Taurus man won't post pics

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by EighthHouse on Friday, June 23, 2017 and has 21 replies.
My bf never posts pics of us on social media and barely brings me around his friends, unless we go on a double date. He'll tag me sometimes, but that's all. Now I'm not saying any of these are deal breakers, and it doesn't really bug me (it did in the beginning but I've learned not to let it bother me) but I'm just curious as to why he does this? I overthink a lot, and I used to think maybe he's ashamed of my looks or something. But when I do see his friends they all always tell me he talks about me a lot, and is proud to have me as his girl. I'm wondering, does he do this because he's afraid his friends will try to hit on me? I've had at least 6 of his "close" friends try to hit on me or hook up with me when we broke up for a while, and when we first met, his older brother tried to hit on me. Is he just being protective? Do you know any Taurus who do this?
Posted by Maidemarilyn
Not sure of your sun sign but Taurus are very private people. When I was married people used to think I was single lol lol

We don't like airing out lives in public and from what I can see, social media like fb seems to be the death of most relationships.

Your Taurus bf has disrespectful friends.

My Taurus friends would never do that and I get hit on all the time but not by his friends.

Although Taurus like to keep their private lives very private even from their friends. I am like this.
That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for your input.

Yeah they're not true friends. I think it's really fucked up that they all approached me as soon as we broke up. I turned all of them down because I was still loyal to him and I told my bf as soon as we got back together.
Posted by Redbull
Posted by EighthHouse
My bf never posts pics of us on social media and barely brings me around his friends, unless we go on a double date. He'll tag me sometimes, but that's all. Now I'm not saying any of these are deal breakers, and it doesn't really bug me (it did in the beginning but I've learned not to let it bother me) but I'm just curious as to why he does this? I overthink a lot, and I used to think maybe he's ashamed of my looks or something. But when I do see his friends they all always tell me he talks about me a lot, and is proud to have me as his girl. I'm wondering, does he do this because he's afraid his friends will try to hit on me? I've had at least 6 of his "close" friends try to hit on me or hook up with me when we broke up for a while, and when we first met, his older brother tried to hit on me. Is he just being protective? Do you know any Taurus who do this?
I think you already pretty much answered part of this. "I've had at least 6 of his "close" friends try to hit on me or hook up with me". I take it this guy's been around for a while and picked things up. This is a pretty easy reason he doesnt bring you around his friends.

I dont know how relavent this is but I dont have any social media. Part of it is probably I didnt come up in that era but its not something I have taken too. I dont like the idea of putting any pictures up of me or anybody I know like that so I dont.

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It took me a while to even come to the conclusion that this was the reason, just wanted to see other Taurus input on this. Ithank you!
I have to ask how old all y'all are beeeeeecause I feel like adult men don't hit on each others ex's. It's part of the bro code.

Unless he wasn't even your boyfriend in the first place and y'all was just fucking. Then it's fair game.
For all intents and purposes, taurus women are always single! Winking

Posted by Whorpio
I have to ask how old all y'all are beeeeeecause I feel like adult men don't hit on each others ex's. It's part of the bro code.

Unless he wasn't even your boyfriend in the first place and y'all was just fucking. Then it's fair game.
I'm 26 and he's 28. His friends are all 28. We were definitely together, and they all knew because we used to hangout with all of them. They're all assholes.
Posted by Aznnation
Posted by EighthHouse
My bf never posts pics of us on social media and barely brings me around his friends, unless we go on a double date. He'll tag me sometimes, but that's all. Now I'm not saying any of these are deal breakers, and it doesn't really bug me (it did in the beginning but I've learned not to let it bother me) but I'm just curious as to why he does this? I overthink a lot, and I used to think maybe he's ashamed of my looks or something. But when I do see his friends they all always tell me he talks about me a lot, and is proud to have me as his girl. I'm wondering, does he do this because he's afraid his friends will try to hit on me? I've had at least 6 of his "close" friends try to hit on me or hook up with me when we broke up for a while, and when we first met, his older brother tried to hit on me. Is he just being protective? Do you know any Taurus who do this?
Guys would usually feel an ego boost if they manage to successfuly hit on taurus guy gal as taurus dudes are usually physically more attractive. Haha i know how they think however my guy friends would never do it to my gal at least in my face because i am always the one egging them to hit on my girl to see how she reacts hahaha
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He thinks that two of them did it because their ex girls used to flirt with him. Idk. I still think they're assholes. You don't do that to your friend ?

Pretty much agree with everyone. Taurus man myself. Tend to keep private life just that. Got a circle of family, friends and work in life and social media. Best that these circles don't meet.

Sounds like your boyfriend has low quality friends. Least he has a high quality girlfriend.

If i were seeing someone i would only introduce them to only safe people.

God the place i work at i would never introduce any of the 'men' to my girlfriend.
This dude sounds like he's got awful friends/family for hitting on you, but in any case, I like to keep my personal life private. Though if and when it gets serious, I will for sure be posting about us.
Posted by EighthHouse
Posted by Whorpio
I have to ask how old all y'all are beeeeeecause I feel like adult men don't hit on each others ex's. It's part of the bro code.

