Posted by AquaNextDoorWell, we have learned to fight productively and we don't fight that much anymore and our fights aren't heated. Each one of our arguments ends with a solution and an "I love you", and our fights last like 5 minutes nowadays.
You both don't seem compatible based on the fact that you were fighting every day. You can have strong feelings for eachother and still this will end as a lessons learned..
Posted by alexa566Good so you learned to discuss thingsPosted by AquaNextDoorWell, we have learned to fight productively and we don't fight that much anymore and our fights aren't heated. Each one of our arguments ends with a solution and an "I love you", and our fights last like 5 minutes nowadays.
You both don't seem compatible based on the fact that you were fighting every day. You can have strong feelings for eachother and still this will end as a lessons to expand
Posted by alexa566You're Piscean (male); I KNOW you masturbate, continue doing that, take cold showers and "wait". Wait? Wait for what? For your girlfriend (Chubby Taurus) to get hot and bothered and BEG you for it! That may take another six, or nine months? Maybe a year? Are you willing to wait that long? When she does beg for it, talk about it and just hold her; she will respect you more and more knowing you're willing to wait. That is a blessing when a woman wants to maintain her virginity until her wedding night. I can tell you're NOT patient (like myself) since after two hours you impatiently awaited someone here to respond to you. You gotta remember to work on "patience" (to include your Taurus girlfriend). Since you're the male attracted to this female go take walks with her (to help her lose weight), stop eating at fast food restaurants, have her STOP drinking sodas (including diet ones) and in one year she will lose eight pounds. Communicate with her and teach her self esteem; sounds like she hasn't learned this in 20 years.
Hi, I'm a Pisces man and I've been dating this really sweet Taurus girl for almost 6 months now. We went through an argument phase until about a month ago when we actually broke up because she felt suffocated by the daily fights. But an hour after, she called me and asked me to get back together, apologized and explained how she just needs space when she's upset and I wasn't giving it to her (Because when I feel upset, I need her attention and i need her to hear me out, but she needs time alone to cool off). After we got back together, everything instantly turned to sunshine and rainbows. We barely ever argue and when we do, it's productive and with love and understanding. My primary sign is Pisces and secondary is Cancer. And her primary is Taurus and secondary Cancer.
I am completely and utterly in love with her, i've never met anyone as sweet and loving and caring as her. I truly love her and I have never loved anyone before as much as I love her, and she feels the same way.
I am certain that this is the girl I want to marry and I'd propose to her right now if I could, but we are both 20 years old, it's still too early.
The thing that I want to ask is:
She seems to be indecisive about when we should have sex. (We haven't done it yet, and we're both virgins). Sometimes she says she wants to wait only a bit until she gets skinny (She is a LITTLE BIT chubby, but she feels very insecure about her looks). And yet other times she says she wants to wait until we get married (Reasons being that she doesn't want to disappoint her mother because her mother wants her to stay a virgin until marriage, and because she wants to make our first time very special).
She wants both things, she's restraining herself, but I can tell that she can barely resist pouncing at me as soon as we're alone.
She said she wants to marry the guy she loses her virginity to, so the thing that bothers me is that I feel like the real reason she wants to wait until marriage may be because she is scared that I will leave her after we have sex, so she wants to marry first because I can't leave her then.
I don't ever want to leave her, I want to marry her, and sex won't change that decision, but I feel like she doesn't believe that.![]()
I really want to have sex with her, but not (only) because I'm attracted to her, but because I love her and I want to express my love for her sexually, I want to have that deep level of emotional closeness and connection with her. That's why it's a big deal for me. My reason is not just for the sake of sexual tension, I'm still a virgin because I am quite reserved myself, I've had plenty of chances to lose my virginity in the past, but I chose not to because I want to lose it on the person who's very special to me and close to my heart.
I need some opinions here![]()
Posted by DMVI do care about her value system, which is why I stopped pressuring her about it and told her that I agree to wait if that's what she wants.
Find someone else to date because you don't care about her value system
Posted by alexa566Two virgins having sex for the first time is gonna be awkward and messy and over pretty quickly. Wouldn’t call that ‘special’ myself.
She seems to be indecisive about when we should have sex. (We haven't done it yet, and we're both virgins).
