What do you think about have a "long distance relationship" with a scorpio man?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by tinamaxblack on Monday, May 15, 2017 and has 35 replies.
I will go to my city soon and will get back later. We were talking a lot about of our future.

We were upset and he just recognised the situation what are we now. I still waiting for a residence permit (visa) and I can't make sure when will I get one. SO we know we are going to a LDR, and he said he don't want this will happen for a long time.

We talked a lot. He is not young anymore and he needs a girl who can help him and stay together (that can help him in business). He said he really know what kind of girl he needs and I am the girl for now, but he doesn't want to be alone. He said that is fine if i go for 3-4 months.

What do you think everybody? Scorpios can been good in LDR?
I had a ldr with a cancer. Mind you, we were both young but very much in love. It didn't work. Us scorpios need to express our love to you in a physical way. We did talk otp a lot and even had phone sex, but I craved to be near my crab. Another thing that went wrong with my ldr is that I hate texting. It gets annoying after a while and my crab would become insecure and think I was cheating, when in fact I was at school.

The fire could only burn so long. Sorry.

I had one ldr few months ago?it lasted for 5 months?ldr dont work,u can endure fir some time but if too much time passes it falls apart
so did you found another girl when you were in LDR?
Posted by fireinmysoul
I had a ldr with a cancer. Mind you, we were both young but very much in love. It didn't work. Us scorpios need to express our love to you in a physical way. We did talk otp a lot and even had phone sex, but I craved to be near my crab. Another thing that went wrong with my ldr is that I hate texting. It gets annoying after a while and my crab would become insecure and think I was cheating, when in fact I was at school.

The fire could only burn so long. Sorry.
OK. Meanwhile, I am doing some business with him, so we "must" keep contact with each other time to time. He always says this is very important that is a girl can help him in business. Is it still too hard to do LDR with a scorpio?
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
Didn't work for me. It was like a 100 years ago. He was always picking fights out of nothing, then ignored me for 3 days, then came back. I felt like I couldn't avoid those stupid fights because he was far away. Idk, maybe it's his type of personality to act like that. Anyways, he married his Pisces girl early in life. Now, I have another Scorpio much closer, no fights at all.
Umm... my scorpio was a person in travel all the time. That was we were dating. Now he came back and wants to be a stable man but just me have to go for a few months.

Posted by Eddie_Vanjovi
Scorpios are absolute hell in LDRs. They can be 9000 km away and you still won't have any space. If the time that you're physically apart is short, then it can work, but if it's more than a month at a time, expect jealously, accusations, and obsessive Scorpio banter.
I don't know what is "Short"... (only 1 month or..?) I was asking with him and he told me 5 months more is too long for him, so that I will get back in 3 months. Then he "says" that is OK.

Yes i really know some of my scorpio friends, they are all hate LDR and they need somebody can stay with them together. Depends on how much they "love" the person.
Might as well be dating my daddy... they're cool but not my cup of tea.
Scorpio and Ldr ... No
Posted by tinamaxblack
Posted by fireinmysoul
I had a ldr with a cancer. Mind you, we were both young but very much in love. It didn't work. Us scorpios need to express our love to you in a physical way. We did talk otp a lot and even had phone sex, but I craved to be near my crab. Another thing that went wrong with my ldr is that I hate texting. It gets annoying after a while and my crab would become insecure and think I was cheating, when in fact I was at school.

The fire could only burn so long. Sorry.
OK. Meanwhile, I am doing some business with him, so we "must" keep contact with each other time to time. He always says this is very important that is a girl can help him in business. Is it still too hard to do LDR with a scorpio?
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A business woman is a sexy woman. This is what probably attracted him to you. Always remain elegant and very strong. & ALWAYS keep it 100 with him. He might play little mind games with you to see where you stand or want to stand as far as relationship with him. Be confident and honest. You're doing the right thing.

Posted by MyStarsShine
Scorpio and Ldr ... No
My experience is this ☝️!

I have been with mine since 2011. We are still going strong.
Got to talk dirty to him!
It probably won't work. He will become insecure soon.
Posted by Eddie_Vanjovi
Posted by Awakenawarness
In all honesty..It depends..on the person, on the situation, on the connection between you and your partner have, etc.

I like LDR's! it gives me a chance to know that person in a non physical way, of course I do want it to be physical as well but Personally I've always craved soul connection more than anything.

