Virguy cant decide between Taurus and Cancer chick

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Avalan32 on Thursday, December 10, 2009 and has 5 replies.
Here's the situation:
Virgo guy is a new transfer to college. He transferred to the college recently mainly because he was already involved with a Cancer lady who was serious about him. Being a cancer she was a very clingy woman and wouldnt let him out of site this even before they started dating. Soon the virguy became friends with a rather beautiful Taurus lady. He saw her as a perfect girlfriend in all ways, hot, supportive, loyal, a great friend, and extremely funny. However soon after the two became friends the cancer woman started pressuring him to date her(cancer herself) and im not talking about regular pressuring, this is more like the cancer pressuring, for example she started becomeing more of a doormat for her virguy.Even though the virguy saw her as a great friend she started doing him way too many favors, doing all his homework, wasting her own valuable time to find him internships and furthering his progress in college. she would occasionally cook for him, buy him some rather expensive gifts. She soon started to control his friendships and a big part of his interests was this Taurus lady. Despite the virguy's many great attempts to set things straight with his cancer friend trying to tell her that he sees her only as a great friend and nothing else, the cancer woman still fails to understand. Soon the cancer started pulling guilt trips on the virguy the day she finds out about his interest in the Taurus lady. Guilt is a very heavy thing for any virgo to deal with and he eventually forcefully starts dating the cancer lady. The taurus girl confronts the virguy about her feelings for him. Things for the past few months have frozen, the virguy is still interested in the taurus lady but in a relationship with the cancer. the taurus lady is still waiting (wont get into a relationship with another) to hear something positive from the virguy. The cancer woman is oblivious to anyone else's needs except her own. Virgo is way to scared to confront the cancer about his true feelings. What should the virgo do?
They all go to the same college. see eachother everyday.
I think the virgo guy should be upfront with the cancer woman, and try to be the least hurtful as possible at the same time...I know easy to say hard to do. Saying something to the effect of; "sorry this isn't working out but you'll always be someone speacial to me..." or something like that, I think be firm enough to get the point across yet gentle enough to not let them feel like your dropping them and bolting off to someone else...just my 2 cents *shrugs*
Posted by venusrules
be firm enough to get the point across

That's what he shoulda did from the start before he let her do all his homework, do him favors, buy him gifts, waste her time, etc. His lack of firmness let the hole keep getting dug deeper and deeper...
not let them feel like your dropping them and bolting off to someone else...just my 2 cents *shrugs*
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That's basically what he's doing though. Cancer is gonna know that. Taurus is waiting in the wings knowing he's gonna do that. And he himself knows he's going to do that.
Sorry dude, but you're in a shitty situation that you kinda brought upon yourself. You knew what you had to do then, and that's all you can do now. Cancer's gonna get hurt, no avoiding it. Sooner you get it done the sooner she can start to get herself straight and focus back on her education.
Also, don't be surprised if you see the Taurus acting more clingy and different too once you two get involved and it's no longer just a friendship thing.
Well one the Virgo has to take some responsibility for what has happend. No one FORCED him to be in that relationship with that Cancer. Sure, he might've felt guilty & might've been manipulated BUT he can't use that excuse either 10 years from now & then go complaining about why he's not happy. ONE, he needs to realize that no matter HOW MUCH he likes this Taurus girl, that all doors of opportunity aren't always open. If he likes this Taurus girl enough then he'll snatch up a good thing when he sees/finds it. Even a good woman won't stick around & wait forever. So if he sees something good then he'd better snatch this Taurus up while he can b/c if he doesn't, she'll eventually walk away & find someone with the balls to leave the one that makes them unhappy. And by the time the Virgo is finally strong enough to leave, there might NOT be another woman as good waiting around for him or even interested in him. This Virgo guy is throwing all of the blaim for his unhappiness on this Cancer. The truth is, this Cancer girl may be controlling, manipulative & all of that bad stuff BUT the Virgo just enabled her to be all of those things when he didn't have the courage to put her in her place & let her go. He saw the warning signs a long time ago & yet he continued to let the Cancer do things for him. And we all know that ACTIONS speak louder than words. Even though the Virgo was saying, "I don't want you" to the Cancer, all the Cancer was hearing was all the times he'd allowed her into his life. In that case, she heard his ACTIONS more than his words. She (Cancer) assumed that if he (Virgo) didn't really want her as much as he said he didn't, that he would've let go & stopped using her. Well he didn't stop using her & b/c he kept it going, that enabled this Cancer to keep right ahead on & setting traps for him. Either way, it's up to the VIRGO to get it together, grow some balls & decide who controls his life. He HAS to be aware that his happiness & what he could potentially have (Taurus girl) are slipping right beneath his fingers. He has to make the choice now & stop taking advantage of this thing called "time." He can either 1. Let this Cancer girl go (unless she threatens to shoot him if he does so) & chase after who he REALLY wants OR he can 2. Continue to complain & what who is probably meant for him slip from his fingers. If #2 happens, it won't be the Virgo's fault. After a while, none of us can use the same excuse & justification for why we aren't happy.
Remember that GOOD quality women have backbones. That Taurus girl might like that Virgo guy all day long BUT if she sees that he's not strong enough or man enough to leave something he claims he doesn't want, then eventually she'll lose interest in him. Taurus's are very profound in what/who they want. They want "security," & when they finally realize that their needs aren't being met, love/like for another person alone won't stop them from walking away. The fact that this Taurus girl has already confronted her Virgo means that this Virgo is on thin ice. This woman has already been up front about her wants, needs & what she deserves & her opening up to him was her way of letting him know that she knows exactly what's going on & that she needs him to make a move as quick as possible. After a while, it won't be good enough for this Virgo guy to just simply complain all day about how he wants out of his relationship. Eventually, she'll expect for him to be a man & do what he says he's going to do. Women with backbones like men with backbones. This Taurus girl knows that this Virgo let that Cancer girl by a string & entertained someone he didn't even want, so don't be suprised if she ends up walking away for good. It'd only be natural. After all, this Taurus girl doesn't want to end up in the same shoes as the Cancer...being led along by a whole bunch of empty promises. The truth is, if this Virgo guy was THAT dang on unhappy, he would've let go a long time ago. THat "guilt" stuff can only ride for so long. And if he decides to hold on to the "guilt" excuse for ever, then he needs to understand that losing out on the "good ones" is the consequence. He can't have it both ways. If he continues to assume that this Taurus will lower her standards & continue on in a situation that is not giving her what all she needs, then he will end up losing something he's not ready to lose. The fix to his problems is NOT to continue complaining. The answer is to DO something. There is nothing appealing about a man that can't finish one chapter before starting another. He needs to close the deal on this Cancer. It's no diff. than a man who is married claiming that he wants to divorce his wife, but yet never getting around to it. We all know how that story ends for the mistresses & for the wife. Everybody ends up unfulfilled