Reasons being that she doesn't want to disappoint her mother because her mother wants her to stay a virgin until marriage, and because she wants to make our first time very special
Posted by DeadInsidenow that would be a first - productive fighting ? no sex before marriage ? - worlds are colliding lol
invite the whole dxp gang to the marriage, thx
Posted by EvatheDivaThank you for the kind advice, I really appreciate it.Posted by alexa566You're Piscean (male); I KNOW you masturbate, continue doing that, take cold showers and "wait". Wait? Wait for what? For your girlfriend (Chubby Taurus) to get hot and bothered and BEG you for it! That may take another six, or nine months? Maybe a year? Are you willing to wait that long? When she does beg for it, talk about it and just hold her; she will respect you more and more knowing you're willing to wait. That is a blessing when a woman wants to maintain her virginity until her wedding night. I can tell you're NOT patient (like myself) since after two hours you impatiently awaited someone here to respond to you. You gotta remember to work on "patience" (to include your Taurus girlfriend). Since you're the male attracted to this female go take walks with her (to help her lose weight), stop eating at fast food restaurants, have her STOP drinking sodas (including diet ones) and in one year she will lose eight pounds. Communicate with her and teach her self esteem; sounds like she hasn't learned this in 20 years.
Hi, I'm a Pisces man and I've been dating this really sweet Taurus girl for almost 6 months now. We went through an argument phase until about a month ago when we actually broke up because she felt suffocated by the daily fights. But an hour after, she called me and asked me to get back together, apologized and explained how she just needs space when she's upset and I wasn't giving it to her (Because when I feel upset, I need her attention and i need her to hear me out, but she needs time alone to cool off). After we got back together, everything instantly turned to sunshine and rainbows. We barely ever argue and when we do, it's productive and with love and understanding. My primary sign is Pisces and secondary is Cancer. And her primary is Taurus and secondary Cancer.
I am completely and utterly in love with her, i've never met anyone as sweet and loving and caring as her. I truly love her and I have never loved anyone before as much as I love her, and she feels the same way.
I am certain that this is the girl I want to marry and I'd propose to her right now if I could, but we are both 20 years old, it's still too early.
The thing that I want to ask is:
She seems to be indecisive about when we should have sex. (We haven't done it yet, and we're both virgins). Sometimes she says she wants to wait only a bit until she gets skinny (She is a LITTLE BIT chubby, but she feels very insecure about her looks). And yet other times she says she wants to wait until we get married (Reasons being that she doesn't want to disappoint her mother because her mother wants her to stay a virgin until marriage, and because she wants to make our first time very special).
She wants both things, she's restraining herself, but I can tell that she can barely resist pouncing at me as soon as we're alone.
She said she wants to marry the guy she loses her virginity to, so the thing that bothers me is that I feel like the real reason she wants to wait until marriage may be because she is scared that I will leave her after we have sex, so she wants to marry first because I can't leave her then.
I don't ever want to leave her, I want to marry her, and sex won't change that decision, but I feel like she doesn't believe that.![]()
I really want to have sex with her, but not (only) because I'm attracted to her, but because I love her and I want to express my love for her sexually, I want to have that deep level of emotional closeness and connection with her. That's why it's a big deal for me. My reason is not just for the sake of sexual tension, I'm still a virgin because I am quite reserved myself, I've had plenty of chances to lose my virginity in the past, but I chose not to because I want to lose it on the person who's very special to me and close to my heart.
I need some opinions here![]()
You can go all the way WITHOUT going all the way (if you know what I probably don't....until she tells you, "No!" or "Stop!"). Good luck.cyber hugs!
Evaclick to expand
Posted by alexa566It doesn’t matter if she had a hidden reason, the bottom line is that she is not ready, in the same way, you feel unready for marriage.Posted by DMVI do care about her value system, which is why I stopped pressuring her about it and told her that I agree to wait if that's what she wants.
Find someone else to date because you don't care about her value system
I just want to know if there is a hidden reason for her putting it off, that she is scared to tell me about.
Her decision to wait for sex does sting me a little bit but not much. I've long stopped pressuring her about it and I've accepted it.
Our fights were not about sex, they were about small insignificant things that we shouldn't argue about. But that phase is over, our arguments became productiveclick to expand
Posted by DMVI never said I was entitled to her vagina. I respect her decision, and like I said, I told her that I understand if she wishes to wait until marriage.Posted by alexa566No you don't.Posted by DMVI do care about her value system, which is why I stopped pressuring her about it and told her that I agree to wait if that's what she wants.
Find someone else to date because you don't care about her value system
I just want to know if there is a hidden reason for her putting it off, that she is scared to tell me about.
Her decision to wait for sex does sting me a little bit but not much. I've long stopped pressuring her about it and I've accepted it.