This is the best thing about LDRs. You get to know the person on their personality and not be sidetracked by the physical. I found it helped develop a deeper connection and understanding of the person and liking them for who they are.

It also acts a test. I'm not a fan of tests but it seems to help weed out the people who are faithful / truly love you. If their mind starts wondering, or they start losing their self control, ... I'm tired. You get what I mean.
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Oh I see. Depends on the person.

I asked him before, he said "I am ok with LDR. But 3 Months is the maximum", he told me he likes the moment when we are together. He know what girl he needs and He is not young anymore, he is almost 38 and he don't waste more time on wrong person.

If i cannot figure out the Visa problems, he thinks this relationship will not going well.
I'm a Pisces girl and in a LDR with my Scorpio boyfriend. He lives in England and I live in The Netherlands. I was the one who wasn't sure if I could handle a LDR, but he said he'd do anything to make me happy and he really is. He comes down to my country every 2 or 3 months. LDR's aren't always easy, and I think it's not easy for Scorpio's. Honesty and loyalty are two very important things to them, and my boyfriend stresses the hell out and overthinks a lot which makes us argue a lot, like if I don't reply for like 20 minutes when I'm at school or hanging out. He already is emotionally unstable and has trust issues because of his ex, and I made the mistake to lie to him (I didnt cheat) because I was afraid to tell him the truth. He gets angry fast, it's scary.

Our relationship is toxic now, but he's still doing anything to make me happy and cares so much and they're genuinely good lovers but LDR's are just difficult for them I think, especially in my situation. They're also jealous and can be obsessive and kind of manipulating. When I want to hang out with a male friend he starts to worry and shit, and he's like "Guess you're just gonna do stuff with them." And ofcourse I want to prove I'm not and then we argue and I just stay in after all.

As soon as I get home we call, and we hang up when I go to school the next morning. They are very clingy and I kinda lost my private life and social life. They don't want you to keep anything from them but they also don't want to be controlling which they sometimes indirectly are.

Just don't make the mistake to break their trust, comfort them and don't be rude because believe me, you don't want to see them angry. Our relationship is emotionally wrecking us, but it doesn't have to be like that, that's because I made mistakes. They're loyal and want to do anything to make you happy and they love and care and support unconditionally. He's a blessing, I couldn't imagine someone doing so much for me as he does.

So long story short, don't break their trust as it's one of the things that matters to them the most and its a big factor in LDR's. Even if nothing ever went wrong, they still can overthink a lot and not trust you, it's difficult.
LDR has to be one of the dumbest things ever, why are we dating if I cant see u? I only get "collect call from prison" calls from her? naked pic here and there? terrible.
I am in one and its very difficult. He's moody and depressed about a few things (inside and outside of us) and honestly, I'm sort of grateful for the distance because it is forcing me to be patient with him. I'm able to focus on our children better and by business more. We haven't seen each other in 4 months and we are working out his issues with our children. We have decided to have a committed friendship since I can't deal with the romance right now. Our issues are very complex but so far we are "faithful" to each other.
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
If i cant touch, smell the girl im with whats the point?
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
click to expand
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

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but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

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11/18/61 and please do waste all you have! smile
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

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Lol we weren't actually LDR - we had seen each other for business every other day and I was deliberately staying across the table so no touching or anything for 5 years! No calling or texting until after 5 years. I don't say he was happy but he broke out after...

Do your search please. Maybe you can help me to get into his beautiful crazy brain. ?
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

Lol we weren't actually LDR - we had seen each other for business every other day and I was deliberately staying across the table so no touching or anything for 5 years! No calling or texting until after 5 years. I don't say he was happy but he broke out after...

Do your search please. Maybe you can help me to get into his beautiful crazy brain. ?
click to expand

Im back at work lol...so wait...u wasnt in a LDR and youre commenting on scorpio men being in LDR based on your scorp? come on lol...your situation has NOTHING to do wit LDR..

Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

Lol we weren't actually LDR - we had seen each other for business every other day and I was deliberately staying across the table so no touching or anything for 5 years! No calling or texting until after 5 years. I don't say he was happy but he broke out after...

Do your search please. Maybe you can help me to get into his beautiful crazy brain. ?

Im back at work lol...so wait...u wasnt in a LDR and youre commenting on scorpio men being in LDR based on your scorp? come on lol...your situation has NOTHING to do wit LDR..

