now everytime I look at him or is in his presence the feeling of love can be overwhelming. Sometimes I have to leave the room, but alone time doesnt last long. He ends up right by my side. Never straying
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A threesome to get back at him? Wow...
Two weeks regardless of sign is not interested. Period.
Posted by Xin
Two weeks regardless of sign is not interested. Period.

Agreed! +200000
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I am a scorpio and I have been in love. Being kept away from the person I am in love with is torture for me. Two weeks would be like two months. I wouldn't voluntarily put myself through that unless, I no longer wanted to be with the person. Two weeks?!? And hes my man?!?! Umm negative Seymour. Lol.
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I am a scorpio and I have been in love. Being kept away from the person I am in love with is torture for me. Two weeks would be like two months. I wouldn't voluntarily put myself through that unless, I no longer wanted to be with the person. Two weeks?!? And hes my man?!?! Umm negative Seymour. Lol.
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Ive had a different experience. We shall agree to disagree
Posted by DMV
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I am a scorpio and I have been in love. Being kept away from the person I am in love with is torture for me. Two weeks would be like two months. I wouldn't voluntarily put myself through that unless, I no longer wanted to be with the person. Two weeks?!? And hes my man?!?! Umm negative Seymour. Lol.

Ive had a different experience. We shall agree to disagree
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Fair enough.
I do not know any man who disappears for two weeks from the woman with whom they are in love and have full intentions on continuing a relationship. Well....I suppose thats bc the men I have dated, know I wouldnt wait. LOL. Men do what we allow them to get away with, I suppose.
.... and bigger than that. who in the hell wants to deal with all those games. life is too short. but just my opinion.
I generally do not think its a game with all of em that do that.
I know when im hurting inside from the object of my affection, I can be silent for a long time. Not trying to ignore, just dont have any words for the occasion.
I need uninterrupted thinking time to gather myself and my thoughts.
Still doesnt mean I stop loving the object. Probably means I love them more than myself.
Communication when hurting can be extremely difficult. I become a mute.
Could be the scorp moon or mercury and or cancer rising.
Posted by DMV
I generally do not think its a game with all of em that do that.
I know when im hurting inside from the object of my affection, I can be silent for a long time. Not trying to ignore, just dont have any words for the occasion.
I need uninterrupted thinking time to gather myself and my thoughts.
Still doesnt mean I stop loving the object. Probably means I love them more than myself.
Communication when hurting can be extremely difficult. I become a mute.
Could be the scorp moon or mercury and or cancer rising.

That makes sense. Is this what happened? Maybe I should read original thread again. I do not remember reading that they get into a conflict, she hurt him, and consequently he is taking time to himself.
My perception of their situation is that he is going through some things, not related to her, and disappeared.... Ill read it again.
I dont know, I was speaking 4 myself.
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I am a scorpio and I have been in love. Being kept away from the person I am in love with is torture for me. Two weeks would be like two months. I wouldn't voluntarily put myself through that unless, I no longer wanted to be with the person. Two weeks?!? And hes my man?!?! Umm negative Seymour. Lol.

Ive had a different experience. We shall agree to disagree

Fair enough.
I do not know any man who disappears for two weeks from the woman with whom they are in love and have full intentions on continuing a relationship. Well....I suppose thats bc the men I have dated, know I wouldnt wait. LOL. Men do what we allow them to get away with, I suppose.
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Libra moons dont like drama and will bounce, but they will cause some and disguise it as trying to keep things balanced by offering a left opinion when things are right or when their partners feel things are right they will go left...again trying to maintain balance but to their partners its an unending cycle of creating drama out of otherwise seemingly OK situation.
Posted by DMV
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I am a scorpio and I have been in love. Being kept away from the person I am in love with is torture for me. Two weeks would be like two months. I wouldn't voluntarily put myself through that unless, I no longer wanted to be with the person. Two weeks?!? And hes my man?!?! Umm negative Seymour. Lol.

Ive had a different experience. We shall agree to disagree

Fair enough.
I do not know any man who disappears for two weeks from the woman with whom they are in love and have full intentions on continuing a relationship. Well....I suppose thats bc the men I have dated, know I wouldnt wait. LOL. Men do what we allow them to get away with, I suppose.

