Is a Taurus want for sex really insatiable?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by EboneJay on Thursday, March 21, 2013 and has 35 replies.
Hi, I'm new here. I'm a Taurus with a Venus in Aries. & I'm always thinking about sex, or horny. I apologize if this is vulgar. Lol
Posted by EboneJay
Hi, I'm new here. I'm a Taurus with a Venus in Aries. & I'm always thinking about sex, or horny. I apologize if this is vulgar. Lol

Hey There..I'm new also. Anyway, I don't have any of your placements...Moon in Taurus though. I like when he sleep inside me and I awake to his penetration.Yummysmile
Posted by msmarilynmanson
Posted by TAURUSbelle

looking gorge as per usual smile

Thanks Love!! You as WELL!!! *Whistles* Winking
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Rising: Cappy
Sun: Taurus
Moon: Cancer
Mercury: Aries
Venus: Aries
Mars: Cancer
Jupiter: Libra
Saturn: Aquarius
Uranus: Cappy
Node: Sagg
This my chart if this helps anyone, lol.
Thank You for the welcome.
Posted by msmarilynmanson
it's not just a taurus issue..

That would make sense that It's not just a Taurus thing. Other than my sun sign I don't have any other Taurus in my chart. But, I do have Capricorn! Lol
Posted by ands
i'm a taurus with scorpio mars. sure insatiable but there are other things in life like work that can take precedence.

Oh of course just asking a question. Winking
Posted by msmarilynmanson
it's not just a taurus issue..

Soo true! But I just found out my moon and rising are in Taurus so maybe that's it.
@ands that's definitely my bull. Always thinking/talking about it but when it's time for work sex gets put on the shelf. No bueno
Posted by EboneJay
Hi, I'm new here. I'm a Taurus with a Venus in Aries. & I'm always thinking about sex, or horny. l

+2 smile
Welcome to the club.
Posted by xxnightbynight
My Mars is in Taurus. Winking hehe- and I always wanna fuck. haha

haha!! Crazy chica you!! LOL!!

Posted by ands
i'm a taurus with scorpio mars. sure insatiable but there are other things in life like work that can take precedence. Taurean libido indirectly connected to net worth. smile

Posted by neuroticvirgo
@ands that's definitely my bull. Always thinking/talking about it but when it's time for work sex gets put on the shelf. No bueno
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broke isn't bueno.. And u KNOW
MONEY: The ultimate aphrodesiac..The sweetest incense..The LUSHEST greenery.
Apart from me bring highly selective,I think that's why 2 years (w/o "action") went by so easily..cuz I'm FOCU $ ED man! Nothing gets me off more...than $ ecurity and a SICK pair of shoes.
I'm a 2nd Decan Taurus as well. (Water Dog)
Posted by TAURUSbelle
Posted by xxnightbynight
My Mars is in Taurus. Winking hehe- and I always wanna fuck. haha

haha!! Crazy chica you!! LOL!!

Posted by ands
i'm a taurus with scorpio mars. sure insatiable but there are other things in life like work that can take precedence. Taurean libido indirectly connected to net worth. smile

Posted by neuroticvirgo
@ands that's definitely my bull. Always thinking/talking about it but when it's time for work sex gets put on the shelf. No bueno

broke isn't bueno.. And u KNOW
MONEY: The ultimate aphrodesiac..The sweetest incense..The LUSHEST greenery.
Apart from me bring highly selective,I think that's why 2 years (w/o "action") went by so easily..cuz I'm FOCU $ ED man! Nothing gets me off more...than $ ecurity and a SICK pair of shoes.

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PREACH! Truth be told that professional drive of his is the ULTIMATE turn on; cause I know he will get out there and GET IT DONE just as hard and focused and me and I love a man who can keep up. But dammit I need my kinky time too. Sorry that's my inner nympho talking... This is the problem I did a year with no sex but once I got back to getting it on a regular I've got a years worth of pent up sexual energy to expel and a TEASE of a bull always eggin me on. SICK shoes do help to pass the time though... Ahh shoes how I love thee...Viva La Spring
...As always love the new pic Taurusbelle; you're rivaling MsMarilynManson as my girl crush!
Posted by ands
Posted by Torro
I fantasize more about foreplay than the actual act of sex. Dimmed lights and sweet words. Might be a bit unusual to some but hey.

