Crush on a Taurus woman, I have known for 5 years

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Langvad on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 and has 16 replies.
Hi I'm Andy.
Actually this is more than just a crush!
Hi I??m Andy, I hope there is someone who can give me some piece of advice
I have this friend who is a girl, we have known each other now for about 5 years, where we have worked out together at the gym as she is also my training partner, so we spend alot of time together.
She used to be married and is going through the separation now, in which I am happy for her as that relationship was doomed, but she is a taurus woman so she is very loyal and persistent, so she did fight for the relationship but he was really a douche to her so after 12 years she didn??t see any other way for this than to end it. She is 28 and for the record I am 37.
We started to go out me, her and one of her girlfriends (even smoked weed together) and it was really weird because we would only look at each other and then start laughing alot, of course because of the weed but her friend didn??t feel the same at all, we have that "connection" too when we workout, even write each other at the exact same time.
When we are together we play around and people have even come up to her in bars and asked if I was her boyfriend, and other people in the gym can??t understand her and I aren't together apparently because it seems like we have known each other a lot longer and have a lot of fun when we are together. I see her coming as close as there is on being my soulmate and she would be a great mother some day too.
I compliment her alot as her former husband never did and she has very low self-esteem so I feel happy when she appreciates all the things I do and say to her. It is like we have this deep connection that I have never felt before, and I like that she is very loyal. I myself am a capricorn and everywhere on the net it says we are a perfect match and I must say it seems like that in real life as well.
Okay, here??s my question, what do I do? I want to tell her that I have got feelings for her but I am going to wait till she has her life in order again from her ex husband and so forth, timing is everything right?
I know that if I say these things to her our friendship will be in jeopardy and I would feel really bad if she doesn't feel the same like me at all, but let me ask you if it is just me who see it like this? Why is it so important to her not to loose me as a friend, sometimes when I don't text her back she keeps texting me if I'm okay and what??s wrong and so forth.
My concern is that her compliments are very res
It should say that her compliments are very reserved to words like nice and thanks and so forth, even though we talked last night, and I explained to her that it is nice for me too to hear that form hear lips that I have done something that was sweet instead of just nice, and she said that it was sweet some of the things I have done, and later when I paid her a compliment about how great she is, she wrote back that I was a funny and sweet guy.
and we are so alike it is scary, like we know what the other one is thinking sometimes.
I now know why Taurus and capricorns are a good match, I wouldn't want anyone else but her, and almost everyday when we workout together I look forward to just seeing her end being with her.
Anyway I would appreciate advice from especially Taurus women to see their point of view, others are well received as wellsmile
@Sand thanks for the reply, I will think about that smile
I just feel that right now I can't tell how I really feel about her, before she gets her life in order again in a new apartment and the failed marriage left behind her and starts to be her own woman. I did however left her a hint the other day, that there was something that I couldn't tell her right now because of timing.
Yeah it is abit tricky, but no matter what, I will have to tell her someday how I feel. Maybe it??s just me but I see some of what u wrote in ur reply kind of made me out to be kind of a weak person, or maybe I'm wrong but just for the record I am not and she knows that, I am very strongmindedsmile
I am however also the complete opposite of the guy she fell for and married, I'm not selfish like him but I am not weak person either. I keep in very good shape like she does, and of course we have workouts and running in common (healthy competition as we push each other to our limits). She kind of rebelled against all the BS he put her through and I told her one time that if she did that to me "I" and then she said it herself "you would probably kick me to the curb" and I said yep. Also the way we act towards eachother like we were a couple, does that mean something? Like touching eachother and she sometimes massages my neck, and I actually asked yesterday if she would give me a massage someday and she said sure. The things about the compliments, she is kind of a shy girl and she doesn't share her feelings with that many people but I'm one of those that she shares her thoughts and feelings to. It??s just hard because I know we can learn so much from each other.
But I will of course take it to heart what you wrote PetiteVeau and thanks smile
Hehe no worries PetiteVeau, I know for a fact 1 really good thing that I do to her that she really likes and especially now with that divorce and that she has to make a totally new life for herself, and that is that I make her laugh alot. And I like making her laugh and smile, because then I know at that moment she is not thinking about her problemssmile
u want my birthcharts? or hers or what do u meansmile
Thanks for the reply
I just had it compared me 24 dec. 1975 and her 10 mai 1985. Didn??t look half bad Winking
Posted by Langvad

We started to go out me, her and one of her girlfriends (even smoked weed together)

Too funny...Tongue^^^^^^
Posted by Langvad
Okay, here??s my question, what do I do?

It seems like so far, you haven't done anything. Tauruses move just as slow as Capricorns. But nonetheless, we always want to know where we stand with you.
Bulls just need a little time to get
Posted by Langvad
I want to tell her that I have got feelings for her but I am going to wait till she has her life in order again from her ex husband and so forth, timing is everything right?
click to expand

Yes timing is everything. But so is over-analyzing a situation to death. Simply take baby steps.
1. Tell her how you feel about her.
2. Tell her that you would prefer to take things slow, and see where it goes.
3. Tell her that despite anything that happens, you don't want to lose her friendship.
....Starting somewhere is better than over-analyzing and getting nowhere.

Bulls are NOT pursuers.
You will have to make the 1st move.
I will make the first move but the timing has to be right smile
Posted by Langvad
I will make the first move but the timing has to be right smile

@ TaurusBull1977 yeah I hear ya. I think she knows that I like her alot. And yes the weed thing is funny, we are gonna do it again from what she wrote med the other day smile Yesterday she had to leave abit earlier than I from our workout and I was talking to one of the girls who knows us both, and she too said that when she first started out, she thought we were a couple and yesterday she said "I wouldn't worry, I think it will eventually happen that u guys will be together"
Must say that I have never had such a deep connection before, sometimes we write/text the same thing at the same moment to one another, really weird, and when we say the same thing at the same time, I always say "hey, u know masterminds think alike". She is so awesome smile
What is it with you Capricorn men?
My sister is currently in love with one...
You're doing too much over-thinking...
And not taking enough action....

You're a Cardinal sign...
Get it poppin! Tongue
Remember, you're not asking for her hand in marriage....
But a casual date with innocent flirting isn't going to harm you.
Bulls, we're ladies, quite conventional, but keep in mind, we're still VERY much physical signs.
Holding her hand, or a light brush against her cheek isn't going to put you in the 'doghouse.'
@TaurusBull1977 I hear what you're saying smile And I have brushed her on her cheek a couple of times btw hehe, but I??m standoffish because of her just recent breakup from her marriage, she just got seperated a week ago. But I must say we play around more physical after that happened. And yes I think u are right that I am overthinking things and I hate that smile Anyway like I said in one of my first posts I can't ask her out now or tell her how I really feel as she has alot on her plate and honestly I don't want to do that to her right now. My nature is that if she doesn't feel the same way I think our friendship is done, so I think it has to be a very right moment.
Trust me if I could just take her and land a big one on her lips I would, but she has been really hurt by this failed marriage so I really can't do this to her right now. I know it would hurt her alot if she lost me, as she told me, I??m really just trying to do the right thing but of course it hurts as I would like to be honest with her. And to my own little defense I did tell her a couple of days ago that there was something I would like to tell her but I couldn't right now because of timingsmile
And the thing about Taurus being a physical sign I will keep that in mind thanks smile
I don't know about cardinal sign smile
Just looked up Cardinal sign smile