Inconsistency does he like me or not

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by megand on Saturday, June 1, 2019 and has 29 replies.
Scorpio woman here wanting your take on this taurus man.

Taurus man and I are in the early stages. He's a complete gentleman, attentive (in person), etc. Due to our day to day work we don't really see each other like that. My only issue is inconsistency in text messaging meaning, 10 hours or more will past and he wont respond. Which has me wondering if his just not that into me or just really busy?
All of my close Taurus friends take a loooong time to answer texts. I do too. But because there are only texts to plan things.

What kind of texts is he not responding to ?

I don't really like texting every second, I kind of despise it to be honest. I think it's easy to say things you don't really mean over text (good or bad) and it kind of distracts me from other things. But maybe that's just me.

I even sometimes put my phone away for a couple of days because I can't stand too much notifications, calls or messages. It's a hassle.

So, yeah I prefer face to face conversation and it seems it's going pretty well between you too ?

But maybe you should just ask him, see how he feels about it ?
a whole 10 hours?

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Posted by neptunelover

All of my close Taurus friends take a loooong time to answer texts. I do too. But because there are only texts to plan things.

What kind of texts is he not responding to ?

I don't really like texting every second, I kind of despise it to be honest. I think it's easy to say things you don't really mean over text (good or bad) and it kind of distracts me from other things. But maybe that's just me.

I even sometimes put my phone away for a couple of days because I can't stand too much notifications, calls or messages. It's a hassle.

So, yeah I prefer face to face conversation and it seems it's going pretty well between you too ?

But maybe you should just ask him, see how he feels about it ?
I’ve gotten used to the bull I’m dealing with being like that. If I msg to comment on something that happened he wouldn’t reply but we would talk about it more when we call. I stopped getting annoyed when I realised this and just brought it up on the phone instead. (Face to face is hard he works away a lot) but I think that’s his preference too. OP don’t over analyse too much. I used to and it really caused a problem!

Just ask as @neptunelover said they generally don’t mince their words!
Don't sweat it. My Taurus man HATES texting. He'd much rather call n talk on the phone. (We're ldr)
As a Taurus,

I find texting impersonal.

I need to be stimulated...

1. Voice

2. Scent.

3. Touch.

If I'm going to text someone consisteny, I mind as well be at work.
One of the things I was told is to not to be expecting immediate text replies.

And I had learn how to live with it.

However we aren’t being out of touch for more than few hours.

I find it healthy way of communicating.

If one has a sec to text - it doesn’t mean he has time for the convo...

I am sure there is always time for good morning. How is your day going and end of the day text. If there isn’t - red flags right there!
He admitted that he's a terrible texter. We don't see each other much so texting is really our only way of communicating (early stage).

Regardless of his attentiveness when were in person. I still had some doubts as to whether or not he likes me. So I purposely stopped reaching out and he would actively still reach out and start random conversations even though he still takes hours to respond im now convinced its not his thing and with time will tell where he and I are headed.

Thanks you all for your feedback
How active is he on social media?
Posted by AriesJo

How active is he on social media?

I don't follow him on there so I have no clue yet
Posted by megand

Scorpio woman here wanting your take on this taurus man.

Taurus man and I are in the early stages. He's a complete gentleman, attentive (in person), etc. Due to our day to day work we don't really see each other like that. My only issue is inconsistency in text messaging meaning, 10 hours or more will past and he wont respond. Which has me wondering if his just not that into me or just really busy?
Personally I hate texting. I wish I didnt have to do it. I do it cause I care about the other person and also wanna stay in contact, but ideally face to face communication is better. Maybe hes like that and prefers to just see you.
Update: I felt like I was giving in too much into wanting to see him and eager to text him. So I used my business trip as a way to go silent for 5 days. In those days I was hoping he's text back. He didn't! I eventually gave in and sent a text he responded with enthusiasm but after responding back he went silent.

What I got from that was maybe he didn't realize who he was responding to and after he did. Just decided to ignore. My thing is why the game and ghosting? After showing all this interest?
We were both simply getting to know each other.
Posted by MareInfame
Posted by megand

Update: I felt like I was giving in too much into wanting to see him and eager to text him. So I used my business trip as a way to go silent for 5 days. In those days I was hoping he's text back. He didn't! I eventually gave in and sent a text he responded with enthusiasm but after responding back he went silent.

