Posted by cerulean
Alright, the best option seems to be: Ignore him when he ignores me and play it by the ear. And rationalize that all of this indeed stems from my behavior that night and has nothing to do with Taurean male behavior.
Thanks, Friction, but my Leo's pride and the crab's fear of getting hurt prevents that damage control option. Plus, there's always the fear of the grapevine!
Posted by cerulean
I didn't want to create another thread since this is mainly a (frustrated) extension.
Since my previous post, it's been more or less the same pattern: Bull is foraying into my 'turf' (my division moved to another building), stares in an aggrieved manner, loiters around nearby,.... Usually, when caught, behaves as though I don't exist, flirts outrageously with the nearest female, and then the cycle repeats. And yesterday, we had an on-off staring match (I was the first to look away though).
The way I see it, this all borders on silliness and I dislike this uncertainty. If he really wants to talk, we have mutual friends (2 other Tauruses to whom he is much more close to than I)- although my heavy hints to both led to nothing.
So my Taureans, am seeing something which doesn't exist?
Posted by David13
I know right ! He should have taken her to HER place !
Posted by celticlionessPosted by David13
I know right ! He should have taken her to HER place !
Right! a real taurus man would have excorted her home and made sure she was safe, comfy and secure in her own bed before slowly removing her clothing piece by piececlick to expand
Posted by cerulean
And of course, thank you all for your replies
Posted by celticlioness
Your new post does shed some further light, he perhaps thought you went home with someone else. No matter, if he wanted you he would still come after you. You approaching him and attempting to get a date won't work either, men might like to say they love to be approached, and they do but merely its an ego boost, but they will back off from any woman who does the chasing so it goes nowhere. He's not into you so move on...
Posted by David13
Okay cowardly lion... I have a question: Do you know what will happen if you DON'T try ?
Do you want to know the answer ?
Are you ready ?
Are you sure you want to know ?
The answer is...
Posted by celticlioness
Oh tsk tsk David, she's not a cowardly lion, she's a regal female who stayed dignified even under the influenceAnd what will happen if she does something, i.e. chase him
one of two things IMO
His ego will be massaged and he'll walk away with a huge head and a big smile
He'll respond and she'll eventually get one night in the sack, which will be memorable for the fact that he is a Taurus and every woman deserves at least on of those nights in her lifetime, before he skips merrily back to his pasture satisfied that he got what he considered his possession
Posted by ceruleanPosted by celticlioness
Oh tsk tsk David, she's not a cowardly lion, she's a regal female who stayed dignified even under the influenceAnd what will happen if she does something, i.e. chase him
one of two things IMO
His ego will be massaged and he'll walk away with a huge head and a big smile
He'll respond and she'll eventually get one night in the sack, which will be memorable for the fact that he is a Taurus and every woman deserves at least on of those nights in her lifetime, before he skips merrily back to his pasture satisfied that he got what he considered his possession
I perceive two opposing suggestions here
No interest in a one-off night in the sack ...
As for regal/dignified, I suppose that apart from cowardice, there's also pride and I really don't want to make a fool of myself!click to expand
Posted by David13Posted by ceruleanPosted by celticlioness
Oh tsk tsk David, she's not a cowardly lion, she's a regal female who stayed dignified even under the influenceAnd what will happen if she does something, i.e. chase him
one of two things IMO
His ego will be massaged and he'll walk away with a huge head and a big smile
He'll respond and she'll eventually get one night in the sack, which will be memorable for the fact that he is a Taurus and every woman deserves at least on of those nights in her lifetime, before he skips merrily back to his pasture satisfied that he got what he considered his possession
I perceive two opposing suggestions here
No interest in a one-off night in the sack ...
As for regal/dignified, I suppose that apart from cowardice, there's also pride and I really don't want to make a fool of myself!
Yeah... celticlioness is making this more difficult than it needs to be. Sorry about that... my hands are tied... I can't fuck any sense into someone who is already spoken to expand
Posted by David13
'TALK any sense'... yeah... that's what I meant !