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It does because the main trouble with LDR is waiting. And my example says - Scorpio can wait if they want.

They don't jump on other people if they want this particular person in their life.
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

Lol we weren't actually LDR - we had seen each other for business every other day and I was deliberately staying across the table so no touching or anything for 5 years! No calling or texting until after 5 years. I don't say he was happy but he broke out after...

Do your search please. Maybe you can help me to get into his beautiful crazy brain. ?

Im back at work lol...so wait...u wasnt in a LDR and youre commenting on scorpio men being in LDR based on your scorp? come on lol...your situation has NOTHING to do wit LDR..

It does because the main trouble with LDR is waiting. And my example says - Scorpio can wait if they want.

They don't jump on other people if they want this particular person in their life.
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apples and oranges..I can wait too if I see you every other day, youre still reachable, im talking about hours away, different states, countries, etc...we are not waiting ( s male), and the females who think these scorps are faithful in LDR are delusional lol trust me gem, your situation has zero to do with this

Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

Lol we weren't actually LDR - we had seen each other for business every other day and I was deliberately staying across the table so no touching or anything for 5 years! No calling or texting until after 5 years. I don't say he was happy but he broke out after...

Do your search please. Maybe you can help me to get into his beautiful crazy brain. ?

Im back at work lol...so wait...u wasnt in a LDR and youre commenting on scorpio men being in LDR based on your scorp? come on lol...your situation has NOTHING to do wit LDR..

It does because the main trouble with LDR is waiting. And my example says - Scorpio can wait if they want.

They don't jump on other people if they want this particular person in their life.

apples and oranges..I can wait too if I see you every other day, youre still reachable, im talking about hours away, different states, countries, etc...we are not waiting ( s male), and the females who think these scorps are faithful in LDR are delusional lol trust me gem, your situation has zero to do with this

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Isn't it harder to contain yourself by being at hand reach and not being allowed to reach?

Isn't talking on Skype is kind of the same thing?

Aren't Scorpios hold jobs that required a lot of travel or temporary living abroad?

So you saying as soon they are out the door - they are jumping some bones just for sport purposes?
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

Lol we weren't actually LDR - we had seen each other for business every other day and I was deliberately staying across the table so no touching or anything for 5 years! No calling or texting until after 5 years. I don't say he was happy but he broke out after...

Do your search please. Maybe you can help me to get into his beautiful crazy brain. ?

Im back at work lol...so wait...u wasnt in a LDR and youre commenting on scorpio men being in LDR based on your scorp? come on lol...your situation has NOTHING to do wit LDR..

It does because the main trouble with LDR is waiting. And my example says - Scorpio can wait if they want.

They don't jump on other people if they want this particular person in their life.

apples and oranges..I can wait too if I see you every other day, youre still reachable, im talking about hours away, different states, countries, etc...we are not waiting ( s male), and the females who think these scorps are faithful in LDR are delusional lol trust me gem, your situation has zero to do with this

Isn't it harder to contain yourself by being at hand reach and not being allowed to reach?

Isn't talking on Skype is kind of the same thing?

Aren't Scorpios hold jobs that required a lot of travel or temporary living abroad?

So you saying as soon they are out the door - they are jumping some bones just for sport purposes?
click to expand

read again: scorpio men are not dating someone (faithfully) who lives in another city, country..living a hour away from each other isnt the same as someone who is DAYS away from you...For the 3rd time youre situation doesnt apply lol u keep asking me questions, which I dont mind answering, that arent LDR related.

Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

Lol we weren't actually LDR - we had seen each other for business every other day and I was deliberately staying across the table so no touching or anything for 5 years! No calling or texting until after 5 years. I don't say he was happy but he broke out after...

Do your search please. Maybe you can help me to get into his beautiful crazy brain. ?

Im back at work lol...so wait...u wasnt in a LDR and youre commenting on scorpio men being in LDR based on your scorp? come on lol...your situation has NOTHING to do wit LDR..

It does because the main trouble with LDR is waiting. And my example says - Scorpio can wait if they want.

They don't jump on other people if they want this particular person in their life.

apples and oranges..I can wait too if I see you every other day, youre still reachable, im talking about hours away, different states, countries, etc...we are not waiting ( s male), and the females who think these scorps are faithful in LDR are delusional lol trust me gem, your situation has zero to do with this

Isn't it harder to contain yourself by being at hand reach and not being allowed to reach?