What I got from that was maybe he didn't realize who he was responding to and after he did. Just decided to ignore. My thing is why the game and ghosting? After showing all this interest?

Sorry... I’m getting the impression you two aren’t official... so I responded based on my assumptions.

Is he your official boyfriend?
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Well hang on before you cut him loose, maybe he just didn’t reply because as others have stated, maybe he wants to talk on the phone or in person.

I know a few days ago i was ready to cut my guy loose and be done with him with all his inconsistencies and i really just started to feel like i made everything up in my mind. On that very day, I just decided to be ME and made a gesture that not only got him to call me but also plan a date that we we went on smile

Ive been really patient with this guy but I’m an Aries and am usually very impatient and finally some people here were kind enough to nudge me in the right direction and in turn, i got what i wanted!

Now, we aren’t like officially together or anything but conversation steers towards that topic. I do notice that when we do hang out, he never has his phone out. I did get a glimpse of his phone and noticed that he has notifications upon notifications that he just hasn’t gotten to. I know he’s busy and went through the trouble of making time for me so perhaps that’s what’s going on with your guy...?

I, too, went back and forth after that he didn’t like me like i thought because he is a little complex but he assured me that there definitely is interest, just shows or says it in a different way.
Posted by megand

Update: I felt like I was giving in too much into wanting to see him and eager to text him. So I used my business trip as a way to go silent for 5 days. In those days I was hoping he's text back. He didn't! I eventually gave in and sent a text he responded with enthusiasm but after responding back he went silent.

What I got from that was maybe he didn't realize who he was responding to and after he did. Just decided to ignore. My thing is why the game and ghosting? After showing all this interest?
Just be direct and ask him whatever you want to one here can do anything but speculate on matters like this....on Taurus time, 5 days is like 5 seconds....
Venus has us all messed up on time. Astronomy factoid for ya - day on Venus is actually longer than a year on Venus lol. Equivalent to 243 earth days.

Posted by Metatron
Posted by megand

Update: I felt like I was giving in too much into wanting to see him and eager to text him. So I used my business trip as a way to go silent for 5 days. In those days I was hoping he's text back. He didn't! I eventually gave in and sent a text he responded with enthusiasm but after responding back he went silent.

What I got from that was maybe he didn't realize who he was responding to and after he did. Just decided to ignore. My thing is why the game and ghosting? After showing all this interest?

Just be direct and ask him whatever you want to one here can do anything but speculate on matters like this....on Taurus time, 5 days is like 5 seconds....
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*on Taurus time, 5 days is like 5 seconds....* lol, i like that
I just rule that he lost interest. For the record when in person he's phone is away and it's all eyes on me which is why I assumed he was interested. He always came in for hugs, he would always insist on walking me to my destination. The ONLY RED flag was taking hours to respond and I also understand the nature of he's work but my job is just as demanding so I've been questioning things.

For the record! He and I never slept together now kissed so my assumption was he was courting me but going 5 days without texting tells me he's lost interest. First time for everything I guess (getting ghosted) I was told they always come back but goodness, the way im feeling right now I would rather not get that text because it'll just be a lie and a roller coaster I don't need. I appreciate all of your responses which is why I added an update because I didn't want to feel like I was making up things in my head about an interest
Posted by BornagainCrimson

How does he act when the two of you are together?

I was in the middle of responding with a big thing about how you should just gently ask him to be a little bit more consistent with texts, but then I read your update about him being silent for 5 days and then answering you and then going silent again. Do you know where his Venus is? I’m a Scorpio and my boyfriend of almost 6 years is a Taurus and when he was pursuing me it was constant texting back and forth. Wouldn’t go a day without hearing from him. His Venus is in Aries though so he is very persistent and upfront about what/who he wants romantically. I don’t believe this is the standard for Taurus men though as I’ve heard a lot of them are bad at texting. A lot of them are very detached from things that aren’t directly in front of them. They like being able to look at you and touch you.
Last 2 sentences of this ring especially true for me...and dropping the ball on texts has to be one of the most consistent complaints conceded by the bulls that I've seen on this board in 5+ yrs....
I didn't want to come off clingy by constantly asking to hang out. But maybe that's part of the problem but he could have pit in a bit more of an effort if it was genuine interest.
Posted by BornagainCrimson

How does he act when the two of you are together?

