Hi I'm Andy.
Actually this is more than just a crush!
Hi I??m Andy, I hope there is someone who can give me some piece of advice
I have this friend who is a girl, we have known each other now for about 5 years, where we have worked out together at the gym as she is also my training partner, so we spend alot of time together.
She used to be married and is going through the separation now, in which I am happy for her as that relationship was doomed, but she is a taurus woman so she is very loyal and persistent, so she did fight for the relationship but he was really a douche to her so after 12 years she didn??t see any other way for this than to end it. She is 28 and for the record I am 37.
We started to go out me, her and one of her girlfriends (even smoked weed together) and it was really weird because we would only look at each other and then start laughing alot, of course because of the weed but her friend didn??t feel the same at all, we have that "connection" too when we workout, even write each other at the exact same time.
When we are together we play around and people have even come up to her in bars and asked if I was her boyfriend, and other people in the gym can??t understand her and I aren't together apparently because it seems like we have known each other a lot longer and have a lot of fun when we are together. I see her coming as close as there is on being my soulmate and she would be a great mother some day too.
I compliment her alot as her former husband never did and she has very low self-esteem so I feel happy when she appreciates all the things I do and say to her. It is like we have this deep connection that I have never felt before, and I like that she is very loyal. I myself am a capricorn and everywhere on the net it says we are a perfect match and I must say it seems like that in real life as well.
Okay, here??s my question, what do I do? I want to tell her that I have got feelings for her but I am going to wait till she has her life in order again from her ex husband and so forth, timing is everything right?
I know that if I say these things to her our friendship will be in jeopardy and I would feel really bad if she doesn't feel the same like me at all, but let me ask you if it is just me who see it like this? Why is it so important to her not to loose me as a friend, sometimes when I don't text her back she keeps texting me if I'm okay and what??s wrong and so forth.
My concern is that her compliments are very res
I just feel that right now I can't tell how I really feel about her, before she gets her life in order again in a new apartment and the failed marriage left behind her and starts to be her own woman. I did however left her a hint the other day, that there was something that I couldn't tell her right now because of timing.