Isn't talking on Skype is kind of the same thing?

Aren't Scorpios hold jobs that required a lot of travel or temporary living abroad?

So you saying as soon they are out the door - they are jumping some bones just for sport purposes?

read again: scorpio men are not dating someone (faithfully) who lives in another city, country..living a hour away from each other isnt the same as someone who is DAYS away from you...For the 3rd time youre situation doesnt apply lol u keep asking me questions, which I dont mind answering, that arent LDR related.

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LDR is ability to wait! Until 2 people are finally together.

Being LDR forever doesn't make sense.

So ability to wait is a key in surviving LDR and make it a happy end!

Far fetched for any sign.

But it is possible. No? Forget which sign.

In general!

Can't you visit each other once in a while?

And weren't you kind of offended that he doesn't want to be alone? Like what?

Is he that old that he needs person to attend to him daily? What's his issue here is you ARE the girl!!!

I would walk and never turn my head!

Old slut!
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

Lol we weren't actually LDR - we had seen each other for business every other day and I was deliberately staying across the table so no touching or anything for 5 years! No calling or texting until after 5 years. I don't say he was happy but he broke out after...

Do your search please. Maybe you can help me to get into his beautiful crazy brain. ?

Im back at work lol...so wait...u wasnt in a LDR and youre commenting on scorpio men being in LDR based on your scorp? come on lol...your situation has NOTHING to do wit LDR..

It does because the main trouble with LDR is waiting. And my example says - Scorpio can wait if they want.

They don't jump on other people if they want this particular person in their life.

apples and oranges..I can wait too if I see you every other day, youre still reachable, im talking about hours away, different states, countries, etc...we are not waiting ( s male), and the females who think these scorps are faithful in LDR are delusional lol trust me gem, your situation has zero to do with this

Isn't it harder to contain yourself by being at hand reach and not being allowed to reach?

Isn't talking on Skype is kind of the same thing?

Aren't Scorpios hold jobs that required a lot of travel or temporary living abroad?

So you saying as soon they are out the door - they are jumping some bones just for sport purposes?

read again: scorpio men are not dating someone (faithfully) who lives in another city, country..living a hour away from each other isnt the same as someone who is DAYS away from you...For the 3rd time youre situation doesnt apply lol u keep asking me questions, which I dont mind answering, that arent LDR related.

LDR is ability to wait! Until 2 people are finally together.

Being LDR forever doesn't make sense.

So ability to wait is a key in surviving LDR and make it a happy end!

Far fetched for any sign.

But it is possible. No? Forget which sign.

In general!
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Im lost..lol yea, I could wait. If I had a girl and she went on vacation for 3 months, id definitely wait..but I swore a LDR is 2 ppl living in different states/countries and they only see each other maybe twice a year when one is able to travel..

waiting for my girl to come back from vacation, yea I can wait, living in Florida while my girl lives in buffalo is NOT cool, at all.

Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by 13th
Posted by Gemitati
So far every post is written here is a 100% bullshit!

Scorpios can wait forever IF they care!

He said he doesn't want to wait - so he had been honest and open and you should read it as...so long! Unfortunately he isn't willing to do LDR. But he doesn't say he does. So...game is over!

Arent you a Gemini woman? too funny, speaking on our behalf cause of one of ours deals with you, just terrible..I aint waiting for sheete. Out of sight/out of mind. LDR lol smh
So you are a different one!

I am dealing with one who waited for 5 years! So be surprised!

but every girl who replied said they (S male) struggled with it, yours probably got alot of cancer/libra in his chart lol your scorp is a special one cause I dont see a sane S male being happy wit a LDR. Whats his main placements gemitati? help me waste time at work smile

Lol we weren't actually LDR - we had seen each other for business every other day and I was deliberately staying across the table so no touching or anything for 5 years! No calling or texting until after 5 years. I don't say he was happy but he broke out after...

Do your search please. Maybe you can help me to get into his beautiful crazy brain. ?

Im back at work lol...so wait...u wasnt in a LDR and youre commenting on scorpio men being in LDR based on your scorp? come on lol...your situation has NOTHING to do wit LDR..

It does because the main trouble with LDR is waiting. And my example says - Scorpio can wait if they want.

