Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Hi, I'm a pisces woman. Ill make it brief and short as possible. We met each other at work, where he started working since march 2013. I was dating someone else then and he too had a gf. I broke up with my ex and he broke up with his. We started dating about a month ago and last weekend he asked me to be his gf, he said he wants to be in relationship with me. I told him I like him but its just complicated that we work together and I asked him to wait until I find a new job bc I been looking for a new one. Everything has been amazing between us, so many common interests, talks, laughs, attraction is here... Last week on Thursday he came over my place, I let him stay bc it was really stormy and he lives in different state which is about an hour away from me. We started getting physical and went too far, I already pushed him away couple times before but that night we made it happen...and after that I felt his behavior has changed...he stopped being so attentive as he used to be, I asked about it on friday, he said everything is ok, he agreed that we rushed with a sex part but he told me to forget what happened, reassured me that he still likes me and still wants a relationship, I told him ok let's be in one... but I still feel something is different, even he's been having problems in family i feel it's not just that...we spent friday evening talking in park. He said he will call me next day, but instead he texted me saturday night 'hey )) I replied: hey what ur up to? and he didnt text me back since then, I waited an hour and texted him: I don't understand what's up with you... and no reply he's been silent too.... everything seemed ok before we had sex...but now he's just acting weird and distant... I mean if he lost interest why would he say he still likes me and wants a relationship which i agreed on being in...I do feel as we rushed to quickly into sex, but I don't get why he's not replying me or initiating things...Is he having second thoughts about me?
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Anybody would care to help me out with this? I'm going a bit insane because I don't understand what's going on with him, why he didn't reply to me yesterday and hasn't contacted me today all day...
Signed Up: Jan 12, 2012 Comments: 34 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 27
I knew a Taurus back in the day who really liked me (for years) but he was going through one thing after the next with family. Someone was always dying or he was taking care of someone back home. He was very focused. After that was over (a few years), he was a different person. Taurus men do make family a priority, it's pretty important to them. Now your man may not take years to resolve his problems but while he is don't put additional pressure on him by being paranoid. If he seems open to talk ask him but not in a confrontational manner. If he said he still wants to be in a relationship with you; then back off and give him a chance to come to you. I had an office relationship with a Virgo once--catastrophe! I'll never do that do that again! When we had problems it affected my work. When I'm at work I like to work--not think about him being around the corner.
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Its really upsetting me as i've done something wrong to him. Today he barely spoke to me, only asked me whats up when our boss was rearranging my computer and then he came up to me bc i had to finish some paper stuff but that was it. He didnt look at me as though i wasnt existing. Im really heart broken bc ive started really liking him...he didnt ask me to go to smoke or u think i should try texting him? Or wait if theres anything to be waiting having thoughts maybe hes getting back with his ex...
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Yeah well my previous relationship wasn't serious, it was more like fwb and his relationship wasn't serious either. He told me that they only saw each other once a month or two and she wasn't serious enough for him to want to settle down. He definitely wasn't a rebound to me, at first we were friends, I didn't see myself being attracted to him. My friend would make a joke about me and him going out because he would ask my friend about me, and I would freak out because I just wasn't into him but once I accepted to go on a date with him, I saw that we have so many things in common, deep and fun conversations; we had amazing time overall! So things progressed between us...more and more dates...he started talking about relationship and possibly moving in together because he knows I'm searching for a roommate and he lives an hour away from our job.., I mean he was the one who wanted to move into relationship stage. He told me that he's a relationship person and he's only had 3 relationships in his friend used to tell me from awhile ago that he was really into me, I just didn't notice him that way then...I'm just confused at what happened...did he suddenly completely lose interest in me? is there anything I can do?
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
How long do you think he's going to take with his pullback act? Technically we're a couple because he told me this friday that he still wants to have a relationship with me and I told him ok let's try it and we kissed... why would he say that if he wasn't sure?
Signed Up: Jun 07, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 33 · Topics: 7
I am a pisces and have been dealing with a taurus guy for a couple months. My guy does this same thing and I used to take it personally too like I did something wrong. Whatever you do do not keep calling and texting it will just push them away even more. Instead my rule is call once and text once if he doesn't answer leave it alone. My guy has gone four days not really saying anything to me but then always comes back like there was no break. This used to kill me because I was over analyzing everything I did thinking it was me. They are weird about space, so really just give him some and he will be back to texting and calling like nothing ever happened. I even felt the same way about having sex with him too early, so I decided to just say something. I literally apologized for things going so fast and explained that I didn't want him to think less of me because of it and honestly explained that I value sex and am not just trying to mess around. He felt bad for me apologizing and even explained how everything we have done has been meaningful to him too. So just be honest and if they know you're being genuine without being overly emotional they will really respect you and keep coming back for more.