Libra moons dont like drama and will bounce, but they will cause some and disguise it as trying to keep things balanced by offering a left opinion when things are right or when their partners feel things are right they will go left...again trying to maintain balance but to their partners its an unending cycle of creating drama out of otherwise seemingly OK situation.
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Libra moon here and I'm nothing like that. I simply walk away; not balancing shit--problem solved.
Yup cause libra moons dont do drama, they like to avoid it, they will leave. Little do they know how they come off to other peoeple. I mean perception is the reality right?
What ive experienced is to me, lol, they cause drama by inserting some left field idea practice or whatever and then bounce saying they dont do drama.
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I disagree. A scorp who truly loves someone doesn't ignore them for 2 weeks.
A scorp who likes how you spread your legs/gives head and wants to keep you around as an available option will, however.
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I believe that goes for ALL men... not just scorps. Winking
OP- how long have you been together ???
Posted by GemStar05
Posted by DMV
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I am a scorpio and I have been in love. Being kept away from the person I am in love with is torture for me. Two weeks would be like two months. I wouldn't voluntarily put myself through that unless, I no longer wanted to be with the person. Two weeks?!? And hes my man?!?! Umm negative Seymour. Lol.

Ive had a different experience. We shall agree to disagree

Fair enough.
I do not know any man who disappears for two weeks from the woman with whom they are in love and have full intentions on continuing a relationship. Well....I suppose thats bc the men I have dated, know I wouldnt wait. LOL. Men do what we allow them to get away with, I suppose.

Libra moons dont like drama and will bounce, but they will cause some and disguise it as trying to keep things balanced by offering a left opinion when things are right or when their partners feel things are right they will go left...again trying to maintain balance but to their partners its an unending cycle of creating drama out of otherwise seemingly OK situation.

Libra moon here and I'm nothing like that. I simply walk away; not balancing shit--problem solved.
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Also Libra moon I just walk away F that. I'll admit I like nosing around in other people's drama but any to do with me I vanish. Not even human stick around for cray crap. Kinda feel bad for the 5 week post, you know
Just sealed your fate with the flipping out part bad move....
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I am a scorpio and I have been in love. Being kept away from the person I am in love with is torture for me. Two weeks would be like two months. I wouldn't voluntarily put myself through that unless, I no longer wanted to be with the person. Two weeks?!? And hes my man?!?! Umm negative Seymour. Lol.

Ive had a different experience. We shall agree to disagree

Fair enough.
I do not know any man who disappears for two weeks from the woman with whom they are in love and have full intentions on continuing a relationship. Well....I suppose thats bc the men I have dated, know I wouldnt wait. LOL. Men do what we allow them to get away with, I suppose.
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I feel that they disappear because they know they can get away with it. Me personally would never tolerate such behaviour.. If she chooses to walk away it will show him that she doesn't put up with crap but instead move on with her life even seeing other people... if he loves her he will come back and stalk her down because he knows he IS IN THE WRONG and she could argue that " sorry babe, i thought we were finished since u went silence on me for 2 weeks" she got a REASON to move on...so its his lost not hers.... If he doesn't come back around....well ...thats tough luck..still hist lost Winking
Posted by natural25
Posted by DMV
I generally do not think its a game with all of em that do that.
I know when im hurting inside from the object of my affection, I can be silent for a long time. Not trying to ignore, just dont have any words for the occasion.
I need uninterrupted thinking time to gather myself and my thoughts.
Still doesnt mean I stop loving the object. Probably means I love them more than myself.
Communication when hurting can be extremely difficult. I become a mute.
Could be the scorp moon or mercury and or cancer rising.

That makes sense. Is this what happened? Maybe I should read original thread again. I do not remember reading that they get into a conflict, she hurt him, and consequently he is taking time to himself.
My perception of their situation is that he is going through some things, not related to her, and disappeared.... Ill read it again.
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No conflict. He hasn't profess his love for me other than he really likes me and is quite fond of me. Too early for love we been official for only two months and have dated since end of march. He hasn't acted like a typical Scorpio till this non communication issue.... He has continuously showned me he is a gentleman waited for like 7 dates before he asked me to be his GF and didn't lay a finger on me till date six. Definitely herrings have progressed on his on time. Last I saw him we spend the night together, got me coffee and drop me off at home before he had to be at work. We joked around and he kissed me goodbye... I txt him later on that morning to wish him a good day and he got back to me saying that his day was going good. So idk what has happened in between then.... Looking back at it once the retro started my calls and txt gone unanswered.
Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by Jynja
Why disappear? Why not be a man and tell the lady he's no longer interested in her? He's causing her so much pain.