They don't jump on other people if they want this particular person in their life.

apples and oranges..I can wait too if I see you every other day, youre still reachable, im talking about hours away, different states, countries, etc...we are not waiting ( s male), and the females who think these scorps are faithful in LDR are delusional lol trust me gem, your situation has zero to do with this

Isn't it harder to contain yourself by being at hand reach and not being allowed to reach?

Isn't talking on Skype is kind of the same thing?

Aren't Scorpios hold jobs that required a lot of travel or temporary living abroad?

So you saying as soon they are out the door - they are jumping some bones just for sport purposes?

read again: scorpio men are not dating someone (faithfully) who lives in another city, country..living a hour away from each other isnt the same as someone who is DAYS away from you...For the 3rd time youre situation doesnt apply lol u keep asking me questions, which I dont mind answering, that arent LDR related.

LDR is ability to wait! Until 2 people are finally together.

Being LDR forever doesn't make sense.

So ability to wait is a key in surviving LDR and make it a happy end!

Far fetched for any sign.

But it is possible. No? Forget which sign.

In general!

Im lost..lol yea, I could wait. If I had a girl and she went on vacation for 3 months, id definitely wait..but I swore a LDR is 2 ppl living in different states/countries and they only see each other maybe twice a year when one is able to travel..

waiting for my girl to come back from vacation, yea I can wait, living in Florida while my girl lives in buffalo is NOT cool, at all.

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She aaid something like 3 months.

But old ass 'can't be alone' for that long!

Wondering how old is he...
Posted by jsb

As soon as I get home we call, and we hang up when I go to school the next morning. They are very clingy and I kinda lost my private life and social life. They don't want you to keep anything from them but they also don't want to be controlling which they sometimes indirectly are.

I think this is the main point what I can see. Actually my scorpio is not always manipulating me, but he would let me know what he wants me should do/ make the smartest decisions. (before I told him he is a kinda aggressive man.)

And he knows my troubles, then he would like to show me the ways out or try to find out the solutions what we can do or "both win". He always say that is important and don't wasting anytime.

About Trust issue, we are both having private life. Even he sometime goes parties with his friends or meeting new friends, he would let me know what is going on. He texts with his ex and friends so often (i had this problem before), he promises they are just friend only and will not going to have "more" with them.

Also before we are in relationship, he really spent a lot of time to know me and confirm i am a good girl he needs. (I can see he may got some bad experiences.) He said he trust me I don't play "games" and then he don't need to waste time with that too.

He knows I may have some admirers try to contact me sometimes, he prefer I can make a good choice/ decision and let people I have him already.

Btw, he is a kinda weird guy, he loves working all the time and he always staying alone. He lets me keep his keys that i can come/ stay to his place anytime, but he said he would be alone that why he can finish then we can chill.

If someone ask me, I just wondering can he self-control and wait me back.
Posted by tinamaxblack
Posted by jsb

As soon as I get home we call, and we hang up when I go to school the next morning. They are very clingy and I kinda lost my private life and social life. They don't want you to keep anything from them but they also don't want to be controlling which they sometimes indirectly are.

I think this is the main point what I can see. Actually my scorpio is not always manipulating me, but he would let me know what he wants me should do/ make the smartest decisions. (before I told him he is a kinda aggressive man.)

And he knows my troubles, then he would like to show me the ways out or try to find out the solutions what we can do or "both win". He always say that is important and don't wasting anytime.

About Trust issue, we are both having private life. Even he sometime goes parties with his friends or meeting new friends, he would let me know what is going on. He texts with his ex and friends so often (i had this problem before), he promises they are just friend only and will not going to have "more" with them.

Also before we are in relationship, he really spent a lot of time to know me and confirm i am a good girl he needs. (I can see he may got some bad experiences.) He said he trust me I don't play "games" and then he don't need to waste time with that too.

He knows I may have some admirers try to contact me sometimes, he prefer I can make a good choice/ decision and let people I have him already.

Btw, he is a kinda weird guy, he loves working all the time and he always staying alone. He lets me keep his keys that i can come/ stay to his place anytime, but he said he would be alone that why he can finish then we can chill.

If someone ask me, I just wondering can he self-control and wait me back.
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You asking us after he told you he don't want to be alone? Are you kidding?

He said NO! He wouldn't wait.

You ask forum full of strangers if he will...

Are you serious?