too much air

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by airyscorpio42 on Thursday, December 15, 2016 and has 7 replies.
I am a scorpio with an aquarius rising and libra moon and I find difficult to understand my self and how I feel sometimes. I always feel conflicted whether I should speak or shouldn't speak or whether I should be alone or not, I want to know if any has the same combination as me here so the person can confirm and explain how he or she deals with it or anybody with good astrological understanding should explain why and how this happens and tell me some other details about myself to help me in the journey of evolution

Posted by airyscorpio42
I am a scorpio with an aquarius rising and libra moon and I find difficult to understand my self and how I feel sometimes. I always feel conflicted whether I should speak or shouldn't speak or whether I should be alone or not, I want to know if any has the same combination as me here so the person can confirm and explain how he or she deals with it or anybody with good astrological understanding should explain why and how this happens and tell me some other details about myself to help me in the journey of evolution

Hmph. I'm not sure if it's a matter of "too much air" (unless you have more air in your chart than you mentioned) and perhaps more about how your energy works together within your chart. For instance, your Sun squares your Asc. You will often come off very different than you intend to. As well, your moon is a people pleasing moon thats seeks harmony and avoids conflict, while you're Scorp bits recognizes life and growth is about tension, it embraces conflict to come out on the other side hopefully better for it. If not, meh rebirth. It really doesn't give a rat's a** what people tend to think. You can see how this would be challenging. Also there are other aspects of your chart that would speak to your action/inaction. Where is your Mars etc....

Anyway, look up info on Sun sq Asc and more about your moon in relation to the other elements in your chart. The limitations in those relationships is what you need to actively work against.

Posted by 2Moon
Posted by dolluxe
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by airyscorpio42
I am a scorpio with an aquarius rising and libra moon and I find difficult to understand my self and how I feel sometimes. I always feel conflicted whether I should speak or shouldn't speak or whether I should be alone or not, I want to know if any has the same combination as me here so the person can confirm and explain how he or she deals with it or anybody with good astrological understanding should explain why and how this happens and tell me some other details about myself to help me in the journey of evolution

Im the opposite but also very similar.

Libra sun, Cancer rising and Scorpio moon. ( lots of water )

I find it very hard to express my feelings, it seems like my libra sun is always trying to supress and control my emotions.
We're all doomed. Regardless of placements. Libra sun? Emotions = Poker face
Always objective, pleasing, neutral like I don't have a soul... I know that very well.

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I can relate to that soooo well.. I always feel I don't have a soul

Posted by Gem_from_Venus
Posted by airyscorpio42
I am a scorpio with an aquarius rising and libra moon and I find difficult to understand my self and how I feel sometimes. I always feel conflicted whether I should speak or shouldn't speak or whether I should be alone or not, I want to know if any has the same combination as me here so the person can confirm and explain how he or she deals with it or anybody with good astrological understanding should explain why and how this happens and tell me some other details about myself to help me in the journey of evolution

I don't have the same placements as you, but I do have a lot of oppositions, squares, and inconjuncts in my chart, and I often feel that push-pull. Instead of telling you how to deal with it, which I think is going to be highly personal, I'll just say I think the fact that you care to understand yourself so deeply is an interesting and positive character trait that can lead to wisdom.
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Thank you for acknowledging that. I truly pursue enlightenment and wisdom but I fear that my standard and bar is too high
Posted by aquarius_beauty
Posted by airyscorpio42
I am a scorpio with an aquarius rising and libra moon and I find difficult to understand my self and how I feel sometimes. I always feel conflicted whether I should speak or shouldn't speak or whether I should be alone or not, I want to know if any has the same combination as me here so the person can confirm and explain how he or she deals with it or anybody with good astrological understanding should explain why and how this happens and tell me some other details about myself to help me in the journey of evolution

Be grateful that you at least have some emotionallity. My chart comprises of major Air and Earth. only water is Pluto in Scorpio which to me, means sh#t. Plus you don't have to deal with a stupid Gemini moon. our moods and emotions shift by the minute and we suffer from major anxiety. Pair that with my Aquarius moon and Capricorn Ascenddant, I'm a nervous, poker faced, money hungry, materialistic, cold hearted b#tch according to my chart analysis.

See for yourself...

Sun Aquarius (air)

Moon Gemini (air)

Ascendant Capricorn (earth)

Mercury Capricorn (earth)

Venus Aquarius (air)

Mars Taurus (earth)

Jupiter Taurus (earth)

Saturn Capricorn (earth)

Uranus Capricorn (earth)

Neptune Capricorn (earth)

Pluto Scorpio (water)
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Lol everything is two sided, would you like to that depth and intensity and vulnerability of a water sign? You seem pretty stable and objective which has its perks

Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by airyscorpio42
I am a scorpio with an aquarius rising and libra moon and I find difficult to understand my self and how I feel sometimes. I always feel conflicted whether I should speak or shouldn't speak or whether I should be alone or not, I want to know if any has the same combination as me here so the person can confirm and explain how he or she deals with it or anybody with good astrological understanding should explain why and how this happens and tell me some other details about myself to help me in the journey of evolution

Hmph. I'm not sure if it's a matter of "too much air" (unless you have more air in your chart than you mentioned) and perhaps more about how your energy works together within your chart. For instance, your Sun squares your Asc. You will often come off very different than you intend to. As well, your moon is a people pleasing moon thats seeks harmony and avoids conflict, while you're Scorp bits recognizes life and growth is about tension, it embraces conflict to come out on the other side hopefully better for it. If not, meh rebirth. It really doesn't give a rat's a** what people tend to think. You can see how this would be challenging. Also there are other aspects of your chart that would speak to your action/inaction. Where is your Mars etc....

Anyway, look up info on Sun sq Asc and more about your moon in relation to the other elements in your chart. The limitations in those relationships is what you need to actively work against.

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Ill look it up, the part about conflict resonates with me very well. I understand and know that we need conflict to grow but my libra moon is always tearing me apart to reconcile or not even attempt it

Posted by PeanutButterandElly
My ex had the same placements. Scorpio sun, libra moon, Aqua rising. His moon fell in his 8th house too, making it harder to verbalize his emotional nature a lot.

I wish I could tell you positive stuff, but the only thing that seemed to clarify what he wanted out of life was when I left him, because he couldn't make up his damn libra moon mind. Or rather, he made his mind up but wanted to drag things out at his own pace so he felt in control of his emotions. Only thing is he never communicated that. He bottled everything up and didn't think it necessary to share, mainly because he kept imagining there'd be some perfect moment or way.

After I left he became 100 times more expressive. Night and day. He still tends to believe that he needs to achieve a certain standard before he can really start his life though, which holds him back drastically. He feels inferior constantly because he compares himself to an extremely lofty yet arbitrary standard he created in his mind.

If you identify with that at all, I'd say just find a way to live presently. Enjoy who you are, where you are and don't let your pursuit of growth become such an obsessive journey you lock yourself into a mindset that's unattainable.
Thank you peanutbutter for being so expressive. I identify with most of this but the good thing is in my quest for evolution, I have found out some of the weakness I have and I consciously try to improve on them but the most difficult of them is to not obsessively pursue growth and feel inferior constantly because I feel it is the very thing my psyche is based on, I always seem fixated on that. May I ask, what's your combination?