Unless he wasn't even your boyfriend in the first place and y'all was just fucking. Then it's fair game.
I'm 26 and he's 28. His friends are all 28. We were definitely together, and they all knew because we used to hangout with all of them. They're all assholes.
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If all his friends are assholes it stands to reason that he's an asshole too. Js.
My dude doesn't have social media so I can't really comment on the pic thing.

He's introduced me to his family, imediate and extended, we go on overnight camping trips with his friends, dinners with his coworkers. I feel like real life interaction trumps social media hands down.

Have you met his family? When he introduced you to his friends how'd he do it?

"This is my girl xxx"


"This is my gf xxx"
Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by LadyNeptune
My dude doesn't have social media so I can't really comment on the pic thing.

He's introduced me to his family, imediate and extended, we go on overnight camping trips with his friends, dinners with his coworkers. I feel like real life interaction trumps social media hands down.

Have you met his family? When he introduced you to his friends how'd he do it?

"This is my girl xxx"


"This is my gf xxx"
Both those quotes mean the same thing imo.
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Not at all.

"My girl" is something dudes say about a friend, a fuck buddy, a coworker.
Posted by EighthHouse
Posted by Whorpio
I have to ask how old all y'all are beeeeeecause I feel like adult men don't hit on each others ex's. It's part of the bro code.

Unless he wasn't even your boyfriend in the first place and y'all was just fucking. Then it's fair game.
I'm 26 and he's 28. His friends are all 28. We were definitely together, and they all knew because we used to hangout with all of them. They're all assholes.
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I find this hard to believe. More than likely your bf was downplaying whatever you two had at one point.

It makes no sense that all his friends would throw away friendship to hit on you.
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
I, personally have 6 pictures on social media where I am alone, and I don't think I will ever update anything. I'm not showing any pictures with my man, best friends, brother, etc. I want to "protect" them, I don't trust people and their stares. I see my friends uploading their wedding pictures, then ultrasound, then babies. That's ridiculous, and within the months everything falls apart. Some things should stay very private.
I'm the same way. I never post pictures of my bf and I, I don't see the point. I also don't put up photos of my friends and I. I dont' feel the need to tell the Internet or social media what I do every day. I like to keep my personal life private.
Posted by Scorpio123
My Taurus has had Instagram for 5 years and has like 7 pictures on there, they don't like social media and I adore that, do you know how refreshing this is? I wish I was more like that.
Wonder if people ever not dated someone or dump their partner for not having much on social media. How trivia right?
They say that the less your relationship appears on social media, the more likely you are to be a happy couple.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by LadyNeptune
My dude doesn't have social media so I can't really comment on the pic thing.

He's introduced me to his family, imediate and extended, we go on overnight camping trips with his friends, dinners with his coworkers. I feel like real life interaction trumps social media hands down.

Have you met his family? When he introduced you to his friends how'd he do it?

"This is my girl xxx"


"This is my gf xxx"
Both those quotes mean the same thing imo.
Not at all.

"My girl" is something dudes say about a friend, a fuck buddy, a coworker.
You're always so negative

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Shrug. I'm just being a realist.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by jeane
They say that the less your relationship appears on social media, the more likely you are to be a happy couple.
Not true but okt
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http://www.independent.co.uk/life- style /love-sex/couples-social-media-oversharing-facebook-instagram-twitter-relationship-insecurities-experts-nikki-a7530911.html



I don't believe that you and your Bull are in an exclusive relationship.


I strongly believe that the two of you are REALLY feeling each other and are both insecure about where this potential relationship is headed.

He's using his friends to 'hit' on you to test your loyalty (ALL of his friends are assholes? nah,I don't buy it, Bulls choose their inner circle wisely, never an entourage, just a handful of people that they can trust).

If he was 100% convinced that you belonged to him...Being the typical BULL, if the horns came out, he would have punched his friends in the face, or just dropped them cold turkey.

Your current setup isn't stable.

His insecurities are triggering your insecurities.

Jeane is right, FB validation are either for narcissists or insecure people who need to validate their relationships.

Something tells me with you...it's the latter.

His insecurities are for him to figure out and navigate through, not to get you in some insecure frenzy.

FaceBook is FakeBook. Don't believe everything you read.

As for me being a Bull,

It's simple.

RESPECT my privacy (don't expose anything about our relationship on social media)

Don't fuck with my man

Don't fuck with my money.

I hope this answers your question.
Any sane person knows don't come for a Taurus' property....

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Taurus don't like people touching their stuff especially the men. Yes he is possessive of you. And honestly the people who post their relationships all over social media are the ones that have the most issues and drama. Why does everything need to be televised nowadays? He should be enough without the public.

You may be worried he's leaving his page clear for other females to see he's "single" but to a Taurus man that's not the case. They are private and possessive. Take the social media thing with a grain of salt Hun.