Taurus Guys (or Girls) - Help Urgently Needed!

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by VenusLady on Thursday, October 27, 2005 and has 18 replies.
Hi Guys (or girls), I really need some advice . . .
I?m a Taurus female and I?ve met a Taurus male who I really want to be with. The thing is I can usually work a person out instantly but he just seems to be sending me contradicting signals. We have a great time together and I?m always open with him and keep it real, just like he is with me. He tells me he enjoys spending time with me and that he wants to be with me and THEN?. he stops calling, he closes up, he gets moody and disappears. Being a Taurus myself, I have patience and try to understand his need to retreat for a while but at the same time when I decide to back-away a little (like us Taurus do when we are unsure about a situation), he acts like I?m the one who has disappeared and he?s been waiting for me to get in touch. I CANNOT work it out! He?s a nice guy and I know I?m a great girl but I just want to know if he?s really interested in me so that I?m not wasting my time. I want to confront him but I know better than to wave a red flag in front of a bull when he?s not ready to play and so I?m about ready to throw the towel in (there?s only so much us Taurus females will take!).
Could any Taurus male explain it? Or have any females experienced it? It's like i'm constantly chasing him (dammit i want be chased). I would never treat someone I cared about that way . . . (or maybe that?s the point -- he DOES NOT CARE and I?ve just answered my own question).
Please HELP!
Sound a lot like my Taurus friend. When I call him he never answers. So I don't bother calling him again. He'll call 2 weeks later and get upset at me for not calling. I don't even try to explain myself to him anymore.
I did confess my feelings and all I got was, "I didn't reject you, you?re a great person and I care you, who knows the future".
To me; if he didn't reject me also means, he didn't accept me neither....so what?s the difference!
wow.... you are in the EXACT same situation im in.
one minute hes all over me and the next its like, "who are you again?"
im really quite confused myself. i wish i could tell you the answer, but im still trying to figure it out.
what i HAVE found so far though is that if im just up-front and blunt about what im feeling, usually he responds. its almost like he needs me to open the door for him.
gemini lady we are on the same boat.......
The only time I get any respond from my Taurus friend is when I tell him I don't want to see him anymore or if I'm opening up my feelings. Even after the response, I won't hear from him again until weeks or months later.
I think he has some conflict with his feelings.....so I don't bother with him anymore.
If he calls he has a lot of explaining to do to, because who the hell acts like that!
sometimes i wonder if he's got memory issues or something. one night we'll talk for a solid three hours about music, movies, life... anything. and the next day when i ask him about it, he acts like he doesnt even remember that it happened.
im like, wait, am i in the twilight zone? i feel like im on crack.
unless im COMPLETELY blunt and i pretty much back him into a corner (persuasively, mind you) its pretty much impossible to get him to make the first move. i always have to be the one that initiates any kind of advance.
for example, im going to visit friends and family this weekend in colorado, where he is, and the other day i told him that i might not be able to come see him as soon as i thought, because my flight didnt arrive in denver until very late at night. and then he got all posessive, saying things like, "well, if youre not coming up here, im just going to go to the mountains." but then when i gave in and changed all my plans in order to see him, then he's all aloof again.
i swear, the guy is eating crazy wafers.
HAHAHA! this is toooooooo funny! I know EXACTLY what you are saying! Going through the same thing myself, I almost pee'd when you said the "memory issues" thing.
I thought it was a stoner thing, but maybe its a Taurus thing!
And yeah, do your own thing, and they get pissy, do THEIR thing and it's like "hello, but have we met?"
well, i basically just told him how i felt... and he pretty much said, "i want nothing more than friendship and a good time." and im sitting here (foolishly) crying my eyes out, because i thought this one was different. ....i guess not.
ohhh babe im sooo sorry to hear that... hun let it all out... u need to cry... ur absolutely beautiful hun an there is sum1 out there who will genuinely appreciate... im sorry to hear that the one you thought wuld doesnt... sumtymz our gut feelin is just clouded wen in love with sum1... but believ it or not wen u let yourself heal ull realize it was tellin u otherwise... ur gorgeous hun
and dont let sum guy make u feel like your not...
thank you so much. i just cant believe how much this hurts. silly, i know.
if anyone's interested... my web page...

what is it that im constantly doing wrong? im the only one that ever seems to end up alone.
WOW . . . .thanks guys, its nice to know that I have not been launched into the TWILIGHT ZONE! I am not on CRACK (b/c i was wondering)! and I?m not going crazy! (apart from CRAZY in love)
You are right about body language, I find it very hard to hide what I am feeling and you can often tell what frame of mind I?m in with one glance but at the same time I think this also makes me ultra-sensitive to others body language (which quite often makes me question . . . ?am I just being paranoid?!). I will tell him how I feel though as the gentle breeze within me is becoming a Category 5 HURRICANE!
?If he didn?t reject me, also means he didn?t accept me?. . .
I couldn?t have explained it any better if I tried! ?are we supposed to be grateful that we are being kept on the sidelines waiting to see if we?ll be allowed to play on the field?? Pleeeeeease!
gemini lady:
?Memory Issues?! You are soooooo right! We?ll have all-night talks and then when I mention something we discussed later, he?ll look at me all bewildered like ?how did U know that?? and I?ll be like, ?b/c U told me!? . . . Hellooooooo!!!!!! (maybe he?s the one on crack . . .ha ha!)
I think this female bull is going to have to find another to nurture her green grass! (if you know what I mean?) :-)
. . .thought you would like to know --- I called my taurus male to let him know how i was feeling and GUESS WHAT? --- HE DIDN'T ANSWER!!!
So it's Plan B --- turn up at his house, beat the crap out of him and then MOVE ON!
ha ha ha :-)
VenusLady, since you stated your feelings to him, you have put the ball in his court. It is now up to him if he wants to play.
I guess, I'm lucky that my Taurus friend even gave me a respond, but it doesn't mean my relationship with my Taurus is moving any faster or better than yours (VenusLady). But don?t put your life on hold for him??.you might be missing out on better things?.. Winking
Ok, from reading a squillion posts on the subject of Taurus guys clamming up and vanishing, I have come to the conclusion that they are just off pondering. If you wait it out, they come back. If you get in their face, they take off like a shot. So move on I guess, if that's what you want to do, but for myself, when I'm smitten, I do not move on, because, well...I'm smitten! I would rather stick around ... "better the devil you know"...etc, than entertain ideas of something there is someone "better" which could turn out to be much worse. Besides, if you are already thinking of something better, then you know it's wasn't right in the first place. I'm especially not going to ditch someone because they want some space, don't we all from time to time? I guess I don't need the same amount of contact that some do. I can still get a little bit paranoid when it happens, though, and start thinking all kinds of BS (it always turns out to be BS, and totally unfounded in the end.) But that dissipates pretty quickly. Wow, I'm rambling here.
not something
Taureans like you if you are paranoid? LOL
Well to all you ladies all I can say is give it up. Speaking from experience if you Taurus male is with you one minute away the next it is because they are not really interested in anything but sex. I can't even say friendship because they are not really good at having friends. None of you want to be like me I was in the same situation for about 10mths. When just last week i see him entering his home with his ex. i went through all of the same things you ladies are going through the dreamy eyes,love making,spending a lot of time to no time at all. i must say i was truly fooled. I thought he loved me but come to find out there was another chicken in the nest. i haven't seen him since but I will soon because of the situation we are in. But when i do see him i will walk proudly with my head raised knowing that i am still a beautiful woman. Ladies before he sweet talk you in to some other shit let him go.
Sorry to hear that happened to you, leopussycat, but that was your guy, not mine.