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Oh piscesconfusion, I wish your words would come true...I don't have a problem with waiting, I'd just like to find out what happened and maybe there's no more reason to wait... the only thing sucks is that we work together and get to see each other monday throu friday, My boss decided to move my desk today...the worst thing is that now we're sitting and facing each other in two open rooms.. If things don't work out between us, It will be just damn hard to move on so said your guy would go days without contacting you...have you noticed if there was something you said or did that would make him disappear or he would do it with "who knows" what reasons? I believe mine has a pretty strong reason..maybe i pushed him a little too much after we had sex and got little too emotional...I mean in worst scenario if he doesn't contact me at all, I guess Ill have to speak up to find out if this is a relationship or it never was..
Posted by psugirl We started dating about a month ago and last weekend he asked me to be his gf, he said he wants to be in relationship with me. I told him I like him but its just complicated that we work together and I asked him to wait until I find a new job bc I been looking for a new one.
Posted by psugirl I believe mine has a pretty strong reason..maybe i pushed him a little too much after we had sex and got little too emotional...I mean in worst scenario if he doesn't contact me at all, I guess Ill have to speak up to find out if this is a relationship or it never was..
^^and this Question is are you ready to get into a relationship? Just a week before you suggested it was not a good idea to him because of your job situation, and then after the sex a week later you said you were ready to be his GF. Not saying you don't mean it, as you already had liked him before sex and were interested. But saying now you are ready, is it coming from the heart? Do you believe it for him to believe it? I know women feel more connected after intimacy, so maybe you really want this now, but he may think you are only ready because you had sex. He might still want the relationship, but he will have his doubts about your seriousness. But again stop thinking for a second about what he is thinking, and think whether you are ready to get serious? Is being his gf is what you want, or you still want time?. Maybe not pushing for anything and being your normal self again might once again push him to pursue you.
click to expand
Idk I think I am, I want to...I've been single for almost 3 years just dated around but never had a serious relationship, and I believe he's a perfect guy for a relationship...I see so many qualities in him that I adore, I think we'd be a good match... I do feel we rushed little too fast and I hope that's not gonna mess anything up... Oh he finally started talking to me first, looks like everything is back to normal... don't have a clue what it was all about??! I decided not to bring it up because he started talking to me like nothing happened before. Now I don't know if I should wait or try asking him more about our relationship...because we did have some talk about it last friday, he reas
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
sured me that he likes me and wants a relationship with me and I told him I want it too... I don't know if he took as an agreement or..?? I mean we haven't really confirmed to each other that we're a couple... Should I even bother asking him or just consider us as already a couple?
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
I'm back here. So everything got back to normal on Tuesday...he started talking to me, he seemed in a good mood, asked me what im gonna do after work and asked me to let him know if im i texted him later on asking if he wants to meet, he said yes...he took me to a restaurant,we drove around the city....he was very affectionate talking when we gonna cook for each other....i asked him to stay at my place and he did. We spent thr whole night in each others arms....then next day we went together to Work, and he seemed very busy, would give me a smile a few times...he called me on thursday and yesterday we were moving our office to another building so all the guys including him stayed to help, he said he will call me when i left or told me to call him...i texted him few hours later, no response, called him no answer Aand then i textd him qq he finally replied he just finished w work stuff... And so i feel the weekend comes and again i wont be seeing him...should i confront him about it? I really wanna know now where we stand cuz to me it doesnt seem like relationship...
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
I don't understand what is up with him...i texted him yestersay twice and no just feels shady to me...he did similar thing last weekend and during the week he was acting normal... Obviously we're gonna see each other at work on monday, i don't even know what to tell him, i don't want to flip out like crazy and desperate but this is not he playing some games? Because during the week he would be so interested in do u think i should approach it with him? Maybe i was being too soft with acting like its ok as for what happened last weekend...
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Ok so haven't heard from him, today at work he didn't say a word to me...I am waiting to see if he's gonna approach me because I'm not gonna chase him...why do Taurus men do this? It doesn't make sense...he did it last weekend and then he started talking to me as if everything was fine, things were fine. and then again he blows cold on me this weekend without a word...If he's lost interest why would he still act like he was interested and seem genuine with his feelings and then ignore me?
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
It's just so strange to me...We started off as really good friends, I at least deserve a reason to know what's happening...I'm beginning to lose my trust in him
Signed Up: Mar 26, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 53 · Topics: 1
Hi psugirl, I honestly don't know what's up with the Taurus Guy but it does seem like you're chasing a bit too much. You need to put some emotional distance between you, even if physical distance is impossible because you work together. There's no way that he can't sense your obvious panic here. We can sense it through the words you type. It's probably rising off of you like heat waves when you interact with him. Men need to chase. If he wants you he will. If he doesn't, he won't and you can just chalk it up to the game.