Nah i like lots of sensual foreplay. Lots. I can lick for hours lol!
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*clutches pearls* pun intended
Posted by neuroticvirgo

PREACH! Truth be told that professional drive of his is the ULTIMATE turn on; cause I know he will get out there and GET IT DONE just as hard and focused and me and I love a man who can keep up. But dammit I need my kinky time too. Sorry that's my inner nympho talking... This is the problem I did a year with no sex but once I got back to getting it on a regular I've got a years worth of pent up sexual energy to expel and a TEASE of a bull always eggin me on. SICK shoes do help to pass the time though... Ahh shoes how I love thee...Viva La Spring

YES..he will keep YOU and your future children CLOTHED and FED honey...TRUST!!
Just run him his warm bath water with scented candles when he gets home. With a NICE meal on the table..NOOKIE time will inevitably FOLLOW like collapsing dominoes.
...As always love the new pic Taurusbelle; you're rivaling MsMarilynManson as my girl crush!
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Awwww Thank you darling... NO rivalries..just ALL Love.. lol ..I Love my MMM too. (
Posted by TAURUSbelle
Posted by neuroticvirgo

PREACH! Truth be told that professional drive of his is the ULTIMATE turn on; cause I know he will get out there and GET IT DONE just as hard and focused and me and I love a man who can keep up. But dammit I need my kinky time too. Sorry that's my inner nympho talking... This is the problem I did a year with no sex but once I got back to getting it on a regular I've got a years worth of pent up sexual energy to expel and a TEASE of a bull always eggin me on. SICK shoes do help to pass the time though... Ahh shoes how I love thee...Viva La Spring

YES..he will keep YOU and your future children CLOTHED and FED honey...TRUST!!
Just run him his warm bath water with scented candles when he gets home. With a NICE meal on the table..NOOKIE time will inevitably FOLLOW like collapsing dominoes.
...As always love the new pic Taurusbelle; you're rivaling MsMarilynManson as my girl crush!

Awwww Thank you darling... NO rivalries..just ALL Love.. lol ..I Love my MMM too. (
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You know you bulls all too well; I did the wine, candles, bubble bath, massage and music last week and we barely made it out of the bathroom. Next morning he cooked breakfast and took my car to get new brakes! Now that's reciprocity...and i love it! If that's considered boring then I don't want to be
Posted by neuroticvirgo
Posted by TAURUSbelle
Posted by neuroticvirgo

PREACH! Truth be told that professional drive of his is the ULTIMATE turn on; cause I know he will get out there and GET IT DONE just as hard and focused and me and I love a man who can keep up. But dammit I need my kinky time too. Sorry that's my inner nympho talking... This is the problem I did a year with no sex but once I got back to getting it on a regular I've got a years worth of pent up sexual energy to expel and a TEASE of a bull always eggin me on. SICK shoes do help to pass the time though... Ahh shoes how I love thee...Viva La Spring

YES..he will keep YOU and your future children CLOTHED and FED honey...TRUST!!
Just run him his warm bath water with scented candles when he gets home. With a NICE meal on the table..NOOKIE time will inevitably FOLLOW like collapsing dominoes.
...As always love the new pic Taurusbelle; you're rivaling MsMarilynManson as my girl crush!

Awwww Thank you darling... NO rivalries..just ALL Love.. lol ..I Love my MMM too.

You know you bulls all too well; I did the wine, candles, bubble bath, massage and music last week and we barely made it out of the bathroom. Next morning he cooked breakfast and took my car to get new brakes! Now that's reciprocity...and i love it! If that's considered boring then I don't want to be
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haha YESS I do know my Bulls! & I agree there's NOTHING better than that!! Keep treating him like a KING!! and he will surely keep treating you like his Queen. ~Sweet Royalty.
Posted by ands
Posted by TAURUSbelle
I'm a 2nd Decan Taurus as well. (Water Dog)

jupiter square ur taurus planets?
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MY jupiter is in: SCORPIO 4??01' R (in 6th House)...I'm still not fluent in transit lingo..
So my Jupiter isn't square my Sun, its OPPOSITE..correct?? It DOES square my MC (in Aquarius)..
What does all this MEAN??...I'm feeling like the "Double Rainbow" guy trying to find the MEANING of it all. LOL
I think it could be the reason why I'm attracted to men with "Scorpionic" intensities or other traits..
while my Scorpio moon reels them in. Lol..
Posted by EboneJay
Hi, I'm new here. I'm a Taurus with a Venus in Aries. & I'm always thinking about sex, or horny. I apologize if this is vulgar. Lol

