Hello! I'm confused about the potential Taurus man in question. We started chatting from august to mid october last year. We met through an online matrimonial website. Due to our culture, that site is taken seriously, by family members and the potential bride and groom.
the connection was hard too handle. it was very, very intense for the both of us. I felt like I never before understood someone so well. He seemed to be very sure and confident and STRAIGHTFORWARD. He even said he never felt this way before. I'm a very cautious person. So i was very scared because, it was long distance, and we had never met each other. We talked on the phone, but we mostly texted. His choice because he has a high risk job and texting meant he could chat more often. it was as if we were conversing though, like he'd type something and then i would but before i'd finish he would again. it flowed. went on for hours sometimes. What happened for sure was he would contact me around the same time every night, chat until we went to bed. But every time we would make plans to video chat, he'd not follow through. He was like a child who wanted my constant attention when he wanted it. if i took a few minutes to respond, he would get anxious. He always asked what i thought and how felt about different topics. When we really disagreed, i thought that's it. we won't talk anymore. But i was wrong. He always came back. stronger.
I'm more traditional then him. sex was a big deal for him. When i asked him to slow down, he did because I have no experience and he was fine with that. But towards the end of us chatting he couldn't handle it anymore. Kept on saying, how can we handle long distance if we can't even talk ( sexting). But it didn't feel like something i could do yet. So i told him and he said that he's trying to teach me but that he was also reaching the limit of his patience. He was always trying to patiently teach me something. So he'd do it first and then expect me to follow. I understand now that he wanted me to loosen up and not be so boring. a lot of what he did was to shock me out of myself. Honestly reminded me of the 50 shades of gray type of a relationship. Christian Grey... He has that type of a personality.
One of the last convo. Me: 'i hope you can be happy because you deserve that.'Him: 'what you can do for that.'Me: ' i tried but nothing seems to work.' Him:'maybe you haven't tried hard enough. i'm not that hard to please.' I told him i'd research and get back to him.
Then 5 days later i tried to talk to him but he blocked me from the app that we used to chat! I was shocked and sooooo hurt but i didn't want to bother him so i left it alone, as in not call him. Two weeks later he contacted me and when i asked him why he blocked me, he said he didn't. hummm, ok. One thing I noticed from before was that he didn't talk about anything emotional. I had to ask him direct questions and then he would give me answers, but then he'd tease me. Like he couldn't handle emotions.... but at the same time he was very sensitive to my needs and feelings.
Anyway, Since then, for the next three months, he'd contact me every two weeks and ask me how i was, and catch up. i always answered and was polite. I was insecure. He's very accomplished and we are closer in age but i'm graduating this year ad will have my first job. I felt like he was too good for me and could do better. Especially because I'm not experienced at all with romantic relationships. Valentine's day was the last time he contacted me, and before that he wanted to chat for the prior few days. By then i realized that I still had strong feelings for him and wanted to tell him. So, i told myself that the next time he contacted me, I would. He didn't after that. So a month later, i contacted him to let him know that I really cared about him, and that he really helped me grow and be more open.I was never able to say that because, he just knew that i would be visiting the state that he lived in. When i asked him how he knew, he said intuition. I freaked out. Is it possible to be so intune with each other? He asked me when i was coming and i told him and asked if he wanted to meet and he said yes.
It took me another month to contact him, which was last week. I asked if he would be open to keeping in touch. He said yes. Asked me again when i was coming and gave me dates to when he'd be free and asked me to try for those days and to let him know. But I don't know if he was just being polite. I've tried to chat with him since then. But he doesn't seem very responsive. So then i'll stop. and he'll ask me a question, and if i don't answer right away, then he'll be persistent. then when i start chatting, he just res
moon-gemini (he for is!)
mercury-aries (yep!)
moon-virgo (feel like i'm a virgo)
(most of my planets are in the 8th house)
It took me another month to contact him, which was last week. I asked if he would be open to keeping in touch. He said yes. Asked me again when i was coming and gave me dates to when he'd be free and asked me to try for those days and to let him know. But I don't know if he was just being polite. I've tried to chat with him since then. But he doesn't seem very responsive. So then i'll stop. and he'll ask me a question, and if i don't answer right away, then he'll be persistent. then when i start chatting, he just responds but doesn't ask anything. But he's always online. Which wasn't the case the last few months. I don't know, is he testing me to see how hard i'll try? Because it's hard trying to converse with someone who might not want to. Sometimes he doesn't even answer me. I'm tempted to just call and tell him how i feel. But i don't know if that'll be annoying. I've made a huge mistake, and i'm apologetic. How do I convey that to him? If this doesn't work, then the next time i feel a connection, i won't be scared. But it would be nice if this worked. could you'll please help me? Do i have a chance? or is it too late?
A lot of his behavior, doesn't really fall into the typical taurus category i think, from my limited understanding. He was very forward from the beginning. Said he was my man all the time. Would say I'm his. Said he really liked me. Was very, very sexual. Preferred texting. He always wanted a picture of me everyday!
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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
what are you apologising for? sorry, i think i missed it in your post...
i was being difficult when he tried to keep in touch for three months. not very warm like i usually am. And even before, he was open about how much he liked me but i held back. was very caution. i just couldn't believe someone could feel that strongly so quickly.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30823 · Topics: 650
Has he sent you a dick pic yet?
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
He sounds like one of those text only creeps that like to amp up attraction and then passively ask for sex and then dial down the communication and at some point disappear if he's not getting what he wants in the exact way he wants it or allow the woman to disappear without checking up on her, either way it works out for him.
I'm sure you don't see it right now because you've developed feelings for an unavailable man but he has this creep factor about him. You don't know how lucky you are to get rid of this guy. Good riddance.
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Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
I'm a Taurus Sun/Gem Moon.
His actions may appear needy, but in fact, other individuals have caught his attention. He's trying to be a nice guy, but can't shake that bad boy dilemma that's creeping into his conscience.
The more he's fixed on you, the less he's likely to stray. He knows this. He has the attention span of roadrunner.
He will be bored with you soon.
His interaction with you (esp physical) isn't consistent.
...And this temporary fix will fizzle out (especially with very little contact, and no sex).
My advice.
Don't get too excited about this one!
Signed Up:
Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
i think he sounds rather controlling.