Okay...I agree with you there.
However, one does not usually get the whole story on DXP. Suppose this girl was a total loon and he chose to stop contact because she was a crazy stalker?
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LOL!!! Even thought I know where he lives and where he works I would never do that.... Shoot if I was a crazy stalker I world have my answer by now!!!
if you are his girlfriend you have all the right to know where he is at ... ijs.
start investigating. call his job. - i dont think that's stalkerish.... i think it's showing general concern for someone's well being that is legit MIA.
Posted by cunninglinguist
Silence for 3 days is a breakup, IMO.

Posted by LibraMexiChick
Thoughts? Advice?

Well, there isn't much to go on but,
1) This:
Posted by LibraMexiChick
I understand that the retrograde is in full effect...

has nothing to do with it. I've been moody as hell in the last while, but this hasn't stopped me from talking things out with the people I care about when they have reached out to me--and I have been pretty d*mn upset at a few people. That is what mature people do. So what, you can only be in a mature relationship with this guy when the stars are aligned just so? Just .
2) Why are chasing this man? Do you think he did not see the last how many phone calls you made? He is ignoring you. Why do you think a text will be any different? Also, I don't get this whole silent treatment thing that some people are co-signing with. If you have an issue and you go silent on me for days, let alone weeks, I'm out. Grow up on someone else's time. It's one thing to say "I need a few days alone", but to just ignore me speaks volumes and I would not waste time on someone who treats you so poorly.
Posted by LibraMexiChick
I kinda feel disrespected
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3) You "kinda feel disrespected"? If you don't know whether or not you feel disrespected, you need to work on that stuff first. Otherwise, regardless of what he does days, weeks or whenever he decides to call back, you can just expect more of the same. You have no boundaries, so he can (and has already has apparently), trampled all over the very faint line in the sand you have drawn.

Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by DMV
I dunno about moving on just yet. Silence and time is nothing to a scorpio whose in love.

I disagree. A scorp who truly loves someone doesn't ignore them for 2 weeks.
A scorp who likes how you spread your legs/gives head and wants to keep you around as an available option will, however.
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Posted by Neurotoxin
Posted by Jynja
Why disappear? Why not be a man and tell the lady he's no longer interested in her? He's causing her so much pain.

Okay...I agree with you there.
However, one does not usually get the whole story on DXP. Suppose this girl was a total loon and he chose to stop contact because she was a crazy stalker?
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Posted by Aine
if you are his girlfriend you have all the right to know where he is at ... ijs.
start investigating. call his job. - i dont think that's stalkerish.... i think it's showing general concern for someone's well being that is legit MIA.

I would strongly advise against this. GF status does not give anyone license to start "investigating" and calling down the man's work. You are talking about a Scorpio, so good luck with that. I will speak entirely for myself now, a lot of Scorp placements, and I get heated very quickly--especially when someone pushes.
I do not ignore the people I care about. If you call my home and my cell and I haven't answered or responded it means I am busy, or don't want to talk right now. If some one were to push that and start calling my work, you can believe you will get a response from me, but it will not be the one you were hoping to get. IJS.
Don't push. It will not work in your favour, but hey I am speaking entirely for myself.
lol ok if my boyfriend just completely disappeared off the face of the planet... I'd find out what happened to him.
wtf is wrong with you people? - I HIGHLY DOUBT something bad happened to this guy but shit... if you just don't act, or respond... what does that say about you as the S/O ? "I don't care" ?
anyway- carry on.
I guess i'm a stalker. Woops.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Posted by Aine
if you are his girlfriend you have all the right to know where he is at ... ijs.
start investigating. call his job in a calm manner . - i dont think that's stalkerish.... i think it's showing general concern for someone's well being that is legit MIA.

I added that just so it doesn't sound too cray lol
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of course a calm manner. - wtf
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by Aine
if you are his girlfriend you have all the right to know where he is at ... ijs.
start investigating. call his job. - i dont think that's stalkerish.... i think it's showing general concern for someone's well being that is legit MIA.