I was in the middle of responding with a big thing about how you should just gently ask him to be a little bit more consistent with texts, but then I read your update about him being silent for 5 days and then answering you and then going silent again. Do you know where his Venus is? I’m a Scorpio and my boyfriend of almost 6 years is a Taurus and when he was pursuing me it was constant texting back and forth. Wouldn’t go a day without hearing from him. His Venus is in Aries though so he is very persistent and upfront about what/who he wants romantically. I don’t believe this is the standard for Taurus men though as I’ve heard a lot of them are bad at texting. A lot of them are very detached from things that aren’t directly in front of them. They like being able to look at you and touch you.

I didn't want to come off clingy by constantly asking to hang out. But maybe that's part of the problem but he could have pit in a bit more of an effort if it was genuine interest.
Posted by BornagainCrimson

How does he act when the two of you are together?

I was in the middle of responding with a big thing about how you should just gently ask him to be a little bit more consistent with texts, but then I read your update about him being silent for 5 days and then answering you and then going silent again. Do you know where his Venus is? I’m a Scorpio and my boyfriend of almost 6 years is a Taurus and when he was pursuing me it was constant texting back and forth. Wouldn’t go a day without hearing from him. His Venus is in Aries though so he is very persistent and upfront about what/who he wants romantically. I don’t believe this is the standard for Taurus men though as I’ve heard a lot of them are bad at texting. A lot of them are very detached from things that aren’t directly in front of them. They like being able to look at you and touch you.

ch in your face with questions and hugs. Constantly made me laugh (returned the favor) you can sort of see why im so puzzled but I will move past this for sure. I just really thought this was different.

When he texts he always sends essays explaining he's day to day and if it takes him hours to respond he always had his reason and they checked out. But! After a whole that becomes old. I wanted to hang out more but again I didn't want to come off clingy! Which is why I went silent for 5 days hoping he would text. I gave in and he immediately responded and after my response he went dead silent. It's been two days 🥴 so I just rules he isn't interested. Some of my friends that have dated Taurus say he's playing I don't know what to think and moving forward.

I'm a Scorpio..if I see what I like ill hint it and but I refuse to pursue!
Posted by BornagainCrimson
Posted by megand

I didn't want to come off clingy by constantly asking to hang out. But maybe that's part of the problem but he could have pit in a bit more of an effort if it was genuine interest.
Posted by BornagainCrimson

How does he act when the two of you are together?

I was in the middle of responding with a big thing about how you should just gently ask him to be a little bit more consistent with texts, but then I read your update about him being silent for 5 days and then answering you and then going silent again. Do you know where his Venus is? I’m a Scorpio and my boyfriend of almost 6 years is a Taurus and when he was pursuing me it was constant texting back and forth. Wouldn’t go a day without hearing from him. His Venus is in Aries though so he is very persistent and upfront about what/who he wants romantically. I don’t believe this is the standard for Taurus men though as I’ve heard a lot of them are bad at texting. A lot of them are very detached from things that aren’t directly in front of them. They like being able to look at you and touch you.

Yeah I agree with you. It’s a two way street. What is he like when you’re with each other in person though? because if he’s affectionate and enthusiastic about you in person I wouldn’t worry too much but if he’s also quiet and detached in person I would say kick him to the curb. No one deserves to waste their time on people that aren’t 150% into them. Like I said before, they are very much about what is physical. it’s their thing. My boyfriend doesn’t even believe in astrology (but holy fuck he’s the most stereotypical Taurus on earth) and I say cute things to him over text all the time and they don’t matter to him at all. Like he’ll say something cute back, but he’s told me so many times that words don’t mean all that much to him. He told me a couple weeks ago that his 2 favourite things in the world are tasting food and touching me. So that really is their preferred way of expressing themselves. Finding out his Venus sign might really help you.
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It's been a few days I think he's playing games.

