Sun in Taurus, Venus in Gemini
I know Taurus men love harem but why you have to kept trying to keep the one that refuse to be in it?
I care about this Taurus man, he is way older than me and I like him, sadly way more than just friends. A couple times I already cut off our friendship because my feelings was way too strong, and I don't want to offer fake friendship while he dates other people. I told him this, MANY times. We were never physical, but I admit we have strange mental connection.
At first he told me to get over my feelings, as it is just an infatuation (said he) and kept wanting to see me.
I got upset, told him that is very disrespectful and condescending.
We had an argument in a bar (mostly about other reasons, such as me being concerned about his health and alcoholism, him not wanting to break off our whatever and a toxic relationship he was having where both parties were at fault)
I cut him off. He showed up 'accidentally' in a place I was going to be in. We argued a little but ended up amicably separating "For a couple months" he said, "See where we are." I said not a good idea but he didn't care, I guess.
2 months later, he drunk texted me asking if we can meet sometime.
We did, had a real good time, but I realized I still like him way too much. Then he told me he has a new girlfriend. (but this time I approve, very great person, so I can let go.)
I felt like I couldn't handle that fact just yet, so I told him maybe it's better if we don't see each other. This time he seems to understood it but being a typical bull he was being stubborn and refuse to agree or accept explicitly, citing we will see again, and I can't stop him from thinking about me or texting me. Then he asked his gf to come, so the night ended with me talking to his girlfriend and ... well, it was a real good bye from my side as I refuse his final gesture of affection. He left me a message as if I will SEE him again. I refused and deleted his number.
He confuses me so much. This is unfair for his girlfriend, even if he is just wanting to keep me as friends, but how inconsiderate of my feelings. Why he refuse to leave me alone?
I know not all Bulls are like this, so can anyone tell me what is wrong with this one? And I admit, I am stupid and in the future if he wants to meet I don't know if I can refuse. Ugh. :/ Insight please?
Despite my frustration, I do REALLY care about him and want him to find happiness. It's just our friendship is not working (from my perspective), and I don't see why he's pushing it because we were never physical, I don't think he's romantically attracted to me and we didn't know each other that long (a year maybe, give or take) so I don't see why he has to be adamant in keeping me in his harem or whatever.
It's obvious we can operate independently, so I don't see why this should even happen in the first place.
Maybe he will leave me alone this time, since he has found his match and we talked peacefully (maybe he was just bluffing). Still, confusing, so may I ask bulls here for your thoughts on what might be the reason- is it really just because he doesn't like having anyone leaving his harem? Yeah I am frustrated but I also want to know why.
Thanks in advance. Rarrgh!
No, i'm not gorgeous at all (and i know what he likes, georgeous, feminine women which i am not one) that's why it baffles me. Thanks for your story! And yeah i will try to move on, I just wanted to vent and see if i can make sense of his act....
It's so frustrating because the reason I seem to always relent to his quiet but persistent effort is because it IS flattering to have someone somehow always want to be in your life. But this type of thing only works if both parties are in similar mindset, not when one is obviously having a bad case of unrequited love to the other.
The hardest part is he gets me and I (apparently) get him. It's just the relationship won't work for multitude reasons. So no reason to push for friendship when it's not there and will never be.
I thought bulls are logical, so I said them in plain words, as clear as day, yet still...
Is this really just a case where the bull like to bask in someone else's love without repercussion or what? I'd like to think he's not that crude, but then why? Maybe his ascendant is in Leo, dunno.
here's hoping there will be no more contact in the future, but I can't be too sure. Being pisces, my feelings can be pretty crippling, and it truly annoys me that he kept trying to convince me that it's merely nothing. How dare he!?
Ugh. Ok I feel a bit better after ranting. Thanks for anyone who has read this, and I still would appreciate any insights also.
Ok, piscesreisen...I read your thread. (also, so sorry I haven't been on in a while and I don't want you to think I was ignoring you (that's not a pisces trait..that's a taurus) All kidding aside
Taurus men and Pisces women tend to gravitate toward one another, whether we are good for each other or not. He wants to keep you in his life because from what you describe his life isn't all that great. If he is an alcoholic, he needs to handle that problem. It isn't for you to take on.
Having said that, yes, it is flattering. But he isn't keeping you in his life (or vice versa) because he really loves you, he is keeping you in his life because taurus men consider women theirs. Plain and simple. He wants to be surrounded by beauty, and to him (maybe not to yourself) you are beautiful. He doesn't want to lose that. Sure he will ignore you for a while, then he will come back around to see if you still love him. And lets be honest-you do still love him. It's hard for us Pisces when it comes to Taurus men mostly because we want to truly believe and trust them. But remember that he is fully aware of his actions, and the things he says. Because if backed into a corner, they will tell the truth. It may hurt, but they will do it. But they will never burn a bridge with you. Because they know that if they finally say goodbye, you just may turn and walk away without looking back, and they hate that.
Strudel: he's probably the one who's more emotional than me at times, or at least talk more emotional problems.
Pisces : "But they will never burn a bridge with you. Because they know that if they finally say goodbye, you just may turn and walk away without looking back, and they hate that." So true. So fucking true. I guess I should continue not seeing him. Thanks, your words really resonates!!! Thanks!
thanks for the input, I already disappeared and you are right he has many women available for him. Should stand on my ground and not give in, after all I should take care of myself... I didn't do anything wrong, just trying to help myself. thanks !