Our fights were not about sex, they were about small insignificant things that we shouldn't argue about. But that phase is over, our arguments became productive
You're only thinking of your own selfish needs and desires.
She needs ZERO excuse or reason to provide to you.
You are not entitled to her vagina.
Like I said, go date someone to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneShe does give me handjobs occasionally (without me asking, she's actually the one who initiates it). And whenever she tells me to stop if I'm crossing a boundary, I always stop, I don't push it.
Compromise. Ask her for some hand jobs/mouth parties and return the favor on her. Just be respectful of her boundaries, no sex.
Posted by jeaneI respect that she's not ready and I understand that, so I will wait for her and give her as much time as she needs. I do feel emotionally ready for marriage, and I would propose to her right now if I could. But we are both 20, we both live with our parents, both still in college, both unemployed. I have already envisioned our life together in marriage, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it a reality.Posted by alexa566It doesn’t matter if she had a hidden reason, the bottom line is that she is not ready, in the same way, you feel unready for marriage.Posted by DMVI do care about her value system, which is why I stopped pressuring her about it and told her that I agree to wait if that's what she wants.
Find someone else to date because you don't care about her value system
I just want to know if there is a hidden reason for her putting it off, that she is scared to tell me about.
Her decision to wait for sex does sting me a little bit but not much. I've long stopped pressuring her about it and I've accepted it.
Our fights were not about sex, they were about small insignificant things that we shouldn't argue about. But that phase is over, our arguments became productive
Like Lady Neptune has stated, there are lots of things you can do besides penetration to explore your sexual relationship . Respect her boundaries and talk about what you are both comfortable to expand
Posted by alexa566Exactly. you are not ready for a number of reasons. None of those are bad reasons. They just are what they are. Don't focus on what her possible reasons might be for not being ready herself. She has told you. She might be have been honest, she might have not been, she might not know herself. You'll drive yourself (and her) nuts trying to get to the bottom of it. And even if you do, it's not going to change your current predicament.Posted by jeaneI respect that she's not ready and I understand that, so I will wait for her and give her as much time as she needs. I do feel emotionally ready for marriage, and I would propose to her right now if I could. But we are both 20, we both live with our parents, both still in college, both unemployed. I have already envisioned our life together in marriage, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it a reality.Posted by alexa566It doesn’t matter if she had a hidden reason, the bottom line is that she is not ready, in the same way, you feel unready for marriage.Posted by DMVI do care about her value system, which is why I stopped pressuring her about it and told her that I agree to wait if that's what she wants.
Find someone else to date because you don't care about her value system
I just want to know if there is a hidden reason for her putting it off, that she is scared to tell me about.
Her decision to wait for sex does sting me a little bit but not much. I've long stopped pressuring her about it and I've accepted it.
Our fights were not about sex, they were about small insignificant things that we shouldn't argue about. But that phase is over, our arguments became productive
Like Lady Neptune has stated, there are lots of things you can do besides penetration to explore your sexual relationship . Respect her boundaries and talk about what you are both comfortable doing.
Maybe because it's still too early?click to expand
Posted by jeaneYou're right...Posted by alexa566Exactly. you are not ready for a number of reasons. None of those are bad reasons. They just are what they are. Don't focus on what her possible reasons might be for not being ready herself. She has told you. She might be have been honest, she might have not been, she might not know herself. You'll drive yourself (and her) nuts trying to get to the bottom of it. And even if you do, it's not going to change your current predicament.Posted by jeaneI respect that she's not ready and I understand that, so I will wait for her and give her as much time as she needs. I do feel emotionally ready for marriage, and I would propose to her right now if I could. But we are both 20, we both live with our parents, both still in college, both unemployed. I have already envisioned our life together in marriage, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it a reality.Posted by alexa566It doesn’t matter if she had a hidden reason, the bottom line is that she is not ready, in the same way, you feel unready for marriage.Posted by DMVI do care about her value system, which is why I stopped pressuring her about it and told her that I agree to wait if that's what she wants.
Find someone else to date because you don't care about her value system
I just want to know if there is a hidden reason for her putting it off, that she is scared to tell me about.
Her decision to wait for sex does sting me a little bit but not much. I've long stopped pressuring her about it and I've accepted it.
Our fights were not about sex, they were about small insignificant things that we shouldn't argue about. But that phase is over, our arguments became productive
Like Lady Neptune has stated, there are lots of things you can do besides penetration to explore your sexual relationship . Respect her boundaries and talk about what you are both comfortable doing.
Maybe because it's still too early?