I would strongly advise against this. GF status does not give anyone license to start "investigating" and calling down the man's work. You are talking about a Scorpio, so good luck with that. I will speak entirely for myself now, a lot of Scorp placements, and I get heated very quickly--especially when someone pushes.
I do not ignore the people I care about. If you call my home and my cell and I haven't answered or responded it means I am busy, or don't want to talk right now. If some one were to push that and start calling my work, you can believe you will get a response from me, but it will not be the one you were hoping to get. IJS.
Don't push. It will not work in your favour, but hey I am speaking entirely for myself.
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Please, please, PUHLEASE!!! For the love of G.O.D., whatever you do, do NOT call the man's place of employment. IF he wanted to talk to her right now, he would have answered the times that she has called his home/cell. Or, returned her phone calls. SMH. I dont understand what is so hard to conceptualize about this... Calling that man's job is asking for trouble.
Posted by ellessque
there is a guy I work with (pisces) and his wife calls him NONSTOP throughout the day. She even bitches at the operator when she can't track him down DURING LUNCHTIME or if he's on the other line or has stepped out of his office.
so embarrassing. Confused
I would never do that and I would be completely PISSED OFF if someone did that to me.

Completely out of line. It shows such a lack of self control...
Posted by Wynter

< width="420" height="315" ="

That's right.
Posted by cunninglinguist
Posted by Aine
lol ok if my boyfriend just completely disappeared off the face of the planet... I'd find out what happened to him.
wtf is wrong with you people? - I HIGHLY DOUBT something bad happened to this guy but shit... if you just don't act, or respond... what does that say about you as the S/O ? "I don't care" ?
anyway- carry on.
I guess i'm a stalker. Woops.

Lol, I don't think you're a stalker. You're just being an Aries. Fire and Cardinal will make you proactive, whereas these scropios are Fixed Water. These critters will be like "MERPMERP! leave head in sand!!"

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Yea... Im pretty fixed in the notion that my calling his other two lines, repeatedly, more than likely made the message that I care pretty clear. Lol. If he doesnt call back.... his lack of action also shows a pretty CLEAR message. I just dont see how cornering a man in and invading his privacy i.e. calling his job, would help matters much.... You cant MAKE people do something their actions are telling you they are opposed to doing. I learned that a long time ago..
Asking for trouble?
Completely ignoring your s/o is asking for trouble.
You guys are fucked in the head.
I'll be clear on something:
I personally have never called a S/O place of work. BUT if more than a 'normal' amount of time goes by w/o hearing from a s/o that you've established a relationship with... I think you've got the right to do so.
I still think you guys are fucked.
I say that with the utmost respect.
cunninglinguist - that's a great idea if that is the nature of the relationship and it is an understanding between the couple. then sure, go for it! but if you have to wonder if that's a good idea and/or the person never agreed to that, then I would not do it....
having permission vs. not having permission.
I totally understand about a person being worried about the person's well being. its a slippery slope... I just personally would not make the call to his job...
I can understand not wanting to get to that point...
I mean if it gets to THAT avenue...
It should never get to that point. There are many other ways to find out if your s/o is OK. I'm just saying:
If it gets to that point... BUT I understand where you guys are coming from...
I think for me... I have a "pride" to keep up with. Maybe it's an aries thing. "How can YOU ignore ME" Winking
In all seriousness: If anybody begins to ignore someone they claim to love... then there is a problem.
Communication is always key.
Posted by tiziani
Two weeks is nothing. Relationships only work on patience. As a Libra, you should understand that.
It's not ignoring someone if two people legitimately don't know what to say to one another. Would you rather have empty words as a substitute for a real relationship?
Where it becomes a dick move is if you haven't communicated that ahead of time or just dropped off the radar out the blue.

isn't the latter the situation....?
tiziani - if a couple agree to take some space, that makes sense. no problem. but when someone goes MIA, that's a horse of a different color.
Posted by tiziani
Two weeks is nothing. Relationships only work on patience. As a Libra, you should understand that.
It's not ignoring someone if two people legitimately don't know what to say to one another. Would you rather have empty words as a substitute for a real relationship?
Where it becomes a dick move is if you haven't communicated that ahead of time or just dropped off the radar out the blue.

Out of your mind. OUT OF YOUR MIND.
Any non-communication for any amount of time of which is 'out of the ordinary' for either of the two is a dick move.
I'm in a happy relationship. Everything is going well. We have a wonderful night together. Say our goodbyes the following day and head to work. Later on a text is sent.. no reply. Ok. - a few hours pass.. fine they must be busy at work. - The end of the night comes... ummm... Where is my s/o? For the last (however long the relationship has been) I've spoken to them every day...
I would be a bit concerned.
Out of your mind.