I've come to find myself locked in a battle of wills with an Aries over the silliest thing.
My brothers girlfriend (Aries) gave birth to my niece 2 months ago. I haven't been able to see her for the past month.
She refuses to reply to my texts or answer my calls when I try to ask if it's a good time for company. But she will post (IE: "I feel like the only person I talk to anymore is the baby") & "like" things I post on FB. Yet she says that she's not "intentionally" ignoring me..... I guess it's an accident?
The thing is she INSISTS that I just show up unannounced for visits. She says that she knows that I'm not comfortable doing that but that works better for her. So I'm guessing that her refusal to acknowledge me when I reach out to ask if I can come over is her "unintentional" attempt at trying to make me just show up & do things on her terms.
I need to understand the logic in preference for unannounced visits because that's completely foreign to me. I've always thought it was rude & inconsiderate to just drop in on someone. Especially so when there's a newborn baby involved. Any parent knows that the worst thing ever is to have someone come pounding on your door when you've just gotten your fussy baby down for a nap. Or to be bombarded with company when your sleep deprived and just want to nap yourself. And I'm not keen on wasting my time & gas to drive across town to be met by a closed door or find out that it's not a good time.
The last time I saw my niece the visit only lasted 20 minutes because as soon as I arrived my brothers girlfriend went outside to make a phone call & within 15 minutes her mother showed up & said she was there to get mom & baby & my daughter & I had to leave......
I feel like this has more to do than just preference on visit arrangements and more to do with control and shutting the other side of the family out? Or am I just being paranoid?
I get that fire signs are less scheduled. I'm almost all fire & air but my Taurus earth does make me very scheduled. But fire signs aren't incapable. And I'm not even asking for a plan. This isn't asking for an itinerary for the month lol This is about efficiency and consideration.
I work full time, go to school & I'm raising a child on my own. Before I load up and travel I'd just like to know that the door is going to be open and that it's a good time with a simple yes or no reply, not a dissertation on why or why not.
I just find it unreasonable to expect that of me because it's "easier" for her than lifting a finger to reply to a text. Of course it's easier!! LOL she literally has to do nothing!! I find the whole thing insane....
At any rate, I'm just going to go through my brother to arrange visits from now on because despite working 6 days a week and being a Sag sun, he's capable of replying to a text with a yes or no. I'll visit the baby on his one day off a week if he's feeling up for company.
"And I would like to ask you why you think your sister in law has it easy?
From what I have noticed, some women take to motherhood easily and few struggle during the initial phase.
AND some babies are easy to manage. Maybe her baby stays away in the nights or has stomach aches or cries more than most other babies.... Or she doesn't get enough sleep!"
All of these reasons are reasons WHY I wouldn't just stop over unannounced but rather be CONSIDERATE enough to ask first. What if the baby was awake all night & they just laid down for a nap & I come pounding on the door? Would I be welcome? I assume not. The solution to avoiding coming over at a bad time is to ask first, logically. But when the question is ignored..... well, no answer IS an answer. That's fine I guess. But the fact that she sits on FB all day on the same phone my texts come through and then uses the excuse that it's "easier" for her to ignore me (IE: too hard to reply with a simple yes or no) is a shit excuse.
Also I've kept my visits to 1-2 hrs, I would never, nor have I ever hinted at staying the night & I don't care if the house is messy. I'm not there for house inspection.
"And I would like to ask you why you think your sister in law has it easy?"
I never said she has it easy, I said replying to a text message isn't hard.
On that note, she DOES have it easy. She quit working the week after she found out she was pregnant and has ZERO intention of going back to work AND someone from her family is always there to help her with the baby. Her brother lives there and either her mom, sister or both have been there every single time I've been there.
Signed Up:
Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
I am an Aries this does not sound good... You pissed her off royally.
Signed Up:
Apr 23, 2016Comments: 512 · Posts: 2343 · Topics: 199
Well, what may be rude in your eyes might not be in hers. Are you sure, that this isnt about making you comfortable and have it make it fit to your ideas or politeness?
Cant you just let go and play along?