If the bday text comes from friends and family yes I'll respond with gratitude. However, If I sense you like me and I am not interested ill do everything in my power to avoid you lol. Here and there respond to be polite.
Posted by BornagainCrimson
Posted by Metatron
Posted by BornagainCrimson

How does he act when the two of you are together?

I was in the middle of responding with a big thing about how you should just gently ask him to be a little bit more consistent with texts, but then I read your update about him being silent for 5 days and then answering you and then going silent again. Do you know where his Venus is? I’m a Scorpio and my boyfriend of almost 6 years is a Taurus and when he was pursuing me it was constant texting back and forth. Wouldn’t go a day without hearing from him. His Venus is in Aries though so he is very persistent and upfront about what/who he wants romantically. I don’t believe this is the standard for Taurus men though as I’ve heard a lot of them are bad at texting. A lot of them are very detached from things that aren’t directly in front of them. They like being able to look at you and touch you.

Last 2 sentences of this ring especially true for me...and dropping the ball on texts has to be one of the most consistent complaints conceded by the bulls that I've seen on this board in 5+ yrs....

Are you the kind of person who gets happy birthday texts and doesn’t respond?? 😂😂
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100% yes....happy anything, but especially bday I feel like why do I have the burden of texting back on this my day, that I told you I don't really celebrate lol....
Posted by jeane

a whole 10 hours?

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Posted by BornagainCrimson
Posted by Metatron
Posted by BornagainCrimson
Posted by Metatron
Posted by BornagainCrimson

How does he act when the two of you are together?

I was in the middle of responding with a big thing about how you should just gently ask him to be a little bit more consistent with texts, but then I read your update about him being silent for 5 days and then answering you and then going silent again. Do you know where his Venus is? I’m a Scorpio and my boyfriend of almost 6 years is a Taurus and when he was pursuing me it was constant texting back and forth. Wouldn’t go a day without hearing from him. His Venus is in Aries though so he is very persistent and upfront about what/who he wants romantically. I don’t believe this is the standard for Taurus men though as I’ve heard a lot of them are bad at texting. A lot of them are very detached from things that aren’t directly in front of them. They like being able to look at you and touch you.

Last 2 sentences of this ring especially true for me...and dropping the ball on texts has to be one of the most consistent complaints conceded by the bulls that I've seen on this board in 5+ yrs....

Are you the kind of person who gets happy birthday texts and doesn’t respond?? 😂😂

100% yes....happy anything, but especially bday I feel like why do I have the burden of texting back on this my day, that I told you I don't really celebrate lol....

LOL I had a feeling. Every Taurus I know is like this. my mom, my boyfriend, etc. My friend who I haven’t seen in forever and neither has my bf apparently texted him this long ass, heartfelt text on his birthday and he straight up didn’t say anything back to her lmao ... I berated him when she told me lmao. Like HOW hahahaaha
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can so an extremely long heartfelt text from a gemini friend I've been getting around to for 2yrs day lol...
Taurus men in my experience do not play games unless they are still playing the field. My bofriend is not a texter and made that clear in the beginning but he is a phone person and will call all the time. Sometimes to the point of exhaustion. Regardless of sign if a man goes days without texting he is not that into you.

I would write him off as a lesson learned.
If he's not asking you out then he's not interested in you.

That said, I think it is you playing games with him by deliberately not contacting him in the hope it would elicit a response from him. It didn't. Gane plan failed. Now you feel bad and are making assumptions based on this.

Do we know his chart? I doubt his Venus is in Aries. Perhaps Gemini.

What is it you want from him? A relationship? Friendship? Sex? FWB?
he might be interested but the way you are dealing with it, it's likely he is feeling uncertain about you.

so the guy is into you when you are together - attentive, respective, affectionate.

but you felt like you were "giving in too much" so you went to not giving in at all and giving him the silent treatment for 5 days.

guys on the whole don't play games. women play games. you are playing games. taurus men are simple creatures. if you are not giving off the signals they are not going to chase. wouldn't dream of it. a) they don't want to get shot down and b) if he is a taurus venus they would consider it rude.

so in that classic scorpio/taurus way you are stuck. take metatron's advice and just ask him. communicate. put your big girl pants on and just deal with the situation head on rather than playing some adult version of tag.