Your Best and Worst Scorpion Traits?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by AutumnalChick on Friday, December 9, 2011 and has 4 replies.
Just thought I'd mix it up a little with my fellow Scorpios ...
BEST: I do seem to have that "magnetic" quality that attracts a variety of people to me in many circumstances ... which is flattering (and a little bewildering) ... but actually, doesn't jive with my desire (most of the time) for privacy and solitude. It comes in mighty handy when I want or need attention, though.
WORST: I am o.b.s.e.s.s.i.v.e. Beyond obsessive. Holy gods. When I get interested in or attached to something I will.not.put.the damn thing.down.
Best: Great observation skills. I can count on him to remember what I like and don't like.
Worth: Shuts me out emotionally sometimes, but hates it when I shut him out. The Fuuuuuuu?!
Posted by aliennation
The good: good investigator, detached, independent
The bad: pride, pride, pride. I refuse to ever compromise my dignity, no matter what. Sometimes it can get a little overboard, lol.

Really? -.-
Posted by aliennation
Posted by happykitsune
Posted by aliennation
The good: good investigator, detached, independent
The bad: pride, pride, pride. I refuse to ever compromise my dignity, no matter what. Sometimes it can get a little overboard, lol.

Really? -.-

I said MY Jewish schnoz. Tongue

click to expand

I know I know, but I wouldn't consider that a scorpio trait Tongue