You guys have a lifetime ahead for sex. Just enjoy where you are. You live at home, you're still at school, work on preparing yourselves for life. I understand that hormones are raging and sex is a natural and normal step for you both but it's not the be all and end all. Whatever you do, don't get married just so you can have sex. Just be in the moment. These things will happen to expand
Posted by alexa566That sounds very positive. Like I said earlier, it doesn't mean you can't be sexual! There are lots of stuff you both can still do together so your needs are being met too (sorta).Posted by jeaneYou're right...Posted by alexa566Exactly. you are not ready for a number of reasons. None of those are bad reasons. They just are what they are. Don't focus on what her possible reasons might be for not being ready herself. She has told you. She might be have been honest, she might have not been, she might not know herself. You'll drive yourself (and her) nuts trying to get to the bottom of it. And even if you do, it's not going to change your current predicament.Posted by jeaneI respect that she's not ready and I understand that, so I will wait for her and give her as much time as she needs. I do feel emotionally ready for marriage, and I would propose to her right now if I could. But we are both 20, we both live with our parents, both still in college, both unemployed. I have already envisioned our life together in marriage, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it a reality.Posted by alexa566It doesn’t matter if she had a hidden reason, the bottom line is that she is not ready, in the same way, you feel unready for marriage.Posted by DMVI do care about her value system, which is why I stopped pressuring her about it and told her that I agree to wait if that's what she wants.
Find someone else to date because you don't care about her value system
I just want to know if there is a hidden reason for her putting it off, that she is scared to tell me about.
Her decision to wait for sex does sting me a little bit but not much. I've long stopped pressuring her about it and I've accepted it.
Our fights were not about sex, they were about small insignificant things that we shouldn't argue about. But that phase is over, our arguments became productive
Like Lady Neptune has stated, there are lots of things you can do besides penetration to explore your sexual relationship . Respect her boundaries and talk about what you are both comfortable doing.
Maybe because it's still too early?
You guys have a lifetime ahead for sex. Just enjoy where you are. You live at home, you're still at school, work on preparing yourselves for life. I understand that hormones are raging and sex is a natural and normal step for you both but it's not the be all and end all. Whatever you do, don't get married just so you can have sex. Just be in the moment. These things will happen eventually.
I think I will just try not to think much about it, live in the moment and try to secure a stable future for both of us.
It's not like I will die if we don't have sex right away.
One time we were casually talking about sex and she said "Well... Maybe we can have it on your birthday? But I don't know.." and I said "I don't know we'll think more about it okay?"
I took a few days to think about it and I decided and told her "Honey actually I don't want us to have sex until you feel comfortable and ready for it. I can tell that you're not sure about it, so let's wait until marriage because you said you will be ready then, okay?"
She replied with "Oh my god... Are you sure? I don't know what to say... I love you. I love you so much I can't describe how much I love you for understanding"click to expand
Posted by EmhendoSorry but I'm not that type of person... I'm not looking for fun and hookups despite being young. I do want to settle down. She is not testing or playing games, she's an honest type of person. I know her quite well, I can quickly notice from a mile away if someone is playing games or testing. She's not that kind of person.
You're fuckin falling for that shit??
Tell her you respect her celibacy, but you aren't celibate and you are looking for fun and hook-ups. That's not your speed.
Walk away from her, don't look back.
Watch how fast she reconsiders.. Watch how fast she jumps on your dick.
You don't ever gotta settle.. And these bitches just be testing, they are just kidding.. Believe me.
Posted by TaurusBull1977I can clearly see that you've put effort into this advice
Here is the dilemma.
She wants to have sex.
She's ready.
However, she has some insecurities about her body, and of course a fear of disappointing her parents or and abandoning their views on pre-marital sex.
Her reasons are external.
Not internal.
She loves you, and she wants to make love to you, her resistance has nothing to do with how she feels about you.
Where you're going wrong?
You're pushing a Bull to make a decision.
How to get around it?
Don't bring it up.
Tell her you would like to wait.
Next time you kiss her, kiss her a little more passionately.
Be more sensual. Surprise her with light kisses on her neck.
Tell her you think she's sexy.
When she's taking a shower.
Excuse yourself, and walk in and take a piss.
Let her get a sneak peek at your package.
Tell her that you love her when you leave the bathroom.
Begin to create more intimate situations.
Plant the seed.
She will initiate and seduce you instead.
This will all be her idea.
This is how I lost my virginity.
I never regretted it.
I never looked back.
I wanted it.
Took it!