I a Taurus with Venus in Aries. I'm always thinking about sex too! Its like I need it, or some affection. I could be laying down bored and say to myself I need some affection. I love the touching and feeling. You are not alone.
I also have Venus in Aries, yup, I'm victim to being horny, that's why I rape my man every chance I get.....hehehe
Posted by TaurusNikki
I also have Venus in Aries, yup, I'm victim to being horny, that's why I rape my man every chance I get.....hehehe

Hahaha, I don't blame you. smile
Posted by almondeyezk
Posted by EboneJay
Hi, I'm new here. I'm a Taurus with a Venus in Aries. & I'm always thinking about sex, or horny. I apologize if this is vulgar. Lol

I a Taurus with Venus in Aries. I'm always thinking about sex too! Its like I need it, or some affection. I could be laying down bored and say to myself I need some affection. I love the touching and feeling. You are not alone.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's like I crave sex/affection lol.
Posted by TaureanAries
Both my Mars and Venus are in me Dora the Explorer when it comes to learning new techniques!

Lol Dora the Explorer, cute!
Posted by soultalk
Virgo noticing that it is mostly the bullettes talking, guess bulls are out working haha

I find that most male bulls think with thier balls instead of the prime meat
Posted by xxnightbynight
Posted by TaurusNikki
I also have Venus in Aries, yup, I'm victim to being horny, that's why I rape my man every chance I get.....hehehe

Aries Venus here too! haha - Yes Yes Yes. - and I'm more 'bout the actual act than foreplay, although I do enjoy foreplay... as long as it's done right. Teasing is fun.
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I so agree with that statement
Posted by xxnightbynight
Posted by TaurusNikki
I also have Venus in Aries, yup, I'm victim to being horny, that's why I rape my man every chance I get.....hehehe

Aries Venus here too! haha - Yes Yes Yes. - and I'm more 'bout the actual act than foreplay, although I do enjoy foreplay... as long as it's done right. Teasing is fun.
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I completely agree!! smile
I find the one I am with craves affection more than sex. thinking about withholding hugs because he can go without sex but gets really pissy if I don't want to be near him.or hug himStrange....but I like affection too much too to be depriving myself but I do not know what else to do with this lazy bull and his scaling back on sex.
Sun taurus Venus gemini and Moon Aquarius Mercury Gemini. here and yes
I LOVE SEX !! always been the GUY in a relationship !!
Posted by AquaLuv
I find the one I am with craves affection more than sex. thinking about withholding hugs because he can go without sex but gets really pissy if I don't want to be near him.or hug himStrange....but I like affection too much too to be depriving myself but I do not know what else to do with this lazy bull and his scaling back on sex.

Scaling BACK?
That is sus.
I'm new also... and yes, I'm always thinking about sex... different positions, different things to try. I'm a Taurus, Vigro Rising, Moon in Aries and I'm dating a Gemini and my sex drive is higher than my guys... trust, it's always on my mind.
I am taurus male with venus in aries
my past was with scorpio & gemini ......
i dont really talk much with them, just when they lie down or sometimes standing,
i will sneek up from behind, pull her shorts and start work with my work n tongue
Posted by xxnightbynight
My Mars is in Taurus. Winking hehe- and I always wanna fuck. haha

I know what you mean, my Merc, Mars, and Jupiter is in Taurus...
Sometimes I think I'm more Taurus than Gemini (my bday is 22 May). I'm driven and a little materialistic, I'm focused and I always have a 5-yr plan. I love my surroundings beautiful and I'm an ambivert. I do spend a lot of time alone and yes I love sex. I find myself thinking about it quite a bit. Now I've met this Taurus man; I hope he wants it like I do. He's 8 years younger so maybe...
Taurus want for sex is really insatiable.
Lets face it, we're GREEDY! smile
Nothing to me is more sexier than devouring a man like Godiva chocolates.
Especially if he is ALL MINE!
My senses kick in, and the need to explore every aspect of his body gets my motors running.
Being intoxicated in his scents, tasting his sensual lips, and watching the control of his bedroom eyes in a dreamlike state.
And the sexiest part...
Knowing all this is being handed to me on a sliver platter....
And him telling me...
'His babymaker is ALL MINE!'

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