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
I don't think I was chasing him too much, he used to call/text me first most of the time, only when things changed I noticed something's strange and after that I texted him first only few times... it's really disrespectful of him to play this hot n cold game...who he thinks I am some doormat whom he can toss around...ha nah...I mean everything used to be different he was the one taking most of the initiative, opening up with his feelings, and he changed... I mean obviously there's something wrong so I'm questioning him and his motives... I know I have no control and even if I could it would be too much work...I'd rather that he would tell me what's the my mind could be @rest.
Signed Up: Mar 26, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 53 · Topics: 1
Posted by psugirl I don't think I was chasing him too much, he used to call/text me first most of the time, only when things changed I noticed something's strange and after that I texted him first only few times... it's really disrespectful of him to play this hot n cold game...who he thinks I am some doormat whom he can toss around...ha nah...I mean everything used to be different he was the one taking most of the initiative, opening up with his feelings, and he changed... I mean obviously there's something wrong so I'm questioning him and his motives... I know I have no control and even if I could it would be too much work...I'd rather that he would tell me what's the my mind could be @rest.
You want him to give you answers he might not even have yet. Men don't process things in the same way. Find your own closure on this one and stop expecting him to provide it. The more you push the less likely you will find the answers you need.
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
But I'm not pushing him, right now I'm just mirroring his behavior... do taurus men in general do this a lot even to the women they like? My question is: How to handle this?
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Should I ignore him when we pass each other at work...when I'm upset by certain people I can't look them in the eyes...don't know why so I just act like I don't see them..same with taurus
Signed Up: Mar 26, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 53 · Topics: 1
If he isn't texting you back, what is there to handle? Get yourself busy with your own life. There is nothing more attractive than a woman who has options. He'll notice and if he doesn't want to be left behind he will most definitely chase you again. Taurus men take things slow and sometimes that comes off as hot and cold. Maybe he is not being consistent because he isn't sure about you because when we are sure about someone I guarantee that you can set your watch by us. If he isn't sure then let him take the time he needs to evaluate and do your own thing. If he texts you, be pleasant not bitchy but not super accommodating. If he comes around again full force, let him know that you found his behaviour off-putting but don't overdo it by being super emotional and hurt.
Signed Up: Mar 26, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 53 · Topics: 1
Also, don't be bitchy about the ignoring. It's only going to look like he has power to upset you. Show him you're a woman and rejection is a fly you swat away by acknowledging him in the hallways. You don't have to be super pleasant and initiate conversation but a simple "hi" is ok.
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Thanks ALot ladies for the advices...Haven't seen or heard from him today... My friend who is also friends with him is very pissed at him because he's also been ignoring her...i guess because of me.. She thought she knew so much about him so she was the one who was convincing me to go out with she's disappointed of him and his strange behavior...I don't know if I should wait or just move on and date others...i'm a one guy at a time person, that's how emotionally built i am...for some reason can't date or talk to a few men at the same time, i need to know that chapter is completely closed before opening a new much as i don't wanna believe it but he might have been a really good playar...really good one..i thought i have mastered the poker game, maybe still not so good yet...
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
No contact, no news...He's still cold as ice...I don't know what to think anymore, maybe he's mad at me for something I don't know... ahh why is he doing this, why do I have to like him...
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Another thing to add, in the past I sort of dated this guy he knows (he's sort of friends with him but he doesn't like him) by dated I mean just went to dinner a few times and slept over but nothing intimate between us happened. And we all work together... I broke it off with that guy because I did not like him and he still kept on pursuing me...and I know that he would still want me but I think he noticed that me and taurus have been going out together so he put it on a break pedal... My taurus had asked me a few times why I dated that other guy bc he's a total psycho... I told him that I didn't like him and I didn't have anything to do so just went to the dinner with him... Idk if that could be the reason why maybe he's having second thoughts about me...?
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
I dont understand why play games...yet he's the one who used to say that im playing games...but isnt that what he's doing, do taurus men expect to be chased or something? Because it definitely seems at work he barely looked at me...its like he's avoiding me even more...why act so childish i dont understand? He was sooo into me before, like my friend told when one time i left my jacket in his car, he was breathing it in and calling my name(long story short we got into small argument then and i didnt like him more than friend at that time)... Its hard to believe how his feelings could change so much towards me unless he never had them really...
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
My friend and him were good friends before me and him became friends...thats when he told her that he reallly likes me and he's a relationship person and he wants to pursue a relationship w me. I mean he asked me to be his gf and to be in relationship so i knew he was genuine why would he ask me if he didnt want that? He had 3 long term just confused various thoughts in my head...
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Should I hold on and wait or just move on? Has anyone similar stories with taurus? I know some other taurus people can be really strange my aunt she will stop talking to u for no reason....and she'll ignore u...then ull think what uve done wrong, and it will go on for awhile then she'll come back and apologize why she did so...
Signed Up: Oct 25, 2011 Comments: 0 · Posts: 40 · Topics: 7
ok I think there is something on his mind.. maybe family problems or another girl on his mind or maybe he is trying to figure out if he wants to be with you or not...see what you have to understand is that Taurus needs to feel secured (buckled up and ready to go) and if they don't feel that way they act distant hot and cold..
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
But he seemed so sure that he wants to be with me before this ignoring thing... It's either you do or you don't. I think he's childish and immature and he's trying to achieve something thru these games...either way, I'll prove him that his games don't work on me, I'm not gonna contact him first... no no...
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
PiscVirgAquaFish, But here's a huge difference between seeming indifferent next day and completely ignoring that person for so long...i mean who would want that? Its just the beginning stage of relationship...where couples can't get enough of each other, where the excitement is the highest because you're still getting to know the person and all is still new...i mean even if it's not working out on his terms for whatever reason, why can't just continue the friendship...he was really good friend to me, i knew he liked me alot but i just didnt feel same way about just wondering maybe he gets jealous when i talk to other coworkers(guys) or maybe hes not sure how i feel about him...ive told him once that i liked not into sharing my feelings with people...
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
I seem to be having same problem with men over and over again...out of the blue they start ignoring me...but I never go chasing them...i leave it as it is.... And ur right about hiding part, He always would seem like hiding he would run out suddenly to talk on a work he does the same and alot and other coworkers have noticed, maybe his ex, but if he would want her he would already be back with her, cuz she used to text him alot many times, he told me that she wants him back...idk how he feels about her, but ive been in situation where a taurus guy ive dated for a month left to his ex (relationship of 5yrs). He wouldnt ignore me he would just cancel the plans until i found out the true...
Signed Up: Jan 19, 2013 Comments: 2 · Posts: 641 · Topics: 43
it can be you are more bothered with his behavior than him. confused feelings of he likes me, he likes me not, can wreck havoc with your mind. sometimes knowing what is going on positive or negative can be easy to deal with than dealing with confusion. time should give the answers. or with time you might not be interested in having an answer..who knows
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Yeah he's a second taurus in my life...but Ive dated other earth signs's my chart: Sun: pisces Moon: Sagittarius Venus: Capricorn Asc: Leo Its weird because some online birthcharts show that my venus is in aqua and asc is in cancer..
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Posted by memyself it can be you are more bothered with his behavior than him. confused feelings of he likes me, he likes me not, can wreck havoc with your mind. sometimes knowing what is going on positive or negative can be easy to deal with than dealing with confusion. time should give the answers. or with time you might not be interested in having an answer..who knows
You're probably right..I'm getting sick of it, not sure how much longer he's gonna be my interest.. One day I'll grow out of it and find someone else..
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish I like, as well as I'm an aqua venus myself, as well as aqua dominant. I don't know what the attraction is, it's some trickery that what. It's so bad that I think I was the only chick that correctly identified the Taurus on Robyn's dating thread. Damn it all to hell. No more Taurus men. psugirl, lets see if we can go snag ourselves a couple of Capricorns...or Libras. They are supposedly high on the pisces female compatibility list.
Just not capricorn, dated one...they're too weird :/ at least one I had was... Funny thing the guy who kept pursuing me at work is libra, but I can't stand him! I like tauruses, i just feel so safe, cozy and comfortable with them...maybe he's just a random bad taurus that popped into my life..
Signed Up: Mar 23, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 55 · Topics: 3
I am sorry you are going through this. I had this happen Just have to back off and enjoy your time. I wouldn't waste anymore of your time wondering how he feels because if you have to keep guessing where you stand then hes not giving 100% of himself. Just saying. You are a precious pisces and if he doesn't realize that then someone else will.
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
Posted by mamacita351 I am sorry you are going through this. I had this happen Just have to back off and enjoy your time. I wouldn't waste anymore of your time wondering how he feels because if you have to keep guessing where you stand then hes not giving 100% of himself. Just saying. You are a precious pisces and if he doesn't realize that then someone else will.
Aww thanks well to me it's not about where we stand, relationship or's about him avoiding me.. and me trying to guess the reason, I think you're right I feel it is time for me to move on, it's not gonna be easy since we work together...another bad experience... I think I should look for another job..
Posted by mamacita351 I am sorry you are going through this. I had this happen Just have to back off and enjoy your time. I wouldn't waste anymore of your time wondering how he feels because if you have to keep guessing where you stand then hes not giving 100% of himself. Just saying. You are a precious pisces and if he doesn't realize that then someone else will.
Signed Up: Jun 16, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 69 · Topics: 3
I thought I would give it some more time but is there a reason... if he has to take so long to decide what he wants, why would I want someone who's not sure about me... if that's the scenario of course...uH i just wish the deed wasn't done I wouldn't feel so guilty at least...